Chapter 110 109. Naming

Regarding the sudden crack, Chen Shibo quickly became vigilant.

I don’t know whether it was my own bad luck or the bad luck of United Airlines, but the two parties happened to collide at this unlucky time.

At present, Chen Shibo doesn't know which step the other party has taken, or how long it will take to completely open the channel between reality and imaginary space.

However, judging from the current trend, until the problems of Cosmos United Airlines are solved, their own metaverse plan will not work.

Otherwise, after the game was launched, Cosmos United Airlines opened the channel and discovered that the world in this metaverse could be connected to the channel it created. How to explain this?

Therefore, Chen Shibo must find a way to prevent the other party from opening up the two worlds!

The other party probably doesn't know what's on the other side of the passage.

Chen Shibo looked at the void that was gradually returning to calm and thought silently, Although I don't know what methods the other party used, what is certain is that the other party did not know the existence of the imaginary number space, but they opened two imaginary number spaces at the same location. times, which means that the channel has been fixed. If you want to avoid all this, there is currently only one way...

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo immediately returned to reality. He told Shi Cun that he planned to leave for a few days, and then returned to the ground the next day and took a floating car to leave Wujiang City.

This time, he returned to Tianji City, the provincial capital of Tianji Province, and lived in his ancestral home.

You're back?

At this time, he had just gotten off the floating car when he was stopped in the parking lot by Chen's father who received the news.

Come back and take a stroll.

Chen Shibo smiled stiffly, If you don't mind, I can just go around by myself.

Of course, this is your home and you can come back at any time.

Father Chen also nodded, I always keep your room empty. If you get tired, you can just rest there.


Chen Shibo passed by Chen's father and entered the ancestral house again.

He could feel that Chen's father was indeed very happy after learning that he was back. After all, the projection of the imaginary number space could not deceive people, but the joy was still mixed with some complexity and some awe.

But he didn't bother to pay attention, as long as the other party was not hostile, that was enough.

After walking around the ancestral home, Chen Shibo wandered back to the old venue. He still remembered that a few months ago, he projected himself here and killed the entire Chen family, allowing him to officially rise to prominence.

At this time, the venue had been cleaned up, but the entire ancestral house was empty. Except for some androids and housekeepers and nannies, there were not a few living people in sight.

But just as Chen Shifang was wandering around, he heard laughter not far away. He walked subconsciously and saw two little girls trimming flowers and plants in the garden in the distance. Chatting.

As he appeared, the two little girls subconsciously looked over and were startled by the sudden appearance of Chen Strobe.

Yes...yes, Master Chen Shibo?

One of the little girls seemed to have thought of something. She looked panicked and quickly bent down and bowed.

you know me?

Chen Shibo was a little strange. These girls were at most seventeen or eighteen years old, and they didn't look like they should know him.

We know you. We saw your projection on the stage during the family annual meeting.

The little girl quickly replied.

Annual family meeting?

Chen Dioshan raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, So you also know what happened next?

After what?

The two little girls looked at each other with a look of confusion, We were kicked out by Director Chen after that. We didn't see what happened next.

Another little girl also nodded quickly.

Seeing this, Chen Zuoshan slowly relaxed his brows and asked, What are your names and what do you do?

My name is White Phosphorus.

One of the little girls answered immediately. She pointed to the girl next to her, She is my friend Ren Li. We are both senior students at Tiandao Network Technology College. But since the Chen family's annual meeting that day, we have The first batch of students were all hired and assigned to take care of the gardens at the manor.”

So that's it.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo ignored the two of them and left directly.

By this time, he had almost remembered that when he had just projected onto the venue, he did seem to see a group of students acting as service staff at the venue, but they were quickly driven out by Chen's father, and then he was the one who killed them. time.

Now it seems that the reason why these female students were hired was because Chen's father was afraid that the original incident would be exposed.

However, the reason why Chen Shibo was interested in the two of them was not because of this, but because he just felt that the girl named Bai Phosphorus had a strange physique. She seemed to be very similar to Yao Liuxing, but Yao Liuxing was interested in green psychic energy. It is relatively friendly, while white phosphorus is more friendly to purple psychic energy.

A natural psychic constitution?

Chen Bianshan turned his head, glanced at the backs of the two girls, and then turned and left.

After walking around the manor, Chen Shibo came to the room where he once lived. At this time, the room had been cleaned up by the android nanny. Chen Shibo did not hesitate, closed his door directly, and then Close your eyes and lie on the bed, silently sensing the situation in the imaginary space.

One hour, two hours, three hours.

In the following period of time, the imaginary number space has remained calm and has not been torn apart by the outside world.

Could it be that because I left Wujiang City, that passage will no longer be connected?

Chen Shibo opened his eyes and looked at the time on his hand.

It is now 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The imaginary number space was penetrated for the first time around 9 o'clock yesterday morning. Then at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the imaginary number space was penetrated again. If this test frequency is followed, it should happen again today. The same phenomenon is correct.

So Chen Shibo waited again, until about five o'clock in the evening, just when he thought that the imaginary number space had also moved its position and would no longer be penetrated, suddenly, there was another vibration in the imaginary number space!

Chen Shibo immediately closed his eyes and sank his consciousness into the imaginary number space.

When he saw everything in the imaginary number space clearly, Chen Shibo's face suddenly darkened.

Still in the same position as before, another ten centimeter gap was torn open in the void at this time. Although this gap only existed for two seconds before disappearing again, Chen Shibo almost clearly saw the gap. exist.

The duration and size of the gap are increasing!

Seeing this scene, Chen Shibo immediately realized that compared to the last time the gap appeared, the gap that appeared this time was actually longer than the previous incident, and the magnitude of the tear was also larger.

If this continues, won't it not take long for the other party to open up a long-lasting gap in the imaginary number space, and even the gap is large enough to allow entry and exit?

Chen Shibo's face was livid, and he felt a sense of crisis. If this was true, then wouldn't the existence of the imaginary number space really be exposed?

Thinking of this, a coldness appeared in Chen Shibo's eyes.

Now it seems that even changing the position cannot avoid the opponent's experiment, so there is only one way to deal with it, and that is to completely destroy the opponent's equipment.

Spiritual energy can be transformed into matter, so can these petitioners also be transformed into real existences?

Chen Zhongshan looked thoughtful. He simply waved one hand, and a petitioner under the red evil god's flag walked out of the void with a blank expression.

This is a blood-red monster. Its body is covered with sharp barbs and scales. On its head is a horny crown rising to the sky. Its eyes are burning like scarlet coals. It looks very similar to its boss. resemblance.

And at the moment when it entered reality from the imaginary space, its soul body suddenly became solidified. Part of the original spiritual energy in the body was consumed, and it turned into a body that was enough to appear in reality!

The moment he appeared, the room where Chen Shibo was located, as well as the surrounding dozens of square meters, all the electrical facilities emitted sparks, the lights above his head began to flash rapidly, and an abyss-like aura began to fill the air.

Gah? Roar!

The petitioner looked around blankly, then looked at his hands, and finally saw Chen Shifang standing aside.

The moment he saw Chen Shibo, the petitioner's eyes suddenly flashed with a fierce light, and he immediately roared and rushed towards Chen Shibo. The aura exuding from his body was not inferior to those of enhanced genetically modified people.


Chen Quanxian raised his eyebrows. With a wave of his hand, the petitioner in front of him dissipated again, transformed into a soul state and returned to the imaginary space.

Can't you tell the difference between friend and foe?

No, it should be that these petitioners regard me as an ordinary person in my current state...

Chen Quanxian looked at his body and found that it was indeed the case. At least from the outside, he had nothing to do with the imaginary space. Moreover, he did not have the power of the four cocoons of souls. He only had one real power. That is to control the imaginary number space.

In other words, these petitioners who came to reality really have no reason to know themselves.

But this is not important, because Chen Shibo has been able to confirm that those petitioners under the evil god can indeed enter reality, but they only need to pay a part of their spiritual energy as the price of entering reality.

In that case, it's easy to handle.

Chen's eyes lit up. As long as these petitioners could enter reality, they would be an army capable of killing. If he used his destructive spiritual energy to destroy the surrounding electronic equipment, it would be Shinra's special operations. Yes, these petitioners are also capable of fighting!

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo didn't stay in his ancestral manor anymore. He said hello to Chen's father and set off directly back to Wujiang City.

After returning to Wujiang City, Chen Shibo sank into the imaginary number space again. This time, he appeared directly in the form of an Ouroboros over the territory of the four little evil gods and conveyed his will.

After a while, the four territories responded to Chen Dioshan's will. Then Chen Dioshan opened his eyes, and at the same time as he opened his eyes, four young figures appeared out of thin air in reality.

Among the four figures, the leader was a boy of about eight or nine years old with a foul-smelling face. He had a horn-like crown on his head, and his eyes were scarlet, with a faint red light.

Behind him were three children who looked to be no more than five or six years old. One of the boys looked chubby, with a simple and honest look on his face. He also had a long green nose that kept coming out as he breathed. Bubble.

The other one was a boy with three eyes. A blue eye on his forehead shone like a gem, and he looked very ethereal.

Hiding at the back of the three people was a sweet and delicate-looking girl, with long silver hair flowing down, and the pupils in her eyes showing a seductive pink color.

Is this the material world?

As soon as he entered the real world, the eight or nine-year-old boy at the head showed an arrogant expression, In a world with such low energy, you only need to give me one billion troops, no, five hundred million, I can conquer this world with only five hundred million. Planet!”

What you say is better than what you sing.

The three-eyed little boy on the side couldn't help curling his lips and chuckled, You can't capture this place with brute force. This world is more terrifying than you think.

What could be so scary?

The young man snorted coldly, I have been observing the world since I was born.

I depends on what the boss wants.

The fat man with green snot couldn't help but interjected. As he spoke, he looked at Chen Quanfeng who was sitting beside him and showed a naive smile.

Can you see the real world?

Hearing the conversation between several children, Chen Shibo suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Of course.

The three-eyed boy nodded, Our consciousness has already begun to appear before we climbed out of the cocoon. It's just that we were confused at that time and not as clear-headed as we are now.


Chen Shibo stared at the four people condescendingly, with a touch of caution in his heart.

The four little guys in front of me are none other than the four evil gods who were pulled into reality by Chen Shibo. From the moment they turned into four cocoons of souls, they proved to be extraordinary. After all, these four This guy is originally integrated with the imaginary number space, and can be said to be close to a conceptual existence.

What are your names?

Chen Shibo decided to get acquainted with each other, so he started asking.

Dear Lord God, my name is blood, fear, war, courage, killing... you can call me by these pronouns.

The oldest boy bowed slightly.

We have no name, or our very existence is our name.

The three-eyed boy replied, turning to look at the fat man beside him.

I represent life and vitality, dear Lord God.

The little fat man scratched his head.

In that case, let me give you a name.

Chen Bianfeng looked at the four of them, and then at the leading young man, From now on, you will be called K.

As he said that, he looked at the little boy with three eyes and said, Your name is T, and the little fat guy's name is N.

Then he looked at the little girl hiding behind everyone, What about you?

“It all depends on the Lord God.”

The little girl then spoke in a cooing voice. Her voice was clear and sweet, but it was unclear whether it was a boy or a girl.

Then your name is S.

Chen Shibo clapped his hands, That's it.

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