The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2461: Come to the door

"How?" The sight in front of him surprised Huo Mingkun and other ren. There was not even a cloud of fog in the interlayer of Shibi!

"Why isn't it? Is it that Li Hei found it impossible to take it?"

"Impossible and impossible! Then Li Hei is an outsider, how can he know the secret here? And even if he knows, he is unlikely to break the stone wall!"

Huo Mingkun nodded, "Yes, even if I didn't have the ability to break through the stone wall to take out the clouds, let alone him, there is only one exit in this darkroom gap!"

Everyone nodded, wondering why the clouds and fog disappeared. In the end, everyone guessed that there might be invisible cracks that let the clouds and mist leak.

So someone took artifacts and treasures and filled them. The exit was subsequently closed and the original route returned.

Ye Kong can certainly guess what moths these guys are going to make, but he has a way to get the cloud, and he is not worried, so he asks the Aqua Blue God for peace of mind.

Ye Kong came to the seminar where the Aquamarine God was, and he saw a lot of people there. Ye Kongqi said, "It's not time for a big class today, why are there so many people?"

Curious Ye Kong crowded into the crowd and found the god-man at the door, a fat man among them.

"Guo Daoyou, this is ..." Ye Kong shoved away the people around him and squeezed up to ask.

"Come in and talk in." Guo Binbin wanted to let Ye Kong go, but the other Jinjia Shenbings at the goalkeeper reached out to block it. The fat man whispered, "This is a big friend, a younger brother of Aquamarine!"

Those golden armor soldiers let Ye Kong go in.

Ye Kong went in and saw that there were a lot of people in the room. But many of them are people Ye Kong doesn't know.

Although there were many people in the room, the standing position was faintly divided into two groups. One side was dominated by the Aqua God, and the other was headed by another woman with a similar watermark mark on her brows.

The woman who looks far away from the Aqua Blue God is not bad. Her eyes are red, her skin is white, she is a female, but she is slightly worse than the Aqua Blue God.

Ye Kong stood in the distance and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong, who is that woman? I see that she speaks in a tone that is aimed at the seniors of Aquamarine, with a sharp voice and a sour voice."

"Who said no?" Guo Binbin whispered, "The woman is the concubine of a little **** in the sea of ​​clouds, Zhuogo God Kingdom, and the **** of liquid is partial to ruby. This woman looks at the God Kingdom at the table. It is first-class, naturally proud and noble, but once she came to my vast Dongsheng God Kingdom. When she saw Dongsheng God Kingdom's vast land and countless people, she was a bit imbalanced. Later it was said that she encountered Water blue god, after everyone met, she often came to the water blue god, in the name of communication, and wanted to overpower the water blue **** from all aspects. But most of the time, it was a failure.

"Oh, this is the case. This woman's jealousy is the only thing she has seen in her life and she is jealous of going abroad." Ye Kong shook his head and stood behind to watch.

Hearing the liquid partial **** ruby ​​screamed, "This time we came to ask for advice on behalf of the Zhuowu God Kingdom Refining Institute. I also hope that all of you will give advice. Our Zhuowu God Kingdom ’s refining and research on the law of liquidity is still very good. famous……"

Ye Kong stood behind and heard the people in front say, "This woman is really jealous. She heard that the Aqua God is temporarily the principal here, and she immediately asked for the post of principal of the Institute in their kingdom. Come here to show off. "

"Yeah, yeah, the last time she brought a **** mica crystal, g said that we do n’t have the kingdom of Dongsheng, and later we took out such a big piece to scare her to death! How big a face she lost that time, this time she came again, It's shameless. "

While they were talking, another noise came from the crowd outside the door. Ye Kong followed them and turned their heads back, and saw that a young man with red hair, like a torch to sky, walked in.

As soon as this person came in, everyone at the Dongsheng Divine Kingdom Refinery was relieved, and the two in front of them were even more arguing, "Okay, Huo Mingkun is here!"

"Yes, with the peerless genius of our Dongsheng Kingdom of God! The descendants of Zhuowu's small country are all dregs, and there is no possibility of comparison!"

Indeed, Huo Mingkun was really domineering, full of aura, and strode into it, standing in front of the water blue **** and the pot partial god, saluting, "I have seen two students, Huo Mingkun is willing to participate in any discussion and test! Even the other party No matter how strong she is, Ming Kun can make her lie back! "

He said this in public, and the pan partial **** and others suddenly looked a lot better and began to laugh. But the liquid female goddess Ruby had eyes with anger, but with a smile on her face, saying, "Yo yo, the fire genius Huo Mingkun is really powerful. Although we Zhuowu is a small country, we also have some geniuses. ... "

Huo Mingkun turned his head sharply, with a smile on his face, but the flames billowed in his eyes, and said, "Then please those geniuses come out and teach Ming Kun, really, Ming Kun hasn't met the younger generation's opponent for a long time."

Under the scorching eyes of Huo Mingkun, Ruby also throbbed her heart, but she had already prepared and laughed. "I also want to do this, but our lord said that everyone should play in peace and don't make those ye pretty "Shit! Kill and kill, in case it hurts the genius of each family, wouldn't it hurt peace?"

Huo Mingkun said coldly, "Don't come if you are afraid of death!"

Ruby ignored him, and smiled at Shui Lan God, "In fact, this time, I mainly came to see Sister Blue, and describe the friendship between our women. We are not fond of fighting and fighting. They are visiting as friends, not to be aggressive. "

"Yeah, yeah, Huo Mingkun, you should stand by it first." Shui Lankeng also had to let Huo Mingkun go down. People said that they were here to visit friends, not to fight, and Dongsheng Kingdom could not be aggressive. attitude.

But the ruby ​​was also cunning. When she saw Huo Mingkun standing up, she said, "However, the superficial article is still to be done. Sister Shui Lan, it would be better for us to describe our friendship next to each other, and then let our respective brothers come out and talk about it. The water system and the liquid system are stubborn and weak. Everyone talks about it and makes sense, isn't it better than fighting and killing? "

She said that everyone in Dongsheng Kingdom suddenly frowned, and Ye Kongqian whispered again, "This woman is really cunning! She knew that she was not our opponent in military force, so she came up with the idea of ​​arguing!"

"Yes, she knows that we are not weak even if we talk about Taoism, so we have added a special system, which is to say which of the water system and the liquid system is stronger! This issue has been debated in the early years and there is no result. Clearly? "

"But the key aquamarine is the water system, and the ruby ​​is the liquid system ~ ~ If we lose, does it not mean that the blue water of our Dongsheng God Kingdom is not as good as the Ruby of the Zhuowu God Kingdom?"

"That's for sure. This woman knows that Zhuo Wu is not our Dongsheng opponent. She changed her strategy and tried to squeeze the blue **** of God to show her dignity!"

Not only did the onlookers in the back row know that it was inappropriate, but the people in front knew that the woman was prepared. Huo Mingkun's eyes flashed with annoyance, secretly, although the theory is not my strong point, if the rules of the fire system I can say a lot. But now we need to talk about the water system ... how can I understand this!

The pot partial **** is also bright, and immediately spoke to the Shui Lan god, "Don't promise her, she comes prepared. Most of our brothers in the water system are practicing, and it is calculated that Guan is not their opponent!"

Shui Lanshen was about to refuse, but he heard Hongyu smiled, "Is this the only time I came to talk to my sister, what argument is just a joke, since Dongsheng has no one, no matter what Now. "

She said that Dongsheng ’s face was all green. If she did n’t agree, would n’t she admit that Dongsheng had no one, this woman is really mean!

The Aqua God Ren couldn't help but say, "It's okay to talk about it!"! .

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