Chapter 102 101. Play a game

It seems that Mr. Kong still doesn't understand his current situation.

Looking at Shinra Kong who was rolling on the ground, the mysterious man in front of him just said lightly, Since I can bring you here, I can naturally leave easily, so there is no need to worry about this.

Shinra Sora's muffled groans kept coming from under his feet. After a long time, he gradually recovered from the pain.

Although the stinging pain in his eyes made him a little confused, he still gritted his teeth and sneered, I will not betray my family. After all, even if I tell you, will you let me go?

So I'm going to play a game with you.

The mysterious man took his time and said, Let's take a look at the truth of this world first.

Suddenly, Shinra Kong rolled his eyes. His consciousness suddenly separated from his body and reality, and entered a mysterious and mysterious world!

When he opened his eyes, he saw the somewhat familiar scenery again - the void, the island, and the strange clouds rolling over the island.

At this moment, Shinra Kong's eyes instantly fell into confusion. He only saw endless monsters fighting on several bridges built, abandoning life and death.

And above the island, those weird clouds are constantly breathing along with the battlefield. Every time a monster dies, those clouds will shake inexplicably. Those dead monsters directly turn into nothingness, and are swallowed up by those weird clouds again. !

What even shocked him more was that he actually saw three familiar figures among the clouds. These figures included a fat green swamp gas monster, a blue monster with six arms and a hundred eyes, and The enchanting purple monster he saw in his dream!

In addition, he seemed to see the illusion of a red monster on another red island!

Blood light surged throughout the void, and strong emotions washed over his consciousness and thinking, causing his consciousness to fall into long-term turmoil...

However, just when his consciousness was about to be unable to withstand this flow of information and was completely on the verge of collapse, his vision blurred again. When he came back to his senses, he didn't know when he had returned to reality.

Hoo, ho!

Shinra Kong was breathing heavily with a sluggish expression. The strong impact made his heart beat wildly, and his thoughts kept tumbling, making it difficult to get away from the shocking glimpse before.

Then, what are those things...

Shinra Kong didn't even care about his injured eyes. He raised his hand blankly and grabbed the clothes of the mysterious man in front of him, Is it a god, or some kind of indescribable existence?

That's the reality of the world.

Chen Shibo looked at the embarrassed Shinra Kong and whispered, As a game of exchange, I let you see the reality of the world. You tell me the secrets about Shinra. It's fair, isn't it? I think You don’t want to fall into that kind of place forever, right?”

Shinra Kong was shocked when he heard this. He looked at the mysterious man in front of him in disbelief, and couldn't help but said in despair, Who are you...what do you want to know?

There's a lot I want to know.

Chen Shibo crouched down and looked at Shinra Kong across from him, For example, Mako, for example Xenovia.

Mako is the dry spring of life here.

As if he had learned the lesson, Shinra Sora closed his eyes and spoke without thinking, The fountain of life was discovered by our Shinra family's ancestor, Shinra Soichiro. He first discovered it at a depth of 30,000 meters underground. The Spring of Life, after a series of studies, it was found that this spring water can be used to generate electricity, and the efficiency is extremely high, even surpassing nuclear fusion.

Not only that, in subsequent research, our ancestors also discovered that the Fountain of Life has the effect of increasing strength and lifespan, but the side effects are very obvious, that is, losing control of the mind and turning into a monster with confused thoughts, so we changed the Fountain of Life to Also called Demon.

But as you can see, after a series of studies, we finally found that after extracting the essence inside, the magic can be absorbed smoothly...

Jenovia is something we, Shinra, discovered after we ruled the entire Federation. Before the Second Corporate War, we discovered an alien life tissue on a crashed alien spacecraft and extracted it from it. Jenova cells, discovered that if injected into the human body, these cells can improve the physical condition and become a superman.

After saying this in one breath, Shinra Kong finally swallowed his saliva, This is the origin of Mako and Xenovia, and these things are not very secretive. At least all T0s know these two trump cards of our Shinra.

I see.

Chen Shibo nodded with satisfaction, So what exactly is this magic energy? Have you figured it out?


Shinra Kong showed a trace of hesitation, but when he saw the endless white bones around him, he almost understood that the other party already knew a lot, so he did not dare to hide it, From the initial research, the so-called Mako is actually a planet There is a unique substance inside that contains extremely high energy.”

This kind of material enters an excited state after being excited. There is a lower energy level that can accept particles. There is a certain probability that it will spontaneously transition from a high-energy level excited state to a low-energy level ground state, and at the same time radiate a large number of photons, so it can used to generate electricity.”

As for the reason why people can be strengthened, our detection is because it contains a certain kind of special radiation. This radiation can change human genes. This is why many people's bodies mutate after being immersed in excessive amounts of Mako. Here’s why.”

However, after subsequent research, we found that Mako is closely related to the planet's gravity and climate change, and even due to over-exploitation, not a single blade of grass can grow on the home planet Terra!

What? Terra is barren because of over-exploitation of Mako?

Chen Shibo's expression changed.

Yes, originally we thought it was the mutation on the home planet Terra caused by Tabun herbicide, but later we found through research that the mining of Mako is probably an important part of it.

Shinra Kong said dejectedly, Then we further discovered that Mako is probably related to human souls, or to be more straightforward, people originally need to enter the Santu River after death, so Mako is called Santu Sichuan, but in the end we unified the name, called the Fountain of Life, and what is very special is that the Fountain of Life only exists on the home planet Terra. In addition to Luna, Mars and other planets, there is no Fountain of Life. The existence of the spring.”

Listening to the other party's explanation, Chen Shibo was silent for a long time, Besides your Shinra, which other company knows that Mako is the soul?

All T0 is aware.

Shinra Kong said sincerely, The real secret is the extraction method of the Fountain of Life. Many Fountains of Life have been found in T0 all over the world, but there has been no extraction method. After all, once the Fountain of Life comes into contact with the human body, it will It penetrates in, and if it comes into contact with anything other than life, it will evaporate quickly. The technology to truly extract Mako is only known to us Shinra.

It means throwing the baby into the magic pool, right?

Chen Shibo sneered, If it wasn't cruel enough, I really wouldn't have found a way to extract it.

Due to technical reasons and the widespread use of nuclear fusion in the world, Mako is not very important to the other T0s. Shinra has cooperative relationships with other T0s, and the other parties often purchase purified Mako.

Shinra Kong quickly explained, So until now, we are the only ones in the world who know how to extract Mako, because there is no need.

Then what happens after the fountain of life dries up?

Chen Shibo looked at the dry pond at his feet.

It's useless when it's dry.

Shinra Kong showed a bitter look on his face, Fountains of life often appear underground, and are very rare. Once they dry up, they will disappear. This location will be completely abandoned, and there is no science that can explain the spring of life. Exactly why it appears here, we can only speculate that the fountain of life is related to the soul.

What will happen if all the magic in the world dries up?

Chen Shibo couldn't help but stare into Shinra Kong's eyes and continued to ask.

have no idea……

Shinra Kong shook his head, dark and confused, Many people speculate that the planet may be completely dead. After all, you have also seen that for more than a hundred years, there has been no grass on Terra. If the Fountain of Life is really destroyed, The day it is drained dry will probably be the day the Terra Federation is destroyed.”

Of course, there are almost no demons on other planets, so this guess is probably not valid. If we guess based on souls, some experts have given the result...

Having said this, Shinra Kong hesitated for a moment, That is the destruction of mankind.

Chen Shibo was stunned for a moment.

the reason is simple.

Shinra Kong took the initiative to explain without waiting for Chen Zhongfeng to ask, Because the soul is not born out of thin air, the birth of every human baby is likely to be a soul given by the Fountain of Life, just like reincarnation, the Fountain of Life It is constantly operating in this way, but once the fountain of life dries up completely, then newborns will no longer be able to give birth to souls. Isn’t this the demise of humankind?”


After saying all this, Shenluokong breathed a sigh of relief and said sincerely, This is all I know. If you want to know more details, you must get specific data from the database. If you If you are willing to let me go, I can privately make a copy of the data and give it to you.

Oh, you would be so kind?

Chen Shibo smiled jokingly.

After all, my life is in your hands, and you also control the channel to enter 'there', why can't you be so kind?

Shinra Kong frowned and explained. When he mentioned 'there', his pupils shrank, obviously he was extremely afraid of what he had just experienced.

Although you said it in detail, but...

Chen Zhongshan paused for a moment, then laughed in a low voice, You know, I can see through a person's heart. At this time, I saw concealment in your heart.


Shinra Kong's expression changed, There's no need to deceive me, I'm not hiding anything, you should be able to hear it!

What you're hiding is not with Mako, but with Jenova.

Chen Zhongshan slowly stepped forward and gently clasped Shinra Kong's neck, When you explained Jenova's function, you revealed a trace of concealment in your heart. I think Jenova pairing is more than just a transplant. Is it that simple?

You, you actually...

Shinra Kong's expression suddenly turned ugly. He did not expect that the person in front of him would be so difficult to deal with, and he could even see the hidden dangers of Xenovia that he had quietly concealed.

You lost this game. Remember to be careful in the next life. Don't hide anything when you see me again after reincarnating from the fountain of life.

Chen Shibo whispered, and then there was a click. Shinra Kong's neck suddenly softened, his whole head drooped completely, and his eyes slowly turned from stunned to unfocused.

Oh, right.

Seemingly thinking of something, Chen Shibo added again, I almost forgot that you have no chance to return to the fountain of life...

After saying this, the senior member of the Shinra family who dominated the entire underground city widened his eyes and completely lost his voice...

Throwing the opponent's body on the ground casually, while showing a thoughtful look.

He has tested every word of the other party by watching the other party's consciousness projection. It has to be said that the Shinra family is worthy of being the former overlord of the federation. The quality of each clan member is extremely strong. Except for the other party's consciousness projection at the beginning. Apart from the emotions of panic and surprise, the other party's emotions have been constantly stable since then.

It wasn't until he said the words 'You can become a superman after being injected with Jenova cells' that a concealed emotional wave came out of his consciousness projection.

The biggest lie in this world is not to tell a lie, but to hide the really important information and cover it up in countless truths, and Shinra Kong knows this well.

If he hadn't had the imaginary number space plug-in, he would never have been able to find the flaw in these words.

That is to say, there must be some kind of huge defect or hidden danger in Jenova's cells. Knowing this hidden danger, he deliberately concealed it in order to prevent the family secrets from being leaked.

Chen Shibo analyzed silently, At the same time, the other party deliberately said that to set a trap for me. If I get the Jenova cells, I might not be able to resist the temptation and inject myself directly?

After silently understanding all this, Chen Shibo glanced at the imaginary space again, only to see that the four islands were still in a melee.

Not only that, the monsters on the remaining three islands spontaneously united and began to fight against the little devils on the red island, with the green island as the mainstay.

After all, the number of petitioners on the green island is the largest, and its strength is second only to the red island.

As for the remaining blue and purple islands, because both monsters are newly born, they are the weakest and have been gradually put at a disadvantage by the red island.

Ignoring the changes in the four islands, Chen Shibo left the cave in the mining park again and crossed directly to a new area through the imaginary space.

The name of this area is Biological Research Area.

According to Michelle, Jenova cells were cultivated here...

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