The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2647: Flower of faith

The battle star is shrouded in formation, and he is full of air all day long. However, at this moment in the morning, Kou Nanbō, who has become a law enforcement elder of the Frozen Earth Alliance, is standing on a high platform. The forty or fifty Frozen Earth Alliance brothers kneeling underneath are in violation of the door rules and the organizers are fighting in the alliance. man of.

These are some young junior immortals, who are just natural and indifferent. They openly organized people to fight in the alliance.

Kou Nan bō can understand these descendants of immortals, but it can not promote this atmosphere, otherwise, within the headquarters of the Frozen Earth League, there will be endless crackling all day long!

"You're so dumbfounded! You completely ignore the rules in the league! Undermine the rules left by the first-generation alliance leader Ye Kong Taixian! What should you do!"

Kou Nan bō was originally a tall and mighty shore. The Frozen Allies underneath were all scared to kneel without saying a word, scared in their hearts, secretly said that Elder Kou had always been iron-faced and ruthless, but this time he hit the muzzle!

Seeing the shrinkage of these younger brothers, Kou Nan bō was really angry and funny, and continued to curse, "Why did you know why it was originally, and now you are afraid! Do you know what punishment is required to violate the alliance rules? That is to Fired! "

"Ah!" Those younger brothers were all scared, and firing out of the league was the biggest punishment for them! This battle star now has only the forces of the Frozen Earth Alliance. If you leave the Frozen Earth Alliance, you must leave the Battle Star, otherwise staying is a dead end!

"You ..." Kou Nan bō said, and in front of him, I saw a young man with a sword in Tsing Yi standing not far away. He was smiling, his breath could not be detected at all. The most striking thing was him. There is a diamond-shaped light spot in the center of the eyebrow, which is emitting a hazy purple mist!

Because Kou Nan bō was stunned at half the words, the younger brothers followed his eyes and looked back, and they all saw the man at a glance.

"Who is this man, and why does it seem familiar?"

"When did he come in? We didn't even know it!"

"Although he doesn't overflow his breath at all and can't sense his cultivation, but I still feel his strength, so terrifying and powerful!"

When all the younger brothers were talking, I saw their majestic law enforcement elders flashing fanaticism in their eyes, stepped forward three steps, kneeled down, and said, "brother Koonan bō, see the first generation Leader! Congratulations on Leader Ye!

"What, this is the first-generation League leader Ye Kong! No wonder they are familiar!"

"Tenjin, is there really a Tenjin in this world, do we really have a chance to ascend into Tenjin?"

Those brothers all started talking, everyone originally quietly circulated the story of the first generation of the lord war against the original fairy king, marveled at this man's legendary behavior, and now knows that he has become a god, so The glances towards Ye Kong are all worship!

"Not yet see Ye Zushi!" Kou Nan bō couldn't hide his heart, and turned back and roared.

At this moment, Kou Nan bō was really uneasy. Two hundred years ago, Ye Kongna was regarded as a rebellion by the Taoist fairy king and chased and killed by the elders of the fairy king palace. Unexpectedly, I haven't seen them for two hundred years, and I'm already a god!

At the beginning, the scene of waiting for Ye Kong in the snow and ice forest was still in sight. At that time, Ye Kong had said that he would come back one day, but he did not expect it to come so fast!

"I've met Grandpa!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Your ancestors were stubborn. I never thought I could become a grandfather. Ye Kongzhong cursed, waved his hand and said, "No polite, you all go out first, I have something to talk with Kou Nan bō."

The younger brothers all left the palace, and Ye Kong raised his hand and laid a simple **** array, and then spoke to Kou Nan bō.

"Nan bō, I have always remembered Ye Kong as a gift of swords. The ancient artifact giant divine sword has helped me a lot, and I keep thinking about it." Ye Kong looked at Kou Nan bō and said, "The immortal king is in a critical situation at this moment, here It's very dangerous, so I'm going to take you out of here. "

Kou Nan bō said, "I also feel that the recent situation is a little different. Although I have been fighting for stars, but what do I feel from the words of the emissaries of the fairy palace, what is the situation outside?"

Ye Kongdao "There are a lot of gods in the upper world, including the main **** and partial gods, and even more immortal gods behind them. Their purpose is to kill the Taoist fairy king and win treasure! Now the king of the fairy **** becomes very powerful, everyone There will inevitably be a fierce battle in this starry sky! I am afraid that the battle star will be destroyed in the flames of war! "

Kou Nan bō said, "The gods of the upper world come to kill our fairy king. This ... what should we do? Will it be affected if we hide in the planet?"

Ye Kongdao "It's hard to say that the battle of the gods can't be imagined by you as an immortal! No matter how powerful the immortal emperor is, you can't break the planet, but a god-like man with the power of God can break the planet with one blow, Besides, it is very likely that a lot of Lord Gods have come this time! "

"Broken the planet in one blow!" Kou Nan bō suddenly said with a bitter smile. "No wonder everyone wants to ascend to God. It turned out to be so open."

This time is not the time to chat. Ye Kong asked again, "What do you know about the immortal king of these years? I am here this time to see that his strength has increased a lot."

Kou Nan bō said, "I have been in the upper ranks of the Frozen Alliance all these years, and I am familiar with the emissaries of the fairy palace. I have also received a lot of rumors, and I do n’t know if it is true or false. I will tell you."

Kou Nan bō continued, "It was said that when you were still there, there was a big guy who tried to challenge the fairy king and was swallowed up by the fairy king. After swallowing up, the king's power increased greatly, but this doesn't seem to be the main thing ... The main thing is that what the fairy king has also inherited from that big guy, not only has the inheritance, but also the treasure of that big guy! It seems to be called the huā of faith, oh, I do n’t understand. In short, the fairy king does not want to People fight, just want all the planets to breed their descendants frantically, and then build temples! Let people worship and worship what the faith is. "

Speaking of which, Ye Kong also accidentally understood, and he moved his mind and asked Ming XIII, "What is the huā of faith?"

"Good thing!" Ming Xizhan still has the inheritance memory there, he thought for a moment, and said, "The source of the divine power is the faith of all people. These are easy for the human demons and these races ~ ~ God They can help them, they can teach them how to dress, weave, and use fire to gain their faith. "

"But there are some disadvantages for races and other races. The races have no words, there are many types, memories are inherited, and most things are not even sages. There are even some plant-based things that have no ability to move. How can we contribute to the deities? "

"So the God of Creation is merciful. In order to balance the various races and allow them to survive and develop, they have created the huā of faith. This is a plant and a seed of a thing. As long as you plant this and carefully cultivate it, it will grow out. A special kind of huā flower, these huā flower placed in every corner of the world, will crazy absorb the power of faith of all ethnic groups, and then dedicate this power to the owner of the huā! "

"The huā of this faith is so effective and very powerful. Therefore, for a period of time, the huā of the faith spread to all walks of life, the tribe was flourished, and the strength of each of the gods increased. Therefore, the **** of destiny sent bad luck to the faith of huā. Since then, this thing has become less and less. After that, it has basically been completely lost, and the tribe has become weaker. Gods have to think of other ways to increase faith and divine power. "

Ye Kong nodded, scolding in his heart, the old idiot, Green Tiger, didn't use such good things, and didn't give it to himself. !! .

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