The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2627: Hun Kui!

Two six two seven souls

In the sea of ​​clouds, a medium kingdom

A thin-faced old man was laughing with interest, "Friends of the treasure hunting world, these years, according to our investigation, we finally found that there is still the last ancient **** in the fairy world."

In the tumult of everyone below, he also said, "It is well known that every time an ancient **** is hunted, it is a feast for the gods. The skin of the ancient gods is the top material of the craftsman, and its value has been fried to a dazzling one these years Price; there are many ancient gods that have powerful ancient artifacts, and even their daily necessities are good treasures; the blood of ancient gods is also useful and can be used to nourish gods. The blood of ancient gods is the first of this world. The most important thing is that if you kill the ancient god, it is possible to obtain the magic power of the ancient god. According to our investigation, this ancient **** is a royal family with ancient divine talent. This is recognized as the strongest divine power. "

After the words "talent and power" were finished, all the gods below took a breath.

You should know that divine power generally appears at the partial **** level. Of course, there are almost two-thirds of partial gods and main gods without divine power.

Let's say that one third of the gods have partial power, and more than half of these people have more powerful garbage power.

In this way, there are more than 80% of partial and main gods who want one.

But then again, do those gods who have powerful divine power do not want to have a powerful second divine power?

So, in this way, almost everybody wants the power of God.

So when the skinny old man finished speaking, there was an excitement for the young man, "At the beginning, the giant gate god, coincidence, killed an ancient demon in the sea of ​​clouds and got the crushed **** power of the ancient demon. How brilliant, even the south The demon of the demon kingdom gave him face ... but this time it is an ancient god's talent and prestige, and it must be stronger. "

The old man's words, and the encouragement of this man, many of the gods below are all emotional, as if they all need to be gifted with divine power, they generally said they would join the hunt ...

Soon after, the old man and the excited boy sat opposite each other in another closet. They were originally a group.

The young man laughed, "Every stupid man thought he was going to be gifted, and they all expressed their willingness to participate, and they would return to their respective kingdoms to organize manpower."

The old man laughed, "Shenwei is only available to one person, and it is still possible. They are destined to fight the cannon fodder for other people." Now, you should start quickly ... At the beginning, pay attention to low-key, if you can get the gift of divine power, in the future in front of the host, in the kingdom of God, in the family of the God of Prohibition, there is a place. "

It turned out that they turned out to launch a large-scale normal attack all the way, and the other followed the He family brothers to sneak in. The goal was the idea of ​​divine power.

A young man flashed in his eyes, and nodded, "Rest assured, I will bear it, and I just received a message from my grandfather. Let me pay attention to a man named Ye Kong. It is said that he has any storage device there. , My grandpa might go to chaos in the future. "

"Oh, Ye Kong, a little-known little thing, turning back and killing him to take the treasure is just that."


In the sea of ​​clouds, there is another place. This is not a kingdom of God. The area is small, but it is a hidden place.

An old man in the old age said to the middle-aged disciple in front of him, "As a teacher, she is a god-hermit, and I have long been uninterested in the treasures of ancient gods. This time you participate in the hunt. The first priority is to stare at a man named Ye Kong Yes, he has a storage device that can be used in the Ascension Pool ... There is no knocker or black jail tower for the division. They do n’t want to take me every time they go to the chaos, but if the division has the treasure , You can collect some treasures that are difficult to collect in the chaotic secrets, and they must take me "

Sheng Zheng focused his head and said, "Master, rest assured, students must not humiliate their mission."

The old man said, "There are the treasures of the ancient god. If it goes well, you can take a little. Remember, the biggest treasure of the ancient **** is their divine power. But that needs opportunity, and I ca n’t give much advice. You go "

In the sea of ​​clouds, I don't know how many places, because of the hunting of ancient gods this time, and moved, and how many of them are thinking about Ye Kong?

But at this moment, Ye Kong didn't feel any danger at all. He and Leer were in the cracked starry sky world.

"That colorful spirit cloud is really powerful, and I transformed it into several incarnations, which led it away ... If one day, I can collect it as a cloud ghost, then it is overbearing." Ye Kong looked at Cangming far away Greedy

"The beauty you want, that's the existence of the Lord God level. I guess you can only have hope when you have the Lord God level." Le Er ruthlessly hit someone's greed

"Also, this time I will collect a few golden spirit clouds this time. Last time I received golden spirit clouds, I am still the central god-man, and now I am already the upper god-man, and I have some preparations, it should be much easier."

The last time Ye Kong conquered the golden spirit cloud took a lot of trouble. First, Ye Kong himself called the treasure to fight it, and then he let Yu Fengqi fight with it, and finally received success.

This time, Ye Kong successfully advanced to the upper level, and his strength increased a lot. Of course, this is not the main thing. Even if Ye Kong has increased his strength, he cannot face the spirit cloud of the main **** level.

The most important thing this time is that Ye Kong has another weapon

"Going" Ye Kong took Le'er into the pipa beads, and then his mind moved, releasing a gray cloud ghost, and then hiding in the cloud ghost package, flying across the starry sky

Not long after, Ye Kong had already seen a bunch of spirit clouds not far ahead, and among those spirit clouds, like the stars and moons, it was a golden spirit cloud.

"Well, that's it." Hiding inside the gray cloud ghost body, Ye Kong looked at a black light ball in his hands, and then looked at the leisurely golden spirit cloud, sneered, "I'll try it with you this time. Try my weapon ”

It looks the same, and it took a little time to load the nearby low-level Lingyun into the Wanbaohe

This golden spirit cloud is savvy, and after a while, I have felt that this gray cloud ghost is very different from ordinary spirit clouds.

A "roar" roared fiercely and roared in the starry sky. The golden spirit cloud lay in the space. The surface of the golden spirit cloud appeared a layer of sloppy faces, and a pair of eyes stared at the small gray spirit cloud in front of them.

"Well, since you found me, I have nothing to hide."

Although the gray cloud ghost here is much smaller, he also slammed his body and hissed and roared at the golden spirit cloud. A man in Tsing Yi flew from the package of the gray cloud ghost.

"Roar" The golden spirit cloud roared again, and said to myself, I said that you had a problem, and indeed a despicable human was hiding inside

However, the deafening roar of the golden spirit cloud ~ ~ The man in Tsing Yi didn't have any panic. I saw that he stepped on the ripples and his body moved one step ahead of the golden spirit cloud.

The simple will of the golden spirit cloud was already so angry that this little human dared to despise himself so much and ran to his mouth, really looking for death

Just when the golden spirit cloud opened its huge mouth, I saw the little Tsing Yi man flashing a little contempt (6), waved his hand violently, a black light ball flew out, and went straight to the golden spirit cloud Among big mouths

Does this little attack want to hurt me? Really ridiculous human golden spirit cloud is still wide open, biting into the black light ball

The light sphere is very close to the golden spirit cloud and has entered its mouth ...

When Ye Kong, who was carrying a sword in Tsing Yi, smiled in his eyes, he raised a finger and said, "Soul queen, give me a blast."

It turned out that this is the soul forged by the soul of the sword demon god. Weapon God-level soul can not be forged, but the soul of the sword demon **** has forged three souls.

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