Chapter 155 154. Questioning

Chen Shibo suddenly felt an inexplicable fluctuation in the imaginary number space.

This feeling is very strange, just like when United Aerospace Corporation once opened a passage to reality, this inexplicable feeling came from the imaginary number space.

At this time, he was learning about various cultures in this world. The moment he felt the fluctuations in the imaginary number space, he immediately closed his eyes and let his consciousness sink into the imaginary number space.

It wasn't until he completely entered the imaginary number space that Chen Zuoshan showed a look of astonishment, because he actually saw an existence that he had never seen before appear in the imaginary number space.

It looked like an Ada person, but the muscles all over the body were tangled and the skin was pale. However, the other person's life form made Chen Bishan secretly shudder.

As the controller of the imaginary number space, he can naturally tell that the opponent is not in the state of the soul after death, but in a state closer to the four gods.

No, strictly speaking it should be a state between the physical body and the four evil gods.

However, at this moment, he waved slightly, and two short knives formed by red spiritual power appeared in his hand. At the same time, bloody tattoos appeared all over his body. Just standing there, he began to plunder the imaginary space. Part of the story about red psychic powers.

Chen Shibo has always known that the Four Gods, as the embodiment of a rule, have certain authority in the imaginary space. For example, K can control all spiritual energy that represents killing and war, and N can control life. and decaying psychic powers, T can control wisdom and conspiracy psychic powers, etc.

But now, part of the psychic energy related to K has been taken away by the Ada person in front of him.

In other words, this Ada person also has a part of the authority of the imaginary space, and it overlaps with K's authority.

The gods of the Eldar?

A possibility came to Chen Shibo's mind.

Seeing this scene, Chen Shibo immediately maintained his invisible state with great interest and watched everything silently. He wanted to see what kind of power the gods of the Ada people would have.

At this time, when Chen Shibo appeared in the imaginary space, a demon-like figure was slowly walking out of the bloody fortress like a devil's cave in front of him.

K's eyes were glowing red at this time, and a black crown grew wantonly on his head. His whole body was wrapped in red armor, and the style of the armor was rough and ferocious, looking fierce and powerful.

Obviously, after hundreds of years, K has grown into an adult and looks more like a cruel god than the uninvited guest in front of him.

Who are you?

Seeing the opponent standing outside, K's eyes showed a trace of solemnity, because he actually felt that in the entire imaginary number space, besides himself, there was a second person with authority to control the blood-colored spiritual energy of the imaginary number space.

My name is Bloodhand Kane.

The muscular Ada man said coldly, I don't know who you are, but I know that your birth was a mistake, and now it's up to me to correct this mistake!

As he spoke, endless blood emanated from his body like a wave, flooding half of the castle in an instant. However, all the petitioner believers living in the castle could not even hum before they were instantly wiped out. !

Feeling the strength of the other party, even K couldn't help but take a step back, but the next second his expression changed, and a look of shame appeared in his eyes.

Although the other party's appearance was very unexpected, this step back was like a slap in the face. He immediately burst out with a humiliated roar, and then stepped forward quickly, directly towards the Ada in front of him. Hit hard!


In an instant, the entire continent seemed to tremble for a moment, half of the bloody fortress collapsed in an instant, and K and the guy who also controlled the power collided hard!

This scene also alarmed the remaining three beings. The next second, three lights and shadows of green, blue, and purple slowly appeared on the edge of K's territory. The three lights and shadows looked foggy, and they could only barely be seen to be three figures. , and these three figures are also the incarnations of the three existences N, S, and T.

However, the three of them did not step in, but stood at the junction of the mainland and the Bloody Fortress.

As the most powerful of the four conceptual beings, K's power is not something that the three of them are willing to provoke easily, so the three of them will never take the initiative to enter K's domain.

Who is fighting K?

At this time, the green shadow representing N spoke with some doubts, and could not hide the surprise in his tone, As a war god, his power has always been superior to us. In addition, he is the first among us to be born, except for the main god. Besides, I really can’t imagine that anyone would challenge him.”

I don't know, but there is something wrong with the existence of that Ada person on the other side.

S licked his lips and made a charming voice, It would be best if I could use the skull of that Ada man to decorate my castle.

The other party is the god of the Ada people.

At this time, T said briefly, This is the only explanation.

It seems that K is no match for the other party.

However, watching the two sides enter the competition stage and K being forced back step by step by the opponent, S's eyes showed a hint of schadenfreude, It seems that K will be replaced.

Don't be happy too early.

T sneered, Obviously, there is more than one god in Ada. What do you think will happen to us if K fails? Will there be gods with the same priesthood as ours among the gods in Ada? And this company A guy who can defeat even K, which side will he end up on?

What to do?

N's expression suddenly changed when he heard this, but then he thought of Chen Shibo, and his heart slowly calmed down, I almost forgot, there is also the main god.

Yes, I think so too.

T nodded, The Lord God should have discovered the situation here. We don't need to worry about it. The real headache should be K.

The four people have already experienced the power of Chen Shibo. If they are guests of this imaginary space, then Chen Shibo is the landlord of this space. As long as the landlord exists, no matter what accidents occur in the imaginary space, Nothing to worry about.

So, the next second these guys disappeared again.

At this time, K just felt very uncomfortable. When he discovered that the uninvited guest had entered his territory, he originally thought it was one of the other three guys. He originally wanted to teach him a lesson, but it was not until he walked out of the Bloody Fortress that he It was discovered that the other party was actually a being with the same authority as himself.

Not only that, in the struggle for authority, the other party seemed to be more experienced than himself. Although they were both red psychic controllers, the other party actually took away one-half of the authority from him, which also led to the loss of his own power. The weakening of the opponent and the increase of the opponent's strength were ebbing and flowing, and he suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

Just when he was secretly thinking something bad, he saw three figures faintly appearing not far away. At this time, he relaxed slightly, thinking that the other party was here to help him, but the three guys just glanced at it and then started again When he left, he was immediately furious.


K let out an angry roar, but the existence in front of him seemed to have endless power, pushing him directly into the bloody fortress behind him. The remaining half of the fortress collapsed in the next second, and countless petitioners even He didn't even have to hum before he was smashed into pieces by the aftermath of the two of them!

Seeing this scene, Chen Shibo knew that he should take action.

The next second, with a roar, lightning and thunder suddenly erupted over the continent where the Bloody Fortress was located. A huge energy was instantly activated, causing the two gods to subconsciously look above their heads, only to see a wave of energy in the void at this time. The air currents are gathering rapidly!


The endless air currents rolled back one after another, converging towards the void above the two people's heads. Soon, these air currents formed a big snake, spinning strangely in the void, and as it rotated, the snake's head actually bit its own tail. Forming a perfect circle.

And in the circle, countless thunders rumbled, thousands of thunders flickered, and they turned into a red vertical pupil!

Seeing this scene, both K and the Ada spirit subconsciously stopped fighting and fighting for authority at this moment.

Bloodhand Kane only felt that something was not good about the situation. It was a figure that was like a mighty god. Although it had no form, there was an aura of destruction and end just before it appeared.

And this kind of aura, just like his war and killing, its fundamental nature is the authority of the same god. However, no matter how much he searches for it, he can be sure that in his long life, he has never known anyone to have it. This kind of authority...

In other words, is this an unprecedented and unknown authority?

A new god!

The moment he got this guess, Bloodhand Kane felt a chill in his heart, and immediately planned to leave the consciousness space and return to reality, because he knew that those who would appear at this time would definitely not be his allies.

However, when he wanted to escape from the consciousness space, he found that the entire consciousness space seemed to be locked by some invisible force. No matter how he sensed it, he could not sense the existence of the real world, let alone escape from consciousness. There's room...

At this moment, Bloodhand Kane faintly regretted his previous actions.

Lord God.

Seeing Chen Shibo's appearance, K silently breathed a sigh of relief and bowed slightly, Our imaginary number space has been invaded by foreign enemies. Please take action.

Hey, K, how do you know the other party is a foreign enemy?

A somewhat joking mood swing came from the Ouroboros Matrix above his head, If you guessed correctly, this should be the god of the Ada civilization, who once represented the god of killing and war - Bloody Hand Kane Alright?


Kane looked at the sky with a gloomy expression, And I am the god of the consciousness space, in charge of war and courage.

It seems that a lot of things happened that year.

The huge Ouroboros matrix above the head continued, Kane, are you willing to tell everything about ten thousand years ago? If you are willing, I can let you go.

Lord God?

When K heard this, he roared angrily, I don't think we can let him go. He is a threat to the existence of the imaginary number space!


The vertical pupil in the Ouroboros immediately looked in the direction of K. The next second, K's entire divine body suddenly roared and was directly smashed into the ground. Then the entire bloody wasteland trembled violently again, and the remaining The few surviving petitioners also died at this moment.

You have no place to speak here yet.

Ouroboros continued in a cold voice, Kane, you can speak now.

Actually, there's nothing to say.

Seeing K's fate, Kane felt a thrill all over his body. It was obvious that he was indeed reckless. He thought that even if aborigines were born in the consciousness space, it would be nothing. He could easily regain his power with his own strength, but he didn't expect it. , there is such a terrifying existence hiding in this space.

So he had no choice but to say, Fifteen thousand years ago, the consciousness space suddenly disappeared from the minds of our Ada people. From that day on, all Ada people lost the ability to communicate with the consciousness space. Not only that , even the spiritual energy has been cut off, and we have no choice but to fall into deep sleep to reduce the consumption of spiritual energy.

Kane said slowly, It's just that we didn't expect that this sleep would last for more than 15,000 years. When I sensed the return of the consciousness space again, I immediately woke up and wanted to take back everything that belonged to me.

In the space of consciousness, is there a being like me who is in charge of destruction and ending?

Another question came from Ouroboros.


Kane shook his head seriously, I only know that Asuryan, Aisha and their daughter Lilith all represent life and decay. They divided this authority and became the earliest gods among the Ada people, and Silegao and Val and Jena inherited the authority of wisdom and conspiracy, Hea and others divided the authority of art and love, and Kunos and I divided the authority of war and courage...

In our opinion, there are only four kinds of spiritual power, and we have never seen your fifth spiritual power, nor do we know the existence of this kind of authority.

Is that so?

Chen Shibo, who transformed into an Ouroboros, suddenly showed a pensive look. He did not completely believe the other party just because of his words. Instead, he kept recalling the legends of the gods of the Spirit Clan. There were countless gods of various sizes in the Spirit Clan, but among them the most important one was The ones are the Twelve Pillars of God.

The reason why the twelve pillar gods are the most powerful is because they all represent concepts such as war, courage, conspiracy, art, life, etc., and these concepts are indeed consistent with the four spiritual powers in the imaginary number space.

As for the destruction and end under his control, the god with this authority is not in the legend of the gods of the Ada people, and it is indeed consistent with what the other party said.

But if this is really the case, coupled with the disappearance of the imaginary number space over the past ten thousand years, Chen Quanshan has a more bold conjecture...

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