The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2648: God of Prohibition

"No wonder it has swallowed up its strength so much, it turns out there are still these secrets." Ye Kong thought secretly.

Kou Nan bō said, "It is said that the array they have arranged is still mysterious, but I don't understand it. If you come here a long time ago, it would be nice to catch Qian Youren, all these things are his responsibility."

"Has been a long time ago!" Ye Kong was taken aback. To know that a long time ago, it was the time when the blood **** showed blood tracking. It seems he guessed right, when Qian Youren was fighting for the stars!

"Where did he go now?" Ye Kong asked again quickly.

"Teleport is gone, you are not unaware, this airspace is controlled by the formation method, and can be teleported away at any time." Kou Nan bō said.

"No," Ye Kong wondered. "The general control of the teleportation method is not at the gate of the Fairy Palace. I came here this time, and watched it. I didn't see it."

Kou Nan bō said, "The formation center was originally there, but wasn't it destroyed by you last time? Later, it was relocated to the Xingkong Pavilion of the Immortal King."

"Ah!" Ye Kong was startled again. Xing Kong Ge Ye Kong has been to the place where the original Tao Xianwang received them and let Hong Mengni play the piano. That place is the internal body of this fairy Wang!

If the teleportation method gets into the belly, it's really a little troublesome! With that formation, Qian Youren can spread it wherever he wants to. How can he catch him?

"Nan bō, in fact this time I not only came back to take you away, the other one, that Qian Youren is the father of a friend of mine, and I want to catch Qian Youren alive and bring it back." Ye Kong also did not conceal and expressed his intentions.

Kou Nan bō laughed and said, "This is easy to do. I want a way to bring him here. When you hit it, you can easily capture it!"

Ye Kong was overjoyed "So good!"

Between Ye Kong and Kou Nan bō, many people have gathered outside. It turned out to be Ye Kong's old acquaintances, Shen Yilù Chen Xiaoyan, and others, as well as a large number of younger brothers of the Earthmoving League.

At present, Kou Nan bō went out and threw a jade card with a trace of the God of Immortals in the sky. Here, all the jade cards were used to convey the sound. Jade was cycloneed into the general control room from the formation, and someone took it to tell Qian Youren.

And here, Ye Kong didn't go out, and chatted with Shen Yi lù and others in the room.

Shen Yi lù husband fù came in and gave Ye Kong a bow. It was said that they were wrong at the beginning, should not come to help Ye Kong. But Ben Dao is the master here. How can they dare to rebel?

Shen Yi lù they already know that because of the power of the Tao in this world, they can never feel the law! So I wanted to leave in my heart, and now I saw Ye Kong become a god, I wanted to ask Ye Kong to help them leave.

Ye Kong originally only wanted to take Kou Nan bō and others, but now Shen Yi begged, and even said that it did n’t matter if their husband fù left or not, as long as they took away the descendants of the Frozen Alliance!

Shen Yi lù said his head, "Ye Tianshen, after all, these people are called your ancestors!"

Ye Kong thought about it and said, "It's okay to take all of you, but to go to another world, that world has not yet been built, but it is like a paradise, and there will be no danger. And, that world in the future There will also be soaring systems and soaring into god! "

Shen Yi lù and others were surprised, "There is still this world? Let's go, we are willing to go!"

Ye Kong Pipa Pearl World also needs people, and then throw them into Weizhou first. This matter is not troublesome, but Ye Kong still keeps Shen Yi lù secret, after all, not everyone is willing to leave.

Shen Yi lù went to organize the person to leave, Kou Nan bō came in, shook his head and said, "This is a bit troublesome. It is my younger brother, who is the guard of the headquarters today! He told me that it is a critical moment, outside A fierce battle is going on, Elder Qian is busy, and there will be no time to ignore me! "

"Jī fierce battle?" Ye Kong frowned.

Before Ye Kong entered the battle star, Shan swallowed up most of the gods, and the remaining blood and others have been lingering. The Immortal King has occupied the absolute advantage. Why are there any fierce battles now?

"Just a moment ..." Ye Kongong said a moment, his figure disappeared.

The next second, he was already outside the star formation, looking at the Cangming, Ye Kong was shocked!

It turned out that the gods came to Daniel! Swallowing a huge body surface, even covered a layer of rune formation!

Ye Kong quickly contacted Le'er with a messaging token, and soon the news came back. It was really a cow.

The **** of control, the master god, is close to the immortal deities!

It is also the **** of system that appeared in time to seal the space and rescued the blood **** and others!

In the end, the **** of system is a powerful master god, regardless of strength or appeal, and saves the blood **** and others, so the **** of system has become the supreme commander here.

At the moment, the **** of control notifies all the partial gods here, and the Canglu and others dare not comply, so they have to pass.

System of Shinto "I did n’t come here to poke anything on this mutated ancient god, but I have recently developed a system called Infinite Array. Because I have never known the power of this array, I call it Immeasurable! But although immeasurable, but I am not the old man of the God of Heaven, we are always powerful, so I want to test this array on this ancient god, to see how powerful this array is and what Loophole! "

The **** of system is originally a high-level man. At this moment, no treasures are needed. The people present are all welcome, expressing that they must cooperate with the actions of the system of god.

The **** of control said, "I need five eyes, eighteen feet, five hundred and sixty flags, and countless counties ..."

Everyone said bitterly: "It's good if you come early."

The Shinto of the system "On my way, I saw a steady stream of people coming behind. There are enough manpower for up to three days ... But now the time is urgent. I need five eyes and eighteen people to help me put the chu shape, especially The five fronts need some strong masters! "

He went on to say, "As for your safety, rest assured, I will keep you safe!"

The Blood God and those who survived those ancient families said that they could help.

Besides, the arrow hún God and others tracked for a long time, and finally found out that they were only tracking a cloud ghost, and Ye Kong had already ran halfway!

The arrow hún was furious, and an arrow slammed the cloud ghost.

Several of them subsequently returned. After returning, the God of Control just happened to seal the huge nebula.

Blood God, Seven Gods of the Sun, Sword Face God, Kongkong God, and Sea Demon God ~ ~ Five people act as array eyes. Eighteen other arrays were also arranged, and Yang Duanming, a partial **** of food, and Cao Zilong, an ice palace, were selected.

They help the **** of system to start the battle. To say that the **** of system is really good, close to the immortal level, and directly call the bottommost rule of order. The nebula is being suppressed by the universe and the universe, the more it gets smaller!

The scene Ye Kong saw was exactly the scene where Shan Tun was completely covered in the universe.

Swallowing, of course, cannot be sealed, so desperately struggle!

Let me talk about the arrow hún god, who originally made him one of the fronts, but he refused. Soon, he flew out again, looking for Ye Kong, because he knew that as long as he found Ye Kong and captured that powerful bow, that would be the biggest gain!

Compared with that **** bow, it is not worth mentioning to swallow the materials and treasures on the body!

On the battle star, Ye Kong is also frowning greatly. If he swallows and is killed by the seal of the **** of control, then there is no doubt that money will have to die! !! .

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