Chapter 151 150. Integration

Chen Shibo felt like he was making money.

The diameter of the imaginary space is 1.8 billion kilometers. This scale is enough to cover from Terra to Jupiter, but it can only cover less than half of the area in the shining star ring.

In this covered part, there are trillions of consciousness projections in the imaginary number space, and the quality of each consciousness projection is many times higher than that of human beings.

With several times more emotions and dozens of times more people, if Chen Shibo is willing to stay here, the expansion speed of the imaginary space will be more than a hundred times that of the human world.

In other words, if he develops here, Chen Shibo is confident that his imaginary space area will double again within ten years, which will be enough to extend to one light-year after a thousand years.

Not only that, Chen Shibo also felt a large amount of life springs on these thirty-two stars.

The Ada people protect the Fountain of Life very well. It is not like the Fountain of Life on Terra that is almost dry. Instead, it is thriving. As long as such a civilization does not commit suicide, it can still reproduce or develop There is great potential to be tapped.

Seeing this scene, Chen Shibo immediately decided that he would settle here.

So he first sent a message to his boss that he wanted to resign. Soon a ghost call appeared in his eyes. As Chen Shibo's heart moved slightly, the call was completely answered.

The person who called him was a mid-level cadre of the spaceship. He had met him in the conference room last time. At this time, he only heard the other person say, Dorgon, why do you want to resign?

After a life and death, I finally understand.

Chen Quanshan sighed and said a little disappointedly, Wandering among the stars does not meet my career expectations. It is difficult for me to bear this sense of crisis. My thoughts are more inclined to stability and stability, so after careful consideration After that, I decided to quit my job as a spaceship escort.

Do you know how valuable this position is?

The other party still didn't want to give up, it seemed because he was optimistic about Chen Shibo, You are only 25 years old this year, and you still have a long life to go. The world has already been automated, and only those of us who are businessmen still have certain jobs. As for personnel positions, as long as you work a few more years, you might be able to climb into my position. If you work hard, you might even be knighted. Are you sure you want to give up this opportunity?


Chen Shibo nodded, I have made up my mind. After all, I have died once, so I am ready to devote the rest of my life to the field of art.

Oh well……

After hearing this, the other party sighed silently, I will sign your resignation application, take care.

Take care of yourself.

Chen Shibo gently hung up the call. From now on, he would be considered a freelancer.

Through online research, it was found that the system of this civilization is similar to Terra, especially in terms of the welfare system, but it is richer and richer. Everyone is a citizen from birth, and there is no such thing as a civilian.

In other words, every Ada person does not have to worry about survival and life as soon as he is born. The society has a mature enough system to raise every Ada person.

Every Star Circle Month, the government will issue a subsidy to unemployed Ada people. This amount of money is enough for people to live comfortably. The reason for this phenomenon is also the automation of technological production capacity.

If you are an Aida person who has a job, your salary will be more generous, and you may even have the opportunity to be promoted to a noble position. The longing for the future is enough to make many young people try their best to get a job. In this society where leisure and illness are common, having a job A person who is truly decent is a decent person.

However, not having a job does not necessarily mean that you will achieve nothing. If you can shine in the field of art, you may also achieve high achievements. After all, this is an art-first civilization.

Chen Zhongshan looked at the scattered Aida people on the street and the elegant pace of this group of people. He immediately imitated their footsteps and walked step by step towards the depths of the city.

Elegance and self-confidence are the creeds of the Aida people, so arrogance is the essence of this nation. Chen Fushi went to the official office of the planet, and when he came out again, he had transferred his identity information to the planet called Aida. Sha planet and settled here.

Because his previous job earned him a lot of credit points, when he applied for housing, the official applied for a small villa for him, and he also received a monthly subsidy of 30,000 yuan. In this way, Chen Shibo completely blended in. He obtained the Shining Star Ring and blended into the civilization of the Ada people.

After settling down completely, Chen Shibo began to absorb the cultural heritage of this civilization. Gradually, he discovered through archeology that this civilization was actually a legendary Gestalt civilization tens of thousands of years ago.

The so-called Gestalt civilization is a civilization system in which one is ten thousand, ten thousand is one. It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, the Ada people had two languages, one of which was the so-called acoustic language. That is dialogue, and the other is the language of consciousness that all Ada people are born with.

At that time, even newly born Ada babies can enter a world called the consciousness space, where they can communicate with any Ada person using the language of consciousness. This consciousness space is the unique perception system of the Ada people. You can feel a mysterious world of consciousness that is different from reality. In that world, all consciousness can be manifested, all people's minds can intersect without blind spots, and everyone's mind can be understood by the same kind, and can be understood by others. be comforted.

This kind of spiritual dialogue can transcend space. Even if one Ada and another Ada are several light years apart, they can communicate without delay and are not affected by the speed of light at all.

Not only that, the so-called consciousness space has a more powerful ability, which is to give every Ada person some power beyond common sense. After training, as long as the consciousness space is communicated, there will be a steady stream of different spaces. Energy flows into the body, allowing it to do things that are otherwise impossible in reality.

Like super powers?

Isn't this spiritual power?

Chen Shibo's heart was shocked. He finally understood why it was so surprising for the Ada people's souls to enter the imaginary number space after death. Because the so-called imaginary number space is the consciousness space that the Ada people have been searching for for tens of thousands of years, right?

In short, with such unique advantages thousands of years ago, the Ada people developed at an almost rapid speed and developed amazing art and technology. At that time, the Ada people almost ruled the entire galaxy, and even The so-called god was born.

Chen Shibo once heard about the existence of gods in the souls of several Ada people. He originally thought it was the religion of this civilization, but now it seems that it is not the case.

In other words, maybe the gods the other party talks about are existences similar to the four little guys in the imaginary number space?

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo continued to read this information.

According to the data, one day about 30,000 years ago, all the Ada people suddenly discovered that they could no longer enter the consciousness space. Not only every living Ada person, but also newborn babies. The existence of the conscious space can no longer be felt, as if everyone just slept for a night, and when they woke up, the conscious space completely collapsed and disappeared.

This point soon aroused panic among the Ada people, and countless scientists began to explore where the innate consciousness space of the Ada people went.

This investigation is tens of thousands of years.

No one knows why the consciousness space was suddenly disconnected. They only know that from that day on, the Ada civilization gradually declined.

Without the space of consciousness, all Ada people also lost the ability to communicate from heart to heart. There was no longer trust between people, and no one could feel what the other person was thinking. So this civilization began to 'deceive' Definition of 'betrayal' etc.

Not only that, the disappearance of the consciousness space also caused all the fantastic psychic technologies developed by the Ada people to fail based on the consciousness space. The entire civilization suddenly fell, leading to a great regression of civilization.

At the same time, criminal concepts such as robbery, alkali, murder, etc. also began to appear in the civilization. Without the monitoring of the consciousness space, countless Ada people began to collapse and distort, and the Ada civilization also suffered a severe blow.

Therefore, in order to continue to survive, the Ada civilization urgently developed an artificial consciousness space, which was the metaverse where Chen Shibo was landing at this time.

It's just that unlike the Ada people's innate consciousness space, the Metaverse is just a secondary substitute that cannot allow people to communicate without hindrance, let alone convey information across time and space.

As a result, the Ada civilization could only decline little by little.

To this day, the Ada people still retain their own metaverse, and it is very simple to enter the metaverse. You only need to make your consciousness feel thinking, and the electromagnetic waves in the air will automatically connect to the Ada people. Consciousness, pulling his consciousness into the metaverse.

The former Gestalt civilization has fallen to a civilization that is almost the same as humans. The only difference is that the level of technology is higher than that of humans, but it is far less exciting than tens of thousands of years ago.

Without spiritual power, there is no possibility of communicating across time and space with thoughts.

So, this universe originally had an imaginary number space, but for some unknown reason, the imaginary number space collapsed?

Looking at the metaverse information that was constantly scrolling in his mind, Chen Shibo began to think silently.

It has to be said that the Ada people are still very strong. Originally, their civilization has been integrated with the imaginary number space. Not only has it developed psychic technology, but it is also the legendary Gestalt civilization. Even if the imaginary number space that they rely on for survival later disappears, They just experienced a period of turmoil and are now developing again.

I just don’t know why this legendary consciousness space appears in my mind?

Chen Shibo thought for a while, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart, because he thought of his home planet Terra at this time.

Over the past few hundred years, many psykers have appeared in human civilization. Even the person who overthrew the Federation was a psyker with powerful talents. But now that he has left the imaginary space with him, then the psyker will Isn’t the dominant federal society coming to an end?

In fact, it doesn't matter if it's over. The key point is, why is this scene similar to the events of the Ada civilization?

Psykers also began to appear, and they also began to develop technology related to psychic energy, and then overnight, the imaginary number space suddenly disappeared?

Chen Shibo stood on the balcony of his room and looked up at the sky. At this moment, an astonishing guess came to his mind - the former imaginary space also existed in someone's mind.

That person had been silently observing the civilization of the Ada people, allowing them to develop technologies related to psychic energy, and then one day left without saying goodbye, taking the entire imaginary space with him.

As a result, the cataclysm that occurred thousands of years ago in the Eldar occurred.

Even the reason why the Ada people have such excellent psychic talents and such intense emotions is probably because they were specially selected by that person in order to speed up the expansion of their imaginary number space.

If this is true, then it means that the water in this Ada civilization may be very deep...

Chen Shibo was thinking silently. He didn't know whether his imaginary number space and the consciousness space of the mysterious man tens of thousands of years ago were the same. If so, what happened after that man left the Ada civilization, and why did it happen? Imaginary number space appears in your mind?

If not, can we think that there is not only one imaginary number space in the entire universe, but there are countless imaginary spaces?

The sky gradually darkens, and the bright moon gradually appears in the sky. This is a unique and magnificent scenery in the world of shining stars. Thirty-two planets orbit the star together, so every night, you can see More than a dozen silver moons appeared in the sky. The largest of these moons was as big as a building, and the smallest was even bigger than Luna on Terra.

Brilliant silver covered the earth, making Chen Strobe's azure eyes flicker in the shadows.

It's getting more and more interesting...

Chen Shibo shook his head. In the end, he still couldn't figure out the answer, but what the answer was was no longer important, because at this time, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Chen Shibo turned around and came to the door, opened the door gently, and immediately saw a group of young handsome men and beautiful women standing outside the door. Everyone was covered with colorful ribbons, and some of them were holding a cup of Aida in their hands. Alcoholic beverages unique to civilization.


The first girl, Ada, who was less than two meters tall and had a delicate appearance, raised her wine glass in front of Chen Shibo and said, Welcome to join our big family in the Spink community. The night is so beautiful tonight. Do you want to come to my house to get together? How about a get-together?

Chen Quanxian showed a look of astonishment. He looked at the charming and charming girl in front of him, and then at the dozens of men and women behind him who looked dark and expectant, and finally nodded mechanically.


Everyone cheered, Congratulations to our Spink community party team for adding another general! One of the men happily sprayed out the ribbon in his hand, and then several people gathered around Chen Shibo and eagerly walked toward him. Walk towards the villa next door...

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