The mind is stronger than things, transcending the ordinary and becoming holy

Chapter 142 141 Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

Chapter 142 141. Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

The reason why he opened up psychic channels and allowed psychics to appear in the real world was because Chen Shibo felt that the research of a few scientists in the imaginary number space was not enough.

There is no way to brainstorm ideas. For example, Zhou Dafu, for so many years in the imaginary space, has only built one psychic spacecraft, and many scientific research progress has stalled.

Therefore, Chen Shibo believes that it is necessary for him to let all mankind contribute to his psychic technology.

Therefore, he opened up the imaginary number space, allowing those humans who were originally interested in spiritual energy to sense the existence of the imaginary number space.

For those people, they didn't know what they sensed. They only knew that something seemed to be opened somewhere, and at the same time they began to gain some power. This power was not strong at the beginning, just like magic and magic. The trick is the same, but it is enough to have a certain impact on the entire human race.

Just like the original Yao Liuxing, he only had a dream and gained green psychic power, killing his ghost father with one shot.

It's just that Yao Liuxing is a very talented psyker. When Chen Shibo did not let go of the psionic channel, he was personally given psychic powers by the green evil god N. However, ordinary psykers are not that strong. Psychically gifted.

Moreover, all these people can obtain are the four colors of red, blue, green and purple spiritual energy. As for Chen Shibo's own white spiritual energy, he has not given it to anyone.

After all, the power of white psychic energy is too great, and the appearance of any one of them is enough to turn the entire human society upside down, which is unbearable for Chen Shibo.

In short, psykers slowly appeared at the beginning of this new era.

A month later, as the new federation completely reorganized the social order, the founding ceremony was finally established. Chen's father also followed Chen Shibo's advice and did not establish an imperial system. He still lived in the federation, but in order to distinguish it from the past system, he called it It was the New Terra Federation, and Chen's father also became the first president of the new Federation. The term of office was not clearly stated, but everyone knew that at least before his death, it would be difficult for him to be the second president.

The establishment of the federation this time also brought a lot of reforms to society and modified various constitutional laws. For example, companies are not allowed to establish private armies, are not allowed to engage in monopolies, and are not allowed to get involved in the military field without authorization, etc.

In short, according to the shortcomings of the previous federation, the new federation has made many patches and placed many restrictions on the power of capital.

Of course, the new system will also arouse dissatisfaction from some forces, and these naturally do not need to be worried by Chen Quanshan. Now Chen's father has grown up and can handle all this by himself.

That night, many people had a dream.

In their dreams, they found themselves in a strange and unspeakable world, a chaotic and complex space.

At this time, they found themselves like a ghost, only wandering in this strange and strange world, and all around them were endless stars, densely packed into the sky.

After waking up, these people discovered that there was a mysterious power flowing faintly in their bodies.

Some of this power is like spiritual power, and some are like supernatural powers. Some can use this mysterious power to repair their bodies, some can temporarily increase their memory ability, and some can increase the strength of their bodies. Others can confuse the opponent when using their power.

The proportion of people who have acquired psychic powers in human society was not high at first, about one in a million. There are only two to three thousand people on the entire home planet of Terra. In addition, this power is very hidden, so No one noticed it for a while, and even if someone did, they wouldn't think of superpowers or anything like that, but just think it was a kind of magic.

The existence of psychic energy has just ignited a fire in human society. There is still a long way to go before it can be completely ignited.

But this is what Chen Shibo hopes to see. Anyway, he has plenty of time. This long-term change can ensure the stability of society and avoid rapid subversion.

After Chen Shibo flashed the technology tree of psychic energy, he also started his previously unfinished project, which was the Metaverse Project.

Because today's imaginary space can only cover the entire Terra, which is about 30 billion people, but the entire Federation now has 100 billion people. If you want to cover all mankind, you must at least cover the entire solar system.

But the universe is so empty. The distance from Terra to Luna alone reaches 380,000 kilometers, not to mention the distance between Mars and Europa. In other words, even if the imaginary space continues to expand after it expands to its current diameter, It is also impossible to get more emotions, and the expansion speed of the imaginary number space will become slower and slower for a long time.

In the future, the expansion rate of human beings will definitely be much faster than the expansion rate of imaginary number space, so Chen Shibo must take another method to obtain more emotions.

Therefore, the Metaverse plan still needs to be unfolded.

However, now that there is no resistance from all parties and the cooperation of Chen She's government, the new Metaverse project has been implemented very smoothly. Chen Shibo directly built dozens of Metaverse warehouse production lines, and millions of Metaverses are produced every day. Warehouses were produced and flowed throughout the Federation of Terra.

Not only that, Chen She also specifically ordered major state-owned enterprises to sell chips and equipment to Chen Shibo at cost price. With the support of the New Federation, the price of the newly launched Yuan space warehouse was reduced to 30,000 Thai yuan per unit, which was lower than before. More than twice as cheap.

In just one year, Yuan Space Warehouse sold tens of billions of units, accounting for one-tenth of the entire civilian market. Its share of the entire market has surpassed that of bionics and aerial vehicles.

But this is not enough for Chen Shibo. In his dream, everyone in the world must have at least one metaverse warehouse. In other words, he believes that just like everyone had a mobile phone in the past, everyone in this world has one. Optical brain chips and metaverse warehouses must be at least as powerful as one in each person's hand.

So Chen Shibo continued to increase the productivity of the Metaverse Warehouse, even at the cost of losing money. Even a copy of the Metaverse World was released once a month, and the contents of the copies were gradually enriched. Just like the advertisements, the Metaverse will fully include All human enjoyments including humanities, social interaction, entertainment, food, and even sexual life.

It's just that Father Chen's strong support for the Yuan Universe soon aroused dissatisfaction among the new rich.

At this time, in the presidential palace, several fat-bellied officials came up to Chen's father and said angrily, Mr. President, we have discovered a vicious competition case recently.

Vicious competition?

Father Chen was lying lazily on the sofa, surrounded by two enchanting beautiful women. Father Chen hugged one with his left hand and the other with his right hand. The two of them also kept feeding cherries, grapes and other fruits into Father Chen's mouth. .

Yes, vicious competition!

These two pot-bellied men were also high-ranking military officers who fought with Chen's father in the beginning. However, after the world became peaceful, both of them abandoned their military service and became politicians.

Vicious competition should be managed by people from the Commerce Department. Why are you here?

Father Chen smiled casually.

Because the one who is unfairly competing is no one else, but your eldest son, His Excellency Chen Shibo.

An official snorted coldly.

After hearing these words, Father Chen's expression instantly darkened. He waved his hand, and the two beautiful women immediately put away the fruits on their bodies and stood up to leave. Only three people were left in the entire luxurious room.

Both colleagues, please take a seat.

Father Chen pointed to the sofas on both sides and said solemnly, Tell me, what happened to my son.

Not you, Your Excellency the President?

One of the officials said coldly, The bill you personally introduced clearly states that no company is allowed to engage in monopoly, but while you ordered the Commerce Department to vigorously support the Yuanverse project, other companies came in and even drank the soup. Less than a mouthful, only your son can get support from the government, and even all taxes are exempted, what is this if not a monopoly?

Another civilian official heard this and said coldly, The Metaverse project is a big piece of cake, enough to create a T0-level giant. Now that the New Federation is just starting up, everything is waiting to be done. Your behavior can easily attract civil disapproval. dissatisfied.

So this is ah.

Father Chen nodded, Is this the opinion of you two, or the opinion of the forces behind you two?


The two officials stood up with sincere expressions, Your Excellency, we were all comrades who fought with you in the beginning. Now that you are in this position, you also have a share of the credit of us heroes, so we hope that you can handle the problem fairly and justly. .”

You mean, I am unfair?

Father Chen's expression became even more gloomy.

That's not true.

An official's expression softened, It's just that even if you eat meat, you should leave some soup for us to drink. There are thousands of people in our entire family. In order to help you fight for the country, most of the population died, and...


But before he finished speaking, Chen's father stood up suddenly and slapped him in the face. Suddenly the official was thrown away with a look of astonishment and hit the wall behind him hard!

Liuchanghydrogen, are you threatening me?

Father Chen said with murderous intent on his face.

The expression of the remaining official changed and he quickly lowered his head.

Supporting the Yuan Universe is a strategy I decided on when I first took charge of the Chen family.

Father Chen spoke slowly, If it weren't for the Metaverse project at that time, the New Federation would not be at the level it is now. Moreover, Chen Shibo is my heir. I personally decided that he would take charge of this project. Liu Changhydrogen , don’t think that just because you marry your daughter to me, you can slap your nose in front of me!”

Don't dare, Mr. President!

The pot-bellied official quickly got up, covered his swollen cheeks and replied quickly.

I don't have to worry about today's matters.

Father Chen continued, But I don't hope there will be a next time. If you still make some small moves, I can guarantee that your daughter and even your entire family will disappear in the world of the New Federation.


At this point, the official closed his eyes in pain.

Seeing the two officials leaving the presidential palace tremblingly, Chen's father's eyes showed a cold look.

These newly rising royal relatives have begun to seize their own resources. They have seized the bionic human market, the aerospace vehicle market, and even the optical brain market. However, these people still feel that it is not enough and still want to Seize Xiaoshan’s metaverse market.

This is what Chen's father can't bear. He knows that everything he and the Chen family are today is all due to Chen Shibo. It was the other party who summoned the demon army from hell and destroyed the order of the entire world. A family rises from humble beginnings.

And now, these idiots dare to provoke Xiao Shen?

Although he didn't know what Xiao Shan was planning, he knew that he had to cooperate with Xiao Shan's plan. Only in this way could the Chen family continue to exist.

With that slap, he actually wanted to let everyone know that whoever dared to hit his son would have to pay a heavy price!

Not to mention that this slap shocked the entire top management of the New Federation, and among all the people, the Metaverse has become a well-known concept.

Everyone knows that the Metaverse is a place of homesickness and a utopia. After several years of development, the Metaverse has become a colorful world.

As long as you enter the metaverse, you can automatically get a home. This home is the player's unique territory and can be designed in ever-changing looks. You can design it into a castle, a palace, or even a hotel.

Of course, the home is not big at the beginning. If you want to expand the floor area, you will need to spend money to do so.

But even so, you can still have a lot of fun without paying a penny. When you leave your home, you can go to hundreds of cities in the Yuanverse world. Each city has different coffee shops, bars, and restaurants. , movie theaters and other scenes, even if it takes a year to visit all these scenery.

Moreover, you can meet countless people here, and everyone can set their own appearance and body shape, so there are no ugly people in this world. Everyone can eat and drink as much as they want, even if in reality they can only eat nutrition bars if they are poor. But in the Yuan Universe, you can afford to eat delicacies from the mountains and seas, and even the taste is much more delicious than in reality.

Even if you get tired of playing the social system, you can still go to dungeons one after another. These dungeons include single-player dungeons and online dungeons. In addition, there are also network dungeons.

The so-called single-player dungeon is a dungeon that can only be entered by one person. In it, you can take risks and explore the world, but everyone you encounter in it is controlled by AI, and there are no players other than you.

The online dungeon is a dungeon that several friends can enter together. Everyone has their own role-playing and can live a new life in it.

The most popular ones are online dungeons. Just like online games in the past, these dungeons focus more on conflicts between players. In them, players can create gangs, level up, and rob homes and homes, etc.

In short, the Metaverse has gradually become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become the second legal world recognized by the Federation.

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