The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2629: Unscrupulous partiality

Two six two nine unscrupulous partiality

Early World, Quasi-God City.

This is exactly a hundred years after Ye Kong soared.

There are newcomers from generation to generation. At this moment, the most powerful of the quasi-shenzhen city is the rising stars of the several cities in the city. They are all high-profile, xìng-shaped and proud, and cruel wolf horns.

The former names of Ye Kong, Leng Yan, and Xiling Ling, except for the occasional people who will see the huge cracks on the walls of the quasi-shen city, will be remembered, and more often, everyone has forgotten these people.

But this is the majority of people, but for some of them, the name is firmly remembered. For example, in a certain corner of the quasi-shen city, a girl in black clothes came out!

After so many years, the fairy Ning Ning still maintained the original appearance. For the fairy, the appearance will not change much for hundreds of years. However, for her, the main thing that changed was her mood!

Once the princess of the southern imperial emperor's house and the powerful southern business owner, there are some gloomy looks. Dim is not outside, but mentality!

Looking at the family members of all quasi-shencheng families, the fairy Ning Ning was in a hurry and hated that her cultivation was too slow! Hate that you can't comprehend the rules! Fortunately, last year, she finally realized the rules, but in this huge city, there are tens of millions of rules, but a godhead killed her.

"Anyway, I have realized the law! What I lack now is only the godhead ... but even if I have a godhead, I can't leave, I want to save my father! But, I am just a quasi-god, how can I save my father What about? "

To say that Qian Yingning is indeed a decisive and aggressive woman. Although she still can't wait for any upper-bound news, she has already contacted the southern imperial palace to prepare her there.

Even if Ye Kong can't come down, she will take the men and women of Xiandi Mansion in the south to save her father Qian Youren!

Although she had made preparations, she knew in her mind that these preparations were just letting the soldiers of the southern imperial palace die ... but even then, she would have to make a shot! Because it's her father inside!

Of course, Ye Kong is better to obey the agreement and come back to help.

"Will he come back?" Qian Yanning was irritable, listening to the fairy on the street outside.

"Are there any major issues? I heard that there have been a lot of Upper Gods in the city recently!"

"I don't know, they're all in the city's capital."

"These gods are not ordinary people, all of them are partial gods! It's really enviable to see all kinds of godheads at the top of their brows!"

"Well, not like the guards of gods and men in the city, only one godly man is proud of each other!"

Talking, the voices of those people lowered, "There are those goddesses, that's really handsome! The temperament of the goddess, the most beautiful woman in our fairyland, can't keep up with the hair of the goddess tu tuo!"

"That's not it, that's the goddess of the upper world, goddess! But ... does the goddess have tutu hair?"

While these people were extremely insignificant to study whether the goddess had tu tuo hair, a woman's voice sounded behind him, "nonsense! Without tu tuo hair, that is an alien!"

Everyone looked back, and saw a good-looking woman in black clothes who had walked past them.

It's so big, so of course, it's the Ning Ning Fairy. I heard that a lot of gods came to her, which made her think about whether Ye Kong would come down, so she hurried to see the city's mansion.

When I came to the city's main house, I just saw Youyi Borolan Love Shadow. After this guy realized the rules, he was nested on the mother star like other quasi-gods. The godhead was too far away for him!

Lan Lianying was singing in an awkward and out-of-tune voice, "The guests from the upper world, all of them are very powerful, and they will bring you food and wine, please eat enough ..."

Xi Ning Fairy knew Ye Ye because of Ye Kong's relationship. Laughing, "Lan Lianying, use your voice to sing to the gods, I'm afraid you are in danger of life."

Lan Lianying sang again, "I wanted to apply to return to the demon world to see my friends in the sea, but Ma God is not sure ..."

While talking, Tao Bo led a few people out of the city's main government house. Although Tao Bo got the godhead, he also delayed the soaring time again and again because of the lack of care in Zhun Shencheng.

Tao Bo came out and waved his hand, "Don't pester it at the door, it delays the guests, you can't afford to guilty! Quick, disperse!"

Qian Yanning looked behind Tao Bo, good guy, all the six people who came were all partial! The leading one, with a hawk nose, has a fierce look, and his eyes are the same as godheads, all green!

At the sight of the fairy goddesses, Ning Ning, even though she was careless, did not dare to provoke her. But she just wanted to step back, it was too late.

The leader's partial green eyes flashed, "This little fairy in the lower world still has some posture ..."

As soon as Tao Bo didn't look good, he quickly said, "Heavenly God, this is one of the good princes that Ma Shen attaches great importance to."

Tao Bo originally wanted to use the horse **** to suppress them, but it was counterproductive. The leading man re-examined the Ning Ning Fairy again, saying, "Really qualified, we need some younger generation in the kingdom of Luhuang."

He said this, a goddess with a strange appearance behind him came out and grabbed the fairy Ning Ning, "Sister, I think you have already comprehended the rules, do n’t know what the rules are? We have the kingdom of green glory above The world is also a great kingdom of God. Now is the time to strengthen the power and need talents ... "

The **** yòuhuò is too big, even if I have seen the market 芷 Ning Fairy in front of such a huge pie, it is a burst of dizziness. He replied, "Sister, I am aware of the rules of the vegetation system, which is not very good. It is called the law of withering ..."

Before she finished, the demon girl immediately said, "Okay! Our Luhuang Kingdom of God needs wood and soil, we are a poisonous one, and you are just right. Walk around, walk with us Go to the restaurant for a drink! "

Xi Ningxian couldn't help but persuaded her to go to the restaurant. While drinking the immortal liquor of the Nether World, I also understood the identity of these people. It turned out that these were the kingdoms of Luhuang, and they came down to hunt the ancient gods. Those gods and men did not conceal the fairy from the lower world either, so the fairy Ning heard clearly, and knew that the leading green eyes were partial, that is, the poison yīn **** Ling Peng.

佘 Ling Peng really wants to absorb some immortals from the lower world who have potential for growth. Of course, he is a woman who wants to taste the taste of immortal wine, which is far worse than Shenjiu. He pushed away. Wine glass, put a hand on the table, and in a blink of an eye, the table was shining, so a dozen gods were placed on the table.

All the immortals present were greedy and drooling.

佘 Ling Peng laughed, "I just need talents for the Green God Kingdom. Talents like Qian Qian are exactly what we need! As long as the girl is willing, one of them belongs to the girl!"

As soon as Xi Ningxian's eyes lighted up ~ ~ she was so close to the godhead for the first time, and she wanted to pick one up. But when she reached out, she was caught by Xiao Lingpeng. Tong Lingpeng looked at Xiaobai's small hand and laughed, "Girl Qian, in order to ensure your sincerity, before we give you the godhead, we might as well talk in the back bedroom ..."

The next few partial gods are all under Ling Lingpeng's men, and they all laughed, "Xiaoxian, this is your creation, and we will serve our little masters. After going to the gods, I will have my support."

It is to be said that Qian Qinning, although he wants the godhead, is not the kind of woman who can betray everything for the godhead. And she has been the princess of Xiandi Mansion since she was a child. Where has she been bullied?

So she conditionedly pulled her hand out of Ling Lingpeng.佘 Ling Peng saw that she was unwilling, and was furious, "You are a fairy in the lower world, what's your interest? It is not a problem for me to play a goddess in the upper world. You low-grade goods dare to return to the card of the grandfather? "

"You!" Xian Ning Fairy could not bear it, and gave up Ling Lingpeng a mouth!

Xiaoman wishes everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival, eat more dumplings, and be healthy. Today, I changed three, because I did n’t have time to write in the evening, and I went to yy to sing to everyone at night. At 7:30, the voice channel 83385530 is here. !! .

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