Chapter 131 130. Lobbying

Like a virus, the term metaverse began to spread throughout the Terra Federation.

From the initial lack of interest to the explosion of popularity when the Metaverse server was launched, more and more people shared their game experiences on the Internet, and it soon became a trend.

As more and more metaverse warehouses were released, the topic of the metaverse gradually became more and more popular. Later, it reached the point where almost everyone knew about it.

And because Chen Shibo is following the popular route, the Yuan Universe Warehouse, which was originally supposed to be a luxury item, has become popular because it can be paid in installments, making it hard to find a warehouse.

In addition to the initial buyers being middle- and upper-class citizens, most of the subsequent sales are unemployed citizens receiving subsistence allowances, which is a huge number.

After a period of sales, Chen Shibo found that the sales speed of the Yuan Universe Warehouse was still not enough, so he recruited thousands of researchers according to the previous method, and after signing a secret agreement, he gave these people spiritual powers, and also made them They join the ranks of those producing psychic black boxes.

In this way, the underground experimental base has almost become a production base for psychic black boxes. There is nothing in this kind of black box. Even if you open it, you will not find anything strange. However, if you put it into the metaverse warehouse, it can be used at some point in the future. One day, pulling the souls of these people into the imaginary number space is Chen Shibo's real purpose.

So at this accelerated pace, the production speed of the Yuan Universe Warehouse finally increased again. About a year later, the sales volume of the Yuan Universe Warehouse has reached 3 billion units, and the daily output of the Yuan Universe Warehouse has also increased from 300,000 units. Production increased to 10 million.

Even at this rate of production increase, the Yuan Universe Warehouse is still extremely popular in the market, with supply exceeding demand.

You must know that the Yuan Universe Warehouse is a high-end consumption after all. Originally, it was difficult for citizens living on subsistence allowances to afford it. However, because this Yuan Universe Warehouse is enough for low-income people to enjoy all the delicious food, beautiful scenery, and the immersive In other games, these essential elements have become essential products for lower-class citizens.

Even because the Yuan Universe has shortened the distance between people, it has led to many cross-class friendships and loves, and has also led to the popularity of the Yuan Universe warehouse.

According to market research, the emergence of the Yuan Space Warehouse has replaced bionic nannies, private floating vehicles, holographic environment simulators and other facilities, and has become one of the most important home appliances in the eyes of all citizens. Even those high-level citizens also have One.

At this point, the entire Federation of Terra has a population of hundreds of billions, and one out of every thirty people owns a metaverse warehouse, and this number is still increasing rapidly.

With this momentum, Tiandao Network Technology has increased its assets from 500 billion at the beginning to 9 trillion today, only one step away from the T1 level.

And all this only took a year.

This speed surprised everyone, as well as the entire Federation of Terra, and made Tiandao Network Technology Company the hottest star company at the moment. But at this point, some companies finally couldn't sit still.

At this time, the Chen family has occupied four surrounding provinces and cities, including Tianji Province, and has absolute control over these provinces. However, over the past year, many companies have come to seek cooperation, ranging from T1 to T3. But they were all rejected by Father Chen.

But today, a group of uninvited guests came to Tiandao Network Technology Company.

It turns out they are some distinguished guests from Harmony Mining Company. How disrespectful!

Father Chen greeted him in the lobby on the first floor of the company. The person who came this time was none other than Harmony Mining Company, which was reorganized after bankruptcy. The leader of the people who came here was none other than someone he had met once. of Li Nuclear Energy.

I haven't seen you for more than a year, but Mr. Chen is still as charming as ever.

Li Heneng stepped forward with an elegant look on his face and shook hands with Chen's father. On Chen's father's side, all the company executives were also present. Even Chen Shibo received the news and rushed over in advance.

Among the crowd, Chen Shibo looked at Li Heneng. He still remembered how trembling his father was when he saw him. At that time, he was the immediate boss of Tiandao Network Technology, a T0 giant at the top of the federation, and he It's just a T3-level little ant that can be easily crushed to death.

But now, after the other party's bankruptcy and reorganization, most of its assets have evaporated, and the remaining forces have reorganized into a new Harmony Mining Company. Today's Harmony Mining Company is just an ordinary T1-level force, not even as good as its former younger brother Arasaka.

Nowadays, my Chen family is only one step away from T1, and both parties can communicate with each other on an almost equal basis.

I don't dare to do it, Mr. Li.

Father Chen's face was full of smiles, but compared to the trembling moments in the past, he now felt more calm. When the Harmony Mining Company encountered a catastrophe, our friendly countries were extremely heartbroken. Fortunately, your company survived in the end, but It will be easy for your company to return to its peak.”

It's difficult, it's difficult...

Li Heneng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Although he is not the head of the Li family today, he has successfully been promoted to the top three. Two of the three families that controlled the Harmony Mining Company were almost extinct, leaving only the Li family with two or three kittens, otherwise It will not be difficult to control the situation and cause the company to go bankrupt.

Now they have reluctantly reassembled the Harmony Mining Company, but their former strength is barely there, and they are just hanging on.

Today's Harmony Mining Company is heavily in debt and it is difficult to restore its former glory.

Li Heneng did not continue to communicate on this topic, but followed Chen's father to the conference room. As the young and beautiful secretary served tea to both parties, the two parties exchanged greetings without saying a word. Chen Shibo sat with Chen's father. Among the high-ranking officials behind him, he looked unremarkable.

After a conversation, Li Heneng was finally ready to get down to business. He straightened his expression first, and then said after careful consideration, Director Chen should know the purpose of my visit this time. In the past year, Tiandao Network technology has advanced by leaps and bounds. The original T3-level small force has soared and reached the current T1-level level, which is extremely rare even in the entire history of the Federation. It can be seen that the Metaverse project is the most correct path for you to take.

This is just a small scene, not worth mentioning.

Father Chen shook his head and said modestly, It's still far behind your Harmony Mining Company.

You can't say that.

Li Heneng's pure black eyes turned slightly, and he smiled, Even the ancestors of our Li family spent hundreds of years of hard work to advance from T3 to T1, and then merged with two other companies. Only then did you achieve the status of federal overlord. Even those T0-level giants would be jealous of your company's speed!

Hearing these words, Father Chen's smile faded slightly, but he still said politely, Young Master Li is serious. Does Mr. Li intend to cooperate with us in the Yuan Universe when you come here this time?

Yes, but also no.

Li Heneng was refreshed, The Metaverse project is a hot project nowadays. After seeing your company's actions, many companies have begun to try to imitate their own Metaverse. However, the threshold is very high, and not many companies have tried to imitate their own Metaverse. With a trillion investment, you can’t even get a single ticket, so the only ones who enter are at least T1-level forces, and even T1-level forces are somewhat powerless, and only those T0-level powerful forces are truly qualified to intervene.”

I'm afraid, Director Chen, you don't know that Quan Consumer Products Company and Cyberlife Company have plans to build their own metaverse, right?


Chen's father suddenly showed a look of surprise. In fact, Chen Shibo had already obtained this through Shi Cun intercepting information on the Internet. However, each T0 has its own main business. These huge objects are bloated and have complex internal relationships. It’s chaotic, and it takes a long time to open a new business system, but now that one year has passed, most of those T0s have responded.

Among them, Total Consumer Products Company and Cyber ​​Life Company have the strongest tendency to build the Metaverse project. This is just because Tiandao Network Technology has occupied a part of the market, so they are still somewhat hesitant internally.

After all, the Metaverse project can only make a strong T1 company at best. It is still far from becoming a T0 company. Some old-school senior executives still look down upon this project.

It is basically certain that all consumer product companies have begun to prepare to build their own metaverse.

Li Heneng added, “As for Cyber ​​Life Company, it is also very possible.”

The market relies on competition. I don't believe that our company's metaverse can't compete with theirs.

Chen's father composed himself and replied, Especially since we have already occupied a considerable market share.

That's not necessarily the case.

Li Heneng smiled and said noncommittally, Your competitor is T0 after all. Let's not talk about the technical aspect. What if the other party uses some alternative methods? For example, the touch and pain processor in the metaverse warehouse. This kind of device only has Cyberlife Company is the most advanced, what if they block your technology, how will your company respond?

There are always alternatives available.

Father Chen was silent for a moment, What's more, the other party may not necessarily adopt this approach.

Then you are too naive.

Li Heneng shook his head, Even if this is unlikely, what if the other party directly uses a more direct method? Facing a T0, if the other party wants to take action against you, your company will not be able to resist at all.

So what is the purpose of your coming here this time?

Father Chen could only ask solemnly.

I hope Tiandao Network Technology can merge with our Harmony Mining Company.

Li Heneng stared closely at Chen's father's eyes and said coldly, Although our Harmony Mining Company cannot be the same as in the past, we still retain part of our military system and connections. If the other party adopts some covert methods, we will We can also join forces to resist each other. Even if we are stuck on a technical level, we can still seek solutions from other connections to avoid being beaten throughout the process.


Chen's father hesitated when he heard the words. He subconsciously looked at Chen Shibo behind him. Chen Shibo thought for a while and sent a sentence to Chen's father's chip.

Seeing Chen Shibo's answer, Chen's father regained his confidence, So if there is a merger, how should the company's decision-making rights and interests be divided?

We're offering two board seats.

Li Nuclear Energy immediately handed over the contract that had been prepared for a long time. At the same time, the Chen family will occupy 10% of the shares of the new company, and the two of us will work together to develop the Yuanverse project.

Father Chen picked up the contract and looked at it, then gradually fell into silence.

Master Li, is this division too stingy?

Several senior executives who had been sitting in the back frowned, and finally couldn't sit still and asked, Let's not talk about the market value of both parties. As far as we know, Harmony Mining Company is already heavily in debt. In terms of debt, your company owes at least a dozen trillion, and the two seats on the board of directors are almost equivalent to depriving our company. Not only that, you also did not mention the military decision-making power. What is the difference between this merger and annexation rather than a merger?

Ha ha!

Li Heneng laughed immediately after hearing this, Although our company does have some debts, it can still operate. As for the board of directors, I gave two seats because there are only two people in the Chen family. No matter how many seats we give, It’s useless. As for the military decision-making power, when your company becomes part of our company, it will naturally not distinguish between you and me, so why bother mentioning it specifically?”

Seeing this, Chen's father could only shake his head. He handed the contract back to the other party and said in a deep voice, Master Li, if you can only show this kind of sincerity, it seems that it will be difficult for us to cooperate.

Don't you think about it more, Mr. Chen?

Li Heneng frowned, Those T0s can no longer sit still and may take action at any time. If you are unwilling to cooperate with us, I'm afraid you won't be able to save your family, let alone become T1.

Master Li doesn't need to worry about this.

Father Chen's face turned cold, Our Chen family can't reach this stage by relying on compromise. We will definitely fight when it's time to fight. I think in the face of interests, those T0s may also choose to cooperate with us. indefinite.

It seems that your company is unwilling to accept our kindness.

Li Heneng could only sigh after hearing this. He stood up slowly and extended his hand to Father Chen, In that case, let's leave.

Walk slowly.

Father Chen looked at the other party deeply and said nothing more.

As a result, both parties left the conference room in this somewhat depressing and silent atmosphere, but Chen's father still followed the etiquette and sent the other party to the door.


It wasn't until he walked out of the company door that Li Heneng seemed to think of something. He suddenly turned around and said with a smile, If your company encounters any difficulties in the next few days, you can come to us at any time. Even if you remember the friendship in the past, we I will try my best to help.”

As he spoke, he even glanced at Chen Quanfeng among the crowd, as if he had something to say...

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