The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2645: He will also shake!

Two **** five he will shock dàng!

After engulfing the ancient demon and the green tiger, Shan swallowed its strength even more, and the power and power of certain laws to control it were unprecedented!

When he used space reorganization, all the space locked by the gods moved, and the rapid flow of the space toward the nebula's mouth!

"No! The entire space is controlled by him, and we can't even invoke the rules!"

"This guy has such strength!"

Only then did the god-man realize that the ancient gods swallowed well was not as weak as they thought! At the beginning, the ancient demon and the green tiger were swallowed up by him, not to mention the gods in front of them!

Space, as if a long river pulling a large area of ​​gods and men, flew back one after another!

However, among so many gods, there are also those in danger.

A leader of an ancient family over there shouted, "All alliances, don't panic! The ancient gods are powerful, but the distance is far away, and we still have time ... It is better for everyone to unite and set up a split air array method, independent of this space , Don't worry about his devouring power! "

The blood demon **** first responded, "Okay, everyone is united, and a burst of empty space is laid!"

In the fast-reversing space, several Alliance leaders gathered together and commanded their respective gods and men to arrange a huge cracked array. The so-called splitting is to split a place in the space and open up a new space.

If the burst of air is spread, not only can everyone in the scene hide into it and not be swallowed up by the good, but even later people will have a temporary place to stay here!

However, this method of opening up the world in the midst of darkness is not so easy. It takes a lot of time and requires good cooperation between gods and people below!

However, the main cyclone of the Immortal King is far away. From the time, it should be too late!

When they set up in the retreating space, a new dispute arose on the Canglu.

"Now they are working hard to arrange the formation, but we stand by in the distance, this is extremely inappropriate!" Although Cao Zilong was just thankful that he was not in the devouring space of goodness, he now saw that there was an empty **** He has a new idea.

His sister Lin Lin immediately agreed: "Yes, don't try hard to help now, will they allow us to take refuge when the crowd is finished? Then we will be isolated! This kind of huge swallow is not one by one Force can kill, we might as well go up to help and join one of the alliances ... "

The brothers He also thought about this suggestion. Although they are relatively safe now, there is no doubt that they have nothing to do with the large army. Obviously, killing the good swallows requires a large army to attack together. If you don't help now, I'm afraid they won't bother them if they want to help!

Yang Duanming thought similar to him, but still asked, "We are not safe now, should we take the initiative to put ourselves in danger?"

He asked, and everyone stopped talking. Because although there is a formation there, it is undoubtedly still in danger. The vast space is like a glacial river, with thousands of gods, and it is flowing quickly into the good mouth.

Is it better to put yourself in danger?

At this time, Le Er said, "Received Ye Kong's rumor, he said to let everyone be careful. He felt that the immortal king of the Tao was much stronger than last time. Maybe we have underestimated its combat power before, so don't take it lightly! "

The news sent by Ye Kong promptly stopped their argument. Cao Zilong, who advocated entering danger, also temporarily stopped speaking and kept watching.

Le Er said to Qian Yanning again, "Xun Ning Fairy, Ye Kong told you not to take any action, he has already gone towards the star field where your father appeared."

I heard that Ye Kong has gone, so the fairy Ning Ning is relieved!

Over time, not long after, the gods of that group were close to the huge black Nebula. However, their burst of air has also begun to take shape and is about to succeed.

In the eyes of the blood demon **** and others, there was a joy, and he yelled, "Everyone keep up the speed, don't panic, according to this speed, you can set up the formation before being swallowed!"

Seeing that their formation is about to succeed, some of the outer Shenzhou boats that were originally in a safe place can't help it. They took the initiative to fly into the flowing river of space to the blood demon **** and others, and wanted to join at the last moment among them.

Such a scene made the people on the Canglu eager in their eyes. But unfortunately, they are far away at this moment in a roundabout way. If they go back at this moment, they will have no time to arrive before the battle is finished.

"Everyone listened to Ye Kong's words. What did he understand?" Cao Zilong said uneasily in his heart.

But at this moment, there was a sudden panic in the eyes of the wind and **** He Xixi who had been paying attention to it, pointing at the huge black cyclone in the distant starry sky, exclaiming, "What is it for?"

Everyone looked up violently, and saw the huge black cyclone that lasted for nearly one light year. At this moment, it started flashing, as if an entity nebula had turned into an unstable light and shadow!

"What is it trying to do ..." Everyone on the Canglu was stunned.

There is a large array of blood demon gods and others there. They felt wrong earlier than He Xixi. At fifty feet in size, the blood demon **** who looks like a huge worm is shocked! At that moment, he clearly felt a creepy feeling on his huge back!

"Escape!" The blood demon **** just drew two breaths, and roared the next moment, his huge tail smashed the flowing space and fled!

At this moment, those powerful partial gods have completely disregarded the formation of the law, they have no regard for their subordinates, and all lost their way! Even, while burning the **** body, flying backwards!

And the gods and people were too late, they were slow to break through the space, and they escaped a time slower than the gods!

At this moment, I saw the glittering black nebula cyclone, which had turned into a bō pattern, and moved forward violently! Move fast!

On the other side of the starry sky, Ye Kong, who was flying in the belly of a green ghost, was suddenly stopped and stunned!

"It's the ancient demon and the tiger's black magic, Zhen dàng! Oh my god, the king of the gods even learned Zhen dàng, what happened? Then ... Then he doesn't want to fly to swallow people!"

Those gods who set up a large array of cracks have now become the first cannon fodder!

Originally, they still had time to arrange the rifting **** array, but the huge nebula actually has such a terrible moving speed! In a blink of an eye, the nebula appeared in front of them, a step away! They can even clearly see the big mouth like a creature in the middle of the nebula!

"Don't! Help ..." Poor thousands of gods ~ ~ For a while ago, my eyes were higher than the top, but not for a lifetime. In a blink of an eye, I became a lamb without the power of a chicken Encircled by large pieces of space debris, all sent into the giant mouth of this fairy king!

The disciples of the major families, the eight hundred gods of the arrow hún, the gods and the people, the little gods who came here to find the leaks, and the various Shenzhou they took were all swallowed up by the fairy king!

The most pitiful are those gods who had escaped from safety. It is because they are clever themselves that they put themselves in danger and put them in the tiger's mouth! At this moment, there is no chance to regret it!

The Canglu was quiet, everyone was shocked by the sight in front of them. Thousands of gods, swallowed and cleaned in a blink of an eye! Their next second action was to look back at Cao Zilong.

Cao Zilong, who was still complaining about Ye Kong just now, flushed and turned his eyes awkwardly. "There are still blood demon gods. They are some powerful partial gods. I don't know if we can escape ... let's stay away."

To the reader:

And at night ...! .

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