The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2624: True soul forging

Two six two four true spirit hún calcined

"What, Ye Kong is back. According to the information from Magic Sword City, Ye Kong also stole a lot of magic fluid from the Ascension Pool of Magic Sword City!" When the sword godfù got the obituary of the mist god, they were all shocked.

Unlike the joyous fog gods, the sword gods see them more thoroughly.

Sword God Road, "This kid really doesn't stop, he has a hard time! Any space device in the Ascension Pool can't be opened, and the magic liquid is so stolen? He just announced that he has a storage device that exceeds the magic liquid level. ! "

Upon hearing this, the fog **** Ouyang Peng understood it immediately and patted his head. "I said such a loss of face. The sword devil did not conceal it vigorously, but propaganda everywhere ... It seems he thought of this too!"

Li Youhua said it indifferently, "Isn't it a more high-end storage device? Those who want to be inferior but can't fight Ye Kong, those who have been fighting Ye Kong, don't care much about a storage device ..."

The sword **** still shook his head. "How impossible, not to mention that the storage device may have other functions. Even if it can only steal one function, there will be many people tempted."

Indeed, apart from those gods who are mixed in the divine realm, except those powerful immortal gods who do not have the power of divine power, who wouldn't want to have a pool of ascension? This way you can heal without asking for it, right?

Said the sword god, Li Youhua frowned, "According to you, isn't Ye Kong very dangerous?"

The sword **** laughed, "This is not necessarily the case, the boy is very scheming. As long as he stays at Tianjian City to practice, he should not encounter any danger." The sword **** said here, his eyes became deep again, and he opened his mouth. "I hope he can make progress faster. At that time, his powerful storage device might help me to go to the chaos ...."

Where did Ye Kong know? Although he apparently made the matter, he was caught by a lot of powerful gods.

The world of pipa beads, the sun is bright, the vegetation is green, a pool of soaring water is like an irregular green mirror, and there is no trace of bō in peace.

Looking down through the solid turquoise liquid, two pressure tanks can be seen at the bottom of the pool. A silver pressure chamber was still still, but beside it, another pressure chamber had been opened silently, and a man in Tsing Yi sat up from the chamber.

She was still in the pressure chamber, and she couldn't take too much pressure. However, Ye Kong was desperate, pushing the pressure chamber to the limit he could bear, so he recovered much earlier than Le Er.

After Ye Kong sat up, he pinched his fingers and secretly said that he recovered really fast this time. It only took one month to replenish his own body. The reason why it is so fast, one is that the pressure is really crazy, and the other Ye Kong found that the magic liquid of the magic sword city is more effective than the magic liquid he originally had!

Ye Kong guessed that the original divine fluid was the confluence of divine spirits he had drawn from the mountain of Dongsheng Divine Kingdom. In other words, it was a newly-refined divine fluid. liquid.

Thinking of this, Ye Kong regretted it a bit, and knew it more. If the sword demon knows his mind, it is estimated that he will vomit more blood.

Shenliye has a special feature, that is, after all the body is repaired, there will be a force that will push people out.

Ye Kong pondered the time of the matter, he has been pushed out by this force, and has surfaced.

The sun was bright outside and it was a nice sunny day.

"Go and see my old man." Ye Konghong read it and disappeared into the pipa beads world.

In the Wanbao River, the river is still eternally flowing, with an unknown number of waves, and disappears in a blink of an eye, just like a mortal life.

In the upper reaches of the river, a huge copper furnace stands out, the brass furnace body shines brightly. In the window next to the furnace body, you can see the flames, and above it, a huge monster body. act recklessly.

Ye Kong's old man is the sword demon god.

Ye Kong is definitely not willing to let go of the sword demon god, the best way is to keep it as a servant. But listening to the tone of the sword **** made it impossible for this guy to surrender. That second method is to kill him!

A little better than the second method, it is made in the space **** furnace! It is said that the **** world also has the method of refining puppets, refining the sword demon **** into puppets.

But this does not satisfy Ye Kong. First of all, the divine art of refining puppets is also a secret of the family, which cannot be bought outside. On the other hand, no matter what it is, it will reduce its strength when it is made into a puppet, just like Jin Sè's spirit cloud is made into a cloud ghost, and its strength is obviously weak. Third, if the sword demon **** is made into a puppet, and it will be seen by the demon in the future, it will increase a lot of enemies.

Then how to deal with the sword demon god. Ye Kong can't help this, he thought about it before healed, and went to Ling hún forging!

Although Ye Kong has not forged a god-man with a spirit hún forging platform, nor has he forged a powerful partiality like a sword demon, but Ye Kong believes that it will still be successful, because the spirit hún forging platform is an artifact in the first place. Did n’t you forge the gods?

"Well, come out, follow me to the spirit hún temple!" Ye Kongkong read a movement and ordered the sword beast to spit out the sword demon body. He raised his hand for another move, and the two of them were already standing in the pipa beads. hún shrine entrance.

As soon as Ye Kong came, Ming Thirteen and hún 魑 also followed.

"Life thirteen, do you think you can build it with the spirit hún forging platform?" Ye Kong was still not assured, for fear of what would happen.

Ming thirteen shook his head, "I don't have any record of the spirit hún forging in my memory. It should be created by a **** in order to subdue the opponent's spirit hún. It is better to ask hún 魑."

Although hún 魑 is the life born in this thing, when he was born, he was already in the underworld. Therefore, in the end, how to forge the spirit hún that has not made the **** of heaven, and how to forge it, hún 魑 cannot figure out.

Ye Kongdao said, "Since this thing is an artifact, you must be able to deal with the **** of heaven. This sword demon **** is just a partial god, let's try it!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Kong threw the sword demon **** on the forging platform, and then saw the bright gold sèguanghua gathered on the gold forging platform, and in this golden light, the huge sword demon god's body shook involuntarily.

"This is ..." Ye Kong and Mingshi Hún 魑 were a little caught off guard, because not only the body of the sword demon trembled, but also the spirit hún forging platform trembled, and the entire yīn Sensen palace was trembling. .

Ming thirteen said, "Master, I feel a bit wrong."

"Or should I take his body down first?" The shaking was getting stronger and stronger, and Ye hollow had no bottom.

However, when Ye Kongxiang went up and pulled down the sword demon **** body, he only heard a loud noise.

In an instant! All the shaking stopped, and the big eyes of the sword demon **** suddenly opened!

Ye Kongzhong was tight, and the secret road was not good, so this guy woke up! This is a lot of trouble!

The sword demon **** also saw Ye Kong for the first time, his eyes flashed angrily, and he wanted to sit up and pounce on Ye Kong. But who knows ~ ~ Before he sits up, he has a dementia in his eyes! At the same time, the light and shadow of a fist-sized sword demon **** floated out of his huge skull!

"What is this?" Ye Kong was startled, guessing secretly in his heart, this is probably the same thing as the Yuan Shen of the Nether Immortal Cultivator, or the spirit of the **** of heaven, hún!

The spirit of the sword demon hún was separated from the body. On the golden forging platform, the bright golden mang shot suddenly. The golden mang shone on the light and shadow of the sword demon hún. There were a few light spots of gold sè around the spirit hún. To form a prison, trapping his spirit hún in it.

"Roar!" The spirit of the sword demon hún was trapped in it, panic and anger in his eyes! Make a roar!

Ye Kong's eyes lighted up, "Is it possible to build it!" Ye Kong quickly took a step forward, took off the gold hammer above the forging platform of the spirit hún, and faced the spirit of the sword demon hún as a hammer!

But after this hammer, Ye Kong was stunned again.

To the reader:

Thank you all for your xxx, thank you for the reward you want to say, thank you. !! .

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