The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2640: Shoot or not

Two **** zero shots still do not shoot!

Booming, in front of the eyes, the figure of Ye Kong who had just rushed out of the Wanbao River was hit by Zhang Wutian's three shadowless arrows at the same time, and it disappeared instantly!

"This is ..." Everyone present was a person with rich experience in combat. It immediately became apparent that it was not Ye Kong's deity who was just hit!

If the deity is defeated, there will be more or less visions of the gods falling. On the other hand, this deity will carry all kinds of treasures. If they are killed, one of them will fall!

At least, there is a godhead that is not.

But nothing, it is obviously the incarnation of Ye Kong. It is not difficult for Tenjin to imitate an incarnation, and there are many ways to incarnate. Refining, transfiguration, or using the essence of Taoism can make different incarnations.

The sighted person can see at a glance that the shot was nothing but the incarnation of Ye Kong!

"Well, the avatar also needs divine power. I will continue to use the Shadowless Arrow. You will shoot one and I will shoot one. I see how long you support it!" The arrow hún **** Zhang Wentian once again pulled the bow and arrow.

But just as he pulled the arrow, weird things happened.

I saw the place where the three arrows were just blasted, the light and shadow were distorted, and an image of Tsing Yi Ye Kong appeared again!

"This is it!" Everyone was surprised at the scene, and they all looked away!

It turned out that Ye Kong was not the incarnation of Ye Kong! But just a very realistic light and shadow like Ye Kong! From this point of view, the light and shadow were not shot, but the space was shot and the light and shadow disappeared. Now that the space has repaired itself, light and shadow appear again!

"What kind of light and shadow is this illusion? Why, I know that it is light and shadow clearly, but my spirit hún thinks he is the real Ye Kong?" Arrow hún Zhang Zhangtian Although the powerful shadowless arrow is in hand, but Also hesitant.

Because this is obviously just light and shadow, one shot, breaking space, but the light and shadow will still be there! Is it shot or not?

During the battle, the fighter jet fleeted, and at the moment Zhang Wentian was faint, from the other end of the Wanbao River, another Tsing Yi figure suddenly rushed out, holding the main artifact lightsaber, pedaling the bō pattern, and speaking. Then, toward the arrow hún **** with a strange posture and speed!

"This is it! This is the true Ye Kong deity!" Zhang Wentian instantly distinguished this from the point of carrying a weapon!

"You can do whatever you want, and it's fast, but it's not as fast as my arrow!" Zhang Wentian snorted in his heart, the crosshair changed slightly, and he released his finger toward a leaf that appeared behind him!

Huh! It's another three shadowless arrows!

In the face of the shadowless arrow that shoots and disappears, Ye Kong who rushed out did not have any intention to avoid it, but continued to take great strides, at a chance that the sky was moving at a normal speed, and rushed to Zhang Wentian!

Ye Kong's purpose is obvious! Zhang Wentian is an archer, and must be low defense and low body! As long as the melee is slashable!

Looking at the dead Ye Kong and the three arrows of God who had nowhere to go, the audience present shook their heads secretly, feeling Ye Kong's move was a bit stupid. Are you fast? What's more, the three arrows can't be seen at all, and then you can't hide from Ye Kong!

No matter how thick Ye Kong's body is, if you want to resist the three arrows of God hún's full strength, I'm afraid the blood bar is in the end!

However, when everyone has their own thoughts, some people have noticed that the arrow hún Zhang Wentian has a strange look on his face!

Subsequently, the arrow hún **** Zhang Wentian took out another three shadowless **** arrows and shot them at an almost crazy speed! Everyone can feel that Zhang Wentian's hands shot with the three arrows behind him!

Just when everyone doesn't know why Zhang Wentian looks like this, just listen to it! Ye Kong's "incarnation" was shot again! The three arrows just shot at the "avatar" again!

"Is the arrow hún **** too stupid? But I clearly watched him shoot towards Ye Kong deity, how could he fly there, knowing that it was an incarnation and shoot?" The audience mō was unconscious.

Zhang Wentian was dazed too, because he found that the shadowless **** arrow shot again, the third time, ran towards the direction of the incarnation!

"What is that light and shadow! Definitely not an ordinary incarnation! It can actually míhuò my spirit hún, I know that it is not Ye Kong's deity, but I still use the spirit hún to lock that false target ..." Zhang Wentian was horrified without thinking Thinking about this terrible divine art, it is simply a nightmare of the bow and arrow system!

However, he had no time to think about it. After he fired the third shadowless arrow, Ye Kong was already standing in front of him!

"God hún god, die for me!"

The arrow hún God has clearly seen Ye Kong's killing lights flashing in the stars and the dazzling white light emitted by the master artifact!

"Dream!" You must know that the arrow hún **** is the first partial **** of the arrow system, no less than the sword demon's cultivation, how could he die in the hands of Ye Kong like this?

Although he was a little messy, he flashed in time!


Everyone's astonished eyes saw Ye Kong's fast and fierce sword for a moment before it was cut down. For a very short time, there was no breath, even just one tenth of a breath! And this is one ten thousandth of a time, the arrow hún God successfully escaped!

"This is the transposition of the arrow hún god! It is said that the arrow hún **** has three treasures, the most powerful of which is the god's blood arrow given by the king, followed by the divine star and the arrow, and finally the transposition god's action to avoid ! "

"Yes, an archer, even if he is strong, his defense and melee ability will always be his weakness! Therefore, every successful bow deity has his own means of escape!"

"That Yekong, an upper **** man, even forced the arrow hún to use transposition gods, it is not easy!"

But Ye Kong asked, it's not that simple!

He was not surprised when he saw the arrow hún running away. A powerful partial god, if this means of life-saving is not available, he would have died long ago?

Ye Kong did not give up, secretly in his heart, the arrow hún God I have to chop you back today!

In his mind, Ye Kong's figure flickered, stepped on the bō pattern, and stepped through the starry sky to chase the arrow hún God again. Not only that, just as he stepped out, he raised his left hand and pointed it!

"Space locked up!"

The arrow hún **** was immediately locked. However, from the perspective of strength and understanding of the law of space, Ye Kong is not the opponent of the arrow hún at all. I saw that the arrow hún was only temporarily stagnant, and then raised his foot to step out from an unbelievable angle, and it was already broken. This space is locked!

Ye Kong certainly didn't expect to lock him, he just dragged him on. And it was in this fleeting time that Ye Kong had a rune of dark gold in his right eye, which flew out suddenly!


The rune of the ancient **** was released in the eyes, which was one of Ye Kong's hole cards. More importantly, it may be jealous of everyone in the **** world, but at this moment, Ye Kong can't look forward and look back! Because ~ ~ he wants to get the Blood Arrow so much, he wants to see how powerful the shooting of the Tianlang God Bow and the Blood Arrow is!

This definite character is not the traditional law of time and space, or even the law of this world! Therefore, the powerful arrow hún was immediately anchored, and his face was in shock!

Because he really did not expect that a powerful partial **** would be held by the upper **** man! Can't break free!

"Give me death!" Ye Kong glanced in joy and took another step! Almost in front of the arrow hún God, there is still time to take another step!

To say that the arrow hún God can still break free, two methods, one is to explode, throwing his large arms and treasures to Ye Kong. The other is to burn the **** body. I believe that the cultivation of the arrow hún **** to the level of the main **** can definitely break away from the influence of fixed characters.

But unfortunately, burning the **** body takes time, Ye Kong will be there in the blink of an eye, which is too late!

To the reader:

Today I recommend a new book, Silent Wolf's work "Ghost Raising", mysterious mystery, it is worth a look. !! .

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