Chapter 153 152. Gods

After solving the problem of uneven soul distribution, Chen Shibo immediately started a new round of PUA with the four little guys in front of him.

I believe you have also seen that we have arrived at a new civilization. I hope that we can develop well here for a while, at least let the imaginary number space expand a certain distance first. After all, you also understand that the larger the imaginary number space, the greater the scope of your activities. The bigger it is, the greater its capabilities.”

Looking at the four obedient gods in front of him, Chen Shibo said sincerely, So I hope you can cooperate with me and not expose your existence for the time being, let alone the existence of the imaginary number space.


Si Shen's eyes flashed twice, but he still hesitantly agreed.

Chen Shibo smiled when he heard this. He knew that if he hadn't been vaccinated in advance, these four guys would have started the age of psychic energy just like they did in Terra. The psychic talents of the Ada people were far beyond the Every human being is a born psyker. If certain restrictions are not placed on these four guys, the Ada people will soon discover the existence of the imaginary number space.

When the time comes, psykers will spring up like mushrooms after rain on the Shining Star Ring. At that time, Ada's senior leaders will understand that the legendary consciousness space is back...

Yes, Chen Shibo has confirmed that the consciousness space that the Ada people once had was their own imaginary number space.

The Ada people who have regained their consciousness space can return to the Gestalt civilization they once were. Their naturally powerful spiritual energy can allow their minds to shuttle freely in the consciousness space, and they can break through the limitations of communication and their tribesmen who are several light years away. Zero-delay conversations and direct spiritual collisions between people will eliminate deception and betrayal.

In this case, the Ada people's civilization will advance by leaps and bounds, becoming the true masters of the galaxy.

Therefore, Chen Shibo has no plans to expose the imaginary number space for the time being.

He is not sure what impact the exposure of the imaginary number space will have on him, but he is worried that some lurking crises will also be exposed. After all, he is not a high-level executive of the Ada people and will not know how many foreshadowings have been buried in these ten thousand years. .

So everything should be done on the safe side for the time being.

But naturally he would not be stupid enough to leave all this to these four guys. He planned to directly lock the spiritual energy in the imaginary space and not allow any spiritual energy to flow into reality. At the moment, he was just giving the four people a notice in advance.

Next, Chen Shibo settled completely in Shining Star Ring and integrated into the life of this alien race as an Ada man. With the help of the Internet, he began to tirelessly absorb the cultural system of this world. Absorbing the knowledge accumulated by this civilization from ancient times.

The Ada civilization has a history of nearly hundreds of millions of years. It is said that the earliest Ada people evolved from a planet called Asuryan in the Shining Star Ring 65 million years ago, and that At that time, only the planet Asuyan existed on the Shining Star Ring.

In other words, Asuryan is the birthplace of the Ada people's civilization-the mother planet.

Just like the human beings in the past, the Ada people also came step by step from the earliest historical process of slash-and-burn cultivation and fire burning. By the time they entered the ancient times, the Ada people's footprints had spread all over the planet.

The home planet of the Ada people, Asuryan, is a giant planet that is thirteen times larger than the surface area of ​​the earth and sixty-six times larger in volume. This also makes the various forces on this planet even more dense. According to the Ada people Historical records show that when the Ada people began to enter the feudal society, they had reincarnated for more than 50 million years. It was like the past China was just repeating the feudal dynasties round after round until the eighth century. Millions of years ago, Ada entered the capitalist social system.

After entering modern times, the Ada people did not stop, but divided into hundreds of countries to fight and fight with each other. As technology became more and more powerful, technology became more and more advanced, and the use of consciousness space became more and more proficient. , the Ada people have experienced dozens of world wars. After each war, the mother planet will be reduced to ruins, and then the remaining Ada people will develop again on the ruins, and then experience war again.

During these wars, countless Ada people gained more power in the consciousness space, and they began to proclaim themselves gods, which caused the war to become more and more intense and spread more and more widely.

In this way, among the dozens of world wars, nearly twenty of them brought the Ada people to the brink of extinction. Until the last time, that is, the time 15,000 years ago, the Ada people and life The original thinking space disappeared.

The disappearance of the thinking space has dealt a huge blow to the faith of Ada civilization and awakened all forces. Even the war cannot be fought.

In the end, the awakened Ada civilization was completely integrated into one force, and then successfully entered space and became a true starry sky-level civilization.

In the next 10,000 years, the Ada people entered space for the first time, and then they realized how valuable the ability of the Ada people's own consciousness space was. Unfortunately, they did not cherish it in the past, and regretted it when they lost it. and.

It was as if the consciousness space had completed its mission and finally cultivated the Ada people to become the overlords of the galaxy. Then the consciousness space retired and completely disappeared in the long river of history.

At the same time that they lost their consciousness space, those originally arrogant gods also completely declined.

This is the history of the Ada people.

In this way, Chen Shibo learned each other's knowledge and culture in the Ada people's metaverse, while taking time to attend the party next door, and gradually integrated into this ethnic group completely.

Moreover, he also found that because of the overly intense emotions of this group, it is easy to fall into some kind of enjoyment and be unable to extricate themselves. Drug prohibition, partying, and gambling are the three most demoralizing forms of enjoyment among the Ada people. However, Because the Ada people can upload their consciousness to the metaverse and then build a new body to download it back, even banned drugs are not harmful enough.

The same goes for gambling. The social welfare system allows everyone to quickly apply for new funds even if they lose all their gambling money. In the long lifespan of the Ada people, gambling was not an unforgivable crime. On the contrary, It is a kind of life adjustment.

The harm of partying is even smaller than the first two. If an Ada person only engages in partying, he can be rated as a three-good young man.

But now looking at the various deeds of Aida people, Chen Zuoshan is keenly aware of something wrong.

Although the entire Ada civilization is extremely brilliant, at least one-third of the people are holding back the civilization. These people can be said to have been ruined. Not only that, they are slowly spreading like poison, trying to kill more people. The Ada people were dragged into this quagmire.

If this continues without changes, I am afraid that in tens of thousands of years, the Ada civilization will be completely destroyed.

Ethnic competition is what it is. If a civilization only knows about enjoyment but not progress, no matter how powerful it is, it will be surpassed by other civilizations sooner or later, and eventually disappear completely from this world.

This civilization is a bit interesting...

Chen Zhongshan was thoughtful. He didn't believe that the top management of the Ada people couldn't see all this, but this group of people just watched all this happen. Is it because they thought it wasn't serious enough, so they didn't need to stop it?

Chen Shibo didn't know, but he was patient enough to continue waiting to see what the top leaders of Ada Civilization wanted to do...

At the same moment when Chen Shibo was integrated into the Ada civilization, on the Asuryan home planet, the headquarters of Shining Star Ring, in the Internet headquarters server center, a stream of icy gas suddenly poured out from one of the servers.

The gas continued to leak out, making a hissing sound, and the server cover that was originally tightly closed slowly collapsed.

In the server, a beautiful woman with unique features of the Ada people opened her eyes and walked down step by step.

The other party's movements are extremely elegant, and the other party's temperament is extremely graceful. This Ada person has a face as beautiful as a girl, but her eyes are full of maturity and vicissitudes of life.

The mixture of youthful aura and vicissitudes of life made it impossible for this woman to tell her age. She just walked out of the server naked, looking at everything around her with a hint of novelty and doubt.


The siren above the head sounded out of thin air. As this scene appeared, hundreds of well-trained armored soldiers appeared in the server center, aiming their guns at the woman who appeared out of thin air.


Seeing this scene, the woman showed a somewhat contemptuous and complicated smile, It seems that I have been sleeping for a long time. Has it been so long that I have been completely forgotten by the world?


Just when she wanted to directly kill these soldiers who dared to point their guns at her, suddenly several more figures came over quickly.

Each of these people were wearing the most formal clothes in Ada society. When they saw the naked woman appearing in the server center, their expressions changed greatly. They quickly stepped forward and knelt down towards the woman, Dear god, which one of the gods are you?

My name is Elsa.

The woman said calmly, then she looked down at her body, then waved her hand slightly, and an almost transparent gauze was draped around her body.

It's actually Elsa, the goddess of life!

Hearing the woman's words, everyone's expressions changed drastically. Cold sweat suddenly broke out on the forehead of the leading Aida man. He quickly lowered his head and did not dare to look at the other person's hot body. Your Highness Aisha, I am Shining Wumuti, the 389th President of Star Circle Headquarters, welcomes the goddess!


Seeing this, the woman burst out laughing, her branches trembling with laughter, I didn't expect that the Shining Star Ring Organization that we casually threw to you mortals back then has been passed down to the 389th generation? Yes, it's really good!

Hearing what the other party said, the president didn't know what the other party meant, so he said, I wonder what the goddess has ordered when she comes? We will do our best to do it!

Yes, Not Bad.

The woman nodded with satisfaction, For more than ten thousand years, we gods have fallen into a deep sleep due to the collapse of the consciousness space. As our human beings, how do you investigate the consciousness space?

terribly sorry……

The president shook his head, For more than ten thousand years, we have been constantly exploring those new civilizations, and even interfering in their government affairs, letting them continue to send new people into space. In this way, we will treat every new life The researchers searched, but they never found the seeds scattered after the consciousness space collapsed... Maybe the consciousness space has not yet had the time to recover.


Hearing this, the woman's face suddenly darkened, You losers are really getting better and better with each passing day. Your consciousness space has reappeared long ago. Why don't you have any news about it?


This time, not only the president, but also other high-level officials also changed their expressions. They kept looking up and looking around, as if they wanted to sense the space around them, The return of consciousness space? But, we didn't feel it!

Looking at the people kneeling at her feet, the woman's face suddenly darkened, I don't know how you have been investigating all these years, but this is the fact. The consciousness space has revived again. Otherwise, why do you think I would appear here? And Not only has the consciousness space recovered, but it has also grown to a certain extent. At this time, it has already silently enveloped the Shining Star Ring, and only you losers are still kept in the dark!

Upon hearing the woman's accusation, the remaining people immediately trembled and lowered their heads completely.

So, you felt the consciousness space suddenly appear, so you just woke up?

Suddenly, kneeling next to the president, a man in military uniform spoke in a low voice.

Well, that's right. After a long sleep, I just woke up with less than ten percent of my strength left, but I didn't dare to enter the consciousness space immediately.

The woman nodded and said distressedly, Because I'm not sure whether a new generation of derivative aborigines will be born in the consciousness space at this time. If they are born, I'm afraid my appearance will trigger a new round of war. …”

Upon hearing the woman's words, all the senior executives present suddenly stopped breathing and looked at each other several times.

The man in military uniform suddenly raised his head, with a touch of excitement in his eyes, Since your strength is so weak, you should cultivate yourself more.

As he said that, he immediately stood up and helped the woman in front of him, Your Highness Aisha, let me help you go to the phantom room that we have been preparing for a long time to rest. Although the consciousness space has disappeared for thousands of years, we still retain part of the soul. I hope this energy can help you.


The woman's eyes suddenly lit up, Not bad, very good!

So the man in military uniform supported Goddess Elsa and walked toward the outside world. When he passed by the president, the man in military uniform immediately gave him a wink.

The woman named Aisha didn't know it. When she passed by everyone, everyone subconsciously raised their heads and looked at her with greedy and vicious eyes...

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