The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2661: Dig a bone

"Unexpectedly!" Looking at what was dug out from under the green stinky liquid, Ming Thirteen and Lin Shuai both stared at the boss!

It turned out that what was dug out from below turned out to be the body of a god-man!

"There are really gods here!" Ming Shishi cried in surprise.

Shuai Lin shouted, "Someone just said that the chance of meeting a god-man here is zero."

"What we want is the spirit of the man-hún. The man-in-law is alive. What's the use of being dead?" Ming Xie replied, "There is nothing of value in this dead body. Hurry up and take his godhead. I dug it! "

"What am I?" Although Lin Shuai was depressed, he still dug up the goddess of a green man.

The cloud ghost of Qing Sè waved his hand, and put away the goddess of Green Sè. Just listen to Lin Shuai said, "Hey, life thirteen, this corpse is also useful for the owner to cultivate the **** bloodvine, why don't you take it?"

"Soaked in this liquid, the body of the god-man is actually rotten and stinky, and I want to collect it, it seems that it is still a female corpse." Ming Xizhan said shamelessly, and ordered "dig, continue to dig down. test."

"Ah, it's me again!" Although Lin Shuai had 11 million reluctance, there was no way but to continue digging.

But this dig, they were surprised. It turned out that under this green liquid, there were a lot of corpses of god-man! Dig one left and another! Dozens of dug out in a blink of an eye, and there are still many looks below!

However, the further down, the more severe the decay, the rotten **** body was broken down, and the electric light filaments overflowed from it, forming an arc of light, flowing from the green liquid, I do not know where to send it.

Seeing this scene, Lin Shuai was a little surprised, and said, "Thirteen, why don't we go back and ask the master."

"What a useless thing, this is what it is." Life thirteen came out for a long time, and his courage was much bolder, and he said, "I guess this is the stomach of the Taoist fairy king! You know, those gods who came to attack the king of fairy Tao, Those with value are sent to the world of ice caves, and those without value are killed, sent to the stomach, digested and absorbed, and become the nutrients of this fairy king! "

Lin Shuai nodded. "You're right, I think so. But I also feel a little skeptical, just like human beings have stomachs, but after becoming a god, they will not starve to death even if they don't eat it! The same is true of the fairy king. If I do n’t eat, I wo n’t starve to death. If I were the Immortal King, I would dig out the gods of these corpses and refine their gods to use them. This is even more useful! Why would he use this primitive swallow to digest What about? "

Ming Shishi shook his mouth and shook his head and said, "I don't know, I don't know either, but obviously that green tiger is not stupid, there may be reasons you don't know." Ming Shishi said, and then said angrily, "You guy, just talk. Don't work! Don't dig quickly, even if you can't dig out the living god-man, it's good to dig some gods to the master! "

Lin Shuai said angrily, "Hey, I'm digging slowly with a sword, of course, it's too slow! You are so big, you can imagine countless palms, why don't you work!"

Fate Thirteen think about it too, immediately transfigured a large number of palms, reaching into the green liquid.

Although the green liquid's corrosive power is amazing, Qing Sè Yun Gui's palms make a snoring sound and emit a few green smoke, but life thirteen does not care, because this is not his hand, there are many ghosts in the host anyway.

With the participation of Yun Gui, the speed of excavation was significantly accelerated. In a short period of time, thousands of corpses were dug up. Of these corpses, eight Chengdus are upper gods and two Chengdus are partial gods! There are almost no other levels, so the harvest is also quite huge!

In a blink of an eye, life thirteen collected three hundred partial godheads and nine hundred godheads!

Looking at so many goddesses, he ordered thirteen eyes to stare at the avenue. "Oh my god, rich, even if the master can swallow again, so many godheads are enough! If not enough, there are still below, dig, continue digging!"

Seeing Ming Xizhan's greedy fortune, Lin Shuai stopped and said, "No, you see, the body of my giant cormorant has been corroded. Even so, I will send it to Weizhou for overhaul."

Thirteen "then you rest, I continue to dig."

"That won't work!" Lin Shuai flew out of the Divine Sword, staring at his life and thirteen said, "You have let the greedy méng keep your eyes off! You don't forget, this time we are out to look for the spirit of the god-man hún, and Now we are delaying precious time digging the corpses! Is the host asking us to come out and dig the corpses? Even if we dig back more gods, when the green tiger comes back, does the master still have the opportunity to use these gods? "

Lin Shuai's words, like a head hit, woke up to life thirteen.

"Yes! Our purpose is to find a usable spirit hún, not to go back with so many godheads! Well, now we are no longer digging in a large area, but digging in one direction! Dig deeper! If here If it really is the stomach of the immortal king, then there is the intestine, the blood vessels ... Anyway, there must be out! Only by digging out the channel can we have a chance to find the living god! "

Fate XIII changed his strategy immediately, digging insanely, not even charging some troublesome godheads, just go all the way!

They didn't know how long it took to dig. They could no longer dig their bodies. Underneath were all dirt, rocks, and various metals.

Lin Shuai scolded and scolded, "This bastard, I don't know how much he has eaten, he doesn't digest it, it is deposited in his stomach, how can he not kill him!"

Fate Thirteen was frowning. "This fairy king swallowed a planet, making the body so huge. Presumably his stomach is not so big. Let's dig like this, and I don't know where it will end."

When Lin Shuai heard this sentence, he also felt that the problem was serious.

"How is that good?"

"But there is no other way but to continue digging!"

The two dug again, Lin Shuai dug an artifact from the soil, an ancient artifact, a fragment of a broken ancient artifact, which looks like a spear or a long go.

Lin Shuai said, "I feel familiar with this thing!"

Ming Xizhan smiled and said, "How can there be something familiar to you here, it's just a fragment. It's useless."

Lin Shuai threw away the fragments and shook his head. "It seems I've seen it before."

Lin Shuai didn't take it too seriously and continued to dig down.

But after a while, an unusually large bone was dug up.

Seeing that giant bone that was a bit like a horn, Lin Shuai was shocked and said, "I know, we dug to the level of two hundred years ago! The King of the Fairy devoured a lot of things, all in his stomach. , Forming a thick layer of stratum! And we just dug to the level of 200 years ago, that is when I just followed the master! "

Speaking of which, Ming Xizhan was also surprised. "I remember what happened at the time. Is the ancient artifact that was just a good artifact that was exploded at that time and you took it!"

"It is the head of the ancient demon and the green tiger!" Lin Shuai said flatly!

"Unexpectedly, we dug here ~ ~ Life thirteen was sighed, but lù gave a painful smile, saying," We dug for so long, just dug two hundred years ago, this fairy king does not know that For billions of years, when will it be possible to dig exports? Are we really unable to fulfill our master's mission? "

Lin Shuai also followed with regret. It took so long to dig for two hundred years. How deep is it below?

However, it is normal to think about it. If the body of this fairy king is a person, how terrible his stomach and intestine should be!

"Can't dig?" After a long silence, Lin Shuai could not help but ask.

"..." Ming XIII didn't know how to answer. After thinking for a while, he said, "Go back and ask the master, maybe he has any ideas."

"Okay." Lin Shuai said, throwing the horns and bones to life thirteen.

Thirteen "What is the use of this broken thing?"

"Take it home to make a memorial for the owner." Lin Shuai said with a grin. !! .

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