Chapter 136 135. Attack

With the mysterious death of the top management of Harmony Mining Company and the chaos of Pantheon Company, Tiandao Network Technology successfully crossed the transition from T2 to T1 level and became a genuine T1 level company.

After his assets reached 10 trillion, Chen's father quickly submitted his permission to join the federal parliament. A few days later, the invitation letter to sit in the federal seat was sent out. Chen's father also took the invitation letter to find the old man who was sleeping in his residence. I feel like Chen is flickering.

Is this the invitation letter to the Federal Parliament?

Chen Shibo looked at a metal invitation made like a greeting card in his hand, showing curiosity.

The invitation in front of you is like a page of a book, but it is made of some kind of alloy used to make space armor. It cannot be torn by hand or melted by fire. This is a passport to the top class in the world.

Don't worry, I already took care of it some time ago.

Father Chen's face was flushed, and he looked at the invitation letter in Chen Shibo's hand with a hint of excitement. This time you go with me. After arriving at the Federal Parliament, Umbrella Company, Dajiang Kangtao Company, and a group of All T1s will guarantee us, and by then we will be the 36th T1-level force to enter the Federal Parliament, and we will stand proudly at the top of the Federation from now on!

Chen Shibo nodded. Needless to say, there are benefits to becoming T1. In addition to having the right to vote on various decisions of the entire federation, the biggest benefit is that he can enter the military industry.

For example, Tiandao Network Technology originally could only spend time on civilian prosthetics, but after being promoted to T1, it can research military-grade prosthetics and sell them on the market.

Or, formally form your own army and have an independent armed organization.

Although the T1 level can only form a small fleet of less than ten battleships and a bionic army of no more than 100,000, it at least has the qualifications to enter the solar system. If a few rare mineral deposits are discovered in the Kuiper Belt, it will be real money. .

Of course, despite saying this, in fact, except for the former Harmony Mining Company, United Aerospace Corporation, and Wieland Corporation, all companies do not have the ability to mine outer space minerals, but at least they have this qualification.

It's like what customers say when facing businesses - I can do without it, but you can't do without it.

Becoming a T1 is equivalent to becoming a new member of the Federation, which is enough to make the family's fortune last for a hundred years.

Without saying much, Chen Shibo and Chen's father went out and started to go to the location of the Federal Parliament.

The headquarters of the Federal Parliament is located in the European District, more than 7,000 kilometers away from the Dongzhou District. If you take a floating car to go around, you need to sail more than 40,000 kilometers, which takes two days and two nights. Therefore, the two people took the It's a private spaceship.

This kind of spacecraft is just like the airplanes in the past. It also has a fixed route. The only difference is that the spacecraft will first enter space, then circle half a circle around the planet Terra, and then return to the atmosphere and head straight to its destination.

It has the look of ballistic missiles from the past.

As the two people boarded the private spacecraft, the spacecraft began to reach the sky at a speed exceeding the speed of sound. This kind of spacecraft has a heat-insulating coating, which can still maintain extremely high speeds even in the atmosphere. At the same time, it has internal stability. With the artificial anti-gravity, even if it is worn inside the spacecraft, the human body will not feel the discomfort caused by acceleration. Passengers inside can move around freely just like on land.

If you take a spaceship, you can reach North America in less than two hours.

Two hours passed by in a flash, and by the time the spacecraft landed smoothly, it had arrived at the federal headquarters.

The Terra Federation headquarters was established 230 years ago. According to the current history books, one of the reasons for its establishment is that the power of capital has surpassed the power of the country and automatically combined to form a new power structure. In addition, there is also the beginning of human beings. Entering space, the state system can no longer meet the needs of human civilization, so the centralization of state power has been replaced.

Today's Terra Federation headquarters is located in a country in the middle of the European region that was once called Switzerland, but is now the Swiss Province in the European region. The former United Nations headquarters is now the federal headquarters.

Today's federal headquarters is a place comparable to a large mansion, with a total of 333 floors. It is like a huge T-shaped building with hundreds of conference rooms. The headquarters of various federal agencies and private organizations are located here. The top floor is the federal parliament center.

And this place can be regarded as a real powerhouse. As soon as you land, you can see the presence of various guard soldiers. These soldiers include real people and bionic people. In addition, there is also a floating rail gun hovering above the head. To deter disobedient forces everywhere.

Of course, this fort was a device from two hundred years ago and has long lost its deterrent effect, but its symbolic value has exceeded its actual significance, symbolizing the authority of the entire federation.

Chen's father and Chen Shibo stood on the tarmac, silently looking at this huge tall building. Chen's father even said with emotion, When I took over the scepter of the Chen family from your grandfather, I never thought that such a day would come. To stand at the top of the federation's power, Xiao Shen, all of this really depends on you.

I didn't do anything.

Chen Shibo shook his head, At most, I can only help the family clean up the hidden dangers so that the whole family can clenched into a fist. After all, unity is strength.


Father Chen's mouth twitched when he heard this, and he was about to say something else, but a man from Central China in a straight suit came over with a group of android soldiers.

Hello, are you two representatives of the Chen family? I am Charlie Situ, the officer responsible for welcoming you this time. The evaluation meeting will start at 12 o'clock. You two still have half an hour, so I need to take care of them. Would you two visit this centuries-old building?”

no need.

Chen Shibo was not interested in fake foreign devils or visiting the federal headquarters, so he waved his hand directly and said, Take us to the venue. I prefer to refresh my mind and watch short videos, which is better than wandering around.


The other party glanced at Chen Bishan with a strange expression, turned around and led the way towards the federal headquarters building.

Chen Shibo and Chen's father followed behind him, walked into the building, and then took the express elevator to the top floor. What came into view was a large-scale venue.

The venue is divided into five floors. It is annular in shape, surrounded by thousands of empty seats. Even the most corner seats are extremely luxurious, and the center is a circular high platform.

There are now forty or fifty empty seats in a circle on the high platform. There is a table in front of each empty seat, which represents the center of the Federation. The surrounding center is the symbol of the Federation of Terra, with green leaves and an eagle. There are also gold stars and a red background.

But there was no one in the venue at this time.

The positions for both of you are here.

A man named Charlie Situ walked through the outside world and led Chen's father and Chen Strobe to the edge of the central high platform. Then he pressed the button next to it, and two seats slowly popped up.

This is the seat for two people. Sorry, only two people who pass the review can become a member of the high platform...

We know the process.

Chen Shibo nodded. This time he came to the federal headquarters for a review. After all, he wanted to sit in the federal parliament. Therefore, before sitting on the high platform, all T0 and T1 were eligible to conduct some routine inspections on the two of them. Inquiries and investigations, such as asking about the company's values, asking whether the company has hidden crimes, etc. At the same time, the two of them have to submit a certificate of their own assets to prove that their assets have reached more than 10 trillion.

Only after a series of reviews are passed, everyone in the Federal Assembly can vote by a show of hands to decide whether to allow the Chen family to join the Federal Assembly.

Of course, Father Chen has already taken care of this, so there won't be too many twists and turns.

After assigning a seat to Chen Shibo, they left the venue. Chen Shibo looked at the time. It was still about half an hour before 12 o'clock, so he waited patiently.

Time passed by, and soon, people outside the venue began to enter the venue. These people were the spokespersons of the families behind T1 and T0 companies. At this time, they saw the two people saying hello enthusiastically.

Among them, several companies in Zhongzhou District T1 are the most enthusiastic.

Chen's father naturally dealt with this situation skillfully, while Chen Shibo closed his eyes and rested, waiting for the last moment to come.

When the last T0 family spokesperson arrived, the entire high platform was completely filled, while the auditorium behind him was still empty.

At this time, the time had just reached twelve o'clock, and only then did someone turn on the microphone and look in the direction of Chen Shibo.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy that another company has met our requirements today and become a new T1 company. This time, the company that met the requirements is Tiandao Network Technology in Tianji Province, Dongzhou District.

The person speaking this time was a representative of the family behind the Wieland Company. The chairman of the Federal Parliament is usually rotated by all T0s, each taking turns to be the chairman for one year. This time it was the turn of the Wieland Company, and they only listened to the other party's own words. He said from his seat:

I believe everyone has heard of this company. Unlike some other companies that have reached T1 level quietly, this company has long been famous because they are the first company in the entire federation to develop the metaverse, and also the first. A man who eats crabs.

“According to our federal Ministry of Commerce’s investigation, the company’s Metaverse project has been in operation for one year and four months, and a total of 3.5 billion Metaverse units have been sold, with a market share of 3.3%. According to our assessment, The company still has the potential for continued development and is a dynamic emerging enterprise.

Okay, now I won't talk nonsense. Now I invite Mr. Chen She, the chairman and legal person of Tiandao Network Technology, to speak.

Chen She nodded, took the initiative to stand up and bowed to the high platform, then took the speech he had prepared and began to talk. The content of the talk was the history of the development of Tiandao Network Technology, from his ancestor Chen Rui to himself , and report on the company's various business and financial reports.

These data were also simultaneously transmitted to the screen in front of everyone present to test whether Tiandao Network Technology was qualified to be promoted to T1.

Chen Shibo didn't pay attention to these processes. He just picked his fingers on his seat in boredom, waiting for all the processes to end.

After Father Chen finished his speech, it was time for parliamentary evaluation, and Umbrella, which had already been prepared, quickly expressed its approval for Tiandao Network Technology to enter the Federal Parliament. With Umbrella's statement, some T1s also expressed their agreement. .

However, some expressed agreement while others expressed opposition, such as the representatives of Shinra Company, and some company representatives who felt it did not matter chose to abstain.

Suddenly, a huge bar chart appeared in front of everyone. There were 26 green bars representing agreement, and only 4 people representing opposition.

Looking at the statements from all parties, Chen's father and Chen Shibo's expressions were as usual. There were a total of forty-five seats on the high platform. At this time, twenty seats had chosen to agree. As long as those T0 did not use one vote to veto, the Chen family would move in. The Bundestag is a sure thing.

But at this moment, the representative of the Pantheon suddenly spoke.

Guys, I'm sorry I need to intrude.

This was a middle-aged man with a white beard. He looked at his chip and then frowned, Just now a message was sent from our Pantheon headquarters, which stated that our dear Tiandao Network Technology Company is very It may be related to a recent terrorist attack.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed and they started discussing among themselves.

Mr. Representative of the Pantheon, what do you mean?

Father Chen asked with a puzzled expression.

Mr. Chen She, you can call me John.

The white-bearded man smiled softly, According to our intelligence, our Pantheon suffered a large-scale hacker attack half a month ago. This attack resulted in the death of the intelligent life beings supported by our company on the network, and internal Various information has also been leaked online, I believe you have heard about it, right?

What does this matter have to do with us?

Father Chen said angrily, Do you think this matter has something to do with our Tiandao Network Technology?

Please calm down.

The other party waved his hand and said calmly, We do suspect that your company is related to this terrorist attack, and the reason is very simple, because after our investigation afterwards, we found that before the senior executives of Harmony Mining Company were assassinated, they also encountered Living in the same situation - their intelligent beings were also hacked.


This news immediately triggered a lot of discussion. Some T1s had never received this news before, and they were shocked when they heard it.

The time difference between the death of intelligent life in our Pantheon Company and Harmony Mining Company is no more than three minutes, so we believe that this hacker attack is likely to be carried out by the same force.

The representative of Pantheon said solemnly, The reason why we suspect that your company is responsible for this is because at that time, Li Heneng of Harmony Mining Company was negotiating with your company about the acquisition of the Metaverse. After this hacker attack, we received a letter from Harmony. News that all senior executives of the mining company were assassinated and died.”


Father Chen frowned and said, If we are responsible for this cyber hacker attack, then why did we attack your company after attacking Harmony Mining Company?

I'm afraid only you know this.

John said solemnly, So I think Tiandao Network Technology and the Chen family should be reviewed first. As for whether they can enter the parliament, that will be a matter later...

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