The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2455: Whole cave

Two Four Five Five Whole People Dongfu

When Ye Kong uttered the phrase "Da Tian Da Caicai", the surroundings calmed down. Those god-men who followed Huo Mingkun turned their heads and looked at Huo Mingkun in surprise, and then looked at the demon opposite.

Afterwards, there was a blast, and all the discussion started.

"This Li Hei is so arrogant that he doesn't look at his own thing, how dare to say that we Huo Mingkun is a big stupid person!"

"He's going to be unlucky now! He's trying to kill himself!"

"Yeah! It would have been exposed as long as he gave his head a thank-you sin, but he came here ... hmm, no one else!"

Huo Mingkun's eyes were flaming. He had been under a cloud of fire because he hadn't made a breakthrough, and he was troubled by the matter of Huo Ruiqi. Now he was scolded by Ye Kong, and the flame was immediately lit!

"Li Hei! Do you want to die, then I will complete you!" Huo Mingkun said here, turning back and roaring, "everyone gives me a hundred steps!" Huo Mingkun talked, the temperature of the entire square, Has suddenly improved! The invisible flame power swept over!

"No, you can't do it in the training center!" Guo Bishen was startled and shouted, "Calm, calm down! Huo Mingkun, battles are forbidden in the God Kingdom Training Center. This is what His Majesty personally prescribed. No one can violate it! And you Li Hei, you did meet Miss Ruiqi by accident, but how could you say that? Apologize to Mingkun! "

Ye Kong said coldly, "Apologize? Did he kneel and apologize?"

Huo Mingkun's eyes were in flames, and he clenched his fists to Ye Kongdao, "Yes!"

Ye Kong also showed no weakness. He didn't mean anything. Even if he didn't scold Huo Mingkun for pretending to be a grandson, Huo Mingkun would have to humiliate him. How can Ye Kong's temper be humiliated by others! Sooner or later, it ’s better to send it sooner!

"You are provoking a swordsman!" Ye Kong gazed at Huo Mingkun, and his raging warfare also burned! Although Huo Mingkun is a partial god, he has nothing to dare!

"What about provoking you? Lower God?" Huo Mingkun twisted his face in return.

"Hit, you really want to hit! Huo Mingkun, hit him!" Those gods and people behind stepped back, but their mouths continued to seduce.

"You! You bear the consequences yourself!" Pot partial **** has already felt the collision of the breath of the two men, the warfare is intense, the battle is about to ignite, he had no choice but to defend himself, and then retreated.

But just as the battle was about to stop, a clear and pleasant voice sounded behind him, "It seems you are really busy, don't you need to cultivate?"

Although the voice was a rebuke, it was still so nice, not in a hurry, unlike rebuke, it was like a whisper of a lover, everyone who listened was present in the heart.

Ye Kong looked back and saw the breeze wagging. In the woods behind, a touching woman with blue water holding Huo Ruiqi's hand, walked slowly, a clear and moving face, and a faint color came out.

"It's the Aqua Blue God!" Those onlookers all bowed their heads and backed away, but the Fire Spirit God said before leaving. No one can disobey the meaning of the Aqua Blue God, otherwise he wouldn't know how to die!

Even Huo Mingkun had to give Shui Lan God his face, and the fire was a bit clear, and his mouth was still angry. "Predecessor Shui Lan, this devil is really too hateful! If she doesn't say it lightly, Ricky speaks abusively, and doesn't give him With a little lesson, I thought I had no one in the East!

Huo Mingkun is also a savvy person, and when he speaks, he raises the struggle to the national level. Ye Kong sneered, "The wicked sue first. As soon as you meet the first sentence, you think I am a frivolous lady, you are not insulting me, you are insulting the honor of a swordsman! If we are in the Kingdom of the North Sword God! With your words, you will cut your tongue! "

Ye Kong hasn't been to the Kingdom of the North Sword God, but it's kind of talkative and can't stand others' unbelief.

Shui Lan Shinto, "Huo Mingkun behaved a bit recklessly, Li Hei was wrong to curse people. The two of you, the two offset each other, just stop."

Huo Mingkun said angrily, "Even if the two things offset each other, Rui Qi gave him nothing!"

He said that Huo Ruiqi flushed suddenly and yelled, "Huo Mingkun, don't make a fool!"

Originally, Ye Kong encountered Huo Ruiqi only when more than a hundred people saw it. Most of them were dubious, but Huo Mingkun said in public that even the lawless Huo Ruiqi could not hang his face and turned away. When Huo Mingkun saw that he had made a mistake, he was annoyed, and hummed at Ye Kong, "You wait and see!"

After that, Yang Yang fist, chasing the fire Rui Qi away! When he left, the fire in the square disappeared.

"Li Hei! I don't care how overbearing you are in the Kingdom of the North Sword God, and how much you believe in the sword demon god, but in our training center, you must keep a low profile, otherwise I can't protect you!" The Aqua God is also angry. He snorted, partialed to the pot, "take him to the cultivation room."

Partial God offended Huo Mingkun because Ye Kong was unhappy, and the next way was more silent, apparently dissatisfied with this demon.

Watching Guo Bishen take Li Hei away, Shui Lan Shen stood in the square without moving, and Ren Breeze moved her long blue hair. At this moment, her eyes suddenly became obsessed!

"This devil Li Hei is a bit like the black armor **** man ..." The thought of Shui Lan God suddenly surged. But then, a red blush rose on her white cheeks, and she was scolding herself in her heart. How could anyone think of the black armored man?


"Well, this is where you cultivate. Before you became an inner disciple, you can only practice here."

The pot partial **** took Ye Kong to the most remote corner under the mountain, pointing to a cave house, but his heart was cold and humming: you devil, we made you practice here is enough fun, but you offended Huo Mingkun , You are really looking for death! Do you still want to be a disciple? Don't you ever think about it, get back to work!

Ye Kong knew the idea of ​​Guo Yan 5 being partial, and didn't say much. He walked to that cave house, but took a step back and asked, "Senior Guo God, I want some basic skills for cultivation ..."

"Doesn't your Northern Sword God Kingdom even have basic skills?" Guo Bishen replied, throwing a sign, saying, "Since you are practicing with the Aqua Blue God, you can go to the Aqua Blue God's lesson. "

Seeing Ye Kong catch the sign, the pot turned around and left, no longer talking to Ye Kong.

Ye Kong shook his head and walked into Dongfu.

A few days later, in another place of the Kingdom Training Institute, several figures came together, just Huo Mingkun and his confidants.

"That Li Hei provoked me in public is really abominable. If I do n’t teach it, it will be hard to let go of my heart hatred!" Huo Mingkun now wanted to come and still hate the raging bears. In this training institute, in the whole kingdom of God, there are several people To provoke him?

"But these days ~ ~ That kid didn't come out after entering Dongfu. Some of us stared at him, he didn't come out at all, it's hard to get started!" Said a frown.

"I think he's afraid! Dodging us intentionally!" The other nodded.

"No!" Huo Mingkun shook his head, "This man is very arrogant, not a timid person! I hate this kind of daring person! He must be hiding in the cave and trying to recover, and he wants to restore it for the future, Provoked me again! "

"He's just recovering, but he's just a man in the middle!" One confided.

"Not care! Don't forget that he is a swordsman!" The flame flashed in Huo Mingkun's eyes.

A **** man who has not spoken next to him smiled and said, "Then he won't let him recover! As far as I know, the cave house that Guo Bishen took him to is very mysterious! It is said that there can be some means to let Dongfuzhong People, they ca n’t absorb any divine power at all! That Dongfu, which has never been occupied, is said to be a place dedicated to outsiders! "

"There's still this!" Huo Mingkun said with great joy, "I can't think of the pot to help God secretly, then we let him not absorb the divine power, it is difficult to recover, and then find an opportunity and kill it!"

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