The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2641: Extinct

Seeing the Arrow Soul God being anchored, Ye Kong was ecstatic for a while!

Just fix it! Ye Kong believes that with his strength, he can strike the soul of the arrow soul once with a full blow!

It doesn't matter if he can kill him, what's important is to explode his blood arrow! This is the sole purpose of Ye Kong!

However, at the moment of life and death of the electric light flint, you can see the strength and experience of the arrow soul god, I saw his arrowhead godhead flashing red! As if the flaming stars in the starry sky!

"Burst!" At this critical juncture, Arrow Spirit had a third way!

In this roar, a burst occurred in the quiver behind the Arrow Soul God, and in the roar, a powerful force shoved the Soul God's quiver to the surroundings. Although there was no blood arrow, but There are a lot of powerful magic arrows, this burst, immediately burst into a gap in the area of ​​influence of the fixed character!

Run away!

When the gap in the back appears, the arrow soul **** flies backwards crazy!

But it's too late! Ye Kong's Guanghua Sword of Excalibur doubled sharply!

"Explode me!" Ye Kong's eyes were full of firmness, and the sword of the master artifact was facing Zhang Wentian in a black armor, and cut off!


In the crisp sound, Zhang Wentian's black front armor was easily cut in half!

The blood of the **** Zhang Wutian has retreated, but the sword has turned his face, mouth, and belly! Cut it all! At that moment, everyone was stunned. The incomparable Arrow Soul God, known by the God King as the soul of the Arrow Soul, even suffered a sword from Ye Kong!

However, because Arrow Soul God's arrow burst was used in a timely manner, Ye Kong did not cut his entire body, nor did he cut him! Ye Kong's smash hit him, and he was fleeed. In his eyes, di showed panic once, and at the same time, he went crazy backwards!

Ye Kong saw him fly back, of course he would not be allowed to escape, his eyes flashed through the killing power, holding the main artifact sword in his right hand, and swiping back and forth in the direction of the arrow soul god!

"Divinity, big cut!"

Since you can't be chopped with a sword, I will cut you raw! At this distance, the magic cut is still very useful!

Huh! Huh!

Ye Kong swipes back and forth five times, and on the arrow soul's body ti, there are suddenly five cutting light sweeps back and forth! Each of them can penetrate the body and soul of the arrow soul god, damage his body, and more importantly, cut him into five segments. In such an injury, he will be blown!

It can be said that for this blow, Arrow Soul God is already a deadly situation!

But even so, I saw the sharp soul of Yayan released in the eyes of Arrow Soul God, raised his finger, and his fingertips emitted bright light, as if it were gold and a finger!

"Divinity, great repair!"

I saw his fingers stroke back and forth on his own body. The route that his fingers passed was exactly the route that Ye Kongda cut through! And the most bizarre is that when the body ti cut by Ye Kong was passed by his fingers, his body ti was restored together!

Although the damage of the divine body caused by the big cut was unavoidable, he would not be cut into several pieces in this way, and he would not explode! You will not lose any equipment!

After the leaf empty cutting magic was finished, Zhang Wentian's great repair magic was also finished. Even Xingkou's belly, which was first cut by Ye Kong, he also swiped with the fingers of the big repair, repairing as always!

That feeling seemed to have opened several dazzling zippers for him, and he pulled those zippers back!

"This is not dead!" Ye Kong was stunned, it seems that the first partial **** of this arrow system is indeed not stigmatized, and he wants to kill him, it seems that it will take some effort!

The fighter fleet was fleeting. Ye Kong was suddenly caught off guard by the spirit of Arrow Soul God, but it was due to a defeat in the end! And the Arrow Soul God, who has slowed down, must launch a crazy counterattack!

"His surnamed Ye, hello, you're fine!" Zhang Wentian couldn't say anything else. He has lived so many years old and has endured numerous challenges. Arrow Soul God did not think that he would have a day. An upper **** man hits such a wolf! Moreover, there are still many well-known descendants in the **** world.

Believe that their battle will reach the realm of God within three days!

"Anyway, you must die here today!" Zhang Wentian's eyes glowed with a strange red light, and then saw him tremble suddenly, shaking the remaining black armor on his body ti. Chiguo stood in the void!

"Ye Kong, you are eligible to die under the arrow of my star destroyer!" Zhang Wentian, the demon **** of arrows, is now like a yak with muscular muscles all over his body.

"Three treasures of the arrow soul god, the star destroyer arrow, he was really angry! He even used his divine power! To deal with an upper divine person use divine power!"

"Nonsense, if he doesn't use Divine Power, this battle still doesn't know who killed the deer!"

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, I saw the soul of the arrow swiftly holding the red slave **** ’s bow in his hand to the sky ... The **** bow slowly flew upwards above his head, and he began to get more and more away from his hands. Big, getting bigger!

Zhang Wentian looked up, looked at the growing red bow with an almost faithful eye, and said slowly, "The most primitive arrow god, give you my strength, let my arrow , Burst everything! "

"Shenwei, the star destroyer!" When Zhang Wentian spit out the words, the red slave bow was huge to hundreds of feet! Believe that even if Ye Kong turns into an ancient god, there is no such bow!

At this moment, Zhang Wentian's body ti flew up, and at this moment his body ti seemed to be a ant. He flew into the sky behind the bowstring, his solemnity was revealed in his eyes, he raised his finger at the bowstring, and said again, "Divine power!"

I saw the raging divine power inside him, forming a white dazzling pillar of divine power! The beam of light shot on the bow of the red slave, condensing a white dazzling arrow of light! This move is similar to Ye Kong's original use of Broken Fairy Road. But the difference is that Ye Kong originally condensed the fairy arrows, and the arrow soul **** Zhang Wentian condensed, but it was an extremely powerful arrow!

Before this arrow of divine power is released, the power that has been dissipated is already amazing! All the onlookers around began to recede, because they all believed that this arrow shot out, and the whole large starry sky in front of them was afraid that they might suffer the disaster of pond fish!

Star destroyer arrow, according to this strength this arrow shoots a planet, it is not difficult at all! Star extinguishing arrow, arrow as its name!

Feeling the power of the star destroyer arrow, Ye Kong was also a bit frightened. The power of this arrow, the absolute power may not be able to take over!

However, Zhang Wentian didn't want to stop at this time. He saw his eyes full of anger and madness, and slowly said, "You won't use what attracts my soul? This time I see you attract!"

"Burning God Body!"

Those gods who have retreated countless miles ~ ~ After listening to this sentence, they suddenly retreated!

Now it ’s so strong. If the **** body is burning, how much power does this arrow have! so horrible! Just stay away!

Ye Kong felt the power and was bitter in his mouth. He secretly said that the first arrow system was not a joke! If you are hit by this arrow, you will undoubtedly start to retreat, but how can this arrow, this kind of power, have no locking function? Can this be avoided?

"It doesn't seem to work, only the golden spirit cloud is released to top it!" Ye Kongzhong thought for a while and slowly backed away.

However, just before Ye Kong did n’t exit, the Arrow Soul God had condensed there. He shot madly in his eyes and laughed wildly. This arrow, haha, the star destroyer destroys you, you can be glad! "

"Let's die!" In the roar, an annihilating arrow shot out! Machine net:

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