Chapter 103 102.Transformation

At this point, Chen Shibo no longer cares about hiding his whereabouts.

His figure appeared directly inside the Biological Research Department. This place was no longer a primitive cave, but a huge laboratory complex, with bright alloy walls and airtight laboratory doors everywhere.

His appearance startled two researchers in white coats, and one of them walked forward with interest, Brother, where were you hiding just now, and how did you show up?

But before he finished speaking, another companion on the side pulled him back vigilantly.

May I ask how to get to the core area?

Chen Shibo still wore the isolation suit and asked calmly.

Just keep going forward along this road.

The researcher also responded subconsciously.


Chen Shibo said no more and walked straight along this road.

He didn't know whether the Jenova samples would be placed in the core area, but according to the logic that the most important things must be placed in guarded positions, the core area must be in the central area of ​​the research department!

What do you always pull me for?

The researcher looked at his companion beside him with some annoyance.

are you an idiot?

The companion had a look of hatred on his face, Didn't you see that the other party was wearing work clothes from the mining area? People wearing such clothes are not qualified to enter the research area!

Well, then why did he come in?

The researcher said with some astonishment.

The two people immediately looked at each other and exclaimed in unison, It's an intruder!

The next second, the warning lights of the entire research department's headlights suddenly turned red, and the next second a harsh siren sounded, Intruder found, all researchers immediately take cover! Repeat, intruder found, all researchers Take shelter immediately!

Chen Shibo raised his head and looked at the cameras in all directions. He was in the Mako mining area before. Mako mining requires an extremely dark environment, and even cameras cannot exist, but there is no such good thing now.

Chen Shibo showed up briefly and immediately caused the alarm to sound.

I just don't know whether the surveillance in the research area is artificial or intelligent life.

A flash of gray-white lightning flashed in Chen Shibo's eyes again. In the next second, all the monitoring equipment completely failed. Even the lights in the entire research area suddenly dimmed and then went out completely!

There is no new intelligent life under control. It seems that it should be managed by both artificial intelligence and real people. Shinra is really careful.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo suddenly showed a look of pity. He looked at the hatch at the end of the corridor, but the next second the hatch in front of him suddenly clicked and locked automatically, completely isolating him in the corridor.

Can you stop it?

Chen Shibo simply jumped in this direction again, but when he returned to reality, he couldn't tell where he was.

There are metallic white corridors in all directions, and hatches appear from time to time on both sides, but at this time they are all blocked due to power outages and alerts.

Not only that, Chen Shibo suddenly looked behind him, and he felt a strong aura coming continuously.

There were dozens of these auras, and the weakest among them was at least at the level of the blue-haired man. What's more, several auras were even more powerful than the black-haired man he encountered!

It seems that the Shinra Special Operations Department has been completely alarmed. If these guys come together, I am afraid that even I will have no choice but to run away...

Chen Shibo sighed. He came here to find out Xenovia's secrets, but it was a pity that his void jumping skills were not proficient enough to jump wherever he pointed.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo seemed to have thought of something. He raised his head and looked at the vent above his head, his eyes flickering slightly.

Then defeat these guys from the vents!

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo's whole body suddenly twisted. After injecting the spiritual energy of the Green Cocoon into his body, he felt that his Ouroboros virus had undergone a new round of evolution. As for its power, he was not sure yet. However, it can be seen from the instant growth of new arms that this power beyond common sense is definitely not inferior to Jenova!

The next second, a slender tentacle suddenly pierced his protective suit and protruded from his body, as if it was a beginning. Then one tentacle after another continued to protrude, tearing his protective suit apart in an instant. Crush!

But this was not the end. Chen Shibo felt a surge of vitality coming from deep within his cells. His body began to twist, and his entire head was wrapped in black and red flesh. His body continued to expand and twist, and his whole body began to twist. It completely turned into a blood-red, squid-like monster!

Two blood-red pupils protruded from both sides of the body. Chen Bian flashed a glance at his body, and then his whole body turned into a blood-red stream of light, directly piercing the narrow ventilation duct above his head, and went straight in!

It seemed that Shinra had already made preparations to prevent the vents from being invaded, so the space inside was so small that an adult could not get into it. But at this time, Chen Shibo almost turned into a mollusk, and the narrow vents were very difficult for him. It's almost as wide as a road.

Blah blah blah...

Rapid squirming sounds kept coming from the ventilation ducts. Chen Shibo was still a little unfamiliar in the ventilation ducts at first, but this unfamiliarity did not last long. He easily mastered the new way of moving this body, and the speed of the whole person. Faster and faster, smoother and smoother!

In just a few minutes, Chen Shibo followed the ventilation ducts to a laboratory. He only saw four or five men in white coats hiding next to the laboratory instruments, and at the same time, the sound of conversation continued. .

What's going on outside?

A younger researcher asked excitedly.

I don't know, but did the last siren sound mean there was an intruder?

Another older researcher with a white beard replied.

How many years have there been no intruders in the underground city? Mr. Matsuyama, when was the last time you encountered an intruder?

About fifteen years ago.

Researcher Whitebeard recalled, The intruder at that time was a spy who had sneaked into Umbrella Company. He had been promoted to the position of deputy director. Somehow he was exposed, and then he was killed by the Shinra Operations Department. The Mako warriors took him away and never appeared again.”

This time it looks like the battle is bigger.

The young researcher whistled, I hope it can last a little longer.

Don't worry, the research department is the most important department after the mining park. I believe it will be done soon. We just need to stay here...

Researcher Whitebeard was just halfway through his words when there was a sudden bang from the vent!

Everyone looked subconsciously, only to see the steel fence of the vent flying out of thin air. In the dark ventilation duct, streaks of red flesh were constantly squirming.

It seems that we are in big trouble...

The white-bearded researcher murmured in a low voice, swallowing the rest of his words.

Tell me, where is the core area?

A demonic grunt came from the vent. The tone of the voice changed a bit, but it was still clear that the other party was asking about the location of the core area.

Who are you?

The young researcher stood up suddenly, took out the pistol beside him, and pointed it into the ventilation duct!



The next second, several crimson tentacles popped out like lightning, as if they had tremendous strength. The young researcher didn't even react, and he was dragged into the ventilation duct!


The next second, with the young researcher's screams and the chewing sounds of broken bones, the young researcher's body completely disappeared into the body of the monster in the ventilation duct.


Researcher Whitebeard and everyone subconsciously swallowed their saliva, and then Researcher Whitebeard immediately pointed in a direction to the left, The core area needs to keep going that way.

Seeing this, the squid-like monster shrank immediately and disappeared into the ventilation duct again, leaving only a pool of blood dripping from the mouth of the duct and the remaining limbs of the researcher...

After swallowing a person, Chen Shibo didn't feel any discomfort at all. He even felt that his body had become larger. He kept squirming in the direction pointed by the other person, and soon came to a new place. boundary.

However, several powerful auras appeared not far ahead, seeming to be exploring their location.

Shenra Special Operations Department? The enemies seem to be scattered...

Chen Shibo's expression condensed, and then he immediately slowed down and crawled to the top of the opponent's head little by little.

When they were still dozens of meters away, Chen Shibo heard the other party's conversation.

Who broke in, and why was the power system in the research area interrupted?

A man holding a long knife couldn't help but ask.

According to the last information transmitted from the surveillance, there seems to be only one person on the other side.

Another white-haired man replied. Judging from the opponent's posture, he seemed to be the captain of a small team. At this time, he only heard the other person say, But the opponent is very strong. Everyone just sensed it. That kind of pheromone is definitely not inferior to us. , so be careful no matter what, don’t get separated from the main force.”

Chen Shibo looked along the fence of the ventilation duct and saw four people walking vigilantly under him, talking quietly as they walked.

To ordinary people, this sound was as thin as a mosquito or a fly, but to a genetically modified warrior like Chen Shibo, it was as clear as if it was ringing in his ears.

However, just when the captain walked under the vent where Chen Shibo was, he suddenly stopped.

This breath...

The captain felt a frightening feeling coming over him. He seemed to have thought of something and suddenly raised his head!


The next second, countless tentacles stretched out from the vents, wrapping around everyone's bodies as fast as lightning!

What the hell!

Almost as a reflex, everyone drew out their long swords and swung the tip of the sword, but the expected sense of cutting was not felt. Those bright red tentacles were actually full of toughness, and they blocked everyone's swords one after another!


Everyone’s expressions changed drastically!

But this is how masters compete with each other. Once there is a slight mistake, the result will be the price of life!

The next second, the four people were directly tied into rice dumplings by the tentacles, and then Chen Strobe's body crawled out of the vent completely. The four people only saw a red monster with wriggling tentacles all over its body climbing ferociously on the wall. At the same time, Two rows of sharp white teeth popped out from the center of the body, grabbing four people and biting them!

And the moment Chen Shibo opened his bloody mouth, he suddenly felt that his tentacles were numb, and the white-haired man at the captain level unexpectedly broke free without knowing how!

However, the remaining three people did not have this ability. After a burst of biting, the three team members were instantly torn to pieces, and the endless smell of blood filled the air, but the white-haired man was the only one who looked at the wall in front of him with a gloomy expression.

What the hell kind of monster are you...

I saw what looked like a ferocious monster full of tentacles on the wall. The opponent had a pair of scarlet eyes, glowing like charcoal fire in the dark corridor, and in the center of the tentacles was a huge black mouth, like an octopus. Just like the mouth is the center of the body, the mouth of the monster in front of him is also located in the middle of the body.

The only difference is that through the dark mouth, he can even see the winch-like fangs inside!

The white-haired man's face became even more ugly. He immediately made a hand gesture to hold the knife, and his expression became extremely solemn.

Facing this alien-like monster, he had a vague illusion that he would die in the next second, but the more he did, the excitement gradually appeared on his face.

That’s the fighting spirit when facing challenges!

However, for some reason, the monster in front of him did not take action against him.

The white-haired man looked at the position of his teammates on the light on the back of his hand, and then looked at the monster in front of him again, but he seemed to see a human-like playful expression in one of the other's eyes.

What the hell?

The white-haired man was a little stunned, but the next second, the opponent stretched out countless tentacles again, and his huge body bounced up like an agile ape, and then got directly into the previous vent!


The white-haired man was startled, and subconsciously chased to the vent. He looked inside with some vigilance, only to find that the vent had become empty.


Seeing this, the white-haired man breathed a sigh of relief, not sure whether he was happy or disappointed.

However, the moment he exhaled that breath, several red tentacles shot out of the darkness like bullets and instantly wrapped around his head!


The white-haired man roared and grabbed the tentacles wrapped around his face. However, before he could exert any force, his whole body was rolled up by the tentacles. Those tentacles seemed to have great strength. He only felt his shoulders suddenly shaking. A pain!


There was a sound of broken bones and flesh, and his whole body was suddenly torn and twisted by the huge force, and was completely pulled into the deformed ventilation duct!


In the dark ventilation duct, only the long scream of the white-haired man was left...

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