Chapter 150 149. Shining Star Ring

In the next few days, Chen Shibo pretended to be Dorgon to delay his recovery, and secretly learned each other's language and writing based on the conversations between these people.

With the blessing of blue psychic energy, the brain of Chen Shibo's body is constantly running, memorizing the pronunciation of every sentence and every word he sees in this civilization.

Not only that, he discovered that these aliens also had their own Internet, but because they were on a spacecraft, they couldn't connect to it, but they still had their own LAN in the spacecraft.

Chen Shibo discovered that these alien Internet devices are very close to the Metaverse, or an advanced version of the Metaverse, because everyone can directly connect to the frequency signal emitted by the spacecraft through brain waves, thereby connecting to this network.

When entering the Internet, it is as if the vision is divided into two parts, one part stays in reality, and the other part has entered another magnificent and prosperous world.

In the local area network in the spacecraft, Chen Shibo can not only listen to songs from this world, but also see various movies and videos downloaded in advance, as well as various customs and cultures. This convenience also greatly speeds up Chen Shibo's journey. Progress in learning the language and writing of this civilization.

While studying, Chen Shibo had almost understood this brand new nation, and the other person's name also moved his heart.

Because the other party's name is Ada, and in the other party's own civilization, these two words represent people of God. This ethnic group calls itself the descendants of God, and noble blood flows in their bones.

This civilization is highly developed and surpasses many levels of human beings, not to mention other aspects. The most deadly thing is that the opponent has super-time and space technology and can travel freely across the galaxy. It only takes 900 years to get from one end of the galaxy to the other. The life span is generally more than 2000 years.

Of course, this year was calculated by Chen Shibo bringing in the opponent's timing method and then converting it into a human timing method.

However, this lifespan is already ten times that of modern humans, and as far as Chen Shibo knows, even if these people are about to die, they can upload their consciousness to the database, and then replace a body through 3D printing. Then the consciousness is downloaded back through high-tech means.

This is simply a kind of eternal life.

Moreover, Chen Shibo also discovered that this civilization seemed to be still in a cabinet system and aristocratic society. The entire civilization was ruled by an emperor, with a powerful cabinet below, and further below were the knights of various territories.

Just like the title system of male, son, uncle, marquis and duke in human society, this civilization also has its own independent title system, and the lower ranks are citizens.

This is an arrogant nation. Because of their super technology, they have long explored most of the Milky Way. Except for a few equally powerful civilizations, this civilization has almost dominated the entire Milky Way, which has also led to them never leaving the Milky Way. Any civilization in the eyes will have a condescending attitude towards all civilizations.

The other side's culture is also colorful. Because this race's emotional perception is more sensitive than humans, the culture they created is also far ahead of other races. Dance, song, and film and television culture are also extremely developed, even walking requires a lot of effort. Show a unique sense of elegance, and those whose movements are not elegant enough will be despised by passers-by even when they go out.

But the only good thing is that this civilization is not warlike, or most of them are not easy to kill. Looking at those low-level civilizations is like humans looking at monkeys. They have no good intentions but no malice. Compared with war and killing, they I prefer to devote my efforts to artistry, and even technology must have a strong artistry.

After the characteristics of this civilization flowed through his mind, Chen Shibo remembered a piece of information from hundreds of years ago.

That was the secret information he got from Shinra Company, and he still remembers the contents.

That information once said that the reason why the Terra Federation continued to send humans to explore the void was because it was forced to do so by an alien civilization, and the name of that civilization was Ada.

The two people, Ada, are called onomatopoeia based on human pronunciation. At this time, if you listen to this civilization from a human perspective, the name of the other civilization is also Ada.

In other words, this civilization is the Ada that once intervened in mankind and forced mankind to continuously send colonial spaceships?

Chen Shibo was not convinced, because even Shinra's information did not contain the true appearance of the other party. The other party had never appeared, but only gave orders through the microphone. If this is regarded as a kind of arrogance, then this The race certainly fits Ada's profile.

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo fell into thinking.

About 100 hours later, Chen Shibo was informed by two soldiers that the captain wanted to see him.

Chen Shibo immediately exited the spacecraft's LAN, imitating the graceful movements of this group of people and followed the two of them towards the depths of the spacecraft.

Along the way, Chen Shifang continued to scan everything around him with his peripheral vision, trying to memorize the topographic map of the spacecraft. After about ten minutes, he came to an arched door, which was marked with the language of this civilization. Say the word meeting room.

When the door to the conference room opened, Chen Shibo followed the two of them and walked in. He saw a gorgeous room with a large area. In the middle, there was an even more gorgeous round table inlaid with a large number of unknown gems. There were dozens of people sitting in front of the round table.

Each of these people has a slender figure, and their skin is as smooth as jade. They can be said to be handsome men and beautiful women gathered together. Every random movement looks pleasing to the eye and extremely elegant.

Seeing this scene, Chen Shibo took a deep breath, caressed his chest and bent down slightly.

This is the etiquette of this civilization.

Dorgon, do you know why we called you here?

At this time, a man with a majestic face sitting in the center spoke in a low voice. His voice had a bubble feeling. Perhaps this was the so-called male bubble sound...

Chen Shibo showed a look of fear at the right time, lowered his head and said, Yes, Captain Starbuck, you called me here this time because I lost four team members and let their souls return to God's command forever.

His voice remained hoarse, as if he was still injured.


Hearing Chen Shibo's answer, everyone nodded subconsciously. His humility made everyone present feel relieved. After all, such humble people are rare among Ada people.

Captain Starbuck smiled slightly, Don't be alarmed, my dear boy, you did a very good job. You killed the red monster and protected the safety of the entire ship. Although several other soldiers died, only It just shows that they are not good at studying.

Thank you, Captain.

Chen Shibo showed a hint of gratitude at the right time.

Okay, now is not the time to talk about this.

Another female Ada person on the side raised her eyebrows and said, Tell me, how did you kill the other party, and how did the other people die? We checked the bodies of the four warriors, but Except for one of the warriors who had obvious scars on his body, no scars were found on the others.

Actually, I don't know...

Chen Zhongshan looked confused, When we received the order to search for the monster, the opponent suddenly emerged from the ground and attacked us with a red tentacle. The opponent was very powerful and fast, and it was difficult for us to react. , a soldier was immediately dragged in, and we wanted to turn around to rescue, but more tentacles stretched out, and then...

When he said that, Chen Zhongshan paused, We tried our best to block the opponent's various attacks. Seeing that the monster could not do anything to us, it changed its attack method. It opened its bloody mouth and let out a There was a weird fluctuation, and after the fluctuation, the four team members fell down directly. Only I survived, and then I immediately rushed up and used weapons to tear it into pieces.

After hearing Chen Shibo's explanation, everyone couldn't help but fell silent.

Where's the injury on your neck?

The third senior executive suddenly asked, How was this scar caused?

This is what was left when the opponent attacked with tentacles.

Chen Shibo replied, It has nothing to do with the last mysterious attack.

All right.

After a while, Captain Starbuck nodded, Dorgon, you have done very little, you can go down now.


Chen Zhongshan nodded, turned around and walked out, but suddenly paused, turned around and asked, By the way, Captain, that monster... how did it get into our spaceship?

No one knows this.

Captain Starbuck shook his head, At present, the opponent is probably an alien species with space capabilities and a high IQ. Although we Ada people have never entered the universe in the millions of years, I’ve seen it before, but there are always strange things in the universe, so you don’t need to worry about it.”


Chen Shibo made a final salute and then walked out completely.

After leaving, Chen Bishan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know where the other party's spaceship was going, but he knew that now was not the time to be exposed. After all, the universe was too big. Once he missed this spaceship, he wanted to go there again. I don't know how long it will take to find the Ada people's home planet. If you are lucky, you may be able to find it in a few hundred years. If you are not lucky, you may not be able to find it in tens of thousands of years.

After all, the home planet is the most secret location of a civilization.

Fortunately, Chen Shibo is still learning the Aida people's eighteen-digit mathematical system. As long as he learns this, based on the opponent's positioning data, he can completely bring it into the star map to calculate the position of the opponent's home planet.

What is known so far is that the other party's home star seems to be a place called Shining Star Ring, but there are also a large number of colonies scattered around the home star, and this location is within the other party's colonial range.

In the following period, Dorgon, played by Chen Shibo, returned to his position as a soldier. At first, he was worried that he would be noticed because he did not know other soldiers, but later he found out that he was overthinking. The Ada people themselves are relatively withdrawn, and no one looks down on anyone even among people of equal status. Chen Shibo's return did not attract anyone's prying eyes.

In this way, Chen Shibo stayed on the commercial spaceship named Davia for several months.

In the past few months, he also vigorously made up for the various cultures and ideological trends of this civilization to make himself more difficult to detect. It was not until three Terra months later that the destination of the spaceship finally arrived.

I have to say that Chen Shibo was very lucky. This spaceship was heading towards the Shining Star Ring, the home planet of the Ada people. This group of foreigners wanted to transport a spice called Hatis to the Shining Star Ring. .

Chen Shibo also saw for the first time that the so-called shining star ring was not a planet, but an artificial galaxy!

At the very center of the galaxy is a young yellow dwarf star with a lifespan of 1 billion years. This star is slightly larger than the sun, but it is surrounded by facilities like Dyson rings, which continuously extract the energy of the star and convert it into the most basic of electrical energy.

In the habitable zone around the star, there are a total of thirty-two planets, large and small. These planets are almost the size of Uranus, a full fifty or sixty times larger than the parent star Terra, and all of them have been transformed. It has become an important industrial and military town. Even from space, you can see the densely packed factories and cities on the planet.

The entire Shining Star Ring actually refers to the thirty-two planets. Obviously, these planets do not exist naturally, but were forcibly moved from other galaxies by the Ada people!

This is an artificial solar system!

Seeing this scene, Chen Shibo trembled deeply in his heart. Today's human species can be said to migrate planets. Even a Dyson ring cannot be created, but this civilization has migrated more than 30 planets that are similar to the environment of its home planet. Similar planets are forcibly spliced ​​together in their own galaxy.

Compared with this project, Wandering Earth is like playing house.

You are truly worthy of being the legendary star-chaser and the moon...

Looking at the dozens of planets floating above his head, Chen Fan sighed secretly, and then stepped off the spacecraft firmly.

At this time, he is on one of the planets in the star ring. This planet is called Aisha, which means the god of life in the Ada language. As long as he looks up, he can see the rest of the star ring. More than a dozen stars, these planets are all rotating around the stars in the shining ring, and the orbits of each planet are extremely subtle. While not colliding with each other, they also take into account the unified rotation and revolution periods and tidal gravity.

Even Chen Shibo could only admire the miraculous workmanship.

After getting off the spaceship, Chen Shibo completely integrated into the planet. When he walked to an uninhabited corner, he closed his eyes slightly with excitement and entered the imaginary number space.

As soon as he came to the imaginary number space, Chen Shibo felt a shock all over his body.

Because at this time, the imaginary number space is actually densely packed with trillions of bright stars. These stars are far more powerful than the projection of human consciousness, and each one emits a strong glow.

This kind of scene was something Chen Shibo had never seen before.


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