The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2663: Ye Kong out of sleep

Two six six three leaves empty

"Teach me to devour Divine Power, and then let me devour you ... Good to swallow, are you so good? Are you really stupid when my life is thirteen to the kind of pie who fell from the sky? I'm afraid when I promise you "When you devoured me" After the good was swallowed, Thirteen coldly hummed

Hearing Ming Xing's words, and then seeing Ye Kong in front, Shan Tun finally knew that he was hitting the muzzle this time.

Therefore, Swallow didn't say much. Immediately turned around and plunged into the head of the green tiger. Then, the sound of Swallow was heard. "Everyone is different, and you do n’t want to throw me back. Otherwise, this ancient demon horn will be kept for a long time. "

After hearing the arrogant words of Shan swallow, Ye Kong tried again, only to find out why Shan Tun was drilled in the horns of the horns. The original horns of the ancient demon were so hard that nothing could be cut and there was a compartment. Shan Tun hid in it. That's why he survived the immersion of the green stomach fluid and survives to this day.

After seeing Ye Kong take him, he swooned again and hid in the horns and shouted, "Ye Kong has been trapped in his stomach. It seems that you have been caught by Qinghu's puppet. Haha, it seems you It's quite easy. Let's cooperate with you. Find someone to devour me and let me own the body first ... The fairy can also be ah. I can slowly cultivate. With the memory of my ancient **** and the talent and power that I still have, It takes a hundred years to reach the **** of heaven, and it may take a few hundred years to become a partial **** ... "

Ye Kong laughed when he heard the words of "Swallowing," "Swallowing, once the ancient **** royal family, I ca n’t think of you as childish. I'll wait for you for hundreds of years, and right for you for hundreds of years. I might as well swallow your memory."

"You dreamed" shouted with good anger: "Don't say that you won't devour even if you catch me, just say that it's impossible for you to catch me now"

Shan Tun originally wanted to talk to Ye Kong by hiding in the horns, but Ye Kong grabbed the horns and snorted, "I can't get you out, but there is something I can do"

As soon as Ye Kong was in shape, he had already walked into the Soul Soul Hall and came to the soul altar. On the soul altar was placed the body of a huge sword demon god.

As soon as Ye Kong raised his hand, he swept the body of the sword demon **** to the corner. The soul did not need to be placed on the soul altar.

Later, the horns were placed on the soul forging platform.

Shan Tun started not knowing what it was, but soon, when the array on the soul altar lighted up, and a kind of evil and horrible soul energy appeared, the voice of Shan Tun shouted in panic. Taiwan, this evil thing, my God, I am willing to submit to you, Ye Kong. "

However, Ye Kong did n’t need his surrendered soul to forge Taiwan to force the soul of the sword demon **** out of his body, and to push the goodness out of the tip of a horn of a horn was easy and casual. After a while, he saw the light and shadow of goodness being squeezed. Come out

"Swallow up, you say goodbye to this world completely" Ye Kong sneered, holding up the golden soul forging hammer to the last soul of Swallow Up.

What Ye Kong did was not just to make this soul into a soul queen. The first thing he did was to strip out the good memory.

The most important of the ancient **** royal family like Shan swallow is probably to remember the life of countless epochs, countless things that happened in the middle, his perception of the cultivation method of this world, the theology he has learned, and so on. Understood by Ye Kong

However, this memory is huge, and there are many vague fragments that may be lost when this soul is broken down, or it may be too long, and he forgets to swallow it.

If Ye Kong wants to fuse this large amount of memories, it is not something that can be achieved in a day or two. If it is forced to merge, it may even break Ye Kong ’s soul. Although it will not die, the consequences will not be good.

Therefore, Ye Kong can only keep all the good memories in his mind, store the seal there, and hurry up to do the business

Soon after, two black light **** appeared in Ye Kong's hands.

"The soul that swallows is really strong. I can't think of this one, and I can create two powerful souls." Ye Kong held the light ball with the evil energy in his hands. He secretly thought that the green tiger swallowed all the souls. I swallowed it and I do n’t know how good it is

"Ignore those, now is my time to escape"

In the gruesome grime-filled grotto, high up, two huge chains of light and shadow are locking a man in Tsing Yi, hanging in the sky, and at this moment, I saw a black guy throwing a black light ball out, and then Turning his head, he escaped into the pipa beads ...


The black light sphere exploded violently and can be seen. The force generated by the explosion suddenly turned into an aperture and spread out, but it was very strange and did not cause damage to the surrounding walls and any real objects. The explosion is just an explosion from the spiritual level

The soul burst, and even a green liquid droplet on the nearby creeping wall did not shake, but at the moment, the two light and shadow chains that locked Yekong were broken into powder.

After shattering the light and shadow chain, the figure of Tsing Yi's back sword conditionedly fell from the air but did not fall too far. I saw the eyes of the man in Tsing Yi shining brightly and his eyebrows flashing. When he raised his hand, his body hung in the air

"Huh, Green Tiger, maybe you haven't found me out of sleep yet, but I don't know when you will end the battle, so I must speed up to leave here." Ye Kongkong read it, and the consciousness was immediately released, filling the space.

"This is not a closed space. Fate Thirteen, they guessed nothing wrong. This is that the stomach of this fairy king is just that the throat is blocked by the green tiger. It is not easy to go out there. There is another way, which is to dig it down. , To escape from the **** of this fairy king ... this should not be feasible, otherwise it will be disgusting, and it is not known how long it will dig. "

㊣ (5) Ye Kong just delayed for a while, and quickly opened the memory of Shan Tun, looking for the secret about his body.

Although Shan Teng's memory is huge, but his body is a major item, Ye Kong quickly found a lot of content

"It turned out that there are eighteen stomachs separated by this fairy king, and the thickness of some parts is not very deep, and it is not too sensitive ..." Ye Kong was so pleased that he looked at his eyes under his feet. Greed

"Eighteen stomachs, I do n’t roll Ye Kong before leaving, I wo n’t call Ye Kong"

Thirteen lives there shouting in pain, "Master, I don't want, don't get so many dead people to Pipazhu, I beg you"

Lin Shuai also shouted, "Master, I don't want to dig a dead person's personality, that thing is too smelly."

Ye Kong laughed with a smile: "Relax ~ ~ I have a way" Ye Kong flew down, took off his belt, and drew a large amount of green liquid and corpses into the Wanbao River

The next second, he appeared in the Wanbao River, and said, "Sword beast, open the hearth."

The sword beast over there suddenly mourned, "Master, I am not a cremator."

However, although he was unwilling, he had no choice but to accept a large number of corpses of gods. The fire was burning quickly, and it burned clean after a while. The bright gods were spit out from the space furnace.

In fact, the **** blood vines on the king ’s armor liked these corpses, but Ye Kong did n’t give them food because it was disgusting. You can eat fresh corpses, you still have to eat carrion ... I really want to vomit

After Ye Kong did all of this, he found somewhere on the stone wall, took the Guanghua Sword from behind, and laughed, "Green Tiger, I'll do a little surgery for you, I hope you don't feel the pain"

To the reader:

It ’s four today, thank you for your support, and ask for monthly tickets at the same time, thank you all, too many names, so I wo n’t report them one by one, huh, huh

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