Chapter 133 132. Li Nuclear Power

As the evidence that Pantheon manufactured banned drugs appeared on the Internet out of thin air, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

This evidence clearly accuses Pantheon, a pharmaceutical company, of conducting various human experiments starting a hundred years ago, extracting addictive factors from various addictive plants, and then chemically synthesizing them, successively developing 1,300 drugs. Various banned drugs.

Over the years, Pantheon has taken an unconventional path and has never returned to the road to banned drugs. In the past hundred years alone, the entire company has sold more than 10 million tons of banned drugs to the federal government, causing tens of thousands of deaths. One billion people died and tens of billions of families were separated.

It can be said that Pantheon is the largest manufacturer of banned drugs in the entire Federation.

This news poured out like a torrent and spread throughout the Terra Federation in an instant. Although these were things that the senior officials knew well, it was extremely damaging to the people. After all, Pantheon is a T0-level giant. , not only did it not benefit the people, but it turned out to be like this, which is really shocking.

Especially if the people continue to think about it, since the Pantheon looks like this, it is impossible for the Federation not to know. Since it knows, why don't you investigate and stop it?

Therefore, after the Pantheon incident was exposed, it would definitely not be just Pantheon and T0 that would be affected, but the entire Federation of Terra.

A crisis of public opinion began to spread in the Federation of Terra, and what followed was a downturn in the Pantheon stock market.

But Chen Shibo knew that it would be too naive to try to bring down a T0 based on these black materials. These T0s had actually been superior to the federation for a long time. Although the public opinion was caught off guard, the corresponding public relations system was also quickly To start, those websites that should be blocked and rectified should be rectified. The major T0-owned websites also gave Pantheon face and went to clarify that all this was just a hacker's method.

After all, although all T0s are not easy to deal with, they are still a nest of snakes and rats, and no one is clean. No one wants to see this situation happen.

Therefore, this public opinion will only last for a month at most, and will be quickly suppressed and become a topic of conversation after dinner, but it will have no impact on anything.

However, Chen Shibo's purpose is not to bring down the Pantheon. He just wants to make the Pantheon chaotic for a period of time. During this time, the Pantheon will not be able to care about others, so it will have time for its own operations.

Therefore, after exposing those black materials, Chen Shibo asked Shicun to check the whereabouts of Li Heneng and others, only to find that Li Heneng not only did not leave, but instead stayed at the most luxurious Saint Laurent Hotel in Tianji City.

At this time, Li Heneng was sitting in the presidential suite on the top floor of the Saint Laurent Hotel, watching countless news about the Pantheon on the Internet, and fell into a brief confusion.

What's going on? How could this happen to the good Pantheon?

Li Heneng was a little confused. He immediately opened the optical brain chip and dialed a number.

Mr. Lester, what's going on over there?

Li Nuclear Energy asked, The plan has not been launched yet, why is this happening at your company?

The intelligent life supported by our company was killed...

A gloomy voice came from the other side of the chip, Someone silently killed our intelligent life, stole a large number of secrets within our company, and then published these secrets.

Who is it? Who has so much energy?

Li Heneng asked in disbelief.

It's not clear yet.

Lester replied, But what is known is that the intelligent life we ​​raised on the network died without almost any resistance. Even its own code died, and even affected the quantum super where it is located in reality. Computers, even quantum supercomputers have been completely destroyed and there is no possibility of resurrection. This is an unprecedented situation in the entire history of the Federation.


Li Heneng took a deep breath after hearing this, Even if all the intelligent life forms supported by T0 unite, they may not be able to kill one of them. After all, intelligent life is almost omnipotent on the Internet. If we humans don't realize it first, Due to the limitations left in the Internet, every intelligent life can control the entire human Internet almost instantly. The number is of little significance to their kind. After all, the computing efficiency of the entire Internet is there, so the only thing that can kill an intelligent life is The only way is through the physical level. The other party destroyed your quantum supercomputer and directly killed intelligent life?

No, that's not the case.

Lester immediately retorted, No problem has arisen in reality. Forget it, it's useless to talk to you about this. I'll hang up now.


Li Heneng immediately stopped him and said, If there is a problem on your side, can you still cooperate with us to suppress Tiandao Network Technology? We have already broken up with each other!

This plan is temporarily cancelled.

Lester immediately said, We've got a lot to do now and that's it.

Hey, Mr. Lester!

Li Heneng wanted to say something more, but the other party had completely hung up.

Damn it, if something happens sooner or later, something will happen later, but now it happens!

When Li Heneng saw this, he immediately cursed, opened the chip in his hand and threw it out, None of the bastards in Europe are trustworthy!

Master Li, what about us now?

The assistant on the side bent down and couldn't help but asked.

Let's go back.

Li Heneng waved his hand helplessly, Pantheon has too much to take care of for the time being. Our plan to force Tiandao Network Technology has been aborted. Now that Tiandao Network Technology has full wings, it is difficult for us to crush them with our current strength alone. .”

Originally, they planned to wait for the action of Pantheon's secret force and put a series of pressure on Tiandao Network Technology Company, so that the other party had no choice but to hand over control of the company and the Metaverse project, but now, everything is gone. used.

So he stood up and prepared to leave the hotel directly.

But the assistant stopped the other party again, Wait a minute, Mr. Li, in fact, with our own abilities, we may not be able to force Tiandao Network Technology to submit.

Well, what do you mean?

Li Heneng suddenly raised his head and frowned.

Since the Pantheon can't free its hands, this is not a God-given opportunity!

The assistant said enthusiastically, Master Li, think about it, although we have reached a cooperation with the Pantheon, it is based on the interests of the Pantheon. Now that the other party withdraws, the agreement will naturally be invalidated. Why don't we put aside the Pantheon? Temple, annex Tiandao Network Technology Company alone?”

Are we gobbling up each other on our own?

Li Heneng's pupils shrank and his breathing suddenly became rapid.

That's right, the opponent's words can be said to have awakened the dreamer. Although the status and strength of Harmony Mining Company have plummeted, it is not impossible or impossible to deal with Tiandao Network Technology, which is not even T1. Although this company has some evil ways, it is likely to hide It holds some unknown trump cards, but what does it mean for Harmony Mining Company?

Although today's Harmony Mining Company no longer has a fleet, and has destroyed a number of weapons of mass destruction under federal supervision, it is still a top-level T1, and many of its forces are still retained.

As for the other party, they have not yet obtained military power. They are just a force that has recently been promoted to T2 level.

Even if you attack alone, you may not be able to suppress the opponent.

But without the Pantheon to back us up, what reasons should we use to annex each other?

Li Heneng continued to ask, Aren't you afraid of malicious competition investigation teams from other companies?

The worst we can do is wait until we annex each other and spit out some benefits.

The assistant thought for a while and immediately analyzed, The contract we signed with Pantheon is that we stand in front, acquire the Metaverse project on the surface, and then transfer the Metaverse completely to Pantheon Company, and now we rely on our own We have the ability to directly acquire the Metaverse, and it is enough to only provide the Pantheon with the qualification to sell banned online drugs. After all, they have no contribution. In this way, we can make a lot of money by acquiring the Metaverse, and the other party can also sell it. Banning drugs, in this way, can be said to be a win-win situation.”

Similarly, if Pantheon wants to tear up the agreement later, we can also threaten them to defect to other T0s, such as Cyber ​​Life Company. In this way, Pantheon will definitely agree to let us control the metaverse. With this project, we say There may be a chance to win the T0 level again and restore the glory of the past!

Li Heneng became thoughtful after hearing this.

Although this plan is a bit rough, it is only a general direction after all. Specific situations can be dealt with after they occur. In any case, this plan is very feasible.

Li Heneng felt his heart itch when he thought of Tiandao Network Technology's huge profits from the Yuan Universe.

Once upon a time, Tiandao Network Technology was just a small and insignificant force under its own banner, and could only rely on its own livelihood. Even if there was civil strife last time, and the son of the Chen family killed all his own people, the other party's father still needed to appease his subordinates. I beg you to expose this matter.

In the end, it was my fault that this incident ended with me choosing to turn a blind eye.

Such a humble guy has now begun to sit on an equal footing with him, and Li Heneng can't help but feel a little unbalanced.

Perhaps this is really an opportunity to help the company get out of the quagmire...

Thinking of this, Li Heneng's eyes suddenly lit up. He grabbed the assistant's shoulders tightly and said, Well done. Your suggestion is very good, but it still needs to be improved. So, you can contact the company headquarters and submit this plan. , I will also advise my elder brother and the others.


The assistant was immediately overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately began to input the plan in his mind into the chip, turning it into a complete plan.

But before Li Heneng had time to be happy, suddenly the chip he threw out was shaken again.

Li Heneng picked up the chip and looked at it, only to see that it was his elder brother Li Vacuum calling.

So he answered the phone and asked, Brother, why did you call me?

Do you know what's going on over there at the Pantheon?

A half-length projection of Li Vacuum appeared on the chip, There is a problem with the Pantheon.

I know, I contacted Lester.

Li Heneng said solemnly, They said that something went wrong with their intelligent life and was killed by something unknown, which led to the leakage of secrets.

That's right, but I have some bad news for you now.

Li Vacuum's face was gloomy, Our company's intelligent life also lost contact half an hour ago.


Li Heneng's pupils shrank when he heard this, How could this happen? Are you kidding?

it is true.

Li Vacuum nodded, Half an hour ago, news suddenly came from the information center, saying that the intelligent life parrot we raised suddenly lost contact, and the entire website was completely exposed. Fortunately, the information center responded quickly. , allowing a new group of intelligent lifeforms to take over, so that no information is leaked.

What about the Parrot?

Li Heneng still held on to a glimmer of hope, Is there something wrong with the quantum supercomputer?

The quantum supercomputer containing the Parrot code was burned.

Li Vacuum said in a deep voice, The situation is exactly the same as what happened at Pantheon Pharmaceuticals. Our quantum supercomputer was also burned, and the confidential documents protected internally also showed signs of being copied.


Li Heneng felt his whole body go limp, and he completely collapsed on the sofa. He murmured in a low voice in despair, It's impossible, absolutely impossible...

it is true!

Li Vacuum said coldly, We are in the same situation as Pantheon. The only difference is that the murderer did not expose our company's black material.

Who is it? Who has such means?

Li Heneng asked in disbelief, Even the world's top hacker group can't do this. No, let alone whether they can do it or not. These rats in the basement can't even hide when they see us. How could you do these things if you can’t even hide?”

So I suspect it was done by a certain T0.

Li Vacuum analyzed, It is very likely that a certain T0 company has made a major breakthrough in its network technology, but they did not choose to announce this technology. Instead, they chose to use it as a trump card to attack us. No, it should be said that it was against Wanwan. The Temple takes action, but we are just passing by, after all, we secretly defected to Pantheon Pharmaceuticals.

Damn it!

Li Heneng sighed, Why is it at this time!

Anyway, we have to be careful in the next period of time.

Li Vacuum urged, For all plans of Tiandao Network Technology to be stopped, we must keep a low profile and be prepared to deal with any possible blows.


Li Heneng seemed to have aged more than ten years in an instant. He turned off the chip in his hand and waved to everyone in the room, Let's go back to Yongning City.

With that said, he got up and left the hotel, taking the floating car away.

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