Chapter 111 110.T’s suggestion

After giving each of the four their names, Chen Shibo revealed the purpose of the operation.

You should also have sensed that in the past two days, a human force is trying to break through the barrier between reality and the void and invade the imaginary space.

Chen Shibo said solemnly, Once this passage is opened, no one knows what will happen next, but at least it is certain that it will be a war between the material world and the imaginary space.

Then kill, kill all the non-material beings who want to attack, kill them or even kill them all!

K looked proud, with fighting intent in his eyes, My strength comes from war and fear. The more I kill in the material world, the stronger my strength becomes. Sooner or later I can kill everyone!

That's a strong force.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo had no choice but to explain, Force comes second. The key is that the other party has a strong influence in the material world. Once he thinks that our strength is not enough to fight against them, he will definitely join forces with other top forces to attack us. To launch a siege, we have not yet grown up and cannot withstand an entire civilization.”

Then you can't choose to escape?

The three-eyed boy T rolled his eyes and asked doubtfully.

Only the weak will choose to escape, and the strong will only face the difficulties.

K snorted coldly.

This is reckless behavior.

Seeing this, T couldn't help but smile, Only wisdom can bring permanent victory. Don't place your hopes on other gods. After all, we are gods.

You can't escape, I've already tried it.

Chen Bianfeng waved his hand, So, in order to prevent the enemy from entering the imaginary number space, we must take the initiative and destroy the opposite transmission device first. As long as we appear to be much stronger than the outside world, we can temporarily scare the opponent away. Get a chance to grow.”

After all, our potential is based on reality. As long as we are given time, we can become infinitely stronger.

But we can't exert our power in reality.

The little fat man N on the side looked honest and waved his arm, I can feel that in the material world, my strength is extremely suppressed. Unless the world we are in can swallow the material world, otherwise our The power is less than 1%, but the petitioners under our banner can break through this limit and exert more than 50% of the power.


Chen Shibo nodded, So I need you to unite and let your troops rush out the moment the passage is opened and destroy everything on the other side.

This can be done.

The four children looked at each other, but the little fat man said with regret, It's a pity that we just launched a war before and wiped out most of our strength, otherwise we would definitely be able to scare the opponent away!

You mean to blame me?

K glared at the little fat man angrily, making the little fat man shrink his head in fright, and then hid behind Chen Shibo with watery eyes.

I don't think it's necessary for the time being.

The three-eyed boy rolled his eyes and suddenly suggested, It's not a good idea to expose yourself at the beginning. I think it's best to send a few special beings first so that the other party can't figure out our reality. important.

How to say?

Chen Zhongshan turned his head and asked doubtfully.

After my observation, there has always been a weakness deep in the human heart, and that is the fear of the unknown.

The three-eyed boy whispered, They are afraid of the unknown and anything they cannot understand, so I think we can transform a few of the weirdest petitioners and send them there first.

After all, the opponent has only opened the channel for a short period of time, and we simply cannot send a large number of troops there. Instead of being killed by them from the beginning, we can send some weird beings to not only confuse the opponent and allow the opponent to carefully slow down the speed of the experiment, but also to Let the other party not understand our reality.

This is a good way.

Chen's eyes lit up, In that case, I'll leave this matter to you, T.

Understood, T will obey the will of the Lord God.

The three-eyed boy smiled softly and bowed to answer.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo sent the four people back to the imaginary space, and the four young figures immediately dissipated.

When everyone returned to the imaginary number space, Chen Shibo showed a solemn look. He could feel that these four guys were indeed different from ordinary petitioners. Their power in reality was severely suppressed. As if he were the same.

They at least have a body in reality, but they can only use spiritual energy to condense an incarnation, which means that their true bodies are still in the imaginary space, and in reality they are just projections.

But this is also a good thing, at least it means that these four guys cannot break away from the reality of imaginary space invasion, and can only charge into the battle with the help of their petitioners.

Chen Shibo knew that not only did he have to guard against the discovery of the existence of the imaginary number space in the real world, but he also had to guard against the four guys in the imaginary number space causing trouble. No one was truly trustworthy.

Just as Chen Shibo was developing countermeasures, on Mars, the experiments of United Airlines were also in full swing.

Phobos, one of the two satellites of Mars, is a potato-shaped satellite just like Terra Luna. It is also one of the smallest satellites in the solar system, only 6,000 kilometers away from Mars.

At this time, inside Phobos, a huge steel factory occupies less than half the size of the satellite. This is the secret hyperspace experimental base of United Airlines. There are dozens of people in the factory at this time. Scientists and hundreds of android assistants silently looked at the ultra-high field laser generator as huge as a mountain in the distance.

An ultra-high field laser generator is a device that emits energy in a very short time. The one in front of them can generate 200 trillion kilowatts of power in an instant, and the time lasts only 10 femtoseconds.

Just like the sun's rays concentrated at one point on the earth can generate huge heat, this beam of light is so concentrated and so intense that it can even tear apart the vacuum. In the Federation, this ultra-high field laser weapon even dares to claim to be enough to kill gods. The Spear of Longinus!

Because of the anti-gravity system, everyone can move as normal in the factory. At this time, several kilometers away from everyone, this ultra-high field laser generator stands like a giant cannon, and opposite it, there is a A ring-shaped device.

This device is an overfrequency magnetic field generator. By bending space and time, it can create a gravitational magnetic field comparable to that of a neutron star. It can resist all harm and is the strongest electromagnetic shield system in the Federation.

But because it is still in the experimental stage, this kind of gravity can only exist for a short time, so short that it is even difficult to detect.

So, a genius idea came up, that is, use the strongest ultra-high field laser cannon to hit the strongest over-frequency magnetic field generator. What will be the result?

The person who came up with this genius idea was Professor Black, a member of the chief science team of United Aerospace Airlines. He created a set of space model algorithms and showed that when the power of the ultra-high field laser cannon reaches a certain limit, additional There is an overfrequency magnetic field that is enough to bend space and time. When the two sides collide, a new space and time can be opened!

To this end, Professor Black also made a metaphor.

He showed that human beings are like living in a balloon. Everything we know is what is inside the balloon, and we know nothing about what is outside the balloon.

But one day, humans invented the sharpest sword in the world. This sword is a super high-field laser weapon. However, when we use this sword to pierce the wall of the balloon, it cannot pierce the wall. It's not that the sword isn't sharp enough, it's that the sword isn't long enough.

Because humans are too small compared to balloons, only by lengthening the sword in their hands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of times, can they pierce the outer wall of the balloon, but this is almost impossible.

So, is there a way to make the outer wall of the balloon thinner and thinner?

The answer is yes.

This is the case with overfrequency magnetic fields. Just like the space-time near the black hole will be distorted by the huge gravity, the overfrequency magnetic field can also create a gravity environment close to the black hole. It is as if the walls of the balloon here have been deliberately stretched and thinned. Only the thorns Only by entering here can you completely break through the balloon and come completely outside the balloon!

This is Professor Black's famous Balloon Plane Theory.

At this time, everyone was staring intently at the two huge mountains of equipment in the distance. As the leader, Professor Black looked nervous. He looked at the time in his hand and shouted in a low voice, Everyone. The personnel are in place and the 16th boundary-breaking experiment is ready to start.

The ultra-high field laser team is in place.

The overfrequency magnetic field group is in place.

The data monitoring team is in place... already in place.

The backup team is in place, please give instructions!


Under his order, the teams got into position one after another. After seeing everyone in place, Professor Black continued to speak, The ultra-high field laser generator is performing self-test, the over-frequency magnetic field generator is performing self-test, and the data monitoring team Start checking the data!”

The laser team is undergoing self-test. The self-test is completed. Everything is normal and the experiment can be started at any time.

The self-test of the magnetic field group is completed and everything is normal!

The data monitoring team is monitoring.

The experiment is ready to start. Everyone checks the time. The experiment start time is...

Professor Black continued to issue orders, and what he had to do was very simple, which was to align the time when the laser and magnetic field collided, so that the interval was less than 10 femtoseconds.

After all, if the time doesn't match up, when everything starts here but the other side hasn't started yet, the experiment will completely fail.

Every time these two machines are turned on, they will produce sky-high consumption, which is comparable to the electricity consumption of a continent for a whole day. Therefore, this kind of experiment must be done carefully every time.

At this time, as several parties aligned with the time, Professor Black continued to speak, All groups are ready. The 16th boundary-breaking experiment will be conducted in ten seconds, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5...

3, 2, 1!

As he counted down, the two machines suddenly started completely. Everyone saw only a flash of light. However, this light, which was comparable to the explosion of a nuclear bomb, was instantly offset when it came into contact with a glass barrier in front of them. In an instant, the glass quickly darkened, then darkened again, and even completely turned into an opaque, pure black color!

But in the pure blackness, everyone could clearly see a ray of light thrust into the void like a giant sword, leaving a long gap!

But everyone understood that the gap was not a physical gap, but a rift in space!


Beside them, several scientists could not help but exclaim with ecstasy, Successful, successful again!

This time the space rift actually reached more than ten meters. So the part that really penetrates the space must be at least several meters long, right?

Look, the crack is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the speed is very slow. It stays for at least three seconds. In this way, sooner or later, it can stay for three minutes or even three hours!

Three hours is not enough, we must at least create a gap that can stay for three days!

The crowd burst into cheers of joy, and many people clapped, looking excited.

Because under the leadership of Professor Black, their team's experiment is making continuous progress at a daily increasing rate. From the beginning, the crack could only exist for a few picoseconds, and now the crack has lasted for more than three seconds, which can be described as rapid progress.

Wait, what do you think that is?

Just when everyone was in a state of revelry, suddenly, a female researcher seemed to see something. She walked forward silently and laid her eyes on the glass.

At this time, the glass was regaining its brightness at a speed visible to the naked eye. Because of this, the glass at this time was still a little blurry, but she still saw that after the gap outside the glass window was smoothed, there seemed to be more Something...

What is it?

Several other people immediately stepped forward and watched curiously. After all, after experiencing several previous experiments, everyone already knew that the moment the space was opened, some kind of special energy would be generated, which could destroy everything. Electronic systems are like electromagnetic bombs.

Therefore, after each experiment, the ultra-high field laser device and the over-frequency magnetic field device need to be repaired to a certain extent before the experiment can continue, and external monitoring will also fail. The only way to observe it with the naked eye is to wait for the instrument to be repaired before viewing the recorded data. .

But at this time, as the glass in front of them kept lighting up, everyone felt that something was wrong.

Because at the intersection of the ultra-high field laser and the ultra-frequency magnetic field generator, where the passage used to be, several black figures appeared out of thin air.

That's right, it's a human figure...

Everyone looked at it with bated breath, eyes full of disbelief. After all, at that moment, the ultra-high-field laser hit the over-frequency magnetic field, and the temperature and vibration generated were enough to tear apart the space. How could there still be humans in the center?

But what’s even weirder is that these figures are piled up on top of each other for some reason, just like the human body in a stick figure. They look crooked and not human at all!

What the hell?

Some people were startled and backed away with cold sweat on their faces, while others got closer and tried hard to see what it was.

But the next second, these winding and twisted figures suddenly stopped. They all turned around and saw the observation window where everyone was!

The next moment, these black figures seemed to be attracted by something, walking step by step towards the location of everyone...

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