The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2501: Run away alone

"Roar!" The loud roar was really loud!

And with this roar, there was a loud noise in the sea of ​​clouds! A large cloud was scattered by the sound. And in the scattered clouds, there was a guy with a blue skin sitting on the ground, a pair of huge fangs, as if the huge long beard was hanging on the sides of the mouth.

"Meng beast, there is a beast here!" The anger of the fire that was chasing Ye Kong was a shock, but this shock was only a short shock, and then he just raised his hand and yelled, "Element of fire, my people, Let the enemies melt in your anger! "

Boom to the ground, the entire body of the beast was surrounded by flames. The fire elemental power of the fire-wrath **** is about to reach the level of immortal deity, even the beast is scared in his heart. In a pair of giant eyes, he even expressed a pleading look.

"Nie beast, please spare you today." Huo Reng sighed coldly, and once again caught up with Ye Kong.

In the sword boat in front, Ye Kong this time can be considered to know the fierce **** of anger! Even the beasts are afraid of anger! Who else can block in this world?

The voice of the angry **** from behind came again clearly, "Boy, you want to block me with a beast? You don't have to dream, there are not many things that can block me in this world! Anyone who tries to be in front of me, no matter Everyone must die! "

Speaking of which, behind the bow of the withered wooden boat, the old man in white pointed forward and drank, "The power of the element of fire can dissolve everything in the world, disappear!"

With this finger, the sword boat fleeing frantically in front of him suddenly burst into smoke from the inside. Ye Kong was inside the boat, only to feel that it was burning everywhere! In the sword boat, the palaces, the formations, the metals, and the things that would not have burned, all started to spontaneously ignite!

Under the great dissolution of the fiery spirit god, Ye Kong had only less than 10% of his body, and at this moment, his body began to be damaged again! Fortunately, Jianzhou sucked out most of the attacks, otherwise, Ye Kong would be "Xiang Xiaoyu" at this moment.

Eight percent, six percent ...

Compared with Ye Kong ’s damage, Jianzhou ’s damage is even greater. In a blink of an eye, everything in the palace ’s palace has been burned to carbon black! The black sè continued to burn, and the next step was to turn white and become fly ash, completely die out.

However, at this moment of death, a voice sounded in the sea of ​​clouds. A piece of gold flame, like a giant gold hand, passed over the surface of the sword boat, breaking fire with fire, and the boat was suddenly much cooler.

"Who is here to save me!" Ye Kong fiercely looked back, and saw an old man standing behind his boat.

"Huoci!" The angry **** looked angry at the old man in front of his boat, angrily, "What do you mean?"

The one who came to block the road was the Fire God. He smiled. "Brother, what am I interested in? I just want my brother to show mercy and let me go."

"Your apprentice? Nonsense! Why don't I know?" Hug asked angrily.

"At first, he just took off and sent to Shenjing Mine for mining. Didn't I guard your mine there under your order? I knew this, and thought that this seedling was good, so I took it as a brother, but I haven't yet held a formal ceremony ..." Fire Mercy said with a smile.

"Without a ceremony, it is not your brother, nor is it my fire family!"

"Then I can do it now!"

"No need, because he killed Ming Kun! He must die! Even if I become your brother, I don't intend to forgive him for his death!" Said Furious Fury.

Although the Fire God of Mercy was smiling, his eyes were firm and sneered, "Huo Mingkun was just a coincidence and received an inheritance of the ancient fire tribe. My seedling is an inheritance of the ancient ancient **** tribe! I can rush out in the future! Fire is extremely possible! "

Speaking of which, the angry face of God of Fury is even colder, "Fire, aren't you planning this? You don't marry your wife and have no offspring, but you still want to fight with me! If you can't fight with me, you just want to get An outsider accepted as a younger brother to fight? My Sun Huo Mingkun, you signaled Ye Kong to kill, didn't he! "

"Your blood spurted, and I have been guarding the water cell."

"You want to rob the Fireman!"

"I do not have!"

"Then you let go!"

The sword boat had stopped, Ye Kong was in the sword boat, and he dared not come out. However, he is not the kind to let others escape under pressure, so he has to stop behind God of Fire. Looking at the old figure of Huozi God, Guanghua blinked in his eyes!

Although there is no master-apprentice ceremony, Ye Kong's mind has already recognized this master!

But at this moment, the voice of fire kindness came from Ye Kong's ears, "Run away! I'm afraid I can't protect you!"

"But teacher ..." Ye Kong asked again, worried.

"Don't worry, God has long ordered the killing of each other. You dare not kill me, and you can't kill me!" Huozi's voice was full of confidence, and he sang again, "Go!"

The Fire Anger knew that they were transmitting the sound, and saw that Jianzhou was starting, and Ren couldn't stop, and took a step forward, saying, "Fire mercy, you can let me go!"

Between the words, Ye Kong had drove the sword boat into the sea of ​​clouds. Huozi God raised one hand and a jade hand in his hand, the one that recorded Ye Kong's blood. Huojishen's thin palms were smashed!

"You ..." Firefury finally roared, "Firefire, don't force me to kill you!"

Huozi laughed, "You want to kill me, is it so easy?"

The anger in the Fury God's heart has reached the limit, but even so, he has not shot at the Fire Mercy God. But when the sea of ​​fire changed at his feet, he went to chase Ye Kong again!

But Huozi God was trying to gain time for Ye Kong, and blocked him again!

The angry **** of flames laughed, "I am the master of the element of fire, exercising the power of the Nine Realms of Fire. All the igniting stars here can become my incarnation. How can you stop me?

In the laughter, a large area of ​​flames spread at the feet of the Fire God, pushing the sea of ​​clouds around in all directions! Speed, fast!

Fire loved his teeth, so he took off a chain on his wrist and slowly said, "Brother, are you forcing me to take action on you?"

On the withered boat, the Fury shouted, "That's it! The old ancestors loved you the most, and gave you the power, right on this bracelet? But I warn you, if you really want to take a shot, go back to the old ancestors. In front of me ... I'm afraid no one can protect you! "

Fire mercy God at this moment, holding the bracelet, is also blinking. This is indeed the **** of fire who loved him at first and gave him a bodyguard. If he used this divine power and took the initiative to shoot at his brother ... I am afraid that Vulcan will not shelter him this time!

Seeing the Fire God, hesitant ~ ~ The Fire God was humming, and wanted to chase into the sea of ​​clouds.

"No, that's my apprentice, you can't kill!" Fire Ci Shen finished, throwing out the bracelet in his hand, and shouted, "Old ancestor, please use your power!"

"It's a pity that the ancestors didn't come in person. Will I be afraid of this might?"

One possesses the power of Vulcan, and one with strength close to Vulcan. The battle between the two is close to the level of immortal spirits, and the entire sea of ​​clouds is rolling and shaking in such a battle! Even the sword boat that escaped into the depths of the sea of ​​clouds was violently shaking!

"Teacher ..." Ye Kong looked at the turbulent air behind him, worried, but what could he do? His current body is still six percent. The sword boat is about to be destroyed. If he goes back, he will not only be able to help but also add chaos.

"Teacher, no matter what, you are already my teacher, and I will definitely get strong strength back! At that time, no one can bully me! I can't bully you! I, I will!"

The map of the sea of ​​clouds inside the sword boat was also damaged due to the incineration of the element of fire just now. There is only a small area in front of it, which says, "Zhuzhou, entrance." .

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