Chapter 109 108. Emergencies

In a certain laboratory in the underground experimental base, a huge life incubator stood quietly in the center of the laboratory.

The size of this life incubator far exceeds that of ordinary models, with a height of five meters and a width of three meters, which is enough to raise a shark.

But at this moment, there was only one person wearing a golden mask in this huge training warehouse. The person looked like a woman, with long hair flying around in the water, as if she was asleep, quietly. Static suspension in blue buffer, suspended in the life incubator.

Although this human body just slept silently and no one saw her move, everyone knew that it was definitely not a corpse.

Because the corpse does not need to be placed in the life incubator, and it is this large life incubator made of bulletproof glass and super alloy.

The incubator is also surrounded by alloy walls and bulletproof observation windows to form a second layer of protection.

Outside the second layer of protection, several scientists were looking at the cells swimming under the electron microscope in amazement.

The microscopic imaging technology in this world has become quite advanced. It can clearly observe these life forms that are invisible to the naked eye, and even the recognition level can reach the nanometer level. At this time, you can see those worm-like cells on the screen. and the diverse ecosystems within the cell body.

These cells are like a group of fish swimming in a petri dish ocean, intertwining with each other at an extremely fast speed, constantly swallowing the nutrient solution and dividing.

These cells are none other than Jenova tissue cells taken from the incubator in front of them.


Suddenly, the culture dish seemed unable to hold the cells inside, and it burst open, with traces of nutrient solution flowing out directly.

But for this scene, all the scientists had expected it. They took out their flamethrowers without panic and sprayed the nutrient solution flowing out.

Soon, all the nutrient solution was dried up, and the cells and tissues inside became extremely dead.

It's truly an alien life.

A scientist took off his goggles and showed an expression of wonder, It feels like a cancer cell. It can divide and multiply continuously without any restrictions of normal cells, but it still maintains the organization of ordinary cells. , rather than out of control like cancer cells.

But the key thing is that this kind of cells can kill our human cells and even assimilate them.

Another scientist said, According to the information given above, it can be seen that after injecting this kind of cell, the human body will only have two results. One is to successfully assimilate and merge with this alien cell to become one. A superman whose physical fitness and lifespan are greatly increased; the second type is a failure of assimilation, and the human body dies from foreign body infection, but it is too difficult to fuse, and only the embryonic stage can be fused most smoothly.

Maybe try to eliminate the body's immune system first.

A third scientist tried to analyze, Without the obstruction of the immune system, maybe the human body can become one with this kind of alien life?

So is it you or an alien that survives?

This idea immediately caused everyone to object, This is tantamount to letting go of the limitations of the body and allowing Jenova cells to completely occupy the body and brain. Even if it can succeed, the human consciousness will no longer be, but will be completely occupied by this alien life. !”

Everyone was arguing, and no one could convince anyone.

Chen Shibo silently watched everyone's argument without speaking, and just walked out of the laboratory quietly.

This laboratory was his latest establishment to inherit the Shinra Corporation's research on Jenova, but he was disappointed when he saw the professional performance of these scientists.

But think about it, this is inevitable. These scientists are all recruited from major laboratories in Skyrim Province. Most of them belong to the theoretical school. They are really incomparable with the elite scientists of Shinra Company. Even with the research data of Shinra Company, they still It can be argued endlessly, and there are many errors and omissions in many common sense issues.

It's still a matter of talent...

Chen Shibo sighed and walked silently to another laboratory.

This place is not much different from the laboratory next door, with many well-dressed scientists gathered there. However, the life incubator in the center of the laboratory does not contain Jenova, but an ordinary human being.

At this time, his body was connected to a series of tubes to maintain his physiological system, and at the same time, a tube of green liquid was slowly flowing into his body.

This tube of liquid is none other than Mako obtained from Shinra, and it is a purified version. The experiment here is to verify the extent to which Mako can improve the physiological functions of the human body.

Soon, as the experiment was completed, a piece of information was sent to Chen Shibo, which described the difference in the improvement of the human body after injecting 1 ml, 10 ml, and 100 ml of Mako into ordinary people.

After injecting 1 ml of Makhu, the physiological function of the human body is improved by about 10%, and the cell activity is increased by 20%; after injecting 10 ml, the physiological function is improved by 30%, and the cell activity is increased by 35%. .

Injecting 100 ml will increase physiological functions by 100% and cell activity by 50%...

Chen Shibo took a casual look and saw that it was very good. This information was the same as the data in the Shinra database. In other words, it was certain that the data from Shinra Company was completely correct.

In fact, this is normal. Shinra's data is more reliable than the reports produced by the scientists in his laboratory. The reason why Chen Shibo still conducts another experiment is just to reassure himself.

Master Chen!

Seeing Chen Shibo studying the information, these scientists immediately gathered around him with flattering smiles.

One of the scientists couldn't help but look enthusiastic and said, Mr. Chen, the results of this experiment are amazing. This solution called Mako is almost beyond the scope of scientific understanding! I don't know what its ingredients are and whether it is still Is there a raw solution that can be used for deeper experiments?”

Another scientist's eyes were burning, Mr. Chen, can you tell us about the formula of this solution? This product, Makhuo, can completely replace the anti-aging treatment programs on the market and create a new T0!

Mr. Chen, can I take over this project? I believe that with my ability, I can definitely...

Master Chen, Master Chen!

Facing the swarm of scientists, Chen Shibo almost laughed out of anger. He waved his hand and said coldly to the scientist who said he wanted to create T0, If this kind of thing is exposed, do you think the Chen family can still do it? Can it exist? I think you have lost your brain because of your research.

After hearing this, many scientists smiled awkwardly, and some scientists refused to give up and wanted to say something else. However, with Chen's eyes widening, these people swallowed up the rest of his words.

After leaving the laboratory, Chen Shibo flashed one hand and took out the remaining three tubes of magic from the imaginary number space. He had obtained four tubes of purified magic in the Shinra Dungeon and now used it One tube was used as an experiment, and three tubes were left.

Ishimura, if I inject all the remaining three tubes into myself, what level of physical fitness will I be able to achieve?

Chen Shibo raised his head and looked at the monitor on the side and asked.

The three tubes of solution total three liters. If injected, according to the data of Shinra Company, the physical fitness of normal people can be increased by about five times, and the life span can be increased by three times, far exceeding the top genetic modification.

Next to Chen Shibo, Shi Cun's figure suddenly appeared. She replied softly, But this optimization of Mako is based on the body of ordinary people. If you perform Mako injection, the improvement of the three Mako may be It’s not big, whether it’s your strength or lifespan, increasing it by at most one-third is the limit.”

Speaking, Ishimura waved his hand, and a curve chart appeared next to him, The improvement of Mako is based on a curve. The more you use, the smaller the improvement. So my suggestion is that you use one at most, because one and three The difference in expenditure improvement is no more than one percent.”


Chen Shibo nodded. His body function was too strong, and Mo Zhuo could not improve him much. After all, this was the limit of carbon-based life.

Unless the fusion of Jenova cells can be overcome and the Jenova cells can be fused with your own body, your physical fitness can at least double by injecting Mako.

Ishimura continued to speak.

It's difficult.

Chen Shibo shook his head, Jenova cells are not viruses and cannot be customized. Otherwise, Shinra's special forces would not be cultivated from embryos. Only by fusion from embryos can Jenova be made The cells integrate perfectly into the body without rejection.

Actually, I think what researcher No. 3 said just now is good.

Ishimura thought for a while and continued, Maybe we can try to eliminate the human body's immune system first. Without the interference of the immune system, the human body may be able to become one with this alien life. As for the issue of consciousness, we can We’ll think of countermeasures later.”


Chen Shi Cun was stunned for a moment. He and Shi Cun had different understandings. When Shi Cun made this suggestion, he suddenly had an idea.

Wait, if I use spiritual energy to assist, maybe I can make Jenova perfectly integrate into my body...

Chen Shibo suddenly thought that green spiritual energy carries the nature of life, vitality and decay, and also represents stubbornness and immutability. If green spiritual energy is introduced into the body during fusion, can he actively control Jenova and himself? Make a perfect fusion?


Seeing Chen Shibo suddenly in a daze, Shi Cun suddenly asked with some doubts.

Your suggestion is good.

Chen Bianfeng came back to his senses and said, In this case, prepare yourself and let the androids open another laboratory. In this laboratory, I will use my somatic cells and Jenova to conduct fusion experiments.


Ishimura bowed slightly and disappeared immediately.

Just as Chen Shibo continued to think about the feasibility of this plan, suddenly, there was another slight vibration in the imaginary number space.


Chen Zhongshan frowned. He immediately sank his consciousness into the imaginary number space and looked towards the earthquake source, but still found nothing.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that the emotional flow in this area is slightly scattered, as if something appeared just now, and then quickly disappeared.

What's going on? This happened in the morning, but unexpectedly it happened again in the afternoon?

Chen Shibo was a little suspicious. His eyes gradually fell into emptiness, and he directly retraced his previous steps. Then, under the retrieval, he finally saw something clearly.

It was a gaping hole.

Just tens of seconds ago, a crack suddenly opened in the void. Although the crack was very short and healed almost instantly, he was still sure that it was a crack.

What the hell?

Chen Shibo was shocked. He quickly freeze-framed the retrace, as if he were watching a movie and paused when the movie reached a certain scene. After several attempts, he finally captured the scene of the tearing moment.

Looking from this scene, Chen Shibo actually saw a gap several centimeters wide torn open in the void, and a ray of familiar light shone in from the outside world.

Seeing this scene, Chen Shibo was even more surprised. He subconsciously moved to the gap and looked towards the outside world.

This sight made Chen Shibo suddenly feel nervous, because he actually saw that on the opposite side of the gap, there was a wide laboratory with dozens of giant electronic equipment, and a laser beam. Hitting the gap, it was exactly like this that the space was torn open.

Chen Shibo even saw a weird-looking LOGO on this machine.

It was a circular LOGO, with a blue starry sky in the background, a silhouette of a battleship on the front, and the lingua franca of Terra - United Aerospace Airlines - underneath.

Is this company at fault?

Chen Shibo frowned, this company is quite famous.

Just like the Chen family's former boss, Harmony Mining Company, United Aerospace is also a T0 and an old enemy of Harmony Mining Company. The businesses of the two companies are highly overlapping, and both have their own space fleets. , almost in a state of incompatibility.

Many people know that the United Universe Airlines is researching hyperspace technology, but they didn't expect that it would actually produce results?

The corner of Chen Shifang's mouth twitched, it was fine to produce results, but how could it come directly to him? United Aerospace is different from other T0s. Their influence is not strong on their home planet Terra. Their real influence is on space bases such as Mars and Europa.

Especially Mars, the entire planet is almost the territory of United Aerospace Corporation, and other forces are simply unable to invade.

I just didn't expect that I had just gotten rid of the Harmony Mining Company and destroyed the Shinra Company, and I would encounter the third T0 again?

Obviously, the other party regards his imaginary number space as another parallel universe, and wants to open a hole in reality to penetrate his imaginary number space...

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