The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2628: Divine Nether Channel

Two Six Two Eight Divine Nether Channel

With a loud bang, with the black light ball bursting out, Ye Kong clearly felt a powerful and frightening force permeating from the burst! This kind of power is not an attack by the entity, and it can't open up a little spirit cloud, but it is an attack on the level of spirit!

"No wonder the gods of the entire **** world need the **** **** spirit hún. This attack is so evil! Such horror!" Ye Kongzhong looked at Jin Sè Lingyun in surprise.

It turned out that Jin Sè Lingyun was originally those objects with strong deities but weak spirits, in other words, simple minds and well-developed limbs! And this hún Kui attack is more simple brain for Lingyun!

Therefore, after this explosion of the spirit level hún, the **** hún of Jin Sè Lingyun was shocked to death!

Jin Sè Lingyun suddenly stupidly stumbled in the stars. Ye Kong will not give up such a good opportunity, release Wanbaohe, and earn it.

"I can't think of this magical effect against Jin Lingyun! It can just be used to catch Jin Lingyun, but just before I have enough strength, don't use it easily in front of outsiders! If people know that I got Ling The altar of the **** of hún, I'm afraid I am the next **** of spirit hún! "

Ye Kong secretly made a decision. In the future, he will use the hún altar to refine some húQuebec hún 魃 at most, but he will still use less and less. Of course, at a critical point, he still needs to use it!

Ye Kong had three hún ques in his hands. He did not stay. He ran out of all three and seized three golden spirit clouds.

These three golden spirit clouds, Ye Kong did not want to be refined into cloud ghosts. First of all, these spirit clouds are just stupid by Hún Kui Zhen. If they are too big, they will be sober! If you want to become cloud ghosts, you must first refine most of their will. Ye Kong is afraid to take risks, for fear of waking them up!

In fact, if you don't make it into a cloud ghost, as long as you use it skillfully, you can do more with less.

Ye Kongsheng was afraid that in case they would wake up, the three gold clouds would be too much for Wanbaohe. So Ye Kong sent them all into the Pipa beads. The current pipa beads have huge space and few stars, so they are placed in remote corners. Even if they wake up and fight each other, they will not break the pipa beads.

After collecting three gold spirit clouds and a few white and gray spirit clouds, Ye Kong took Lele and returned to Tianjian City.

With three gold spirit clouds in his hand as a hole card, there are a lot of holes in Ye Kong.

The core lineup of their six-member squad was originally the He family brothers, Yang Duanming, Cao Zilong, and Lin Lin. Five partial gods plus one Ye Kong.

Leer said that she would stay in Tianjian City. She was originally unreliable. She was afraid that it would cause the ridicule and sarcasm of the ice country and cold country to her brothers and sisters, so she couldn't say no. But Ye Kong shook his head and said, "In the past, I went out and left you, just to keep you in a safe place, but every time I ended up, you were in the most unsafe place! So this time I changed my mind, I can't leave you alone! "

Le Er hesitated again, "But they?"

Ye Kongdao said, "Anyway, you don't participate in the distribution, are you afraid of what they say? Besides, you haven't seen it in Fairyland yet, take your area to play, and let you also see my old mother and sisters in Fairyland. "

Le Er has never been to the lower world, and naturally is willing to go down. I also want to meet Ye Kong's elder mother. As for Ye Kong's sister, Le Er thought it was Ye Kong's sister and sister. If you know that Ye's wife is only a lot more than her father, I don't know how Le'er will punish Ye.

Because Le Er did not participate in the distribution, of course other people had no opinion. With one more free-use thug, who looks good-looking, who would oppose it?

He Xixi nodded. "Then our team has seven core members. Let's name it."

The fat man is called the God of Squad, the brothers and sisters of Binggong Hanguo are called the Binghan Squad, and the brothers of the He family are called the Fengfeng Squad.

However, Ye Kong thought that the head that was swallowed was sent to other mortals by himself, and he did not know whether he had returned, so Ye Kong proposed to call it the Beheading Squad! Ye Kong said that several people felt good, so seven of them were called the beheading squad.

At this moment, it was not too late, and the Brothers He led everyone to a defensive location outside Tianjian City.

"This is where the Nether Passage is?" Ye Kong had long noticed that there was a towering black sword pavilion on the outskirts of Tianjian City, and he had no idea what the purpose of building such a tall building was, only to know that it was the Nether Passage.

Hearing Ye Kong did n’t know about it, Cao Zilong began to show off, “When we were flying up, we accelerated to fly, and increased the speed to the extreme, we can find the door to heaven. Well, naturally, it ’s the other way round, down Fly, increase the speed to the extreme, then you can go to the lower bound! You can lower the bounds for the first time, and understand later. "

Ye Kong didn't care about the contempt in his tone, just thinking in his heart. At the time, the Five Elements scattered people left him in the pagoda of the town government, but it had a passage of the divine realm! It ’s just that the channel is not destroyed. If it is repaired, you will not be able to freely go to the lower bound?

Before Ye Kong was in the Nether, Shentong had been used to strip the mustard tower and the channel room on the top floor. Then leave the Mustard Time Tower in the Nether and bring the aisle room to the side.

At this moment, the channel room is left in the Celestial Heaven Court. This time, you can find a way to repair the transmission channel. At that time, it will be very convenient to go up and down the divine realm.

While Ye Kong was thinking, the brothers of the He family had called their acquaintances through the jade card of communication, which was the guard general here.

The sword general frowned, "I'm afraid this is a bit troublesome. Recently, too many people have passed through my lower bound and totally out of compliance. If there is a chaos in the immortal world, I cannot afford this responsibility!"

He brothers hurriedly sent Xing Yanjing. But the general still shook his head and said, "Both of us, we are so familiar. If we can help, we must help, but in case the sword **** checks it up ..."

"When the sword **** checked, I said Ye Kong would take someone down, and it wouldn't cause trouble!" A Tsing Yi swordsman stepped out, holding in his hand a jade card engraved with the sword **** mark. This jade card is the proof that the sword **** gave Ye Kong to go in and out of the library. I did not expect Ye Kong to take out the fox fake tiger power at this time.

The general heard of Ye Kong's big name long ago, and only hated that he had no chance to meet in the outer city, and now he saw Ye Kong come out, and he suddenly changed his face ~ ~ respectfully saluting, "It turned out to be Ye Cheng's master! The main lower bound, everything is small! Please! "

Under the leadership of the teenager, a group of people walked into Jiange. After entering, the sword guards heard that this was Ye Kong, and all of them were in full respect. The respectful eyes and movements surprised the brothers and sisters of the Ice Palace Cold Country, and the undead God used another Eyes re-examined Ye Kong.

When you reach the top of the sword pavilion, you see a huge deep abyss in front of you, and you can't see the bottom of the cylindrical cave. In the cave, the green sè platform composed of countless matrix methods, looking down, looks down. Go, bottomless, green layers, deep and terrifying.

The general introduced, "This is the Nether Channel, and the formation of each layer is an accelerated formation. After entering, it will make your gods run faster and faster, and finally break through the limit of speed. Reached fairyland. "

"When you reach a certain speed, you can enter another world ..." Ye Kong nodded and asked, "Then what I want to ask is, where are we going to go to the fairyland?"

"It was the beginning of the universe."

Ye Kong nodded, "Just right! That's where I want to go!" .

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