The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2460: Take a cloud

Two Four Six Zero Breaking Clouds

A certain dark wall in Shenshan Cave House, a figure in Tsing Yi is looking closely along the wall.

"It should be this side. The wall here is behind the Dongfu, facing the direction of Shenshan! According to my visual inspection, the thickness here is also the thickest. It should be that the walls here are filled with clouds in the sea of ​​clouds ... The cloud has the effect of isolating the divine power, and it is invisible and invisible, and even the consciousness cannot pass through. It is indeed a good thing that blocks the divine power without being discovered! "

Ye Kong turned around the back wall of the cave, and stood alone in a corner, hesitating.

Originally, he was thinking that after all these years of Dongfu, someone must have discovered the secret and would destroy the wall. He wanted to find a breach. If he opened a hole from there and sucked out the clouds, wouldn't it be ok.

However, Ye Kong's consciousness swept inch by inch across the wall, and no trace of destruction was found!

"No, there are no traces, it must be that the wall is relatively hard! No matter what, let me try. If I can break it, I will break it! Who asked that pot to take me to such a place!"

Ye Kong crossed his heart, and before returning to the wall, he took off his Regal Excalibur. Holding the Regal Excalibur in his hand, he wanted to cut the wall in.

"Click!" I heard a click, although the Regal Excalibur was cut in, but the wall even had a bizarre divine power, and I saw the Regal Excalibur cut in an inch, and could no longer enter!

Not only that, it is impossible for Ye Kong to pull out the sword! The Regal Sword seems to be growing in the wall, it can't enter or exit!

"Is your ancestor Banban, what is the situation?" Ye Kong suddenly understood why this Dongfu is called the whole Dongfu. Not only is there a government behind the Dongfu, but the walls of the Dongfu are also extraordinary. No wonder the wall didn't have any damage. Presumably everyone who broke it would end up with a dilemma like himself.

At this time, Ye Kong heard the voice of thirteen in his ears. This guy is a part of the memory of the **** of destiny. He is well-informed and said, "This is the regeneration stone of Pin. If there is any With a knife and a knife, it will soon regenerate the stone, also known as the mother of stone! "

"Oh, no wonder there are no knife marks and no damage. The original scars will grow and restore on their own. It is the first time I see this kind of stone." Ye Kong nodded, but asked in confusion: "Even if it is regeneration Stone, then why would my Regal Excalibur fall into the dilemma? "

Fate Thirteen: "Because this is a regenerating stone, it grows very fast! When you cut it, it has grown out, so it will grow the Excalibur into its body. , You can only use brute force to pull it out, otherwise, as time goes by, the part of the sword that fell into the stone will become stone. "

"No!" Ye Kong was frustrated and angrily. "Why didn't you say that! Then I have to pull the sword desperately!" Ye Kong talked, grabbed the sword handle of Regal Excalibur with both hands, and stepped on the wall with one foot. Face, pull hard!

Did not pull out!

"Yeah!" Ye Kong stepped on the wall with his two feet, his body was suspended, and the godhead was struggling to support it. "Hi!"

clang! This was a crisp sound, and the Regal Excalibur was pulled out. Fortunately, this thing only entered an inch. Otherwise it will be scrapped. Ye Kong pulled out his sword, and then he sighed, "If your ancestors are stern, if you don't come out again, buddies will burn the gods!"

As soon as he had finished speaking, he told him thirteen: "Master, next time you slow down, I haven't finished yet." Ming thirteen also said: "For ordinary metal weapons, this wall is very useful, but For some powerful light weapons, there is also a strange metal body such as the soul puppet, but it is not very useful! "

"You didn't say it earlier!" Ye Kong roared. I knew the light system weapons, then use the main Excalibur, as well as the soul of the soul is also useful, why do you need to spend so much effort.

In Dongfu, Ye Kong checked it again and determined that it was absolutely safe. He then took out the Tianhua Sword from the Wanbao River around his waist.

The Tianhua Sword of Divine Sword is more peculiar. It has only one hilt, and its sword body is completely the light from the hilt. Therefore, even the regeneration stone is invalid for it. Jianguang slowly cut into the regeneration stone. To say that the main artifact is extraordinary and sharp, he quickly opened a mouth!

However, the speed at which the reborn stone grows is also amazing. You cut it in front and it grows together immediately behind you! But it doesn't matter. The body of the soul eater now is the body of the Jinnuo people, and the Jinnuo's **** body is still immersed in the ascension pond.

So when Huajian Divine Sword just cut a gap that day, the soul puppet will release a part of its body like a liquid, embedded in the gap, so that the regeneration stone cannot grow!

Ye Kong tossed for a while, then opened a small hole in the wall.

With a touch of sweat on his head, someone sighed, "No wonder this whole person's room has not been destroyed for so many years. This thing is not a whole person, it is too terrible!"

Indeed, how many gods in the world will have a master artifact to break the wall, and how many gods not only have a master artifact, but also something like the Jinnuo to open up the space?

Looking in from the small hole, I saw the mezzanine behind the wall, and the mezzanine was full of white clouds!

"Hum, I didn't think that the fire Ruiqi didn't deceive me!" Ye Kong nodded, but thought in his heart, how did the little goddess of the gods proactively tell him the whole situation of Dongfu, it was really puzzled. what!

Of course, Ye also thought about the feeling of touching the girl's red beans that day with her fingers ... "Well, such a big girl doesn't wear a bra, which is very affecting development. You must remind her next time you meet. Well, just Thanks her. "Ye said shamelessly.

After opening a hole in the wall, things are much easier. Ye Kong used Wanbao 5 Baohe to **** the clouds out of it, and released it in a hurry, and temporarily stored it in Wanbao River.

Then, let the soul crawl back and recover the wall, no one can see the problem.

"This time, I can easily meditate and practice!"

Without isolation, Ye Kong began to cultivate. According to the water system God taught him by the Aqua Blue God, he began to refine the divine power he felt and use it for his own use. Water system exercises are also strange. When Ye Kong refined those divine powers into himself, he turned into a liquid water state and existed in his Qihai space.

About a month later, a liquid layer has formed in the sea of ​​air, like a thin little puddle!

When these divine powers condensed, Ye Kong took a breath and slowly said, "It ’s been a few years since I came to the world of God ~ ~ I felt the power of divine power! With the power of divine power, I will use divine power in the future, Using the Excalibur to enhance the godhead is more effective! The most important thing is that with the power of the god, I will have the opportunity to break through the cultivation and enter the central god-man! "

But now it is proved that the water system exercises are useful. Ye Kong's next step is to ask the water blue **** to ask the next layer of exercises. So this day, he left Dongfu again and walked to the place where the water blue **** taught.

As soon as Ye Kong just left, he was busy again in the cave next door.

"I think he is refreshed and refreshed, as if his cultivation has improved. Could our method not work?"

"How is it possible! For so many years, the entire Dongfu has been the whole guy who wants to cry without tears. I don't believe he has the ability to release the clouds."

"Regardless of him, let's take a look. It may also be in the middle of the Dongfu mezzanine. It has been in disrepair for years and there are gaps for the clouds to escape."

"Okay, look."

To the reader:

Three chapters today ...

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