Chapter 104 103. Jenova

Easily swallowing four Shinra special forces, Chen Shibo's body grew even larger.

At this time, he was almost filled with dozens of meters of ventilation ducts, and even his originally flexible body became a little sluggish. It was obvious that this body's utilization efficiency of biomass had reached an astonishing level.

However, a larger body also represents an increase in defense and strength, which can be said to have advantages and disadvantages.

He could feel that in this state, his strength was almost several times that of the human form, and he had the ability to break open even sealed steel gates.

However, just after Chen Shibo absorbed the four Shinra special forces, the expression of the human head wrapped in his body suddenly changed.

An inexplicable tingling sensation and a feeling of foreign object invasion came faintly.

It's as if cancerous tissue is growing in the body. These tissues are constantly sprouting and growing on their own body as nourishment, and then conflict with their own immune system, causing tingling and foreign body sensations.

You must know that after experiencing the strengthening of the Ouroboros virus, Chen Shibo has surpassed the physiological limits of human beings. Now coupled with the activation and strengthening of green spiritual energy, his cells are like gods descending to earth, and conventional weapons are difficult to cause some damages.

But now, he is actually parasitized by an alien creature!

There seems to be something in the bodies of these four Shinra special forces soldiers...

Chen Shibo seemed to have thought of something. He opened his black mouth, moved the muscles and internal organs in his body, and spit out a mouthful of biomass.

While spitting out the biomass, he also spit out several sarcoma-like wriggling things.

The largest of these sarcomas is about the size of a fist, and the smallest is about the size of a grape. They are connected in a cluster, just like real cancer cells, without any growth rules and capable of unlimited proliferation.

While spitting out the outside world, these sarcomas continued to struggle and squirm, as if they were still greedily sucking nutrients from their own blood, and the smell on these sarcomas was extremely familiar...

Is this the legendary Jenova?

Chen Shibo flashed in his mind Shinra Kong's description of its special operations department. All Shinra special forces will manage two types of enhancements. The first is magic. After injecting purified magic, the physical quality will reach an astonishing level. The improvement turned ordinary people into soldiers comparable to high-end genetic enhancements.

The second type of enhancement is the Jenova bloodline.

Obviously, the so-called Jenova bloodline is these sarcoma-like substances, but the other party seems to have some means to form a symbiotic relationship between Jenova and the host, so there will be no side effects.

But that was not the case for him. He was the one who directly swallowed the four Shinra special forces. Therefore, when the Jenova cells in the opponent's body were transferred to his own body, they immediately lost control and began to grow crazily.

In other words, Jenova is most likely a parasitic form of life?

I just didn't expect that I was still trying my best to find traces of Xenovia, but I didn't expect that the other party would appear so easily.

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo immediately rolled up these tumors with a tentacle and then continued to crawl forward.

Whether this thing is Jenova is still open to debate. Even if it is, Chen Shibo cannot leave directly because he has not yet found the technology to achieve balance in the human body.

After all, according to the aggressiveness of these sarcomas, once injected into the body of ordinary people, they would probably be just like real cancer. In a few days at most, the entire person would be devoured and replaced by these foreign cells, turning into a real monster.

Just like Mako needs to be processed before it can be used by humans, Jenova also has extremely fatal side effects. Only by finding a way to safely use Jenova cells can he master Shinra's trump card.

As he continued to crawl inside the ventilation duct, Chen Shibo quickly passed by the second vent, but as he passed by, an extremely powerful aura suddenly appeared behind him and quickly moved towards him. The direction comes quickly.


Chen Shibo's expression changed. He immediately stopped moving and quietly stood in the ventilation duct, trying to control the volatilization of his pheromones.

However, obviously this method did not evade the strong man's perception. Chen Shibo only felt that the aura suddenly burst out and rushed towards him. At the same time, a huge long knife struck the ventilation duct hard. superior!


There was a sound of metal tearing that stung the eardrums. Chen Shibo's body was cut directly, and even the long and narrow ventilation duct was cut with a huge gap!


Chen Zhongshan let out a deafening roar, and his body gushed out from the gap like blood. However, he found that at his feet was a blond young man with a solemn look. The other person was holding a long knife nearly two meters long. At this time, the knife The tip is dripping with bright red blood!

His tough body was actually injured by that knife?

Got you!

The blond young man showed a solemn expression and looked at Chen Zhongshan in front of him with some surprise, You have the aura of my brothers and sisters, and you ate them?


Chen Shibo made a bubble-like gurgling sound from his body, and then the tentacles around him suddenly expanded. The length of these tentacles instantly broke through the distance of more than ten meters, popping up like bullets and stabbing at the blond man in front of him!

Buzz! Bang bang bang bang bang!

There was a rapid crashing sound, and Chen Shibo flashed countless tentacles directly on the wall behind the blond man, making dents!

But the blow was in vain after all, and the figure of the blond young man disappeared directly in front of his eyes.

Without caring about why the opponent disappeared, Chen Shibo directly stretched his body, using his size advantage to fill the entire corridor, and then slammed forward!


The distance of more than ten meters came in an instant, and Chen Shibo's huge body hit the gate at the end of the corridor hard. The huge force even made the entire corridor shake!

However, this blow still did not hit the opponent.

Obviously according to Chen Shibo's induction, the opponent's physical quality was not much better than those of the Shinra special forces he had killed before, but his use of skills was already superb!

This is a qualitative change!

A higher level of cyber martial arts!

Chen Shibo's pupils shrank, and he suddenly understood. If the entry level of the Shinra Special Forces' cyber martial arts was the school level, and the black-haired man he had killed was the general level, then the blond young man he met now was definitely He is the top strongman among the Shinra special forces!

Above general level?

Just as this thought came to Chen Shibo's mind, he suddenly felt a frightening feeling. His huge body shrank suddenly, and then bounced again, directly adsorbed to the ceiling!

The next second, the metal plate where he originally stood shattered inch by inch, and a blue afterimage disappeared in a flash!


There was a soft sound from the electromagnetic wave, and the blond man's body reappeared with the flash of blue light. It was obvious that the other party used some kind of invisibility technology.

Sure enough, the real cyber martial arts is the combination of martial arts and modern technology?

Yes, you can actually avoid my invisible and formless sword slash. You must know that my sword is the legendary molecular blade.

The blond young man stroked his long knife slightly, showing a look of obsession, Even the hardest alloy in the world can break everything. There is no sharper weapon in the world than this knife.


Chen Shibo let out a roar, and one of his tentacles suddenly extended, aiming firmly at the figure of the blond young man.


The blond young man's face changed. At this moment, a frightening sense of crisis suddenly hit him. He jumped back without thinking. At the same time, his body began to disappear in mid-air, but the next second he heard a buzzing sound, and he was carrying The stealth equipment completely malfunctioned!

There was a trace of astonishment on the blond man's face, and then he tilted his head suddenly, and the long knife in his hand was directly in front of his face!


There was a sound of metal collision, and the blond man felt a violent tremor from the weapon in his hand, as if he was hit by some invisible bullet, trembling!

What is it?

After dodging the sudden attack, the blond man's face showed shock, because he found that the various instruments in the knife in his hand also failed, and it changed from the original single molecular blade to the most ordinary long knife.

But he didn't know. He looked stunned, and Chen Shibo was even more stunned. What did he see? The opponent actually dodged his psychic attack and blocked it with a knife!

Psychic attacks are not impossible to dodge.

Although the psychic energy is not transmitted along the air like a bullet, but when he shoots, the psychic energy code will instantly return to the imaginary space, and then enter reality in the imaginary space and be transmitted to the target.

This kind of speed can be said to be unstoppable. Generally speaking, it is impossible to dodge at all. However, it still has about one hundredth of a second to pass. At this time, the opponent relied on this less than one hundredth of a second to resist for the first time. My own psychic attack!

However, although the opponent blocked it, all the weapons and facilities on his body had been completely destroyed by psychic energy!

One person and one monster were stunned for half a second at the same time. The next moment, the blond man actually made a move that Chen Shibo did not expect.

As soon as he stepped on his feet, his whole person suddenly turned into an afterimage and completely disappeared in the passage behind him!

This blond young man actually ran away.

Want to run?

There was a murderous intent in Chen Shibo's eyes. The opponent could resist a psychic attack, but that didn't mean he could continue to resist it. Apparently the opponent thought so too, so he turned into a deserter without hesitation.

Chen Shibo looked at the opponent's fleeing back, and stretched out his tentacles again to launch several psychic attacks. Sure enough, this time, a few balls of blood suddenly burst out from the opponent's body, but the opponent continued to run away as if nothing was wrong, and even ran faster. Soon.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he disappeared from Chen Shibo's sight.

At this time, the doors of each passage have been completely opened. Apparently because these Shinra special forces wanted to hunt him down, they took the initiative to open the gates of the research institute. At this time, Chen Shibo did not stay in the ventilation duct, and his body stretched out Several tentacles as thick as human thighs were directly wrapped around the passage gate more than ten meters away.

The next second, Chen Shibo's body was like a slingshot, ejected at an astonishing speed!


Just like that, Chen Shibo also rushed out of the passage at an extremely fast speed and chased in the direction of the opponent's hasty escape.

Along the way, Chen Shibo saw dozens of Shinra special forces. Apparently, according to the command from above, these Shinra special forces were constantly shrinking the encirclement, trying to stop Chen Shibo in place.

Only when he transformed into a giant squid monster, Chen Shibo almost entered an unparalleled state. With just one tentacle entanglement, he strangled these special forces directly, and then sent them one after another into the capstan-like mouth.

As for those at the captain level who were more powerful, Chen Shibo could also use psychic attacks to easily kill their opponents. However, in this way, when Chen Shibo killed twenty Shinra special forces, he finally lost track of the blond young man. figure.

Not only that, the other party obviously had other ways of contacting him. Chen Shibo chased after him and found that the gate in front of him had closed again, and the other party wanted to block him in the research area.

But the other party's idea was doomed to fail. Chen Shibo simply followed the previous method, first fixed a few strong and powerful tentacles on the gate, and then relied on the slingshot effect to directly hit the gate.

boom! boom! boom!

It only took two or three times for the steel gate, which was nearly ten centimeters thick, to shatter into countless fragments under his huge strength!

At the same time, he vomited out more than a dozen sarcomas again, which were the Jenova proliferating cells he extracted from the newly killed Shinra special forces. At this time, the Jenova cells accumulated in his hand had reached the size of a human head. , was grabbed by several of his tentacles and hung behind him.

Just after Chen Shibo dragged his bloated body through the last sealed gate, his vision suddenly widened, and he unexpectedly came to a huge laboratory without knowing it.

At this time, hundreds of researchers had gathered in the laboratory. Originally, these people were hiding under the table and shivering, but as Chen Shibo burst through the gate and barged in, the entire laboratory suddenly burst into heart-wrenching cries. howl.

Well, here is...

Chen Shifeng glanced at the sign on the wall, only to find that this was actually the core area of ​​the laboratory.

Not only that, there was a closed laboratory directly in front of him. There were observation windows several meters high on all sides of the laboratory, and inside the window was a life incubator that he was somewhat familiar with.

No, it should be said to be an enlarged version of the life incubator!

It was a huge cylinder with a height of five meters and a diameter of three meters. The entire incubator was completely transparent, and inside was an unknown blue liquid.

But the most important thing is that there is a human with disheveled hair wearing a golden mask soaked in the liquid!

No, that's not human.

Chen Shibo could sense that the aura emitted by the other party was as vast as the starry sky. It had the same origin as the sarcoma in his hand, but the quality was far superior.

Somehow, Chen Shibo instantly determined the identity of the other party.


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