The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2453: Fire House 1st Genius

The first genius of the fire house

Hearing the question from the Aqua God, Ye Kong replied, "That's it. Because I was repaired after I was injured by the beast! I walked with me and made an appointment for a man in the middle of the sea to adventure together. Betrayal and want to kill me and rob me of some worthless treasures. Fortunately, before I left the house, I got a divination from the sword demon of my master.

Ye Kong has always been good at talking nonsense, and the speeches are very realistic, so that both the blue **** and the pot partial **** heard the expression of hatred. "This man is really hateful. He obviously decided to take a risk together, but he didn't think about help after his companion was injured, but wanted to kill someone for treasure. In this way, the oath to kill!"

Ye Kong bitterly said, "Although I ran away with the Master ’s divine art, but the man also had the ability to follow and kill me all the way, and finally I flew out of the sea of ​​clouds, and flew, and threw away the hateful person, but I But somehow fell into that cave. "

"So it is." Shui Lan Shen nodded and said, "It seems that you have stepped down the mountain road one by one during your escape, but you don't have to tell anyone more about this, otherwise someone will check why you appeared in the Shenjing Mine, this is also a problem. "

Shui Lan Shen nodded and asked, "What do you plan to do, then?"

Ye Kong thought that he had no place to go. Since no one here could recognize him, it was a place where he could practice with peace of mind. So he nodded and said, "The north sword **** country has a long way to go. I want to take my current practice as the back, now I am afraid it is impossible, and I don't know if I can practice here."

Shuilan God thought that if this guy cultivated in the kingdom training institute, it would be a bad name. When the Fire God returns, he must drive him away. Now that you've got the apprenticeship just now, you might as well help him.

The aquamarine thought of this, and said, "Then you stay, follow me to cultivate, I am your teaching."

Although the Aqua Blue God did not say anything about the apprenticeship, as long as she followed her to practice, she was her student, and even if the Fire Spirit returned in the future, it would be difficult to drive Ye Kong away.

The pot partial **** saw that the water blue **** agreed, and there were not many words. At that moment, he handed the identity card to Ye Kong and said, "Since this, then follow me. I will settle your accommodation and explain some of them here. Rules, please, King Sword Demon. "

Ye Kong hurriedly said, "The Demon King Sword is the title I gave me in the Northern Sword Kingdom. Here, I am a lower god. You call me like my predecessor. I will die. You still call me. Li's nickname, Li Hei. "

Pot said to God, this name really matches your appearance, it is quite dark!

At the moment when Ye Kong, a pseudonym of Li Hei, was taken by the pot with the gods, he was wandering around in the kingdom of God's training center, at a certain place in the kingdom of God's training center.

Blazing red flames, tumbling. At a glance, in addition to the flame, here is the flame. The deeper it goes, the higher the flame temperature is. At the deepest point, even the hardest metal in the **** world can melt quickly.

This space is very huge. If you zoom out, you can see that this is a small flame planet! The location of this flame planet is in a small door. And this little door is in a tall giant tower.

That giant tower doesn't know how many small doors there are, and how many cultivation places there are. However, this small door with the Flaming Planet in it has a few large gold characters flashing.

"For the fire family, outsiders stop!"

Yes, this is the training place that is open to the disciples in the Kingdom of God. The fire family is mainly based on the theology of the fire gods to cultivate the elements of fire, so the place where they live and cultivate is also the flames.

The camera passes through the door again and enters the stellar flame planet.

It can be seen that in some places on the planet, among the flames, there were many fiery red-haired gods sitting cross-legged, and at a glance, there were hundreds of thousands!

In fact, this is not a lot. After Vulcan established the kingdom of Dongsheng, there have been many epochs. Each epoch is 100 million years. How many millions of years have passed, the inheritance of the Huojia in the kingdom of Dongsheng is simply amazing, and there are also many descendants. It is not unusual for hundreds of thousands of people to cultivate here.

However, away from these dense crowds of cultivators and heading deeper into the flames, you will find that there are fewer and fewer people meditating in those places. The huge heat makes even the geniuses of the Huojia feel overwhelmed!

It ’s getting less and less, from the hundreds of thousands at the beginning, to the tens of thousands later, to the thousands, hundreds, tens, and several people ... Finally, on the other side of the planet, the deepest There is a fiery red-haired young man who is burying his head and taking a step forward!

This man is the only person in this flame planet that can be in a high fire zone. He was behind, second place, far away from him, almost out of reach. So he is also a genius among the descendants of the fire family, Huo Mingkun!

Huo Mingkun walked barefoot with his feet, but was not harmed. But here is already a high-fire area, he took a step forward, his forehead has sweated like a soybean, and obviously, even the No. 1 genius of the descendants of the Fire family, it is so difficult to go forward here!

After a long time, Huo Mingkun finally failed to take this step completely, and finally retracted his feet.

"Three years of retreat, I still haven't taken this half step!" Huo Mingkun's eyes shone with fire, looking at the more distant flame space in front of him, and sighed, "I only hate one, seven, eight fire gods. But I can't get it! If I get one, I'm sure to be able to travel a hundred meters soon! Kilometers! Even more! "

It turns out that all eight gods of the fire department have been occupied, so it is impossible to worry about other fire gods. Therefore, Huo Mingkun's grandfather and grandfather were angry, so he had to find him a partial **** of flame system instead.

However, the flame system is only a small system born from the branch of the fire system, and the effect is far worse than that of the fire element system, so the practice of Huo Ming Kun 5 is also affected a little.

Of course, even so, Huo Mingkun is the first person of the Huo family!

Huo Mingkun did not succeed after three years of retreat, and he was not very happy. Immediately turned into a flame, soared into the sky, broke through the planet's gravity, marked a fiery red light and shadow, and flew towards the door.

Looking at the figure of Huo Mingkun, those descendants of the Huo family were standing in the flames, watching with their heads up, showing envy and enthusiasm in their eyes. The fire family has many descendants, so the competition is fierce. Not to mention that the descendants of Vulcan's deity are the direct descendants of Vulcan. The number is also so amazing ~ ~ Although these people have some privileges in the kingdom of God, but want to be truly valued, in the future, they will be successful, so To be a strong man like Huo Mingkun.

After a while, Huo Mingkun flew out of the small door, stood on the top of the high tower, and felt the cold wind coming from his face. Then the hot flame in his eyes was slowly depressed.

As soon as Huo Mingkun came out, the other descendants of the Huo family at the door of Xiaomen quickly saluted. Some of them, Huo Mingkun, saw him coming out and whispered in his ear immediately.

"What, Richie is being taken advantage of!" Huo Mingkun suddenly became furious. Although Huo Ruiqi and his surname are both Huo and Huo family, their blood relationship is far away. And what's special is that Huo Ruiqi's father is the Fire Spirit God. If he gets the help of the Fire Spirit God, he Huo Mingkun will be more stable at the Fire House!

Therefore, Huo Mingkun has been pursuing Huo Ruiqi, and his method is the same as that of Huo Lingqi, which is to teach everyone who is close to Huo Ruiqi! As for those who take advantage of Huo Ruiqi, that belongs to the category of death hunting!

To the reader:

Today is four more, I wish you a happy Labor Day!

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