The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2409: Portable space

Two four zero nine carry space

Because Ye Kong and Pei Chunguang battled in the realm space of the Fire God of Mercy, outsiders could not see it at all. &&

So when everyone in the hall saw Pei Chunguang suddenly withdraw his mind, they came quickly and wanted to ask what happened.

However, when Master Shi and others gathered, they found that Pei Chunguang was demented, and he was astonished when he saw something terrifying in his eyes!

"Might Ye Kong win again?" Master was shocked in his heart, but there was another voice in his heart, negating it. Impossible, Ye Kong was just a lower godhead who just soared, and it was only against Pei Chunguang. With the bizarre whip, now Pei Zhenshou fetched a long artifact whip, Ye Kong would never win again!

Everyone present was thinking about this, but what happened later made them astounded.

After a while, when Ye Kong's figure appeared, at this moment Pei Chunguang had regained his thoughts and depression, and finally he said, "I'm willing to gamble and lose! Huh, I can win, and I can also lose!" Kou bowed, Loudly, "Grandpa, please worship me!"

All the people present should faint. Ye Kong also fainted, "Grandpa, please worship me"? In this generation of chaos, who is who grandpa and who is laozi? I am afraid that only a person with a personality like Pei Chunguang can say such a character.

Ye Kong wouldn't care about these minor issues with him anymore. He raised Pei Chunguang politely, "Brother Pei, don't be so polite. In the future, you can serve me like a grandpa. There is no need to call my grandpa. I have So old? "

When Master Shi heard it, he said that this guy was really "polite". But they also knew who won the battle.

Pei Chunguang is an easy-going person who laughs, "That's good, otherwise I'll call your grandfather in public, I can't get through!" After he said, he turned back and shouted at the crowd, "You all listen, Ye Tianshen is Our ancestor of the mine, you have to serve him as grandpa! "

Everyone was going to vomit blood, and my heart said that this is your grandpa, not our grandpa. However, he did not dare to disobey. Even the arrogant master before, he also fisted, "I have seen Ye Tianshen."

Ye Kong is also an unreasonable master. He sneered, "Master, I just whip it up. It looks like you hate it. You see that your fists and salutes are not standardized, are you not convinced?"

The grandfather knelt down in shock, and even said, "I'm convinced. You are Pei Zhenshou's grandfather, but also my grandfather, grandfather spares his life."

Ye Kong didn't mean to scare him and sneered, "Grandpa didn't do it, but Ye was low-key, didn't like to be talked about behind people, and didn't like everyone to know."

The masters are all savvy people, and quickly hoeed, "Know, I know, I won't spread the grandfather's glorious deeds everywhere."

Ye Kong secretly said that this master is also a shameless person, and that's it. He wanted to kill, but he couldn't do it when he first arrived.

Later, Pei Chunguang said that he would arrange a banquet. Ye Kong waved his hand down and asked someone to arrange a place to live, and he had to do something urgent. That is refining portable space!

You know, there is a storage device in Divine Realm. Storage rings, Qiankun bags, treasure bags, and many other types. So why do n’t everyone make portable space?

It turns out that it is not too difficult to refine the portable space. The difficult thing is to cut a small space! Cutting space, even in the divine realm, is impossible for most people! There are still some people who can cut, but after cutting, the space will immediately merge into the original space, not enough time for refining!

That's not OK!

Therefore, there is a portable space in the divine realm, and it is also a luxury wish for those people who have no background and no background. Let's say Ye Kong, he can defeat even Pei Chunguang, but there is no room for cutting!

Fortunately, Huozi Shen was quite helpful. Hearing Ye Kong's request, he immediately cut a small space and let Ye Kong bring it out. However, the space could not exist for a long time, so Ye Kong refused Pei Chunguang's banquet and rushed to make it.

In the hut, the dim light, the formation supported by the power of God protected a Tsing Yi figure in it.

The figure in Tsing Yi sat cross-legged, looking at a translucent cube in front of his eyes. And at each top corner of the cube, there is a row of deep and obscure runes, which is why the cut space will not melt for the time being.

"Unexpectedly in the mountains, a partial **** has such ability ... It seems that I'm far away, there is still a lot to learn!" Ye Kongzhong thought secretly, and then took out a jade card, which is the recorded record System of law.

Ye Kong immersed himself in the consciousness, and after a while, he roughly understood. It turns out that this portable space is just like an ice cube in the water, the normal space around it is like water, and the portable space is like ice cubes. The ice cube is in the water, and most people can't easily distinguish it, but the ice cube has hit the gods, but the owner can know where it is.

But when the master ’s consciousness completely disappeared, the ice cube fell apart and fell apart!

However, Yucang also said that although ordinary people cannot see "ice cubes", there are also special people who can be found by certain means, and there are even specialized people who steal items from other people's space and have to guard against it!

"It turned out to be so fun." Ye Kong smiled, thinking that Ma Changjiang had a portable space at first, it seems that the Supreme Master of God helped him cut it, otherwise, he would not have this thing.

After understanding the method, Ye Kong began to refine.

But outside the mine, there are still people busy, and in the depths of the mine, the sun is gone, and piles of ore are transported without pay. After Pei Chunguang's inspection and approval on their side, they passed a special matrix method and transmitted it to where Pei Chunguang did not know where.

The so-called endless. So many **** crystal ore pass by Pei Chunguang, he must be very helpful. However, this guy has a lot of loyalty, and after two defeats to Ye Kong, he worships Ye Kong.

Secretly, Ye Kong is so powerful in the lower part of the gods. He will be soaring in the future. Is n’t it to shake the world and shock the world? Well, such a person is my chance to Pei Chunguang, it is right to follow him!

Thinking of this, his thunderous voice came immediately from the hall of the mine guard, "Quickly prepare a wine banquet for me, buy it in the city, the best! Ask for the **** wine made by the **** of wine, and then recruit me some beautiful gods Woman! Speed! "

"Yes, yes." The men rushed away.

The master also took Hu Dachao and the young man named Li down the mountain. The master is also a clever person ~ ~ secretly he is only one of Zhang Mengxun, the guardian **** of Fei Shengchi, that Zhang Mengxun does not necessarily fight Ye Kong. You must not cause trouble or spread the word, otherwise the surnamed Ye really would be bad for you, and it would be unlucky.

Master Ye was twitched by Ye Kong with 20% of his body, and he was already scared. At the moment, he also told Hu Dachao and the teenager named Li not to say more, so he took them to the God Kingdom Training Center under the mountain.

Let's talk about Ye Kong. Three days later, Ye Kong finally stopped and looked at the empty space in front of him with joy. But as he reached out and pulled, a space opened to him! When you stretch, you must release it in accordance with the thought of God, otherwise you will not feel anything if you pat in that space.

"Nice! Fun!" Ye Kong's face finally smiled, and he also had his own space. And more importantly, the cultivation method given to him by Huozi God is still relatively high-end. I don't want other people's space. As soon as I open it, everyone can see what's inside. Secret people like Ye Kong certainly don't want others to see it.

So there is a camouflage in this space. After opening it, others will see garbage inside. Only you can see what treasures there are!

At this moment, Pei Chunguang's voice sounded outside, "Grandpa, are you busy?"

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