The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2502: Long time

2550 time long river

"Huozi, even if you have the might of the ancestors to give you, I can kill you! But I still don't do it. I'll see how the ancestors can cover you!"

Huo Rang and Huo Ting Shen exchanged each other for a while, and suddenly received the message of the jade card, he groaned, and drove his Uranus Shenzhou to turn around and leave, returning to the God Kingdom Training Center!

"This time ..." Huozi God received the divine power and stood in the sea of ​​clouds, until the flame channel disappeared, his body was drowned by the sea of ​​clouds, and then the sea of ​​clouds was released. Sighed, "I'm afraid I'm really in trouble this time!"

Later, he also returned to the Kingdom Training Center.

At the God Kingdom Training Center, at this moment, Fire Fury God, Fire Spirit God, Fire Mercy God, all come!

In a palace, an old man with white clothes and white robes, white and white, with a crimson flame crutch in his hand!

The old man with hair-like clothes, at this moment sè is not angry, and his eyebrow is marked with a white light without flame, which shows his dignity and power!

At this time, the training center was heavily guarded, and all outsiders had been driven out of the training center. All students were also ordered to return to Dongfu. Everyone was afraid to spit it out, for fear of causing the old ancestor to be unhappy, and then regret it too late!

Near that palace, no one dared to go in and out, and the only person who had the right to approach was the partiality of the Huojia!

"Fire mercy, you wait." Both Huo Rang and Huo Ling God hummed into the palace. Fire mercy God, also bowed his head to follow up.

"I've seen the ancestors!" The three walked in and saluted.

"What the **** is going on?" Vulcan was already full of anger in the first sentence, before he answered them, continued, "Do n’t you know that I have spent a lot of repairs to revive Huoli? Because! I have n’t recovered yet, and there is another Huo Mingkun. Do you still think I am the ancestor? Or when I am a **** servant dedicated to you! ”

The roar of Vulcan shivered as if the whole palace was shaking.

The three fire departments knelt down in a hurry, hoeing, and said, "The ancestors are angry, the ancestors are our fault!"

God of Fury said again, "Old ancestors, although we all have a responsibility for this matter, but fire is merciful to him! It is his responsibility! He accepted a disciple named Ye Kong, even if the purpose is to hide mischief, these are his plans Ok!"

"You're bullshit!" The angry fire god.

At this moment, the fire spirit **** was poisoned, and he asked, "Brother, didn't you want to take Ye Kong back for questioning? How come back empty-handed?"

The rage immediately angered, "It's not the old guy yet. He was afraid that things might fail. He blocked me and let go of that leaf! I think he was jealous of Ming Kun's talent. All this was planned by him!"

Fire Mercy explained, "No!"

"Then why don't you let the elder brother bring Ye Kong back for questioning?" The Fire Spirit God immediately replied, killing the Fire God completely!

Finally, Vulcan slowly twisted his neck and looked at Huozi, saying, "Huozi, Ye Kong is your disciple? Ming Kun was killed by Ye Kong? Ye Kong was you let go?"

"But ..." Huozi was about to justify, but I would rather listen to Huos again, "You just have to answer yes or no!"

There is a bad feeling in Huozishen's heart, but he still bowed his head, "Old ancestor, yes. Ye Kong is my apprentice, and he killed Huo Mingkun. It's just one of them ..."

Vulcan didn't wave at all, "This is enough, take me to the position of Mingkun."

"Here ..." The fire spirit **** stood up quickly, leading the way, followed by a white-haired and white-haired fire god, followed by a high-toothed fire rage and a bow-headed fire god.

Huo Mingkun was killed by Ye Kong's cloud ghost in the battlefield space, so a party came to the battlefield space and stood in front of Huo Mingkun's body. Seeing Huo Mingkun's body, Huo Rang was sorrowful from it, and roared, "Huo Ci, you have to pay the price!"

"I'll give you a response." Vulcan grunted coldly. "Back, back all!"

The other three hurriedly returned, and Vulcan looked at Huo Mingkun lying in front of him, only to be a little soft. The older a person is, the more he loves his offspring. This Huo Mingkun is the most talented offspring of the Huo family! And most importantly, Vulcan gives great hope to Huo Mingkun!

"If I changed anyone else, I wouldn't care!" Vulcan finally roared, and then saw the brow's godhead light up! Slowly say four words in his mouth, "Burning God Body!"

Three shocks behind me, you know, the immortal deity of Vulcan is very powerful, and they don't need to burn the **** body to resurrect a person. Obviously, Vulcan is resurrecting a state that has not yet been restored, and then resurrecting one, which makes him very strenuous!

After Vulcan burned the **** body, the powerful divine power covered the whole body and filled the world, so that everyone has an impulse to worship in it. He was not in a hurry to do other things, but raised his hand and pointed at Huo Mingkun's forehead ... Huo Mingkun's body suddenly emited blue smoke, followed by flames, which were vaporized by powerful firepower in the blink of an eye. What remained was only A flame is a partial godhead.

Vulcan attracted the godhead and crushed another. Subsequently, this word spit out four words.

"Long time, appear!"

White clothes fluttered across the sleeves, and in front of Vulcan, a long river suddenly appeared! That long river is not river water, but consists of billions of pictures! Rivers made up of billions of pictures! I can't see the head before, the tail is just in front of me, and the last picture is the current scene, and it is constantly increasing!

This is the long river of time caused by the power of time. Gods who understand the laws of time can only summon the long rivers of time. Immortal gods like Vulcan, it is not difficult to understand the laws of time.

The embarrassment is to resurrect people from a long time! Generally speaking, the farther away it is, the harder it is to resurrect. Whatever tens of thousands of years ago, even if the God of Time comes in person, there is not so much power to consume!

So Vulcan got the news, and this was the first time!

Vulcan's white sleeves fluttered in the long river, and countless pictures rolled over! Until a picture showed Huo Mingkun's torch head, it was softer in his eyes.

He raised his hand again, until the picture before Huo Mingkun and Ye Kong battle appeared, he raised his hand to draw this picture.

"Time synchronization! Come out!" Vulcan blinked sharply in his eyes, reached out his hand, and went deep into the picture, grabbing the light and shadow of Huo Mingkun!

This is the critical moment, and many people with the rule of overnight time can open a long time. But from among them, the people inside caught, reborn, and resurrected!

This is totally against the sky, totally against the laws of time! Even if you are an immortal deity, you ca n’t go against the sky and accept punishment!

I saw that the picture was distorted immediately, and Huo Mingkun's figure could not be seen clearly! At the same time, a gap suddenly opened in the sky. A huge figure of the eternal **** appeared.

"Breaking the law, go against the sky, you die!" In the crack, a vicissitudes roared, and a golden hammer smashed down!

This is the eternal **** who guards the law. This hammer only hits those who violate the law. Others want to take it, but they can't get it! Those who violate the rules cannot resist! You ca n’t fight back at all, it ’s like a scourge, you only have to bear it!

"Say!" The eternal **** roared and hit the Vulcan's body with a hammer!

With a bang, the whole world was shocked!

However, Vulcan is also strong enough, hitting him with a hammer, he did not move, holding the twisted Huo Mingkun light and shadow in the picture tightly with his right hand, Haha laughed, "It's not the three hammers, you hurry!"

The eternal **** was obviously angry with jī, and was hit with a hammer again!

Every time he hits the hammer, the figure of Huo Mingkun in the picture becomes clearer. Until the three hammers are finished ~ ~ Huo Mingkun's figure is very real! Vulcan then roared, "Give me out!"

He yanked his right hand and actually pulled out the past Huo Mingkun!

After Huo Mingkun appeared, his figure seemed to be shrouded in mist. There are two reasons for this. One is that the law of the gods needs to determine whether there is still Huo Mingkun in the world, and if there is a resurrection item on his body, if there is another Huo Mingkun, the light and shadow will collapse.

However, Huo Mingkun was dead, his bones were burned to fly ash, and his godhead was crushed. There is no repetition, so the laws of the Divine Realm quickly recognized his existence.

Then, it is the synchronization of memory and time, which all need to be confused, but time is not long.

And over there, the Eternal God saw that people had been resurrected, and there was no way but to shrink fiercely and disappear. The deity of Vulcan also waved his hand to hide the long river of time.

To the reader:

I went to the hospital today for a toothache, so this chapter is a bit late, but not serious, haha, and at night ...! .

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