The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2459: I'm rude to you again

I will be rude to you again

"No, we have a total of 38,683,500 Dongfus on the mountain, and all of them have fixed masters. How can they be swapped casually. If everyone is like you, then we are not going to die ... what, Without divine power, that's impossible, because you can't do it, you go to practice ... "

The pot was partial to Zhou Xiang. In a lot of words, Ye Kongmu got rid of Ye Kongmu. Ye Laomo mixed up and down several circles. Can't you see it? This is because people intentionally gave him small shoes.

Ye Kong knows that this is forcing himself to jerk, but he can't get away for a while. He wants to hear the following exercises from the God of Water, and leaving here is really difficult to find a place to cultivate.

Leaving the main hall where Zhou Xiangwan is located, Ye Kong still wonders if there is a problem with that cave house, but why can he absorb the divine power at first, but it wo n’t work when he comes out once. Is this intermittent neuropathy?

Ye Kong was walking, and when he heard someone calling him to look back, he saw a fat man following him, panting, "Li Hedao friends, slow."

Ye Kong looked at it. It was Guo Binbin whom he met last time. He did not expect to meet again today. Ye Kong laughed, "It was Guo Daoyou, it was a coincidence."

"What a coincidence, Guo is here to wait for you." I didn't see it all night, but Guo Binbin's scorched hair and swollen face were all well, and I didn't know what magical medicine was used.

"Waiting for me here?" Ye Kong blinked. To know that he had come to Zhou Xiangwan himself, he hadn't expected it in advance. Could Guo Binbin have the skill of an unknown prophet?

Guo Binbin smiled bitterly, "Li Daoyou, someone in the woods is talking to you"

"The fat man couldn't think of it. I didn't see it overnight. It's not easy for you to be deceived. It's not easy to be deceived." Ye Kong certainly knew what was in the woods. He cheated and beat him up

Guo Binbin quickly shook his head and said, "Li Daoyou, there is absolutely no ambush for Miss Dao, but she really wants to talk to you. Don't you want to know who is not able to absorb the power of your Dongfu?"

"You all know this?" Ye Kongdongfu could not absorb the divine power, he said to the pot partial god, but Huo Ruiqi knew in advance, no wonder Guo Binbin was waiting here

"OK, go and see"

Ye Kong followed Guo Binbin approaching the dark woods, not too far, and she saw the fiery red-haired Huo Ruiqi carrying four large-waisted goddesses and counting the ants down there.

"This is not Miss Ruiqi. I don't know how Miss Miss can teach you?" To be honest, Ye Kong just didn't want to take care of these broken things, and wasn't afraid. Ye Kong didn't worry too much about these half-old children.

"See how to teach your mother's head" Huo Ruiqi said so badly that she walked in front of Ye Kong with a chest and anger, "Is this the case, it's over, don't you want to give me an apology?"

When Ye Kong was scolded by him, his heart was furious, especially when the girl also scolded his aging mother. Ye Kong was a bit furious. He glared at him, glaring at Huo Ruiqi, coldly, "You scold again"

Ye Kong's anger was originally terrifying, and now it is the image of a demon. This stare, Huo Ruiqi jumped in her heart, she felt scared, but she thought for a moment, you are just a lower god, I am afraid of wool.

So she also straightened her **** and said, "You say it again and again? Grandma aunt doesn't want to say it now"

"Believe it or not, I beat you?" Ye Kong squeezed his fist and took a step forward

"You think I'm afraid of you, come, do it," Huo Ruiqi said indifferently.

She thought Ye Kong would definitely not dare to shoot. She thought that even if Ye Kong, the lower god, really shot, she could easily defend even her four men laughed, and said sarcastically, "You shot, don't you You're not a man. "

However, their smirk stopped, and when Ye Kong raised his hand, there was a green shadow flashing over everyone who didn't see what it was, and Huo Ruiqi felt that her neck was pinched by something. She was so frightened that she wanted to shout but couldn't say anything

"Fastly release Miss Ricky" The four women were furious and roared in surprise, "Li Hei, don't you know that Ricky is the daughter of the Fire God, you shot her, you are dead"

Ye Kong didn't care, he held the fire Ruiqi with the chaotic lotus seedlings, pulled it over, looked down at her eyes, and said angrily, "I don't care who your daughter is, I only know that you scolded my mother and me Mom's sin? Are you asshole? "

In Ye Kong's roar, Chao Chaolian tightened Huoqi again and she was struck by rolling her eyes. Although it is impossible for a man of God to be strangled like this, it is really uncomfortable.

Ye Kong saw her begging look in her eyes, then she shook her hand, took Chaos Lotus back to her sleeve, and snorted, "I apologize for the day, you can scold me for it, but you can't Scold my mom to warn you again, if you scold my mom, I'll be kind to you if you have any background "

After speaking, humming, Ye Kong turned around and left

Ye Kong just left, and the four men yelled, "This Li Hei is too jerk. We dare to shoot you and let us report to the training institute."

"It's useless to report the training center, it's a punishment at most, or it's better that you get out of the training center to send a message to your dad and let him come back to kill this abominable guy. That's why I got angry."

"Yes, yes, his mother, I don't think his mother is a thing ..."

Several goddess men were comforting Huo Ruiqi, but unexpectedly, Huo Ruiqi suddenly burst into rage and roared, "Give me away!"

The four women looked at each other, didn't understand what Huo Ruiqi was firing at them, but just when they were in a trance, they saw footsteps over there. Turning around, Ye Kong returned.

"What are you doing?" The four goddesses quickly protected Huo Ruiqi, took out the artifact blade, and blocked it in front of Ye Kong

㊣ (5) Ye Kong did not move on, but said coldly, "I still want to tell you what hatred is coming out. Don't make any famous temple behind me to make my Dongfu have no divine power. I will try to solve it"

Ye Kong finished, turned and left

However, at this time, Huo Ruiqi, who had been lowering her head, suddenly looked up, and said to Ye Kong, "You Dongfu is not a ghost I made, it is Huomingkun. There is a compartment on the back wall of the Dongfu, as long as it is placed inside When you enter some clouds in the sea of ​​clouds, you can isolate the divine power, so it is called the cave of the whole man. "

Ye Kong then understood why he could not sense the divine power in Dongfu. It turned out to be this reason, but Ye Kong's mind was strange again. Why did Huo Ruiqi tell herself so detailed, for no reason?

Although Ye Kong couldn't think of the reason Ricky told him, he turned back and hugged his fists, saying, "Thank you for telling", Ye Kong's figure disappeared into the woods.

Outside the woods, the fat man said ~ ~ Last time I was beaten for you, this time, hey, you went to your own luck, but the last time I came out, you did not sympathize with me, but second to me Fat humming, this time waiting for you to come out, I want to ...

But Guo Binbin's yy just started, and he had to be interrupted because he saw that Li Hei, as if he was fine, and walked out indifferently.

"You're coming out so soon," the fat man said in a panic.

"Yes, why don't you go in and play again?"

"No need" Fat man pale

Besides, in the woods, the four goddesses were emaciated. I didn't understand why Huo Ruiqi not only did not want to hold Li Hei to her shots, but also told Li Hei such a secret thing.

Huo Ruiqi did not explain to her opponent, but stood alone in the distance, watching Ye Kong leaving, her red hair was gently swayed by the breeze in the forest, and it took a long time to say, "Where is my mother?" "

To the reader:

And at night ...

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