Chapter 134 133. Clean up

When he received the news of Li Heneng's departure, Chen Shibo looked in the direction of Yongning City, looking thoughtful.

Obviously, the other party already knows the news that the intelligent life they raised has been destroyed.

This is actually a loophole, because I first asked Ishimura to explore the Harmony Mining Company and kill the other party's intelligent life, and then kill the Pantheon's intelligent life. If I went to explore the death time of the two, I would immediately discover this problem. .

The Harmony Mining Company had just threatened itself, and its intelligent life was killed. Then the Pantheon Company behind it also suffered the same fate, so it was already clear who the murderer was.

In other words, Chen Shibo has exposed essential flaws in this operation.

The reason why Li Heneng didn't think of this was because he subconsciously thought that the Chen family couldn't do all this. But once he calmed down and thought carefully, he could quickly detect something strange.

Therefore, Chen Strobe cannot leave this hidden danger.

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo closed his eyes slightly, and the next second his whole person disappeared instantly and appeared in the imaginary number space.

However, he did not stay, but returned to reality again, but when he returned to reality, he had already appeared in Hankou Sheng, 1,000 kilometers away.

Over the past year, the imaginary space has continued to expand, and its diameter has increased from 800 kilometers to 2,000 kilometers. Most of the Dongzhou District is within its coverage. It can span 1,000 kilometers in just one step, which is more than before. promoted.

Then he jumped through space again and appeared in the former Yongning City.

As he appeared on the streets of Yongning City, looking at this unfamiliar city with a hint of familiarity, he felt a hint of emotion.

He still remembered that more than a year ago, with the outbreak of the divine seal incident, he and Chen's father were trapped in this city. Because after obtaining the divine seal, they could soar into the sky and gain the ability to jump in space.

Now more than a year has passed, and the former Harmony Mining Company has long since declined. The once prosperous Yongning City has become extremely deserted. Even some buildings still look damaged and have not been repaired.

The entire city is depopulated, with only a few poor people still living here.

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo glanced at the Harmony Mining Building not far away, and then another space jump appeared directly inside the building.

After a year, his spatial jumping accuracy has also improved a lot. He only needs to remember the opponent's geographical location to jump in accurately, instead of needing multiple adjustments like in the past.

After entering, Chen Shibo first used a psychic code to directly tamper with the warning and protection system in the building, then he swaggered into the elevator and directly pressed the button on the top floor of the elevator.

The top floor is now a series of high-level offices of Harmony Mining Company.


A few minutes later, the elevator reached the top floor. When Chen Shibo stepped out of the elevator, he happened to see two women dressed as secretaries standing outside the door.

The two of them were slightly stunned when they saw Chen Shibo, but they walked past Chen Shibo and got into the elevator without asking anything.

Chen Shibo also had a calm look on his face. He looked along the corridors, and after passing several security androids, he quickly found the chairman's office.

At this time, there was a pretty woman sitting outside the office door. When the other party saw Chen Dooshan approaching, she immediately stood up and showed a professional smile, Hello, do you have an appointment?


Chen Shibo shook his head.

Then may I ask you...

The secretary was suddenly confused. In her mind, she had never seen anyone who could come here without making an appointment.

Have a sweet dream.

Chen Shibo didn't say much, but stretched out his hand, appeared behind her like lightning, knocked the other party unconscious with a hammer, and then pushed open the office door.

The Harmony Mining Building covers a very large area, and every office inside is very large, not to mention the chairman's office. As soon as he entered, Chen Shibo saw an office that looked like a small playground.

There are transparent floor-to-ceiling windows on both sides of the office. These floor-to-ceiling windows are integrated and made entirely of a huge piece of glass. In the center of the office, sits a middle-aged man with gray hair.

The other party was wearing a black suit and had a mature and steady appearance. He was somewhat similar to Li Heneng. At first glance, he looked like Li Heneng's brother. At this time, the other party also saw Chen Shibo suddenly appearing and frowned.

Hello, how did you get in?

The man asked with a hint of politeness. Being able to sit in this position, he is naturally not a simple person. Although he was surprised that Chen Pinshan could enter his place, he was not panicked. At the same time, he was thinking about Chen Pinshan in his heart. Shen's appearance, I want to find the corresponding candidate.

Because he vaguely felt that Chen Shibo's appearance looked familiar, but he couldn't find the corresponding person.

Director Li Vacuum probably has never seen me in person.

Chen Shibo walked straight over and sat in front of the man, Let me introduce myself. My name is Chen Shibo, and I am from the Chen family.

Chen Strobo?

The man in front of him was suddenly startled and felt cold sweat break out all over his body.

He finally remembered that he had seen the Chen family information, and there were only two people on it, one named Chen She and the other named Chen Shibo.

And according to the data, a year ago, Chen Shibo was suspected of having a plan to seize the heir. He used some unknown means to assassinate all members of the family except his father at that time. The entire Chen family in Tianji Province was almost expelled because of this. However, It is precisely because of this that Chen Shezeng carried out multi-faceted management afterwards and finally calmed down the matter.

But from then on, it was not Chen She who ruled the Chen family, but this young man named Chen Shibo.

And after that, this Chen Shibo showed amazing skill and courage. First he took advantage of the assassination of the head of the Zheng family to annex most of the Zheng family's industry, and then took advantage of the Yongning incident of the Harmony Mining Company to seize the Li family. From then on, he dominated the entire Tianji Province, making Tianji Province the back garden of the Chen family.

Then the Chen family rose from there, eventually developing the Yuan Universe and achieving its current strength and status.

And he finally remembered that in that document, Chen Shibo did indeed look like this!

‘What happened? Nuclear Energy went to negotiate with him, but the other party came over in person. How did he get in and what did he want to do? ’

Although he was already panicking in his heart, Li Vacuum still maintained a calm look. He said solemnly, It turns out to be the young master of the Chen family. I remember that my second brother Li Heneng should be negotiating in Tianji Province. Why did you come in person? Yes, is there something offensive about my second brother?

That's not true.

Chen Zhongshan grinned, revealing a row of white teeth, I'm just curious, who can't get along with you Harmony Mining Company, and why do you get mixed up with the Pantheon?

What did you say?

Li Vacuum's pupils shrank. Generally speaking, only T0 knew about the news that Harmony Mining Company had joined the Pantheon, but how did the guy in front of him know? Could it be that the leakage of Pantheon's black materials and his own company's information are all...

For a moment, Li Vacuum suddenly thought of a possibility - the Chen family was secretly colluding with a certain T0!

This guess is even more terrifying than the opponent appearing here, because it means that the attack on the Pantheon is probably related to his own desire to intervene in the Metaverse!

As soon as this idea emerged, Li Vacuum couldn't sit still at all. He looked at Chen Shibo in disbelief and felt his brain buzzing. But before he could think of a countermeasure, he heard the other party speak again.

In my last life, I hated people selling banned drugs. Please be more careful in the next life.

Chen Shibo looked indifferent, then stretched out his hand slightly and grabbed Li Vacuum's cheek...


There were screams from the top of the Harmony Mining Building, followed by screams and exclamations from countless people.

By the time Chen Shibo left the imaginary number space, more than 30 senior executives of the entire company had all been sent into the imaginary number space by him and completely disappeared from reality.

After doing all this, Chen Shibo did not stop, but closed his eyes and silently sensed the position of Li Nuclear Energy. Now his imaginary number space covers a diameter of more than 2,000 kilometers. As long as Li Nuclear Energy is still within the scope of Zhongzhou District, he will It's impossible not to sense it.

Sure enough, after sensing Li Heneng's position in a corner, Chen Shibo immediately took a step forward. When he emerged from reality again, he had appeared out of thin air on a cross-city maglev track.

Not far away, a luxury floating car was approaching at a speed close to the speed of sound.

This floating car is the floating car where Li Heneng is located. The car is loaded with Li Heneng and all his team members.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo narrowed his eyes slightly, and a gray-white electric light flashed quickly in front of his eyes. At the same time, all the electronic equipment in the floating car was completely turned off in an instant, and the entire floating car quickly slowed down.

However, due to the existence of room-temperature superconductors, the floating car and the magnetic levitation track are in a state of Meissner effect. Therefore, even if the floating car stalls, it will still not cause derailment.

However, when the float car slid in front of Chen Shibo, Chen Shibo turned slightly sideways and punched the body of the float car hard at the same time!

Rumble, rumble...

In an instant, as if it had been bombarded by a rocket, the float vehicle rolled completely and fell from the track. It hit a wasteland at a speed of more than a thousand kilometers, leaving a thrilling scratch.

But I have to say that the aerial vehicle is indeed a product of the 25th century. Even if all the electronic equipment is turned off and it falls from a high altitude at high speed, it still remains relatively intact. Even the interior is filled with foam, ensuring that the survival of those inside.


As the dust settled, a group of people scrambled out of the car door, coughing hard as they climbed. Instead, two bodyguards scrambled to help Li Heneng out.

What's going on? Why, why did the aerial vehicle derail?

Li Heneng asked loudly while retching, but no one answered at this time. Everyone fell to pieces and looked like they were in shock.

Master Li, we may have been attacked by hackers...

One of the bodyguards was in slightly better physical condition. He suppressed his discomfort and whispered, Before the derailment, all the equipment of the aerial vehicle was turned off. Not only that, our optical brain chip and the whole body's prosthetic body also failed at the same time. This It’s definitely something that can only be accomplished through a hacker attack…”

you mean……

Li Heneng's expression condensed, and then he suddenly raised his head as if he was aware of it, and happened to look at Chen Bishan who was walking not far away.

It's you?

The moment he saw Chen Shibo, Li Heneng suddenly showed an expression of disbelief, Chen Shibo, why are you here?

There are 100 billion people in the world. Since we can meet, it is naturally due to fate.

Chen Shibo looked at the other party's dark eyes. He had always known that Li Heneng was also a genetic enhancer, and his level was not low. But for him now, it didn't matter whether he had genetic enhancement or not.


Li Heneng's heart tightened, and he was frightened by the undisguised aura of the other party. Only then did he realize that the young man in front of him named Chen Shibo was probably also a genetic enhancer. Not only that, the other party's level of enhancement was even higher. above oneself.

Damn it, why didn't you notice it before?

Li Heneng felt a warning sign in his heart. He could no longer think about why the other party appeared here. He could only feel that a murderous intention that pierced his heart had completely locked onto him.

The next second, Chen Shibo's figure suddenly blurred, as if he was about to disappear from the world, but Li Heneng reacted immediately, and he suddenly dodged to the right!

The next second, a strong gust of wind flashed past him. The two bodyguards behind him fell to the ground without even a groan. A pool of blood slowly poured out from their necks, instantly dyeing their bodies. The ground turned red.

So fast!

Li Heneng's eyes widened, and he saw that Chen Shibo had left his previous position at some point and appeared beside his two bodyguards. At the same time, two black and red tentacles were stretching out from the palm of his hand, in mid-air. It was constantly squirming.

It was these two tentacles that killed two of his bodyguards?

Li Heneng was horrified. He almost instinctively ran towards the depths of the wasteland ahead. While he was escaping, there were constant screams behind him. Those screams were the negotiators he brought from the company. And the team!


Spare your life, spare your life!

Master Li, save me!

There were constant screams and wails coming from behind, but Li Heneng didn't even look back. At this time, he only had one thought left, which was to escape from here and escape the other party's pursuit!

However, all this was destined to be an unrealistic fantasy. Just when he escaped more than ten meters away, he suddenly heard a whooshing sound from behind him. He had no time to dodge, and felt his chest suddenly empty!


A black-red tentacle shattered his spine and penetrated from his chest!

Ho ho...

There was a hint of disbelief in Li Heneng's eyes. He slowly turned around, only to see Chen Shibo still standing in the same place. His sides were full of broken limbs, and one of the tentacles stretched out from the palm of his hand. Penetrating his body from a distance of more than ten meters...


With the last bit of consciousness, Li He could not help but ask.

I don't blame you. If I do, it's my fault for not thinking carefully. I had to manually clear the evidence.

Chen Shibo said calmly, I will tell you everything after you die, so you can go without worry.

As he spoke, he suddenly retracted his tentacles. Li Heneng suddenly trembled all over and fell to the ground, making no more sound.

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