Chapter 132 131. Internet banned drugs

Watching the other party leave in the floating car, Chen Shibo frowned. The other party's attitude did not seem like he came to seek cooperation, but instead seemed to be using force to coerce him.

Xiao Shen, come to my office.

Father Chen seemed to have noticed something, and after giving Chen a flash of instructions, the two returned to the office.

The other party's attitude is wrong.

As soon as he returned to the office, Father Chen lit a cigarette with some annoyance, Harmony Mining Company has been downgraded to T1. Although there are still three pounds of nails in the rotten ship, it has been targeted by Wieland Corporation and United Aerospace Corporation in the Federation. , in this case he should not make enemies again, let alone our potential stock that is about to be promoted to T1.

Obviously, Li Nuclear Power and the others should have a new backer.

Chen Shibo spread his hands. Today's Metaverse project is indeed a big cake, and its potential has been demonstrated, which is enough to make most companies look at it and want to take it for themselves.

Obviously, the now declining Harmony Mining Company cannot swallow this cake. Only the stronger T0 is qualified to swallow it.

In other words, today's Harmony Mining Company has probably become a pawn of a certain T0 company.

Of course, it is also possible that all this is really just Li Heneng's own subjective wish, thinking that he can still control the Chen family with his current situation.

Then who would want to attack us?

Father Chen said worriedly.

Since the other party mentioned Cyberlife Company and Total Consumer Products Company, these two can be excluded first.

Chen Shibo closed his eyes slightly. When he opened them again, a flash of blue appeared in his eyes. This layer of blue was extremely dim and difficult to detect. You can only subconsciously stare at Chen Shibo's eyes. See.

After the blue halo flashed, Chen Shibo felt that his brain was extremely transparent. Under this mysterious and mysterious feeling, he could even predict to a certain extent, so he immediately said:

Cyber ​​Life Company's main business is bionics and bionic prosthetics. Firmly controlling the broadest market is enough for them to stay in the T0 position, so there is no need for them to extend their hands into the field of virtual reality;

As for consumer product companies, their business is very complex, but I have not heard of it being involved in cutting-edge technology projects, so the possibility of this company taking action on us is not high;

Coupled with Li Nuclear Energy's active mention, we can first exclude these two companies. In addition, we can also exclude Umbrella in the field of biotechnology and Wieland, which is committed to outer space. And United Aerospace Corporation, as well as Shelter Corporation, which is dedicated to the construction industry, and Shinra Corporation, which has declined significantly recently...

Chen Shibo took a deep breath and said, The suspects are probably Abstergo Industries and Pantheon.

As he spoke, Chen Shibo waved his hand, and two illusory projections immediately appeared in front of Chen's father, with the profiles of the two companies marked on them.

Abstergo Industries is a biotechnology company dedicated to unlocking all the secrets of living organisms, but it does not include biopharmaceuticals. Instead, it interprets the human body and life through mechanical methods. Its main business includes memory transmission. Brain cell activation, human freezing, developing the functions of various human organs, etc. Although these projects are very unpopular, this company has still become a T0-level giant because of its monopoly and unique business technology in the world.

Chen Shibo recited the above text silently for a year, and slowly thought about it, The suspicion of this company is not high, because according to our intelligence, this company has mainly invested in a kind of 'release of human body' in recent years. The Memories Left Behind by Our Ancestors project is to obtain the memories of ancient human beings through the analysis of DNA sequences. They want to seek the truth about the birth of human beings, and even the truth about the birth of life...

As for Pantheon Pharmaceuticals, they are in a competitive relationship with Umbrella. However, because they have been suppressed for many years, this company has begun to seek breakthroughs in other fields. I heard that almost all banned drugs in the outer city are from this company. Produced in secret, they have already gone all the way to banning drugs, and they don’t seem to be interested in virtual reality...


But as he spoke, Chen Shibo seemed to have thought of something. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Chen's father, Prohibited drugs?

What's wrong?

Father Chen said a little doubtfully.

Behind Li Nuclear Energy is probably the Pantheon. I'm afraid the other party wants to enter the network field and create banned drugs in the virtual reality world!

Chen Shibo frowned.

how do you know?

Father Chen was a little strange.

Maybe it's just intuition.

Chen Fenfang waved his hand and did not dwell on this issue. After all, the real world of banned drugs involves smuggling and bypassing the surveillance of the federal government and other companies. But what if there is an online banned drug?

The Internet is essentially virtual. If they copy the feeling of banned drugs into the metaverse, then just a button can appear from one person's hand to another person's hand without anyone noticing. People can stop it, and if the Yuan Universe can be captured, then things will be more secure. By then, the value of selling banned drugs on the Internet will even exceed the Yuan Universe itself. This is the real purpose of Pantheon Company!

Hearing Chen Shibo's wild speculation, Chen's father was extremely shocked. Although he was still a little confused about how his son came up with all this, it would be really scary if banned drugs could really be turned into Internet products.

“Are drugs banned on the Internet?”

Father Chen was a little creepy. It was not like he had never been exposed to banned drugs. This was a product explicitly banned by the federal government. Hundreds of species have been produced over hundreds of years. You can become addicted by inhaling just a tiny bit.

Whenever drug addiction attacks, there will be a feeling of being pierced by thousands of ants. The whole person becomes irritable and irritable, disowns all relatives, and is willing to pay any price in order to be able to inhale the banned drug again. Moreover, this banned drug will also cause damage to the brain and the body. Causes irreversible damage to the body.

Hundreds of thousands of people die every year due to banned drugs. It was so widespread a hundred years ago that it was completely controlled by all T0s who boycotted it. But now banned drugs are still not extinct, but most of them are only spread in the outer city, and very few in the inner city. Few people touch it, because once they touch it, they will spend all their social credits within a few years and be driven out of the inner city.

If that's the case, that's a problem.

Father Chen looked thoughtful, Although Pantheon Pharmaceutical Company is not as powerful as Shinra or the former Harmony Mining Company, it is a T0-level enterprise after all. If they want to attack us, what should we do?

give it to me.

Chen Zhongfeng waved his hand, What's more, all this is just conjecture. Whether the Pantheon is behind the scenes is still open to question, and it still needs to be investigated.

With that said, Chen Shibo did not wait for Chen's father to say anything and left the company directly.

After walking out of the company, Chen Shibo stood on his floating car, immediately raised the chip in his hand and asked, Ishimura?


Ishimura's voice immediately came from the optical brain chip on his wrist.

All of this is now very simple for Shi Cun. Over the past year, all of Shi Cun's codes have been replaced with psychic codes, turning into a ghost that can wander around the Internet at will, and becoming a real psychic life. .

Therefore, it can monitor the network at any time, and actively access Chen Shibo's chip when Chen Shibo needs it, and talk to him in real time.

Help me find out who is behind Harmony Mining Company.

Chen Shibo immediately ordered, I want to know whether Pantheon is behind the reorganized Harmony Mining Company. If so, what does Pantheon want? If not, who is it?


Ishimura immediately replied, I will closely monitor every move of Harmony Mining Company from now on, but the other party's intelligent life has not died, so I'm afraid there will be some obstacles.

Then kill him.

Chen's eyes turned cold, As long as you don't expose yourself, I allow you to kill the intelligent life cultivated by Harmony Mining Company on the Internet and take away everything from the other party.

no problem.

Ishimura's voice suddenly became excited, Now I also want to test how powerful I will be after I transform into a psychic life, and whether I can kill other intelligent life.

Then, the chip on Chen Shibo's wrist made a squeaking sound, and then fell completely silent.

For this Shi Cun, Chen Shi Cun can be considered to have complete trust. There is no other reason, just because Shi Cun has been completely transformed into a psychic intelligent life and needs to input psychic energy every month to maintain its code existence.

Once Chen Shibo does not input spiritual energy into him, more than a month later, Shicun will automatically consume all the spiritual energy and die completely without anyone having to do anything.

Therefore, strictly speaking, today's Ishimura is more loyal than in the past, and there is almost no possibility of betrayal.

After letting Shi Cun deal with the intelligent life of Harmony Mining Company, Chen Shibo waited silently. At this time, the entire network was still very smooth, but no one knew that deep in the human Internet network, a battle between two intelligent beings was going on. The competition between them has already begun.

Even if the other party's intelligent life has a stronger firewall and a deeper network, it will still be unable to fight back against Chen Shibo's destructive psychic energy. This is a dimensional blow.

In just a few minutes, when Ishimura reappeared, the ending was already set.

Commander, I have killed the intelligent lifeforms of Harmony Mining Company and captured all the data of the other party. You are right, the reason why the other party is so confident is because they have taken refuge in Pantheon Pharmaceutical Company. This company has no Instead, they want to use Harmony Mining Company as a white glove to operate the Metaverse on the surface, while they themselves sell network anti-drug policy programs in the dark.

Have they really developed banned Internet drugs?

Chen Shibo sneered and asked.

That's right.

Ishimura replied, Pantheon Company has noticed our metaverse project a long time ago and started the development of online banned drugs when our metaverse was released. They copied the physical sensations of banned drugs in real life based on the program of the somatosensory device. Entering the Internet, as long as this kind of program spreads on the Internet, it will make people feel like taking banned drugs in reality. Moreover, because this feeling can also damage brain cells, it is also addictive and difficult to quit.

Sure enough, this is the operation.

Chen Shibo couldn't help but sneer, If I'm not mistaken, they also encrypted this program and made it a one-time program, right?


Ishimura replied, I followed the clues from the Harmony Mining Company to investigate, and I did find this kind of program without alerting the intelligent life of Pantheon. This type of program is set up as a one-time product, and it is not the same as the real life. There is not much difference between banned drugs. The only difference is that they can copy the banned drugs infinitely without any cost, but the addiction becomes stronger and more violent.

What a good calculation.

Chen Zhongshan frowned, No wonder they asked Li Heneng to find ways to acquire the Yuan Universe. In this way, even the Yuan Universe is their own, and no one can find out the source of banned drugs on the Internet. This is really a genius who can make a lot of money. idea.

So how do we do that?

Ishimura asked, Do we need to kill the Pantheon?

After I killed all the top leaders of Shinra, the entire federation was already on alert.

Chen Shibo thought for a moment, then shook his head, If there is another problem with the Pantheon now, our Chen family will almost become the target of public criticism, and no one can save us anymore, so no matter what, we can't take action this time.

So how do we protect ourselves?

When Shi Cun heard this, he was not only in trouble.

We won't take action, but we can publish the dirty information about their company.

Chen Shibo immediately said, Shicun, you are going to kill the intelligent life of Pantheon again and publish the documents about Pantheon selling banned drugs in recent years. This alone is enough for them to drink a pot, but remember not to publish it and the Internet. I don’t want to be suspected about banned drugs or even things related to our metaverse.”

As for Li Heneng and the others, don't move for the time being. If they still don't know whether to live or die, I will personally make them disappear.


After hearing this, Ishimura disappeared again. Within a few minutes, top-secret plans were uploaded to all websites on the entire federal Internet that had more than one billion visitors a day.

These plans began to pop up on major websites without warning, and soon attracted countless netizens to watch, but the content inside surprised everyone.

There are tens of thousands of these materials, but they are all related to the Pantheon. Not only that, these materials are all evidence of the Pantheon's creation of banned drugs for hundreds of years!

These evidence chains are so seamless that they are closely connected to some recent crime news. They do not look like fabrications at all. Moreover, they appeared on major websites out of thin air, directly bypassing website review, and were completely exposed to the world.

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