The mind is stronger than things, transcending the ordinary and becoming holy

Chapter 143 142 Getting rid of the old and welcoming the new

Chapter 143 142. Getting rid of the old and welcoming the new

Time flies.

In the next three hundred years, Chen Quanshan silently observed the world like a watcher, watching the continuous reproduction and development of human beings, watching the birth, growth, aging, and death of countless babies...

However, it seems that technology has reached a certain bottleneck, and there has not been much development in the next few hundred years, which is contrary to Chen Shibo's theory of the big explosion of technology.

The old Big Bang theory of science and technology believed that human technology is on an upward curve. The higher the level of science and technology, the higher the curve rises. At the same time, scientific progress will be faster. In the end, it will even be disruptive at every moment. With the advent of technology, human beings will directly reach eternity.

But now it seems that all this is destined to be just a bubble.

Until now, basic scientific theories are still science based on the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. All science and technology are still constantly renovating these basic theories. In other words, there has been no progress in science in the past 100 years. What has progressed is only the future. More and more sophisticated technologies are used in the application of scientific theories.

The most critical thing is that in the next hundreds of years, no super-space-time equipment appeared, resulting in human beings being trapped in the solar system, and even the nearest Proxima Centauri star system was unable to reach it.

The Proxima Centauri galaxy, the closest star system to humans, is about 4.22 light years away. Proxima Centauri is also a companion star of the Proxima Centauri star system. It is formed by three stars: Proxima Centauri A, Proxima Centauri B and Proxima Centauri. These three stars The star system formed by stars is the prototype of the famous novel The Three-Body Problem.

Although it is only 4.22 light-years, this distance is beyond the imagination of humans. As far as Chen Shibo knows, the fastest human flying spacecraft is a large battleship equipped with a 349A nuclear fusion engine. The resulting thrust of 180 meganewtons is enough to accelerate the spacecraft to a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per second within a year.

But even so, it is only 3% of the speed of light, and it will take 130 years to reach the Proxima Galaxy.

Moreover, when Chen Shibo did not travel through time before, the previous Terra Federation also sent manned spacecraft targeting Proxima Centauri hundreds of times. However, nearly three hundred years have passed since the earliest manned spacecraft, but After sending high-frequency electromagnetic waves toward Proxima Centauri many times, there was still no response.

In other words, those immigrant spacecraft flying to Proxima Centauri may have fallen long ago.

Fortunately, the solar system is vast, and the Kuiper Belt still has a lot of resources that can be developed to this day, which can maintain the normal operation of the entire society.

However, compared with the past, this world has indeed changed. This change is the emergence of the metaverse.

At this moment, Chen Shibo was walking on the streets of a city as always, looking up at the flashing dome above his head, which was playing propaganda about the Metaverse, but everyone knew that this propaganda was actually unnecessary.

Because the Metaverse Warehouse has basically occupied more than 99.9% of the entire human market, unless they are minors, almost everyone has a Metaverse Warehouse.

The reason why there are so many metaverse warehouses nowadays is mainly because they are the computers of this era, even more important than computers.

Because in this era, 80% of human social activities and most of the leisure and entertainment time are completed in the metaverse warehouse, and the metaverse world is the legal second world of the Federation of Terra.

According to federal regulations, only those who are over twenty years old and reach adulthood can have citizenship and be eligible to enter the metaverse world.

The world of the Metaverse has unlimited resources. Everyone can create countless luxuries and necessities like God. The only restriction is that they cannot commit crimes. As long as the body makes harmful actions, it will be immediately banned by the system.

Of course, these functions are just the tip of the iceberg of the Metaverse. What really makes countless people enjoy it are the countless games in the Metaverse.

If the Metaverse is like Steam, then these endless games are the programs that players really want to open, and the prices are very low.

Each of these games represents a wonderful life. In the game, everyone can become an emperor in ancient times, a general who is victorious in all battles, a domineering president, or a cold-blooded person. Killer...

In the game that lasts for several years or even decades, it is easy for people to get immersed in it and confuse reality with the game. Many people have spent hundreds of years in the game. For them, reality is just a transit station to supplement nutrition.

This infinite life, unlimited choices and experiences are the ultimate charm of the metaverse.

The reason why the Terra Federation Metaverse is so popular today, in addition to Chen She's father Chen She vigorously promoting it, the most important thing is because it is a way to alleviate the gap between rich and poor and shift social conflicts. So what if the reality is impoverished? ? In the Yuan Universe world, you can still taste delicacies from mountains and seas, and enjoy beautiful women and delicious food at will.

Because of the confidentiality of real identities, there is no difference between ordinary people and billionaires in the metaverse. Everyone can talk without discrimination, pain, hunger and death, and everyone can become a reality in it. Something that can never be.

Even Chen Shibo's company has launched a quantum immortality project in the metaverse.

The so-called quantum immortality is when a person is connected to a special instrument before the end of his life. This instrument can upload human consciousness to the metaverse. At this point, this person will live in the world of the metaverse all his life. thereby gaining physical immortality.

This project caused a strong sensation as soon as it was launched. Many civil unions chose to oppose it, believing that it broke the natural law of birth, aging, illness and death. Some people even turned into terrorists and wanted to blow up the headquarters of the Metaverse, just to prevent this. everything.

Chen Shibo did not understand this kind of behavior, and he did not bother to understand it, because he understood that the so-called quantum immortality has no essential difference from the soul entering the imaginary number space, because the metaverse is the imaginary number space, and imaginary numbers Space is today’s metaverse.

This is the low-power development model in today's world. Because humans have not left the solar system yet, in order to save resources, even the Federation strongly encourages people to enter the metaverse world to enjoy. Of course, in addition to enjoying it, you can also get it without any cost. knowledge.

If you are willing, you can further your studies in the Yuan Universe world without leaving home and become a social elite.

After all, most people only exist as a base. Only those with great wisdom and perseverance can stand out and become the elite seeds of human civilization.

I have to say that this world is indeed perfect, so perfect that it is almost unreal. No matter you are a mediocre person or an elite, you can find a life of your own, and human civilization cannot abandon this base.

It is precisely because of the existence of countless mediocre population bases that there is a soil for the birth of elites. Even if there is only one out of a million people, millions of elites are born every year among the hundreds of billions of citizens of the Federation of Terra.

The Yuan Universe is the great filter of the elites. Only those who can withstand the corruption of the Yuan Universe, whether they have great enlightenment after enjoying all the luxury, or are born with strong willpower, are the elite seeds of the future of civilization.

At this time, the entire city was empty. Chen Shibo was almost the only one on the street. Even the magnetic levitation ring track and floating cars above his head were sparse. Most people were actually huddled in the world of the metaverse. .

But the only thing worthy of recognition is that Chen Shibo used the Yuan Universe to transfer all human souls into the imaginary number space. At this time, there are hundreds of billions of people active in the imaginary number space at all times. In the past, That continent has completely turned into a playground for this group of people.

With the addition of these people, Chen Shibo's imaginary number space is expanding rapidly at a diameter of hundreds of kilometers every day, but this speed is still far behind the scale of the universe.

Just as he was silently appreciating everything about this city, the optical brain chip in his hand suddenly vibrated.

Chen Shibo picked up the optical brain chip, only to find that the caller turned out to be Shi Cun.

Over the years, Shicun has been in charge of the entire human network, and no disturbance can shield its eyes. With its help, Chen Shicun is also happy and at ease.

But now that Shi Cun is looking for him, something happened, otherwise Shi Cun would not take the initiative to look for him.

What's up?

Seeing this, Chen Shibo answered the call and asked.

It's about your father.

Ishimura's voice was a little cautious, He suddenly fainted in his room just now. According to my estimation...

In the end, it said no more.

That's right...

Chen Shibo narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and the image of that cheap father emerged in his mind. Now that more than three hundred years have passed, it's time for that cheap father...

Although medical technology has developed rapidly, increasing the life span of everyone in the Federation from 150 years to 200 years, this seems to have reached a limit. Unless everyone undergoes genetic modification, it is possible to break the life span barrier and obtain A life span of more than two hundred years.

For example, Father Chen is nearly 400 years old.

But even so, it still cannot withstand the erosion of time and reaches the end of its lifespan.

Thinking of this, Chen Zhongshan took a slight step, and the next second he disappeared from the city and appeared in Tianji City, Tianji Province, where the Presidential Palace is located.

The so-called Presidential Palace is the ancestral home of the Chen family in the past, but now it is extremely large. Most of the former Tianji City has been expanded into the Presidential Palace, and now Tianji City has expanded by more than ten years. times, completely engulfing several surrounding cities.

This is now the political and financial center of the Federation of Terra.

As Chen Shibo arrived, he only saw people coming and going in the Presidential Palace. They were all the children of high-ranking officials who were rarely seen in person. Most of these people were Chen Shibo's descendants. For example, a man who walked by him was surrounded by everyone. The majestic man with a majestic face is his great-grandson. Because he has a tough hand and monopolizes the power of the entire Dongzhou District, he is known as the Iron-fisted Governor Chen A'ai.

The reason why Chen Shibo knew him was because he often appeared in major political news.

Chen Shibo's appearance did not alarm anyone. When he passed by Chen A'chi, the other party couldn't help but suddenly stopped and turned to look at Chen Shibo's back.

Ah, what's wrong?

Another man on the side who was also a senior official of the Chen family asked.

It's nothing. That person...seems a little familiar. Is he our Chen family?

Chen A'ai asked a little confused.

The man next to him turned around and glanced at Chen Bishan when he heard this, and then shook his head, I don't know. There are more than 8,000 people in our Chen family. It's normal for us to not know each other. Besides, there should be no problem if we can appear here.

He patted Chen A'ai and said, Ah'ai, let's go. I don't know who leaked the news that Chen She's ancestor is seriously ill. We must appease the reporters outside, otherwise the entire federation may be in turmoil.

Seeing this, Chen A'chi turned around and left.

Chen Shibo walked all the way to the core of the Presidential Palace. The further he walked in, the more heavily guarded he became. There were three posts, one post, five steps and one sentry. When Chen Shibo came to the residence where Chen She was, he discovered that inside Outsiders are already dissatisfied with the descendants of the Chen family.

Each of these descendants looked nervous and anxious. They may not have deep feelings for Chen She, and some of them had never been received by Chen She in their entire lives. But everyone understood that it was precisely because Chen She was in this position. , as the Chen family, they have supreme advantages whether in business or politics.

But now that Chen She's backstage has collapsed, I'm afraid the situation in the entire federation will undergo a huge change.

As vested interests, no one wants changes...

Chen Zuoshan pushed away the crowd and walked inside step by step. Seeing Chen Zuoshan's appearance, many people subconsciously showed doubts because his face was so unfamiliar that no one had any impression of him, but he could appear here. But he was not warned or arrested by the defense system. He was obviously a member of the Chen family.

In order to greet him, several fully armed bionic soldiers even separated from the crowd and led him personally.

Who is this person? Is he our Chen family?

No, I don't know. It should be so. And haven't you noticed that he does look a bit like his ancestors...

The crowd was noisy, but no one with a blind eye came to stop them. After all, these bionic soldiers could not do anything fake. Even they, the core figures of the Chen family, could not walk in without Chen She's order.

As Chen Shifang passed through the crowd, he finally entered the room, only to see that the room was already filled with various life support equipment. Dozens of medical staff were busy running back and forth, and in the center of the room was A bed.

Lying on the bed was a man with a withered face. He didn't look old, but his eyes had become very cloudy. You could tell at a glance that he was an old man. At this time, he was wearing white pajamas and lying on the bed. On the bed, he kept explaining something to a man in front of the bed who looked very majestic.

You...are you?

As Chen Quanshan appeared, the haggard man on the bed suddenly brightened up, and an astonishing light burst out from his eyes, Xiao Shan, you are finally here...

Father, I'm here.

Chen Shibo stepped forward step by step with a smile.

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