The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2626: Group of 6

Tianjian City, Yekong Mansion.

"Brother Ye, when we come back this time, we will bring you a few friends ..." Feng Xiaoshen He Dong pointed at the three people with a smile.

Feng Yaoshen He Xixi first introduced a pair of Nan girls.

"This is Cao Zilong and Lin Lin from the Ice Palace Cold Country. Cao Daoyou is the cold **** of the cold system, and Lin Daoyou is the ice **** of the moon. They are brothers and sisters, and they are also effective members of the lower world this time!"

Ye Kong originally thought that they were gangsters. After hearing this introduction, they knew they were brothers and sisters. But seeing that they have achieved the title, it seems that sooner or later the pair of brothers and sisters will become "wet" brothers and sisters.

"Oh, I've seen two Daoyou. In Xiaye Kong, this is my aunt Yo." After a few months, Le'er has also resumed as usual, so he has already gone out of the customs and came to host He Brothers with Ye Kong. Wait.

"Oh, be polite." Facing Ye Kong and Le Er's polite salute, the brothers and sisters were somewhat arrogant. Although they were also holding fists, their faces and movements were arrogant and arrogant.

Obviously, all the people present were partial gods, only Ye Kong and Le Er were the upper god-man, and Ye Kong was also the upper god-man of the Purple Goddess, which is obviously a lowest upper god-man! The pair of siblings saw Ye Kongxiu as low, but they did not know Ye Kong ’s prestige in the kingdom of the North Sword God, of course they despised it.

For another reason, when I saw Ye Kongxiu as ordinary, but there was a little loli axe with white skin, Cao Zilong was also a little dissatisfied, and secretly said that he had not gotten such a beautiful priest, and the sisters and sisters around him It ’s far worse than others!

Ye Kong is well-known in the Kingdom of the North Sword God. Every time those who go out are very polite, they have not received such contempt for a long time.

He Dong saw Ye Kong's unhappiness, quickly hurled Ye Kong, and whispered, "The ice palace and the cold country are like this, their faces are cold and not malicious, they have something to do with their gods.

Ye Kong is now much better-tempered, so he nods. Fortunately, there was a strong man behind who came out to round the field, he came out and laughed, "I will not introduce the Brother Xixixi, my name is Yang Duanming, the food system is partial, and the food is immortal!"

This fat man was a bit interesting, and Le Er suddenly covered his mouth and laughed, "I ca n’t eat, I ca n’t eat, this title is really interesting ..."

Yang Duanming laughed, "It's just food!"

Everyone laughed. Because of the fun of Yang Ruiming, the brothers and sisters of the ice country and the cold country also laughed. The atmosphere of everyone was much better.

The **** of food, originally, Ye Kong thought that it was not that he was nothing but god. Later, when he asked about it, he learned that the cow of the **** of food is cha, the others are **** hermits, immortal gods! It is said that there are many younger brothers, thousands! However, it is said that most of them are like Yang Duanming. If they form a kingdom of gods, they can be called fat kingdom of gods.

After everyone was introduced, they each sat down. The Brothers of the He family then asked, "Ye Daoyou, are you settled? If it is settled, I will contact my friends and prepare for the lower bound."

Ye Kong's **** body has long since recovered, and he has recently worked in the basic law of woodworking. However, refining the Basic Law is not enough in three or two days, and the Nether is a matter to be prepared.

Ye Kong thought about it: "Let ’s go, you can contact friends now, but the time of the lower bound, I hope that in a month ..."

Before he finished speaking, there was the voice of the ice moon **** Lin Lin, and she said unpleasantly, "Isn't it time, why is it another month?"

Ye Kong said: "Because there's something else on my side, I'm done before I can go down!"

In fact, for the gods, a month is a blink of an eye. But the key is that they look down on Ye Kong, and the cold moon **** Cao Zilong helped his sister and sister with disrespect to Ye Kong: "Everyone said time, why don't you prepare early? Or you can say it in advance so that we don't have to rush Hurry here, wait for us to come, but you want us to wait for a month? "

Lin Lin shouted beside him: "A man of the upper part, this thing and that thing all day, as if you can't do it without you."

Ye Kong just renned them just now, but now they didn't expect them to get worse. Ye Kong suddenly became furious, and when he patted the table, he stood up and said, "I told you clearly that this thing wouldn't work without me! What I'm going to do right away might be of great help to the next nether. Maybe the key. I can save you all the time! You just wait, don't wait to get out! "

They quarreled before they left the house. The Brother He and Yang Duanming had to separate them and give them some comfort. The two in the Ice Palace Cold Country heard that this time when Ye Kong had to go, they had to temporarily breathe their breath and shake hands with Ye Kong, but their hearts were still upset.

Ye Kongzhong sneered, if he wasn't going to save Ding Ning Fairy Daddy this time, he wouldn't take you! If you really go to the dangerous places to find treasures, and go with your teammates like you, it will be death!

Everyone sat down again, Ye Kong said, "In fact, for a month when I am doing business, you can organize some more manpower. You know, that's a variant ancient god! Just a few of us are not enough."

The people in the Ice Palace and the Cold Country were really arrogant, and Cao Zilong hummed: "We have five partial gods here, and it is enough to get a general main god, let alone an ancient **** without a head?"

The fat man Yang Duanming agreed with Ye Kong, and said in a rough voice: "Ye Daoyou said yes, although I heard that the ancient **** did not have a head, but was the royal family of the ancient god, and devoured the heart of a nebula. Devouring Divine Power is a particularly powerful talent among the ancient gods. It is extremely powerful. After he devours the heart of a nebula, he can devour other planets, making his nebula bigger and bigger, more and more difficult to deal with! "

After listening to the fat man, Ye Kong nodded secretly. This is Yang Duanming who is a suitable candidate for treasure hunting. Be cautious and study carefully before setting off. These are necessary tasks. Unlike the two in the Ice Palace and the Cold Country, who knows nothing, they are the first man in the world ...

Obviously, the brothers of the He family also often explore treasures, and they are also very experienced. He Xixi laughed: "Everyone can rest assured that we have considered it a long time ago, so we have also met some friends ..." He said again, "But those friends have not the best relationship with us, so they only To become members of the periphery, everyone has both cooperation and competition, encountering treasures ... "

When He Xixi said here, his eyes were sharp.

Everyone understands ~ ~ Those are from other teams, in other words, they are invited to make cannon fodder. But when it comes to such things as treasure hunting, no one knows for sure. What brothers might eventually become cannon fodder? In short, it is a short-term cooperative relationship.

He Dongdao: "Our core members are just a few of us. After receiving the benefits, they will be evenly distributed!"

This time, the two in the Ice Palace Cold Country were dissatisfied again, saying: "No, the average distribution is the way to raise a lazy man. We recommend that everyone get what they get; if they get together, they will gather together. , And finally allocated according to the contribution of each person! "

They are obviously looking down on Ye Kong again, thinking that Ye Kong will definitely be less effective. He brothers smiled bitterly and turned to see Ye Kong. Ye hollow said, I can't wait to allocate based on contributions!

Ye Kong nodded and said, "I agree!"

He said that Cao Zilong and Lin Lin were somewhat unexpected, but since Ye Kong agreed, they were also willing.

Everyone has settled the matter, and they started to act separately! And Ye Kong and Le'er took out the Canglu Shenzhou and ran to the sea of ​​clouds! !! .

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