The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2625: Promise will do it

The two six two five promised to do it

"The Altar of the Soul, built by the soul of the soul who rules the world *"

"The **** of the soul, one of the main gods, the **** of the world is only afraid of the **** of the soul. He is classified as heresy. The audience is besieged by God. He is permanently tied to the top of Tianlang Mountain. He will never lose his freedom.

"The soul altar can forge the souls of various gods below the immortal deities, and can forge the souls of the gods into souls, souls, soul charms, souls, etc. The forging methods are as follows ..."

Ye Kong hit the sword demon **** and felt so much information from the soul forging platform

Ye Kong already knew that the soul forging platform was an artifact, but he did not expect that before he was still a treasure of the soul god, the soul forging platform had never contacted the god-man, so some information was not revealed. Now, Ye Kong Finally put the partial **** up, the soul forging platform shows its true effect

Each artifact has a record of its maker, and even some artifacts will also record the situation of its previous users. It is not surprising that the soul **** created the soul forging platform.

What surprised Ye Kong was actually the last sentence. He could refine the soul of the gods into soul chants, soul queens, soul charms, and soul chants. Ye Kong did n’t know what those things were, only temporarily. Stop and watch one by one

Ye Kong looked at it, and there was a surprise twinkling in his eyes.

It turns out that this soul-killer is something like Ye Kong's soul-killer, which is also a kind of soul beast that can swallow the spirit and will of the **** of heaven; soul-quee is a thing that can burst suddenly and hurt people's souls, which can be called A soul bomb; soul charm can create illusions at the soul level, confusing people, making people indistinguishable from true and false; soul maggot is a soul giant, and for a soul instability, a punch can let the spirit of heaven fly away.

Ye Kong saw these, and immediately understood why the God of Souls did n’t invite others to see him because he used these methods to attack people ’s souls, who are powerful and despicable. Those who are gods are willing to suffer this kind of defensive soul attack.

After reading the introduction, Ye Kong understood again. In fact, his soul is not the real soul nor the instrumental spirit of the soul forging platform, but the immortal soul of the lower world.

Seeing Ye Kong's strangeness, Ming Xizhan and Hun Ling were confused. When Ye Kong lowered his hammer and explained briefly, his two talents understood but couldn't understand. After that, the expressions of Ming Xun and Hun Ling were different.

Destiny XIII is of course excited to congratulate the owner for getting a powerful artifact, but the soul sorrow is unhappy because he is not a forged instrument spirit, but a soul created by a fairy soul Hey, then he did n’t use fart, did he?

How can a god-level soul eater be stronger than a fairy-level soul eater?

Therefore, when Ye Kong and Ming Xizhan were chatting excitedly, Hun Xun walked out of the Blacksmith Hall alone.

In the world of Pipazhu, the air is clear and the sky is blue, but all of this is dark in the eyes of Soul, and I secretly think that the master will make a lot of god-level souls in the future, then I will be fine. In the future, it will become less and less important, and will eventually be forgotten by the owner

On the hill bag, the soul of the metal man sits cross-legged on the bluestone, looks up in despair at the sky, the sun goes down, the sky is dim, and it is a dusk that represents the end of the day

I do not know when, but there is a figure in Tsing Yi standing beside him, standing still

The soul-wanderer felt Ye Kong's arrival and said, "Master, you don't need to comfort me. I'm actually a fairy-like soul wand. I can't help you, but after you go to the lower world, you can give me to your family My friend, I think, I will have some role in the fairyland. "

"You are more worried" Ye Kong watched the sky come up and said, "From the immortal world to the present, all the way, you are no longer a soul beast, you have become my friend, I promise you, and I will Give you a good fortune, how can I forget Ye Kong? Besides, you are not completely useless ... You start to cultivate from the fairy realm, you are about to realize the rules, you can fly at any time, and you will become a god, These are things that god-level souls cannot do. "

The soul chanted, "I know, in fact, I am about to understand the laws, mainly because there are no laws in this world. If the host puts me in the outside world, I might be able to attract the lines of the laws immediately ..."

Soul said, and said, "But I still want to stay with the master, help the master, or wait for the master to establish the rules of the world, let me ascend in the master's world and become a **** in this world."

"None of these, now you have a chance" Ye Kong said, "The soul of the sword demon **** was forced out, but his cultivation is far better than me, and it will not be overwhelmed by me in the short term, so his body will It ’s vacant ... your Jinnuo body is good in the Nether, but not in this world. The body is too small, and the **** body is not rich enough ... "

Before Ye Kong finished speaking, Hunyun said, "Master, do you want me to seize the body of the She Jian Demon God? He is partial, can I do it?"

Ye Kong nodded and said, "I've studied it, it can, because the soul thing has nothing to do with Xiuwei, but your soul is strong enough. You can do it as long as you work hard, and it's dangerous ... "

"I'm confident ..." Hyun-chan exclaimed excitedly. If he succeeded, he would be the sword demon god, but then he refused to say, "Master, if you change your individual, you can refine his soul and use it. I do n’t even It takes a long time to be successful. "

Ye Kong said, "It's you, don't postpone it. It takes me a lot of time to forge his soul. I can't wait."

Although Ye Kong said so, the soul owl is still very moved. Even if Ye Kong's repair is temporarily struggling to forge a partial soul, Ye Kong can also grab the soul of an upper **** and man to forge

The soul chanted, "You can rest assured, the body of the sword demon god, I like it very much, I don't have to soar ㊣ (5), I will work hard and take control of this body as soon as possible"

Ye Kong also smiled and nodded, and the afterglow of the setting sun was on his face, as if he had been covered with a layer of golden mango leaves. He also secretly thought, my friends, I Ye Kong promised you, I will do it.

He promised to find a good body in the future, and then gave him the body of the sword demon god, but if he can do it, he must also work hard to tell the truth, the difficulty is really not small

In addition, Ye Kong, the soul of the sword demon god, wants to make him into a horror. Some efforts are needed to know that manipulating the forging platform of the soul also requires strength. Just like the sculptor, the same materials and tools can produce what That is not necessarily

However, if he turns his soul into a soul queen, it will be easier, and he will need much less strength and skills ~ ~ Ye Kong will put the soul of the sword demon **** on the forging platform and start to forge

During the forging process, Ye Kong was not idle. He released another incarnation and came to the house where the sword **** said.

Although the sword **** is said to be a house, it is a huge hidden building that contains the most sword tricks. When seeing the vast sword tricks and jade invitations into the sea, Ye Kong couldn't help feeling that the sword **** was buried in the retreat and could n’t go out. If he is Ye Kong, I have to study so many swords and know how much time it takes

Of course, Ye Kong has no hobbies for Jian Jue. What he needs is the most basic things. Basic skills of fire, water, and gold. He has already learned the basic skills of wood and soil, and soon He found the right exercises and returned to Dongfu.

The sword **** knew that he didn't take a sword trick, and only shook his head and smiled. He wanted to attract Ye Kong with a lot of sword tricks, but now it seems that it scared him.

That's it, it's been another few months, and finally, this day, the brothers He came home again

To the reader:

And at night ...

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