The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2454: Big stupid

Two four five four days old stupid

The huge and white statue of the Vulcan couple stands in the center of the Kingdom of God Training Center. The statue is lifelike. Vulcan looks down at the beings, with majesty and coldness in his eyes. The water **** is warm and dignified, sitting side by side with a smile on the corner of his mouth. boiling_)

Although Ye Kong promised the river demon to save his deity, but Ye Kong and Huoshen had no grudges.

I walked past the statue of Vulcan, but I felt the power of Vulcan, and saluted slightly.

Seeing Ye Kong being so respectful and courteous, Zhou Xiangwan laughed, "The old man of Vulcan was said to have been a genius at that time. He rose all the way, and I do n’t know how many heroes he defeated to win the favor of Water God. Good news "

Ye Kong nodded and smiled, "Every community is the same. Everyone has the heart of gossip. The legend of gifted and beautiful people likes to spread the tales. It is because everyone in the world is ordinary and genius is hard to find. So everyone likes to chant these stories. Substitute yourself and be satisfied "

"Li Heidao friends, I ca n’t think of your insight." Guo Bishen's eyes brightened, apparently for the sake of such a brilliant statement, he nodded, and said, "I never thought you would be so insightful at a young age. It seems that the North Sword God Kingdom is really a talented person, but if you say that the fire home, that is also a talented person. "

Because Ye Kong's information comes from the kingdom of the North Sword God, of course, the pot partial **** must talk about the glory of his country.

As he continued to walk with Ye Kong, he said, "The descendants of the Vulcan Fire God and the Water God, which are the fire rage and fire spirit gods who came out of the fire house after generations, are all my generations who can win the kingdom of God. Shui Gang and Shui Miao, who have a water family, are a generation of geniuses. "

Ye Kong followed him on the gravel road and walked towards the rear of the training institute, and nodded. "Indeed, the two gods of water and fire are the basic element gods. Of course, they are strong, and the offspring must have more powerful ones."

Having said that, you can already see the towering giant tower of Houshan far away and see the tower. The pot is shining in the eyes of the god, and the head is upright, "The strong, yes, the fire family has talented people from generation to generation. The strongest of the contemporary is Huo Mingkun of the Fire House "

"Huo Mingkun?" Ye Kong heard the name for the first time.

Speaking of Huo Mingkun, the pot partial **** is also honorable, and he said, "Huo Mingkun, the lord of the kingdom, is directly connected to future generations of contemporary geniuses. It took only three thousand years to start from the cultivation of an immortal. It ’s not that the gods of the fire department are full, otherwise he has become one of the youngest fire department gods. He is practicing in our practice, which is the pride of our practice. "

"Oh," Ye Kong has never seen this person.

The pot took a look at Ye Kong and said, "Don't hide from my friends, I originally thought that you were an ascendant in the lower realm, and you could get through the mountain road one step at a time, but it would become another peerless genius in my training institute. But it's a pity ..."

Ye Kong grinned bitterly, "I did not expect that I was not just ascended, but that other kingdoms of God were downed and repaired ... I disappointed you."

In fact, Ye Kong is the ascendant of the lower realm, but he is afraid to be recognized, so he is posing as a demon.

The pot nodded and looked at the cultivation tower, and said, "Li Hedao friends, don't be upset. In fact, even if you are a genius who can open up the mountain road one step at a time after the Nether has just taken off, you compare Huo Mingkun is also a grade worse "

Ye hollow said that Huo Mingkun really looks like a genius. This guy who looks like a pot even gave him such a high evaluation, but he has come along this way. Although he is not a genius, he is not anything. I wonder if Huo Mingkun is really better than myself

Although Ye had a little dissatisfaction in his heart, Ye Kong would not be idle and vomit with someone he hadn't met, so he only nodded and said, "Yeah, yeah, I wasn't originally a Nether Gang Ascension, there is nothing comparable to the genius of the fire house "

The two said that they had stepped out of the grove, and there was a mountain in front of them. The mountain was far from large, but when they took a closer look, they were extremely huge. I did n’t know what powerful forbidden formation method was used on the mountain. Compression so that it can be put into the Kingdom of God Training Center

Above the mountain, densely packed with holes, the cave has a huge rock protruding from the top of the mountain, which is strange, just like an arm extended by a person and on the top of that arm, a huge tower is built. Watching this wonder, I was a little worried that the giant tower would crush the boulder and fall down.

The pot is too strange, and he said, "This is the cultivation place of our training center. Below the mountain, there are the eight-way gods captured by the Vulcan old man personally. The divine power is diffused, which is the perfect place for cultivation. "

When Ye Kong heard this, he suddenly remembered the instructions of the river demon. He immediately understood that the river devil must also be suppressed under such a mountain peak, but the mountain peak is not the mountain in front of it, but a certain mountain of gods for cultivation.

That mountain must be big and strong

Ye Kong suddenly discovered that the mission of the river demon was not so easy to complete, and Wanbaohe was not so easy to take.

Guo Bishen did not know that Ye Kong had an idea, but continued to say, "The cave on the mountain is where the disciples of the outer gate practice and live. Only the disciples of the inner gate can go up to watch the moon tower."

"It's called Wangyue Tower, it's a good name." Ye Kong nodded and followed the pot and walked forward.

But I did n’t take a few steps, but I saw a large group of people walking towards them.

Pot smiled, "When it comes to genius, the genius went out to Huo Mingkun"

Ye Kong looked with his eyes, and saw that a large number of people in the middle, like the stars and the moon, walked in the center of the red-haired like a torch, a young man, young, tough face, slender eyebrows, wearing one Man's jacket, shirtless, flame pattern on his shoulders. The man was burning his eyes, looking at Ye Kong.

"This is the contemporary genius of the Dongsheng Divine Kingdom's Huojia, Huo Mingkun" Ye Kong frowned, feeling a strong hostility

Pot partial ㊣ (5) God also felt hostile, deliberately blocking Ye Kong in front of him, and laughed, "Ming Kun, have you stepped out of the gate, how many steps have you taken?"

Huo Mingkun is tall and Ye Caohua becomes a demon. He is also tall, so the iron pot **** does not stand in the middle, there is no difference at all.

Binocular gaze

Huo Mingkun came down from the Moon Tower, and countless good people have already told Ye Kong about the situation of the central **** man who was shot down and repaired as ~ ~ from the Kingdom of the North Sword God, a demon called Li Hei ... Huo Mingkun originally thought that Li Hei would surely be frightened and frightened when he saw himself, so it would be enough if he humiliated him vigorously.

However, I did not expect that when the two eyes looked at each other, the other side did not have any sense of panic. Although Ye Kong's eyes didn't have any murder and anger, Huo Mingkun had clearly seen his eyes as if there were four words. "

"You are Lihei, a frivolous Ruiqi," Hu Mingkun's eyes seemed to be ignited by flames, and there was a clear flame burning. People said that there were flames in their eyes. That was the description, but this time, Ye Kong really saw The flame in this person's eyes

It seems that it is a strange and strange physique. No wonder Ye Hukong, the genius of the Huojia, said, "You are the genius Huo Mingkun in the legend?"

Huo Mingkun is proud of himself, and he said that it seems that you have heard of my name, so you should be afraid

But before he spoke, he heard the opposite Li Hei said, "But I don't think you can tell the truth, listen to rumors, it's unreasonable, and it hurts ... hmm, genius, big stupid."


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