The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2646: Battle Star

Two Six Four Six Battle Star

Thousands of the gods were swallowed up by the huge nebula in one go. In a blink of an eye, they disappeared, and the latest free chapters entangled in the wind of death. [\ '《》 Fiction`.]

The rest are only a few powerful partial gods such as the blood demon god!

But even so, the blood demon **** and others did not escape the danger! The large mouth in the center of the Black Nebula is still open, and the large space is still like a conveyor belt. Everything that is brought into the space is sent into the huge mouth that the ancient gods swallowed up!

Hundreds of thousands of miles in front of the conveyor belt, partial gods such as the blood demon **** are madly fighting against the oncoming space and ran backwards!

Fortunately, the Shocking Shock ability may not be used continuously, so for the time being, the blood demon **** and others will not be killed immediately. However, Shan Tun is still drawing space hard, and at such a speed, the blood demon **** and others escape very slowly. If you wait for it to recover, you can use Shock again ...

At that moment, the blood demon **** and others are dead!

The blood demon **** is a powerful demon tribe, let alone in the southern demon kingdom, even in the entire **** world is also small. He usually decides the lives of others, and until today he discovered that he himself was not very good.

Right now, he could die at any time!

"What to do, I don't want to die!" I walked all the way to kill the blood demon **** who didn't know how many billions of Taoist immortals, only to find the precious life at this moment, he was already trying to escape, but he found that the escape was really difficult!

In the case of swallowing the reorganization space, he did not know how much space was broken, and he could not see other interfaces. And if he fled backwards quickly, the large space would constantly hit his body.

"He may use that teleportation method again at any time, what to do in the end!" The blood demon **** quickly smashed a piece of space and ran back, his eyes really bleed, and he was about to crash. [\ '《》 Fiction`.]

Like him, there are several other partial gods, all of which are exogenous partial gods of the ancient family. The full text is free to read from the beginning to the beginning. Although these partial gods have some strength, they don't have too powerful life-saving means, so they all only pray while fleeing ...

Looking at the blood monster god's crazy escape, the arrow soul **** has no way, although their relationship is good. But what about Arrow Soul God, even if he goes back, not to mention, he now has more important things to do.

Arrow soul **** can no longer see Ye Kong. Because Ye Kong has entered a relatively dense star field, large stars and small stars are everywhere, blocking the view. However, this does not affect the arrow soul **** chasing Ye Kong, because the blood arrow he carries can sense the position of Ye Kong!

"Blood demon God, you can handle it yourself ... I must get the **** bow of the last name Ye!" Arrow Soul God made up his mind and plunged into the dense area of ​​the planet.

In the distance behind, the wealthy second-generation partial gods of several ancient families also followed.

A dense cloud of stars is flying at a fast speed! This dense area is actually not Ye Kong's destination! Ye Kong originally wanted to go to the battlefield, because the direction of the blood demon **** ’s blood tracking just now is the star field, and the most likely place of the star field is the battlefield!

But with his tail behind, Ye Kong didn't want to lead Arrow Soul God and others to the battlefield, wherever they went, they would cause a catastrophe.

Therefore, Ye Kong changed direction and introduced Arrow Soul God and others into the densely scattered star area of ​​the planet.

"Okay, at this moment, it's time!" Hiding in the blue clouds and ghosts, Ye leaves a motion, suddenly raises his hand and pulls it, and pulls out the golden scorpion pattern on the back of his hand. The bow appeared in his hands!

"Hum, you want to follow me with this bow, you dream!" Ye Kong sneered in his eyes, and his heart moved again, throwing the shooting heavenly bow directly into the pipa beads.

What did the soul of the arrow that was tracking behind suddenly sense!

"Not good! There is no induction!" The speed of Arrow Soul God dropped sharply! He originally sought Ye Kong by the induction of the **** blood arrow, but the **** blood arrow couldn't sense it, and then he fell down.

"Huh, you want to run away? Don't underestimate the spirit of my arrow system!" Arrow Soul God stopped in the void, grabbed a big hand behind his back, and took out a very thin arrow from the quiver.

"Positioning and tracking arrows can reach my triple speed as fast as possible, and they should be able to catch up with that kid!" The arrow soul **** did not hesitate to shoot with a bow in the direction that Ye Kong disappeared!

cough! The small black slender arrows plunged into the dark sky, and dexterously shuttled between the planets, and soon merged with the dark blue sky.

A satisfying smile appeared on the face of Arrow Spirit God who stopped soon, "Hey, blue spirit cloud, I see you again, chase!" Arrow Spirit God quickly chased up again!

Followed by Arrow Soul God, the partial gods of several ancient families followed closely.

However, they did not know that a figure in Tsing Yi had already emerged from the blue cloud ghost, and rushed to the battlefield from another direction!

"Qian Youren old ghost, I hope you are on that planet! As long as I Ye Kong finds you, what **** is here to kill the treasure and steal the treasure, I don't care!" Release another Shenzhou Sword and sail to the battlefield!

The place of battle is also called battle star. It was the place where the ancient gods used to absorb human life. However, since the devoured green tiger was well swallowed, and inherited, learned from it and laid down to resume the life of God, this planet is dispensable for the King of the Fairy!

Of course, the battlefield still has some effect.

For example, good swallowing needs to be able to become a messenger of the fairy king palace, work for him, set up an array for him, build a temple for him to allow billions of planetary people to believe in him, and let him get a strong belief in God. Therefore, the battlefield became a place to compete for the angel of the fairy king palace.

Because the surface of the battle star is covered with a thick formation, the gods outside attack, and the immortals here don't even know.

On the surface of the black battle star, there was a thin flash of brilliance. Under the main artifact, the formation was immediately cut into a hole, and Ye Kong had already plunged into the planet.

With Ye Kong's devotion, as long as the mind is moving, the entire surface of the planet has been wrapped with the devotion, and the fairy here will definitely not find anything!

Ye Kong was standing on the top of the planet, with his back against the array. His sense of knowledge was simply swept away, and his brow frowned!

Because, he found that Qian Youren was not on this planet! If the direction of the blood demon god's blood shooting star is not wrong ~ ~ Qian Youren was in this star field at the time, and this star field is only the most likely battle star!

However, Ye Kong found something else, because he felt that at this moment his frozen soil alliance had become the only force on the planet, and Shen Yilu and Chen Xiaoyan were basically the most important people on the planet.

For these two people, Ye Kong didn't have much favor or dislike. At first, he was chased and killed by the King of the Fairy. The two men just passed him a word through others, without giving him any real help.

There are several other people on the planet. Ye Kong has to help this time. These people came to send Ye Kong away, especially Kou Nanbo, to give sword friendship, can not fail to report!

"Well, now that you're here, you'll find Qian Youren first, find Kou Nanbo Liu to paint them, talk and talk, and it looks like they are already elder-level figures in the Frozen Earth League at this moment! Finding Qian Youren also helps! "

Ye Kongzhong thought, the figure flickered, it had disappeared out of thin air, and the dark sky restored a calmness!

To the reader:

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