Chapter 141 140.Unification

The resistance army led by Doom Gai and entrenched in the North American region was in internal strife.

When he heard the news, Father Chen was stunned.

What did you say, say it again?

Father Chen shouted.

For a long time, holding a high position has given him a fierce aura. Now, coupled with more than a year of war, his identity has changed from a giant boss to an iron-fisted leader. The entire resistance is facing He held it in high esteem.

Because everyone knows that it was he who stepped through blood and fire step by step, leading the entire human race to drive away the devil, so that people can regain the mother planet where they were born and raised.

The name Chen She has become a historical symbol, even an incarnation close to a god.

And his every word and action seemed to contain the power of God, making everyone under his feet tremble.

Is such that……

Under the high platform, the general in charge of the intelligence system lowered his arrogant head, with a hint of joy in his voice, Chief, it's like this. After the resistance army on the opposite side went through the waves, the final general was named Dum Gai. He He is extremely powerful and is known as a demigod because his strongest record is that he once killed 321 demons with his bare hands. However, such a powerful being suddenly made a decision last night, that is, he wanted to surrender to us.

Would that kind of guy want to surrender to me?

Father Chen frowned, a little confused, Is it a conspiracy from the other side?

If I had received this news before, I would probably have thought it was a conspiracy against us.

The general's voice was sonorous and powerful, But I won't do it today, because after he issued this order in his military camp, the officers under him were unwilling to do so, and countless people stood up to oppose his decision.

Father Chen understood immediately.

Indeed, the other party also reached his current position, and countless people followed him on the battlefield. After paying countless sacrifices and endless prices of blood and fire, he finally ushered in an unprecedented hope - to unify Terra!

In the face of this hope, no one is willing to compromise, even if they fight, they still want to fight, even if it costs their lives...

But now, when those people saw that they were just one step away, their leader suddenly compromised?

This is undoubtedly a betrayal, a betrayal of comrades and the dead.

However, that Dum Gai really wants to surrender, wouldn't he be reluctant to do so?

After thinking for a moment, Father Chen showed a flash of understanding. He looked at the man hidden in a corner among the steel figures in the audience, and it suddenly became clear.

From this point of view, all this is still the handiwork of his son...

Thinking of this, Father Chen calmed down slightly and looked at the audience, Then what happens next?

Then there was a mutiny across the army.

The general continued, There were five armies on the other side, and three of them chose to rebel on the spot, and they even broke into the main army camp and forced Dum Gai to hand over his position as leader. What a proud man Dum Gai is. ? Of course he would not agree, so the two sides completely exchanged fire.

Now, the two sides have been fighting for some time. I heard that under the leadership of Dum Gai, the three resistance armies were defeated steadily, with countless casualties!

There's no fraud involved, right?

Father Chen narrowed his eyes.

Absolutely not!

The general half-knelt on the ground with some excitement, Chief, now is the best opportunity!

Suddenly, everyone knelt down and roared with fighting spirit, Chief, please let me take the lead in the charge!

Okay, okay, okay!

A smile appeared on Father Chen's lips, and he waved his hand quickly, Everyone listens to the order, our entire army will attack!

Following his orders, military orders were issued one after another like a tide. Taking advantage of the God-given opportunity of the enemy's internal strife, the entire legion took advantage of the repaired warships and rushed towards North America like a tide...

The external excuse was to help Dum Gai, an ally, suppress the rebels.

In this way, the first battle between the two sides started in such a dramatic scene.

This battle was like a crushing battle. The legion that originally chose to rebel was crumbling under Dum Gai's counterattack. Now, there was another more powerful legion behind him. It was surrounded and attacked. In the end, it was completely unable to withstand it. After the loss, Most of the time he chose to surrender.

But all the rebellious generals died in the battle.

When all the dust settled, the Chen family's resistance army had completely surrounded Dum Gai's army. Everyone's eyes were burning, as if they were waiting for the final order.

When Dum Gai came to Chen's father surrounded by a group of officers, it was already early morning the next day. Dum was wearing a set of fearless armor and looked at the unfamiliar-looking leader of the Chen family on the high platform. There was a trace of trance and struggle in his expression.

Surrendering was not his original intention, but it was as if a sharp thorn had been pierced in his mind. Once he had any thoughts of being unwilling or even wanting to resist, the needle would stab down silently, causing him to feel the pain from his body. To the point where the soul is in pain and wants to live.

He knew that all of this was arranged by the supreme being in the dark world. While he gained enough power to kill demons, he also had to pay a corresponding price.

And the price is today.

He gained power, but lost the whole world.

With such complexity and unwillingness, Dum Gai stood at the forefront of his army at this time, and in front of him was the high platform that symbolized power and supremacy. On the high platform, the man named Chen She Wearing a suit of golden armor, he looked down at himself.

Lord Chief!

But in the end, Dum Gai knelt down completely and lowered his head.

In this way, the home planet Terra was completely unified.

After the unification of Terra, Chen She began to work hard to govern. As the remaining demons were unearthed from every corner, the situation in Terra became more and more stable. Later, a new fleet was formed. This one The fleet also marched towards Luna with its army.

But all this is not what Chen Shibo cares about. With the entire Terra acting as a background, even if Terra officials on Luna have become independent in the past two years, they still cannot compete with Chen She's fleet. A year later, Luna Star's original puppet regime completely fell, and Luna Star returned to Terra's embrace.

Then came Europa and Mars, as well as various major space stations scattered in the solar system. The fleet recovered these external lost territories step by step.

Three years later.

When Chen Shibo was observing his subordinates conducting experiments in the experimental area he established, he suddenly received a call from Chen's father.

Chen Shibo did not answer the call, but directly got on the float vehicle and came to the headquarters of Terra's Central Military Commission.

At this time, Chen's father had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Chen Shibo's appearance, his eyes suddenly lit up and he waved away the bodyguards beside him.

Father, is something wrong?

Chen Zuoshan asked calmly.

Xiao Shen, I have some good news for you.

Father Chen slapped the table happily, Just now, news came from the Third Fleet that the resistance forces on Europa, the last colony of mankind, have finally been eliminated!

That's good news indeed.

Chen Shibo nodded. Everyone knew that the fall of Europa was indeed only a matter of time. With only one satellite of Jupiter and limited resources, how could it fight against a regime that was backed by the entire mother planet of Terra? The previous resistance was nothing more than a trapped beast still fighting.

I just didn't expect that in just so many years, the entire Terra would be unified again.

So this time I'm here to ask for your opinion.

Father Chen said excitedly, Xiao Shan, what kind of system do you think this new Terra should adopt?


Chen Shibo raised his eyebrows.

Someone suggested to me to restart the imperial system, because the federal path was obviously a failure. Major capitals emptied out the federal power, and eventually even formed a series of criminal enterprises. Many people are telling me that the new system must not be passed. The old road.”

Then it won't be an imperial system.

Chen Zhongshan touched his chin and thought, The imperial system will definitely not work. A loose federation is much stronger than the imperial system in the feudal era. I can guarantee that the person who proposed this suggestion has impure intentions. Once the imperial system is adopted, , will immediately trigger a backlash, and then the new Terra that our Chen family has worked so hard to create will fall apart again.

But, didn't you come here like this before?

Father Chen asked with some confusion.

It was before. At that time, we humans had foreign enemies. In order to forcibly bind the entire human race together, we had to adopt some imperial strategies. This method can unite us powerfully. But now, the foreign enemies have disappeared. So the system has to be changed.

Chen Shibo immediately said seriously, Unless the Ada people from a hundred years ago appear outside the solar system and threaten our entire human civilization, the imperial system must not be restored.


Father Chen nodded. In fact, he understood these truths, but Chen Shibo ultimately needed to make the final decision. After all, he knew that all of this was what the son in front of him had fought for for him.

At this moment, a shout suddenly came from outside the door, Your Excellency, Chief, Young Madam Liu Ruiyan and Young Madam Lin Se are here to see you!

Father Chen was stunned when he heard the sound outside the door.

Father, I will leave first.

Chen Shibo didn't say much, just turned and walked out of the room.

Outside the room, two tall women with beautiful eyebrows were walking inside. They happened to meet Chen Dioshan face to face. When they saw Chen Dioshan coming out of the room, they were stunned for a moment, and then Liu Ruiyan smiled contemptuously, while Lin Se beside him nodded politely.

Chen Bian flashed a glance at the two people's bulging bellies. He didn't say anything, but just walked by with a smile.

Over the years, Chen's father's identity has risen like the wind, taking over the resources of the entire Terra. Naturally, he is now different from what he used to be. His lifespan has increased frequently, and his body has become stronger and stronger.

Therefore, whether it is a political marriage or other reasons, it is inevitable to bring out the old and bring in the new. At this time, Chen's father already had thirteen wives.

Moreover, Chen Shibo also specifically asked his father not to disturb him at ordinary times, and not to give himself too much power, because power represents obligation, so Chen's father had to give Chen Shibo the status of a professor so that he could Opened a laboratory in an official capacity.

The status of this professor recognized by the new government can be great or small. It is already out of reach for ordinary people, but for his current status - Chen She's son, this status is too shabby.

What's more, in the process of regaining the Federation of Terra, Chen Shibo had almost no achievements and was far behind Chen She's subordinates.

As a result, there were many rumors in the society. According to legend, Chen She did not like his only son. Some people even discovered that Chen Shibo had killed the entire Chen family before Chen She became successful, which also led to Chen She's death. The breakup between She and Chen Shibo.

Therefore, most of the senior officials of the new government are neither close to nor exclusive of Chen Shibo, and this is what Chen Shibo happens to want to see.

It's just that although no one will make things difficult for him now, Chen She's concubines don't see it that way. In their opinion, Chen She doesn't like his only son, so they have all kinds of dark thoughts. But life.

For example, now, that Liu Rubidium probably already regarded himself as a competitor to her unborn son, so that's why she showed such a look towards Chen Quanxian when they met just now.

Regarding all this, Chen Shibo is now very clear-eyed, but he doesn't care. After all, now that the entire Terra has become his own, it is time for him to take a longer-term view.

Over the years, he has been recruiting various professors and researchers to study his imaginary number space and psychic powers, and has produced many results one after another. With Chen She as his backer, he does not need convenience or funds. He has to worry about it himself. All he has to do is connect the channel between reality and imaginary space and send some researchers in.

It's almost time.

Raising his head and looking at the sky, Chen Shibo murmured in a low voice. At this time, his imaginary number space had enveloped the entire home planet of Terra. As his thoughts moved, some people with a strong affinity for psychic energy on the entire planet appeared. At this moment, the existence of imaginary number space is automatically sensed.

There are old people and children among these people, but at this time they all feel the same. They only feel that their souls seem to be connected to a grand world, and at the same time, an inexplicable energy flows along that world into reality, into their bodies.

In just an instant, like an enlightenment, these powers carry four different properties, giving them some inexplicable powers, and each person's spiritual power is different.

At this point, psychics were finally born in human society.

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