Chapter 135 134. Psychic Spaceship

After killing the last group of senior executives of the entire Harmony Mining Company, Chen Zuoshan sighed silently and threw these corpses into the imaginary number space, destroying the corpses and eliminating traces.

Duan Duan, a harmonious mining company, a behemoth enterprise of mankind, eventually ended up dead.

Perhaps the former Harmony Mining Company was extremely powerful, with hundreds of star fleets, covering the sky in the Federation of Terra. It could easily suppress any T1-level existence with just one order, but in the end it could not escape the disintegration from the top. fate.

Once the top layer collapses, no matter how large the power is, it can only fall apart and be divided up by other forces. This is the weakness of the individual.

Therefore, major companies will vigorously develop security systems, develop various bionic prosthetics and genetic enhancements, pursue the power of individual forms, and pursue ultimate safety. Unfortunately, the electronic systems of this era have been crushed by Chen Shibo's psychic power. , destined for psychic power to defeat electronic civilization.

After doing all this, Chen Shibo turned around and left, returning to Tianji Province.

At this time, the underground laboratory is no longer as deserted as when it was first built. Instead, it is full of people and bionic people. These people are at least graduate students from major science and technology universities, and many of them have research awards. Inside, these people all have a common characteristic, that is, they have in-depth research on spiritual energy.

For more than a year, Chen Shibo has attracted research talents from all walks of life, sent these people into underground laboratories, and developed psychic technology for himself from scratch. At this time, considerable results have been achieved.

For example, a psionic engine that is mixed with modern machinery but operates entirely based on psionic energy, or a psionic cannon that can emit psionic energy in the form of energy, or that opens a psionic door to the real world.

These researchers Chen Shibo did not completely restrict their freedom, because at this time he himself also developed a psychic chip based on the seed he once planted for Doom, and planted this invisible chip into everyone. The brains of scientists can not only forcibly transform them into artificial psykers, but also prevent the other party from revealing the secrets of the underground experimental base.

Chips based on psychic energy are invisible and completely intangible. Even if the brain is cut open, nothing can be found. Therefore, the secret of the underground experimental base can be concealed until now, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

Not only that, Chen Shibo even moved some laboratories into the imaginary number space. He first made the laboratories into modular building materials, then moved these parts into the imaginary number space, and then assembled them in the imaginary number space.

Based on this, the bionic man was sent into the laboratory in the imaginary number space, and then continued to build and expand, and installed a water circulation system and an air circulation system inside. In this way, the vacuum problem in the imaginary number space was solved.

At this time, a huge building about a hundred meters high has been built in the imaginary number space. A large number of scientific researchers are working in it and exploring various psychic rules of the imaginary number space world, turning them into real scientific theories.

These scientific theories are also simultaneously taught to the four conceptual beings in the imaginary number space, as well as their petitioners.

At this point, a real civilization system has gradually been born in the imaginary number space. Even if the imaginary number space is disconnected from the real world one day, the imaginary number space itself can continue to develop.

At this time, Chen Shibo received news from the laboratory in the imaginary number space.

He took one step forward and directly entered the imaginary number space, appearing in one of the huge laboratories.

In this laboratory, thousands of androids driven by psychic energy are constantly operating, and in front of them is a small spacecraft the size of a bus.

As Chen Shibo appeared, several scientists immediately came forward and said, Mr. Chen, the psychic spacecraft you mentioned has already been developed!


Chen Shibo looked towards the spacecraft, but saw that there was nothing strange about the spacecraft as a whole. It didn't even look like a normal spaceship on the surface. It was tattered and rusty, and could even be seen. From the rivets and repair marks, it is completely a war-damaged version of the spaceship.

This is the nature of the imaginary space. Chen Shibo discovered that any material in reality will be gradually corroded when entering the imaginary space. Even metals will stop corroding only when they are contaminated with spiritual energy. Therefore, The shape of the dilapidated spaceship appeared in front of him.

At this time, Zhou Dafu, the chief scientist in charge of the psychic energy laboratory in the imaginary number space, looked excited. He pointed at the spaceship in front of him and said, Mr. Chen, you don't think this spaceship looks good, but it is in the imaginary number space. The first spacecraft capable of flying in imaginary space.

The entire spacecraft uses a complete set of psychic engine systems, which can fly at a speed of one thousand kilometers per hour in imaginary space, and we have retained all its functions in reality. In other words, it is a ship that can fly in the imaginary space at a speed of one thousand kilometers per hour. A spaceship that can fly in both real and imaginary space.”

Is it possible to travel between imaginary space and reality?

Chen Shibo was stunned when he heard this.

Well, that's not possible.

Zhou Dafu scratched his head and pulled out a lot of hair. Due to the erosion of the imaginary space, he looked extremely ugly at this time, just like those man-eating monsters with eyes across the mountain. If the whole person appeared in reality It can totally scare people to death.

But he didn't care about all this. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the study of psychic energy. He only heard him reply, We found that there are great limitations in entering reality from the imaginary number space. This limitation is Naturally, it is a kind of confinement in the imaginary space. Only you have the authority to enter and exit at will. In addition, even the developed psychic door can only pass through very small objects, such as a single petitioner. , it must be coordinated with reality to pass. With our current psychic technology, it is difficult to simply open up a void passage.


Chen Shibo looked thoughtful when he heard this.

In fact, what the other party said is correct. For some reason, if the real world wants to enter the imaginary number space, it can easily open a channel. However, there are huge restrictions on life in the imaginary number space wanting to enter the reality. The reality must cooperate, such as a single prayer. Merger.

The method developed by Zhou Dafu and others to enter reality is to find the projection of a psyker and let the psyker use psychic powers in reality. In this way, a gap will be formed connecting reality and imaginary space. If the petitioner wishes, he can follow this passage into reality and emerge from the psyker's body.

Of course, since it is entering reality from the body of a psyker, the psyker who activated the psionic energy will also die on the spot, and his flesh and blood will build a short-term psionic gate in reality, allowing the petitioner to Safely enter reality.

And this can only be done by a single petitioner. It would be completely impossible with a psychic spaceship like this. After all, the spacecraft is too huge and it is difficult to enter reality through the body of a psychic.

There is only one way to bring the spacecraft into reality.

Zhou Dafu continued to explain, The method is to have the petitioner who enters reality cooperate internally and externally, continue to search for the psyker, and use the psyker's body to enlarge the psionic door until the spacecraft can pass through.

Seeing Zhou Dafu's expression of excitement and incomprehensible excitement, Chen Quanshan pouted his lips calmly. The real meaning of this sentence was nothing else, which was to let the petitioners enter reality and continue killing people.

After all, if a single petitioner wants to enter reality, he must kill a psyker. If he continues to expand the psionic door, he must kill more people. He is the master of the imaginary space. Studying this This plan is nothing more than a plan, but Zhou Dafu is a human being through and through, and he can actually come up with this method.

This Zhou Dafu is simply a traitor. Could it be that after staying in the imaginary number space for a long time, his whole person has transformed into the form of life in the imaginary number space?

At this time, Zhou Dafu did not see the disgust in Chen Shibo's eyes. Instead, he was even more excited and said, According to my estimation, when this spiritual door reaches a certain limit, it will reach a point where it will not heal automatically. , this limit is calculated based on my formula, and is approximately...the diameter of one astronomical unit, which is 150 million kilometers. This limit, I call it the 'weekly magnitude limit'.

My current entire imaginary space is only 2,000 kilometers in diameter, and the channel needs to reach 150 million kilometers, which is a bit overwhelming...

Chen Shibo shook his head and didn't take it too seriously, but then he thought about it. This kind of restriction might not be a good thing. At least the imaginary number space would not lose control at will, and neither would the four restless guys inside. Just do whatever you want.

What's more, the imaginary space now has a diameter of 2,000 kilometers. In another ten years, it is estimated that it will be able to cover the entire Terra. If it takes a thousand years, it is estimated that the entire solar system can be encompassed. 150 million kilometers is indeed not that big. value.

I just don’t know if I can live until a thousand years from now?

Chen Shibo didn't know how long he could live, but he had a vague intuition that with his psychic powers, he seemed to be able to achieve immortality.

Spiritual energy can be converted into matter. Even if a certain part of my body is missing, it can be quickly replaced. Compared with a year ago, I am not aging at all. In other words, as long as no accidents happen, I can It will remain like this until the universe is destroyed.

Even if you are subjected to force majeure, such as being shot in the head or being hit by an anti-matter missile and being wiped out on the spot, your consciousness and soul can instantly return to the imaginary space, and then reshape your body and return to reality.

Therefore, now I am actually not afraid of any threats. Even if the sun explodes and Terra is destroyed, in principle I will still not die.

Unless there is a weapon in this world that can deal with souls, such as... a psychic cannon.

But he is also the master of the imaginary space. Even if he is competing in psychic abilities, who can beat him?

Damn it, if you think about it like this, don’t you think you are already invincible?

Chen Bianxian took a breath of air and seemed to suddenly understand something.

Fortunately, I am not an anti-human or anti-social character, otherwise I could have destroyed the entire human society with my current immortality.

For a moment, Chen Shibo could not help but secretly rejoice.

Chen Shibo has always known clearly what he wants. What he wants is not the destruction of mankind. He just wants to kill all his enemies and rule the entire world.

Ever since he time traveled, he has always lacked a sense of security. He was afraid of being discovered by others, and afraid of being incompatible. So he began to become stronger, from the initial genetic enhancement to the later genetic modification, all for this purpose.

Now, although his company has not reached the peak of the Federation, he has reached the state of immortality first, which immediately makes Chen Shibo feel full of security.

The next thing will be easy. As long as you don't seek death, within a hundred years, your Tiandao network technology will definitely be able to defeat other T0s and become the next federal overlord after Shinra.

No, what I want is not the position of federal overlord...

Chen Shibo thought for a while and suddenly frowned. After all, even if he was as strong as Shinra, he would eventually fall under the siege of everyone. Therefore, he wanted to become the king of Terra and the only king of Terra!

Master Chen, Master Chen?

Seeing Chen Zuoshan beside him, who was in a daze, Zhou Dafu thought that Chen Zuoshan was not satisfied with his results, so he asked cautiously.

Well, you say.

Chen Bian came back to his senses and said subconsciously.

What do you think of this psychic ship?

Zhou Dafu asked quickly.

It's okay. Miniaturization does meet our current requirements. After all, the imaginary space is only so big, and it cannot enter reality. No matter how large the spacecraft is, it is of little use.

Chen Shibo replied, Is there any other research besides this?

Our scientific system is clear.

Zhou Dafu replied, Following human science's path, the next thing we have to do is to invent a real psychic computer. After all, computing power is the real soil for the birth of science, and if we want the birth of computers, we have to continue Study the various parameters and rules of imaginary number space.

Very well, you did well.

Chen Shibo nodded. He had to say that Zhou Dafu was indeed a genius in studying the imaginary number space. His role alone was comparable to that of a top team. Only here could he truly unleash his talent.

After a few words of encouragement, Chen Zuoshan left again. Before returning to reality, he subconsciously glanced at the continent under his feet.

Nowadays, the continent in the center of the imaginary space is also continuing to expand, reaching a diameter of one thousand kilometers, and the four buildings at the four corners of the continent have also been constructed, T's crystal maze, N's decaying garden, K's war fortress and S's pink castle. Standing impressively, their power is also increasing day by day with the growth of the imaginary number space.

The entire imaginary number space is developing prosperously...

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