The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2500: Master of Fire

"What, that god-man named Ye has fled into the sea of ​​clouds? You ... asshole!" At this moment, Fury God has really become a angry Fury!

Huo Mingkun is the genius of his Huo family, and also the pride of his anger! The God of Fire Anger has always wanted to train Huo Mingkun into the most outstanding descendant of the Huo family, but at this moment is dead in the hands of a central god-man, and the anger in his heart can already burn the entire Dongsheng Kingdom!

"Come and tell me, what is the situation of Ming Kun and his fighting, why Ming Kun can only have 10% of the body?" At this moment, the angry Fury God could not help catching someone to kill him. Martial Universe 5200

The fire spirit **** was late, so he had to drag the pot away from Zhou Xiangwan.

Zhou Xiangwan saw the fierce **** of anger so angry, and then saw the body of Huo Mingkun on the ground, scared to his knees, and said, "This is the way of the lord ..."

Zhou Xiang was trembling, not very detailed, but the speed is very fast! Soon it was said that Ye Kong used Huobao River to collect Huo Mingkun ...

Speaking of this, the rage **** flashed suddenly in his eyes and yelled coldly: "Don't say it, you are all waiting for me! Huh, **** of the river, don't you think you're happy?"

After the Fury God finished speaking, his figure had become a line of fire and penetrated the battlefield world. In the sky, it looks like a huge slender fire dragon, spinning around, plunging one step down the mountain!

After a while, I heard a step down the mountain road, and there was a loud noise! Subsequently, the line of fire rose to the sky again, and a voice sounded through the sky, "Since then, there is no further step down the mountain!"

The Fire Spirit has followed the battlefield world, waiting for the Fire Fury to return.

I saw that after the Fury God returned, he already had a jade card in his hand.

"Although this piece of jade camouflage has no effect, it records a drop of blood from that surnamed Ye! Huh, the surnamed Ye, you can't escape!" The angry God of Fire suddenly laughed and turned back and said: "Fire spirit, Go again, ancestor! "

Having said that, he just wanted to set foot on the Sea of ​​Fire Shenzhou, and then he replied: "And why the battlefield world was blown up by people, so he went to check quickly and found out the accomplice of the surnamed Ye. I want him to die!"

Zhou Xiangwan, kneeling, quickly scratched his head, "Yes, yes, I'll check it immediately!"

A simple command, Furious God flew on the dead wood boat in the sky! Don't underestimate this humble boat carved from dead wood. This is a master artifact for moving palaces! Not only has the ability of strong defense, and the ability to sail in the sea of ​​clouds, but also the speed of movement is amazing!

This thing is called Sea of ​​Fire Shenzhou, and it is the signature treasure of God of Fury!

The Lord of the Furious Wrath got on the Sea of ​​Fire Shenzhou, raised a hand, and saw the large sea of ​​fire under the boat suddenly stretched forward, and the dead wooden boat swam quickly above the sea of ​​fire in the sky!

Vulcan is not where to go. Soon, Vulcan Shenzhou has stopped at the edge of the sea of ​​clouds. Vulcan is standing straight at the bow of the boat, facing the sea of ​​clouds, static electricity flashes in his eyes, and slowly groans in his mouth: "Heaven and Earth Fire, in the name of the Fire Master, I call on you and tell you to come here quickly and let me exercise the power of fire! "

He said slowly, this world, all the flames, all the power of the flames, all raging! This is no longer divine power, not even divine art! But as a fire god, the absolute control of the fire element!

This control is very powerful! Not to mention summoning all the flames of the next world, it is to stop all the fire elements of the upper and lower realms, so that there is no fire in this world forever! That's what he said!

From a distance, the fire spirit **** looked above the kingdom of God's refinery and looked at the back of the fire anger god. He only shook his head slowly, because he knew that Vulcan was already very close to Vulcan! And he has been unable to catch the rage of God forever and ever!

But if the Raging God becomes an immortal deity, what will the old ancestors do? Also, the strength of Firefury God at this moment may already be able to barely try to resurrect Huo Mingkun, why did he still ask the old ancestor? The fire spirit thought of this, and his heart jumped up.

At this time, the fire rage around him was completely a sea of ​​fire. That sky, the flames ignited everything, the scene was spectacular! In the city of Weizhou, I don't know how many gods and partial gods are on their knees, and they are convinced by the scene in front of them!

But this is not what Fire Rage needs!

He held up a jade card in his hand and said, "Follow the blood connection in this jade card. Fire, my people, follow it ... open!"

The anger of the **** of anger said a little, and the jade in his hand was like a moth, plunging into the sea of ​​clouds! And immediately following is the flame called by the **** of rage!

Those flames are too powerful! Everywhere you go is a sea of ​​fire and a wall of fire! Form a straight passage that extends deep into the sea of ​​clouds!

The passage of flames, at an incredible speed, went tǐng forward near crazy! If you look at it from a distant height, it is like a straight line formed by flames, separating the sea of ​​clouds from the middle!

That flame constitutes a passage, and all the flames above it are jumping, as if celebrating, as if welcoming, waiting for their master to come!

The speed of that channel has reached the limit! Not long after, at the end of the passage, I saw a black sword-shaped Shenzhou!

That flame channel was in the sea of ​​fire, and it went into nearly a million miles in an instant, catching up with Ye Kong who fled in a sword boat! And this flame channel has been maintained in the sea of ​​clouds for a long time. The divine power in it is so powerful, I am afraid that this is the **** world, and not many people can do it!

At the end of the passage, the Fury God pedals a dead wooden Shenzhou!

At the other end of the passage, Ye Kong drove the sword boat!

The eyes of the two hit through a million miles!

"Catch up!" Huo Reng snorted coldly, Huo Shenzhou rushed into the flame channel with him!

Ye Kong in front of the sword boat ... To be honest, Ye Kong was really scared this time! He has already gone deep into the sea of ​​clouds! He is already dangerous! In the sea of ​​clouds, what else can you do to me?

He did not expect that the power of a truly immortal deity! It was a man in the middle, a guy who had just taken off for a few years and couldn't imagine it! Unthinkable, powerful!

"Nima, how could he catch up with me! His dead wood boat is faster than my sword boat ... How can this be so!" Ye Kong didn't know yet, a blood jade card he left for the river demon was exactly to provoke The source of trouble! At first, the river devil was afraid that he would make an appointment, and this left Yucang, but no such thing happened. The rage **** killed the demon of the river demon in the first time, seized the jade card, and traced it directly!

"Fast! Flee!" Ye Kongzhong roared and ordered to Jianzhou!

"Kill my grandson, you still want to escape, can you escape, upper and lower realms, where can you escape?" The angry voice of God of Fury passed into Ye Kong's ears ~ ~ as if The old guy was talking in his ear.

"Escape!" Ye Kong had no other choice at this moment. Although he has never seen Rage, but a fool can guess!

"That's right! Last time I was in the sea of ​​clouds with Le'er, didn't I see a beast that was difficult to chan? It's better to lead the guy from the rage god! Um, not too far, too late!"

Ye Kong was also anxious, and thought of a way. As soon as the sword boat turned, he ran into the sea of ​​clouds on the other side!

Behind that, the corridor turned into a flame, followed the turn! Above the Flame Corridor, the Sea of ​​Fire Shenzhou gliding fast! Huh, just keep up!

"Boy, you can't escape! You don't have to struggle!" Fire Rage is fast, and after a while, has approached Jianzhou, his hatred for this boy has reached a zenith!

But at this moment, a deafening roar came from below him in front of him, "Roar!"

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