Chapter 137 136. War

After hearing the speech from the representative of the Pantheon, Chen Shibo could not help but sigh silently.

He looked at Chen's father who was filled with indignation. His father was indeed unaware of this matter, so both his expression and movements were very lifelike. There was no acting and it was all emotion.

So he pulled Chen's father and said sincerely, Father, I did do this.

It's you?

Chen's father showed a look of astonishment. He looked at the stands and then at Chen Shibo, This, this is impossible...

Nothing is impossible!

At this moment, the representative of Shinra Company said in a deep voice, We have discussed with Pantheon before. In recent years, the assassinations of our Shinra executives and the assassinations of Harmony Mining Company executives are almost exactly the same. The method is to first paralyze all electronic equipment in a way we have never seen before, and then physically massacre high-level personnel.

That is to say, the assassination of our Shinra Company a year ago was also committed by your Chen family. Your Chen family is the real terrorist organization!

Hearing the words of Shinra Company, everyone present was even more shocked. Many people couldn't help but exclaimed. They looked at Chen's father and Chen Shibo as if they were looking at a monster.

It's fake, it must be fake!

Father Chen suddenly stood up and said sternly, How can our little Chen family do all this? Anyone here can crush us to death, how can we kill T0 level executives quietly? It's for sure. Someone is trying to frame us!

You have to ask your good son!

The representative of the Pantheon took a deep look at Chen Frequency Flash, and then swiped the chip on his wrist. Suddenly, the door of the venue was kicked open hard, and a group of well-trained living soldiers rushed into the venue. These soldiers did not wear any high-tech equipment and were holding traditional gunpowder weapons. They had obviously taken precautions in advance.

Chen She, Chen Quanshan, you'd better not resist. This matter is very important. As long as we can investigate your real behind-the-scenes organization, we can get a fair sentence for you.

Seeing that the situation was over, Umbrella's representatives couldn't help but began to persuade them earnestly.

How, how could this happen...

Seeing this, Chen's father finally showed a look of despair.

He originally thought that with the help of Chen Shibo, the Chen family would become a new upstart in the Federation. From then on, the family would endure for centuries, but he did not expect that in just an instant, he and his son would become wanted criminals in the Federation.

The sudden ups and downs made him completely slumped in his seat.


However, when he had clearly reached this point, Chen Zuoshan suddenly sighed. He stood up slowly, looked at the chaotic meeting place, and then at the soldiers who were approaching quickly. There was a look of pity in his eyes, Sad, obviously you guys Everyone can live a good life, why do they choose to die?

What did you say?

The noise in the venue covered up Chen Shibo's voice, and the representative of Pantheon Company looked puzzled, What do you mean?

I guess I was so scared that I went crazy!

The representative of Shinra Company laughed and prepared to turn around and leave. He knew that the next two people would face the most severe interrogation in the federation. Under the nano-confessional agent of this era, the nano-bugs could make the interrogator reveal the deepest secret in his memory, even if the secret was forgotten. To no avail, nanobugs that penetrate deep into the brain are enough to activate memories from human infants and young children.

However, before he could turn around and leave, Chen Shibo suddenly snapped his fingers.


This was originally supposed to be an insignificant sound, but at this moment, it actually suppressed the noise of everyone present. Almost instantly, the entire venue became smelly...


A buzzing sound that seemed to resound throughout eternity was heard. John, the representative of Pantheon Company, suddenly felt a chill that penetrated his heart and rushed down from the depths of his heart. In an instant, he seemed to feel When he was filled with an invisible energy, his whole body couldn't help but tremble comfortably.

This feeling is like the relief you get when you suddenly finish peeing after holding it in for several hours.

However, what followed was that the lights in the entire venue quickly went out, and even the projection in front of everyone began to make a squeaking short-circuit sound. Fortunately, there was a skylight in the venue, so there was only a sudden explosion in the venue. Once dark, the light was not lost.

What's going on here?

John turned around with some confusion, only to see Chen Zuoshan staring at him with a smile on his face, no, he should be staring at everyone present.

Because it was not just him, whether it was the representatives of Shinra Company, members of other companies, or even the soldiers with guns and live ammunition, everyone was silently feeling the aura flowing in their bodies at this time, showing doubts and comfort.

Aren't you all curious about how I paralyze all electronic devices? Now you can see it.

Chen Bianxian lowered his head and walked step by step along the stairs to the high platform.

By this time, everyone felt that something was wrong, because the man in front of them was so calm, so calm that he had no feeling that he was going to seclude himself from the entire federation.

Actually, I wasn't planning on doing that.

Chen Bianshan lowered his head and continued to speak in the silence of the audience, My original idea was to follow your rules, step by step to the top of the federation, and eventually rule the entire world. This would be good for everyone. No one will be harmed, it’s just a pity...

At the end of the sentence, Chen Zhongshan slowly raised his head, a scarlet light glowing in his eyes, You have destroyed the remaining kindness in me.

As these words were spoken, the expressions of everyone in the entire venue suddenly changed, and everyone felt as if something began to surge within their bodies.

John, the representative of the Pantheon, subconsciously covered his chest because he actually felt an unknown thing rising slowly in his chest, as if a pair of hands were wantonly kneading his body. This sharp pain made He couldn't help but howl at the top of his lungs!

Not just him, there are representatives from Shinra Corporation, Oe Konto Corporation, Umbrella Corporation, United Aerospace Corporation...

Except for Chen's father, everyone in the venue couldn't help but collapse to the ground and howl loudly. Some people even vomited and rolled around, like a puddle of mud.

At first, the people who fell to the ground only vomited out some vomit because their internal organs were squeezed, but as time passed, their vomit gradually turned into blood, and in the end it even turned into fragments of internal organs!

Something grew wantonly in their bodies, crushing their chests and crushing their internal organs!


Suddenly, a roar that was completely inhuman came, but Pantheon representative John showed an expression of disbelief, because the sound was not coming from him, but a roar coming from his body!

The next second, his belly suddenly exploded, and a creature with a black crown that looked like a devil from hell tore his chest apart in an instant, and Douda's head was revealed among the blood mist and broken ribs!

Then, there is the second person and the third person!

Countless roars continued to be heard from everyone's bodies. These important figures who originally held high positions and stood at the top of the federation now seemed to have become flesh cocoons that gave birth to demons. As their chests exploded and died one by one, Their bodies completely became a flesh-and-blood passage connecting reality and hell. Countless strange and cruel demons sprang out from their bodies and came to the real world!



We are their slaves!

Endless whispers and roars resounded throughout the entire venue. At this time, dozens of senior officials and hundreds of soldiers had all turned into pieces of flesh and blood, and died on the spot!

This, this is...

Father Chen was already dumbfounded. He looked at the monsters all over the venue in disbelief, looking at these creatures that seemed to come from hell. At this time, his entire outlook on life and scientific values ​​were completely shattered.

Why do living people give birth to such strange monsters in their bodies, even bigger than they originally were? This is not scientific at all!

Father, you don't have to worry.

Father Chen returned to his father. He showed a smile and stretched out his arms as if to embrace the demons in the room. Aren't you afraid that the Chen family's bloodline will be cut off? You don't need to be afraid now, because they are all your descendants.

Me, my descendants?

Father Chen looked confused and could only say hesitantly, I didn't know that the Chen family had such ugly did they appear?

It's just a hyperspace technology.

Chen Bianfang waved his hand, This army is made up of the well-established Chen family. As a grandfather, you can't look at them through colored glasses.


Father Chen reluctantly said with trembling hands and a dry voice, It's just that even if we kill these people, we can't escape from the federal headquarters, right?

Why run away?

Instead, Chen Shifian showed a look of doubt, Do you think it's just like this at the meeting? No, in fact, the entire Terra Federation headquarters, with 300,000 staff, 8,000 senior officials, and 160,000 Terra joint defense forces, is already here at this time. We are descendants of the Chen family!


A look of astonishment appeared in Father Chen's eyes. He looked towards the skylight as if he couldn't believe it, but he saw a demon with a pair of scarlet wings flying above the skylight. The opponent was still holding a hand with both hands. The broken limbs were dripping with blood, and they were eating while flying. The blood dripped on the skylight, leaving red marks.

From today on, there is no federal headquarters in this world.

Chen Zhongshan said calmly, If there is one, it will only be the paradise of our Chen family!

Then, Chen Shibo closed his eyes again, and the invisible psychic storm began to spread rapidly in all directions. Cities lost all electronic equipment in an instant, and spread to the entire Swiss province in an instant, and then continued to spread to the outside world!

English province, Scottish province, German province, Polish province, Italian province, Spanish province...

In the end, the entire European region was completely without any power and no electronic equipment was still running.

At this point, Chen Frequency Flash opened his eyes and said to the void above his head, War.



War! Roar-!

In the venue, countless demons let out deafening roars, and then rushed toward the outside world quickly. Hundreds of thousands of demons in the entire federal headquarters also turned into torrents, rushing toward the farther distance!

Seeing this, Chen Shifian pulled up Chen's father who was already limp. Father, let's leave first. All the evidence here has been destroyed. With our legion here, it's enough for the federation to drink a pot. What's next? During this period of time, no one will care about our Chen family.

But, but here...

Father Chen was stunned, Don't we need to control it here?


Chen Bianshan shook his head, When our descendants satisfy their desire to kill, they will return to their own boudoir. Next, I will go to other T0 and T1 headquarters to release our descendants until the entire federation is restored. There is no force more powerful than us.


Father Chen still wanted to say something.

Nothing but.

Chen Shibo interrupted the other party first, I've had enough of this long game of house. From now on, the only one who dominates the Federation of Terra is our Chen family, and everyone else is a heretic. !”

As he spoke, he made a move with one hand, and a space suit appeared in his hand. After letting Chen's father put it on, Chen Strobe took Chen's father and returned to Tianji Province through space jump.

Then he jumped through space again and came to the underground experimental base. He said to Shicun, Shicun, now you go kill all the intelligent life on the entire network and collect the modern technology drawings of major companies. Remember, all the technology drawings Don’t be left behind. I don’t want there to be any disruption in technology after our Chen family takes over the entire federation!”

Understood, Commander.

Ishimura agreed, then showed excitement and rushed towards the Internet.

Suddenly, the entire human Internet was quickly paralyzed, and the fastest communication bridge between people was completely severed.

At the same time, Chen Shibo did not stop. He jumped directly to Dajiang Kangtao's headquarters with a space jump. A psychic shock directly destroyed all the electronic equipment in the city. Then he went to the Xunteng headquarters next door and paralyzed everything again.

In this way, Chen Shibo plowed through each T1 at the speed of paralyzing a city in tens of seconds, from Dongzhou District to Donghaizhou District, then to Beihaizhou District and Yinzhou District, and finally to North America District... …

In the end, all T0 and T1 on the entire home planet Terra were paralyzed.

As for those T0 and T1 whose headquarters are not on the home star of Terra, such as United Aerospace Airlines, which is far away from Mars, Chen Shibo also took the first step to paralyze their branch headquarters on the home star of Terra. In this way, the entire Terra La was almost completely paralyzed.

Only hundreds of thousands of demonic armies were left, and they began to wreak havoc on Terra...

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