The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2639: Shadowless Arrow

Two six three nine shadowless **** arrow

"Okay, the main artifact of the realm! Taoist, it seems that you are not as simple as an ordinary swordsman." Seeing Ye Kong release Wanbao River, the arrow hún asked Zhang Tian brows a brow.

Originally, Zhang Wentian thought Ye Kong was a nameless person, so even the names didn't communicate with each other, he couldn't wait to launch an attack. I would like to ask, for an ordinary upper **** swordman, such a powerful partial **** does not even need to ask the other party's name, just kill it!

But seeing Ye Kong take out the treasures and show his strength. Zhang Wentian frowned, feeling that this person may be a personal character, he has always been a more savvy person, unwilling to easily offend people who ca n’t be offended.

At the moment, he was not in a hurry to shoot an arrow with a bow, but slightly clenched his fists at Ye Kong, politely: "The arrow hún asks Zhang Tian, ​​dare to ask the name of the friend."

To say that this arrow hún **** is for face, a powerful partial **** of the arrow system actively exchanges names with you, it is very polite.

Ye Kong will not lose to others in courtesy, but will also hold a fist, saying: "In the Xiabei Sword God Kingdom, the sword city lord is buried, the sword maker Ye Kong!"

Ye Kong has been a little famous in the Northern Sword God Kingdom, but in the whole world of God, it is a little worse. People in the demon **** kingdom far south of Divine Realm have heard of Ye Kong, but Zhang Wentian heard that he was a city master, and his tone softened.

"Master Ye Cheng, I have a heartless invitation." Zhang Wentian said, but the next words were passed to Ye Kong by using a voice transmission. "Brother Ye, I feel there is something I like from you I do n’t know if you can transfer it to me. The price is easy to say. "

Zhang Wentian felt the reaction of God's Blood Arrow before he knew about Ye Kong's treasure. But can make the powerful blood arrow of God react, that treasure must be absolutely amazing! Therefore, Zhang Wentian didn't even have to look at it, he just spoke.

Seeing Ye Kong not talking, Zhang Wentian said again, "Brother Ye, you are a swordsman, and you must use them before you can find them. Rather, I am a partial **** of the arrow system. Bows and arrows are like mine. Life is just as important! So, as long as you are willing to transfer that bow-linked weapon to me, I am willing to help you find a sword weapon of the main artifact level. What do you think? "

Speaking of which, this question is really sincere. He didn't even look at it, and he already opened a sword artifact! This shows not only his sincerity, but also his strength and the financial power of his family!

This is not over yet, Zhang Wentian said, "Of course, if you occasionally use a bow, the red slave **** bow in my hand can also be given to you, but this is a partial artifact that is very close to the main artifact ..."

Seeing Ye Kong still not speaking, Zhang Wentian bit his teeth again, "Brother Ye, as long as you are willing, then this time we will kill the ancient gods and count your share ..."

Zhang Wentian's conditions have not been finished, Ye Kong's voice has returned.

"Brother Zhang, I have felt your sincerity, but you do n’t have to open up the conditions, because this treasure is a gift from a senior, giving endless commemorative significance, so even if I die, I will not transfer the shot. Ye Kong said, and said, "If Brother Zhang doesn't mind, I would like to talk to Brother Zhang about another deal!"

Absolutely, Zhang Wentian listened to Ye Kong's words, his face suddenly became cold, and said coldly, "I am afraid that the transaction you are talking about is to buy my God's Blood Arrow? But sorry, please forgive me, I can't do it! Try, God ’s blood arrow from God himself, how can I sell it to others? You want to kill me! "

This matter can't be done. Ye Kong ’s death will not sell the God of Heaven, and Zhang Wentian will not sell God ’s Blood Arrow either. There is only one way.

As Zhang Wentian said, want to kill the other person! There is no other way!

However, Zhang Wentian's answer gave Ye Kong a certain inspiration, at least Ye Kong knew that the arrow that made the Tianlang **** bow move was actually the blood arrow given by the God King. Ye Kong didn't understand a little. This **** blood arrow is matched with shooting Tianlang in principle. How could he get the **** king? Also, how many **** blood arrows are there, are there any **** kings?

Of course, these are not Ye Kong's time to continue thinking.

Because the arrow hún God is ready to attack again. Zhang Wentian is a demon who has been famous for a long time and is also a decisive man. When he learned that Ye Kong would never sell it, he really started to kill.

He said directly, "Master Ye Cheng, since that's the case, don't blame Zhang for being ruthless! I will get this thing!"

After the arrow hún said, he held a blood-red slave slave bow in one hand and stretched the other hand behind his back. With five fingers spread out and grabbed, a total of three black poles and white feathers, just like before!

"I'll ask you again, can there be a turnaround in this matter? Otherwise, there will be no turning back when the arrow comes out. I will tell you in advance that this arrow will not be able to hold your field!" God hún three The arrows are all drawn on the bowstrings. The bow is like a full moon, the face is slightly side, and a pair of hawk-like eyes, from above the straight black pole and white feather, staring at Ye Kong thousands of miles away!

Ye Kong's answer did not surprise him, it was just a simple two words, "No!"

The arrow hún God's eyes light up at that instant, and the fingers catching the bowstring are loose!

Three arrows of God, leave the string!

It is surprising that after the three arrows left the string, there was no trace!

"It's a shadowless arrow! It has long been known that the arrow hún God has a trick of a shadowless **** arrow, killing invisible, do not hide, escape without escape!"

"That's great! My consciousness has been passed, and even my consciousness can't be felt at all! Where are those three arrows?"

The onlookers around were exclaimed. Even the eccentric descendants of those ancient families are holding their chins, thinking that they have encountered this shadowless arrow, so it's really a little troublesome!

But Ye Kong is smart. Well, since you can't see the shadowless arrows, Wanbaohe is not easy to collect, so I enter Wanbaohe and see how you fight!

Ye Kong moved and hid in Wanbao River.

Le'er and Ye Kong's teammates also watched the battle in the distance. Le Er was relieved when he saw Ye Kong hiding in the Wanbao River. However, at this time, Cao Zilong sighed in his ear, "Hiding in your own domain treasures is a faint move!"

The undead **** of food Yang Duanming and others also have quite a lot of combat experience, and said, "Yes! You hid in, but the three arrows are still there, you can't help coming out, you will be attacked when you come out! At that time, There is no chance to escape! I would rather run away than hide in! "

Cao Zilong's sister Lin Lin asked, "Then he can never come out."

Her words immediately caused a ridicule of others, Cao Zilong coquettishly said: "Although Brother Ye ’s domain-like treasure is the main artifact, it is not a defensive flying palace. If he does not hide inside, others will have the opportunity to be outside Put down the big team ~ ~ At that time, I will catch you in the middle, and even one of them will be killed by the big team alive, alas, that will be miserable! "

After hearing this, Le'er's heart suddenly became chaotic, and Panasonic's heart just now suddenly hung up again.

It may be that Ye Kong hid in Wanbao River and immediately felt his mistake. So after a few breaths, a figure in Tsing Yi flickered from the other end of Wanbao River and appeared!

"Come out!" Everyone was startled.

But everyone guessed right. When Ye Kong hid in Wanbao River, those three arrows were waiting for him outside Wanbao River! The moment he appeared, it was when the three arrows of God appeared and hit him!

He had no chance to escape!

I saw a flash of Guanghua and a bang, and the figure of Tsing Yi was hit by three sudden appearing arrows of gods, and I saw that the figure was easily broken like a bubble!

To the reader:

Three changes today, huh, huh, tomorrow four changes. Thanks to my friends who have rewarded me with Kuangmeng Peony Workshop ~ Thank you! !! .

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