The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2662: Your master is Ye Kong

"Friend, listen to me ... friend, you walk slowly ... friend, don't you want to be a powerful deity, with boundless divine power, worshipped by hundreds of millions of servants?"

When the already crippled Qing Shui Yun Gui grasped the giant sword and flew back, Ming Xizhan heard such a voice.

"Someone is talking!" Fate Thirteen was shocked, and after a brief observation, he was surprised to find that the sound was actually the head bone that Lin Shuai dug up last!

"What is it? Come out for me!" Ming Xizhan was shocked, and roared immediately.

"Don't be afraid, in fact, I am just a small piece of spirit hún." The voice said in a playful tone, and then a small light and shadow emerged from the pointed corner of the skull.

Then, that light and shadow formed a small humanoid shadow, standing on the huge horn bone.

Destiny Thirteen One looked suddenly suddenly "this fairy king is good at swallowing!"

The little figure did not expect that the other party knew him. First he was surprised, then nodded and admitted, "Yes! I am the ancient hún shard that is good for the ancient gods. Yeah, it ’s best if you know me. I believe you also know My ability, and the ability I have! "

Ming Xizhan's heart was full of doubts, asking, "Are you really good at swallowing up! Who is the present King of Immortals, and why are you in the bones of the tiger's head?"

Speaking of Qinghu, Shan swallowed a grudge on his face and said, "You don't know, I swallowed Qinghu at first, and wanted to devour his body and his mighty power. You should know that I have the power to devour God's power! With this! Shenwei, I can devour my opponent to strengthen myself! Therefore, I devour the green tiger! "

"What happened then?" Obviously, the following things did not go well, otherwise he would not appear here.

"In fact, I do n’t know. As the king of the ancient demon family, Qinghu also has the talent and power! And most importantly, his talent and power has always been useless, so I think his talent and power are other ... but It wasn't until I devoured him that I found out that his talent was amazing, absorption and fusion! "

Ming thirteen frowned. "What do you mean?"

Shan Shan smiled bitterly. "In short, that is to say I wanted to devour his hún spirit and cultivation, but in the end, my hún spirit and cultivation was absorbed by him."

"That's it!" Mingshishi said in surprise. "Isn't that like it's like the lower realm robbed the house? I wanted to rob someone's house, but in the end I was robbed by someone else!"

Shan Tun nodded quickly, "Yes, you are very smart, that's it."

Although he swallowed the obvious compliment, Ming Xizhan was still very vigilant and said, "Since you were swallowed back, what is going on with you? Why did you get back into the tiger's bone!"

"I'm not even a futile now ..." Shan sighed and said, "That's it. I'm an ancient god, and I'm a special ancient **** with his head and body separated. This is destined for me and The other ancient gods are different. I have two relatively independent spirits, one on the head and one in the body ... "

"Originally my head and body spirit hún communicated and sensed each other. But at that time, my head was taken to the lower bound by an abominable guy. Later, after struggling to return, I was busy swallowing the tiger's hún with my head, and forgot Let's talk to the body spirit hún ... but this negligence is a good thing. "

"Later, after I devoured the blue tiger hún, I was taken away by him! My spirit hún was absorbed by him, and all the memories I had were obtained by him, but my will was getting weaker and weaker, I knew it was not good , So I hurriedly notified my body and escaped! "

Fate Thirteen Secret Road, did not expect that so much happened to the ancient **** devour! He asked, "Have the body escaped? I see that now the body of this fairy king is more and more like an ancient demon, is it a new body?"

"No, that's my body, but with his will, he began to grow into his imagination." Shan Tun said, "The spirit in my body at that time hún knew that it was too late to escape at this moment, so he hurried out a quiet line. At that time, I was just holding the head of the ancient demon, and I hid this piece of spirit hún in it. It was also because the head spirit hún was not synchronized with this side, so the ancient demon swallowed the head spirit hún and killed He died the spirit hún on my body, and then completely took over all of me ... but he didn't realize that I became a fish that leaked the net! "

"That's the case!" Ming Xie roughly understood a little, and nodded. "So good spirit hún fragment, what are you planning now?"

"I don't want anything anymore." The good-spirited spirit hún shard resentfully said "My only wish is to use my little strength to kill the green tiger! This bastard, this lunatic, he will die sooner or later ! "

Ming thirteen is tǐng in favor of this sentence, Green Tiger is a little crazy. However, Ming Xizhan wanted to ask more, "I want to know, what is your ability to make a difference?"

Shan Tian laughed and said, "Don't forget that I was once a part of Shan Tun! If anyone swallows me, gets my memory, gets my ability, gets my divine power, then he is not him!"

Ming Xing asked "Who is that?"

He smiled and said, "That is a very powerful person, you are a fairy cultivation, right? Listen to your tone, or are you a slave to others! Don't you want to be strong? Don't want to pursue power? Don't want others to be you Are they slaves? These will be at your fingertips, as long as you devour me! "

Fate thirteen and move quickly, "Then you talk about it, how can I devour you, I won't!"

Smile sweetly, and be extremely gentle. "It doesn't matter. Don't forget that I have devoured the might of God. I can teach you! You see, I have become a wasteful man. All my wish is to kill the green tiger! So you are devouring me. Before, I had a small request that you must kill the green tiger in the future ... "

However, no matter how 蛊 huò his life was, and his face was dark and black, he finally smiled. "Wait for me to go back and ask my master."

"Why is your child so stupid? Such a good thing, if your master meets him, how will he let you?" At that time, you will get the bamboo basket empty!

Ming Xizhan smiled and said, "Relax, my host is very good. I believe you will be very happy after seeing it."

"Are people nice?" Shantum heard this sentence, nodded, and no longer urged Thirteen, and said in his heart, wouldn't it be better to have a master?

It's easy to get back down and difficult to go back ~ ~ A short while later, a broken blue ghost with a whole body broken, clutching a quaint long sword covered with rust on the surface, flew back again.

Ming Thirteen was authorized by Ye Kong to have the right to enter and exit the pipa beads arbitrarily, so as soon as the figure moved, he entered the pipa beads.

Among the pipa beads, a figure in Tsing Yi has been waiting.

"How is it? Are there any gains?" Ye Kong asked.

"Harvest ..." Lin Shuai frowned and stood to the side, very frustrated.

However, Ming Xie threw away the cloud ghost on his body, dismissed the screaming and falling from the ground, just holding the head of the ancient demon in his hand and laughing, "Fortunately, no shame!" After that, he patted him again. Bone, called out, "Teach me to devour the might of God, and then let me devour you, from a kind-hearted person who is not good for myself, you can come out, my master is waiting for you!"

The spirit hún who swallowed was still thinking about good things, but when he came out, he almost fell over, and the expression on his face was like seeing a ghost. "Your master, Ye Kong!" !! .

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