Chapter 149 148. Gestalt


Countless crimson tentacles stretched out from the ground like buried red worms, surrounding everyone in the team!

But because of the precaution, everyone either quickly dodged with a light bounce, or they moved one hand horizontally, and a yellow light shield unfolded out of thin air, isolating Chen Shibo's shot!

Not only that, the leader of the team waved his hand, and an almost invisible strand of hair kept flying among countless tentacles. The moment he was touched by the thin strand, Chen Shibo only felt his own hair. A sharp pain kept coming from the tentacle position, and dozens of tentacles snapped in the next second!

From the beginning to the end, everyone on the other side's movements were as light and dexterous as dancing, but Chen Shibo's attack was completely useless, and he was even in danger of being counterattacked.

So strong. Although it relies on high technology, this ability to grasp the right timing is rare among humans. Moreover, the opponent has almost integrated dexterity into his genes. Every move is like dancing. The scary thing is that you can't You can tell whether the opponent is dancing or attacking, and if you don't pay attention, you will be killed by the opponent!

Seeing this scene, Chen Shibo used ultrasonic waves to locate the rest of the teams that were coming around. Finally, he stopped testing, and instantly sank into the imaginary number space, swiping at the projection of everyone's consciousness!


The souls of the five soldiers were suddenly swept into the imaginary space. In reality, their bodies softened and they collapsed to the ground without a sound!

This blow directly pulled their souls into the imaginary space, and no one with a soul could resist it.

After killing all the members of this unit, Chen Shibo stopped in amazement.

Because this team was in a spaceship, their weapons were restricted and they were unable to use powerful weapons. However, they did not expect that just by killing these five aliens, they would be seriously injured.

So he simply swallowed it quickly and swallowed the body of the squad leader.

Half a minute later, Chen Shibo opened his mouth again, and a set of perfectly preserved armor spit out from his mouth again.

The matter was in Chen Shibo's abdomen. He had quickly dismantled the alien's body, and all the structure of the body was appearing in his mind——

The skulls of these guys are similar in appearance to human skulls, but have higher density and complexity. They also have brains. The brains are also hemispherical, with a large number of brain circuits and multiple brain lobes. The brain matter here is unusually concentrated and diverse. Unknown nerve centers and central ridges of organs are arranged in parts in the mind.

The eyeball is spherical and filled with a polyp-like tissue. Apparently the eyeball is flexible and has powerful vision...

The upper limbs are very similar to humans, but there is no labeled skeletal system. The bones are formed by solidification. The complex joints and combinations between parts maintain flexibility and durability. There is no bone marrow, and the overall skeleton is far lighter than that of humans. .

The ears are pointed in shape, with a large number of nerve endings at the tips. It seems that the ears are very sensitive...

The neck and spine are filled with tight muscles and surrounded by a complex columnar support structure. The support structure is made up of intertwined body segments. The entire structure shows great elasticity and toughness... Obviously this creature is moving at high speed. The process is extremely manipulable, which is why they are so sensitive.

In the chest area, the ribs are very similar to humans, except that there is one more row of ribs than humans. This is also because their bodies are more slender and slender.

The types of internal organs are very complex and cannot be compared with human organs for the time being. However, academically speaking, the complexity and neatness of these organs are unprecedented. It is speculated that there are lung muscles, similar to human lungs, with the ability to regulate body temperature and lymph glands that can move up and down the body...

In the abdominal cavity, the digestive and renal systems are as elegant and complex as the upper organs. There is no obvious peristalsis, chemical enzymes or digestive juices. The reproductive organs are almost the same as those of human males, with successive stages corresponding to the corresponding organs.

When the other party was quickly digested by gastric juice, Chen Shibo also constructed a diagram of the other party's internal organization structure in his mind. Obviously this creature also originated from terrestrial life, but the organs in the other party's body showed a special order and structure. The beauty shows that this creature is far more evolved than humans.

As for looks...

Chen Shibo's ferocious body trembled slightly, and then began to rapidly decompose. A large number of tentacles and biomass quickly fell off and melted, gradually exposing the core position in the body.

At this time, in the core of Chen Shibo's melted body, a man with his eyes closed lay silently.

This man has long white hair, a light milky white skin, slender limbs, and a very handsome appearance. He is completely naked, but at this time, the corners of the man's mouth are slightly raised, and there is blood and flesh on the ground. Zhong slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of lavender eyes.

If the rest of the team members were not dead at this time, they would have discovered that the body was none other than that of the alien captain who was swallowed and digested by Chen Strobe.

At this time, Chen Shibo used his spiritual energy to completely copy the other party's DNA, turning himself into the look of the team leader from his internal organs to his brain to every cell and gene in his body.

It's amazing...

Chen Shibo quickly stood up, looked at the corpses on the ground, and then at his new body, then immediately jumped up and put all the armor back on his body like an elegant elf.

The vocal organ of this kind of alien is also in the throat. If that's the case...

Chen Shibo murmured in a low voice. He looked at the crack in the armor's throat and simply punched his own throat!


Cough cough cough...

Chen Shifang's new body first spat out a mouthful of red blood, then quickly bent over and coughed.

A few seconds later, there was a sound of hurried running at the end of the corridor. Chen Bian glanced at the group of reinforcements. He immediately staggered a few steps towards them, then collapsed directly to the ground, forcing his The brain enters a dormant state!


Before he lost consciousness, he seemed to hear a panicked scream from the reinforcements.

The next second, Chen Shibo's consciousness transferred back to the imaginary number space.

At this time, the souls of the five deceased were running around in the imaginary space. However, what Chen Shibo did not expect was that the eyes of these five souls were not frightened, but a mixture of fear and excitement.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo's heart moved slightly, and the blue psychic energy automatically flowed into his mind, learning their language bit by bit.

With the blessing of blue psychic energy, Chen Shibo was like a sponge, constantly absorbing the other party's knowledge. In just half a day, he deciphered many spoken words and gradually understood the exchanges between the other party. dialogue.

Could this be the legendary consciousness space?

No, it's impossible. The consciousness space has been isolated for tens of thousands of years. How could it suddenly appear here? Are we the first visitors?

Look there, it turns out to be a continent. The continent, the void, and the strange and inexplicable air currents around it, aren't they the space of consciousness recorded in our Athens?

If this is really the space of consciousness, then it means we are already dead!

No, this is the consciousness space. Both prophets and gods have told us that as long as we can find the consciousness space, we can become a true Gestalt civilization and completely dominate the entire galaxy!

Listening to the constant chatter of these souls, Chen Shibo's expression moved slightly.

god? Conscious space?

They actually said the word consciousness space, and listening to each other's conversation, it seems that these aliens have long known the existence of imaginary number space?

In addition, the other party also mentioned the name Gestalt Civilization. What does this refer to?

Chen Shibo felt that he seemed to understand something, but he still seemed to understand something. Could it be that the imaginary number space had actually existed a long time ago, and what he was in now was just making the imaginary number space reappear in the world?

But, how is this possible...

Chen Shibo felt a little confused in his heart. He wanted to hear more, but within a day or so, the consciousness of these souls gradually became blurred, and their words became increasingly illogical.

Chen Shibo knew that this was because their consciousness was being consumed. When the consumption was complete, they would become complete souls, and then be captured by those four guys and become a member of the army of petitioners.

But it’s time for me to wake up at this time...

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo allowed his consciousness to return to reality.

The moment he returned to consciousness, he felt warm all over his body.

At this time, he was lying in a dark golden coffin. At the same time, a scanner-like device was constantly scanning his body. Chen Shibo could feel that his body was being carefully observed from the inside out. G.

Obviously, this is the work of those aliens.

It's just that Chen Shibo has already developed mimicry. At this time, he is the captain of the armed team. Every pair of genes and every pair of chromosomes in his body are the same.

Sure enough, after a scan, the instrument was quickly withdrawn. At the same time, the cover of the coffin was opened. Several handsome men and women were looking at themselves from above with their heads lowered. If these people didn't pay attention, they would just think that they were a group of tall people. Tall and handsome humans over two meters tall, with only their sharp ears proving their identity as an alien race.

You finally woke up.

Seeing Chen Zuoshan open his eyes, a woman looked at Chen Zuoshan with some admiration, Dorgon, was it you who killed that monster?


Chen Bishan opened his mouth, and then he just made a hoarse sound. He subconsciously touched his neck, but only felt a wound.

I almost forgot, your throat is damaged.

The woman smiled lightly and said, It doesn't matter. This kind of injury can be recovered in about three star rings.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo had no choice but to sit up and move out of the coffin a little weakly.

Seeing his less than graceful movements, the woman frowned again, Dorgon, your movements are really ugly. I hope you can adjust as soon as possible when you see Captain Starbuck and don't be rude in front of the captain.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo suddenly looked ashamed. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

Don't embarrass our hero.

A tall man over two and a half meters tall suddenly spoke, Obviously it was Dorgon who killed that monster. He was the only one in the entire Alpha team who survived. This proves his outstanding combat ability. If at this time, It’s not that he’s injured, every move he makes will be more graceful than yours.”


After hearing this, the woman snorted coldly, turned around and left the room.


Seeing the woman leaving, the tall man turned his head and rubbed Chen Shibo's head encouragingly, Take good care of your injuries. When your injuries are healed, Captain Starbuck will encourage you. As for your death, We will also act to appease the four team members, so you don’t have to worry.”

Upon hearing these words, Chen Shibo immediately showed gratitude.

So, remember to stay in the training warehouse as long as possible.

The tall man gave one last instruction and left the room with the remaining jealous or envious people.

After everyone left the room, Chen Shibo exhaled silently.

It seems that I made the right bet.

He first used psychic energy to extinguish the electronic system in a space, causing a black window effect, then killed a combat team and replaced one of them, thus successfully infiltrating the opponent's camp.

Now, his name is Dorgon, he is a hero who killed the invading creatures, and he is also the sole survivor of the Alpha Team.

With this aura attached to him, Chen Shibo believes that he will be able to integrate into this civilization soon.

Of course, you don’t need to pretend for too long. You just need to know where the other party’s galaxy is. With the corresponding coordinates, you can harvest emotions arbitrarily. This civilization is simply for the development of imaginary space. The birth of civilization must not be missed.

He looked around the room. Everything here was the same as before. The entire room was made of breathable crystal material, filled with the racial style of this alien civilization.

The room was not messy, only some strange instruments and equipment could be seen. Other than that, the only thing that could be confirmed was that the coffin-like equipment in front of him was a training chamber.

Judging from the various equipment in the previous warehouse, this kind of training warehouse has the ability to accelerate the healing of injuries. In simple terms, it should include scanning, treatment, training, sleep, etc.

However, this is not the time for cultivation. Chen Shibo is not proficient in the language of this civilization. Although he can understand it, he will inevitably expose his flaws if he wants to speak, so he deliberately hurt his throat, and then let The subconscious prevents the healing of the injury here.

In this way, we can try to give ourselves enough time to blend into this civilization.

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