The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2408: Escort you to practice

2408 guarantees you to practice

In fact, the reason why Pei Chunguang was able to use partial artifacts was because the fire **** helped. A kind of divine thought was entered by the Fire God, and Pei Chunguang used the Fire God Whip.

But there is time for this use! That is, within a certain period of time, Pei Chunguang can use most of the functions of the flame whip.

But even then, that's enough. It's enough to kill Ye Kong!

The flame whip is very powerful, the most powerful is the flame released from above. This is not an ordinary flame, but a fire of Vulcan! Between heaven and earth, the purest fire! Between heaven and earth, the right to fire is controlled by Vulcan!

So this fire is also the fire that Vulcan arranged on the formation outside the Ascension Pool, let alone Ye Kong. Even those powerful partial gods, when encountering the fire of the **** of fire, have to detour!

Although Pei Chunguang was able to use the Flame Whip for a short time, within this time, he already had the power to release the fire of Vulcan! In this way, Pei Chunguang is really powerful at this moment, and the flames he has emitted have covered a large area! Every time the flame whip is drawn, it will ignite a piece of space, and it will not go out for a long time!

And Ye Kong body week has been hiding, there is no way to escape!

Those flames would not sympathize and regret, not only surrounded Ye Kong, but also continued to burn inward! At the same time, while Pei Chunguang laughed wildly, he continued to dance the long whip and pumped towards Ye Kong!

"Oh!" There was a low sigh in the darkness. It is the fire god, he said to himself: "In the end, it is just a lower-level god-man who has just entered the realm of God. How can he be an opponent of the flame whip?" It was suddenly bright in my eyes!

I saw that Ye Kong, who had fallen into the sea of ​​fire, took a sudden step outwards!

Some people say that it is strange to take a step? Indeed, it's no surprise to take a step. But Ye Kong stepped out at this step, but there was a bō pattern.

The bō pattern seems to step on the calm water! dàng ripples!

Although it is just a circle of bō pattern, but this is enough to make the fire gods eyes full of surprises!

"This is ... Talking out Fa Sui!" Talking out Fa Sui is not based on cultivation. Some people have reached the level of the Lord God, and he has not reached the level of Talking Fa Sui. However, in general, at least it must be above partiality to be able to speak the way!

why? Because the law of speaking comes from the understanding and use of the law by a god-man. With the training of the **** of heaven, the use of the law is handy, or enough rules are realized! In this way, you will gradually step into the situation where words and expressions follow.

At that time, various laws came in handy, and in the battle, they were very clever and very powerful.

But Huozi God has never seen it ... No, I have never heard of it, which lower-god man who has just been in the upper realm can follow his words!

Although it is only a preliminary embryonic expression, but it is also a genius among geniuses!

Looking at the battlefield, Ye Kong has been hit with real fire. He used the wording method to follow, stepping out one step, although it seemed to step on the fire, but did not hurt him at all! Moreover, using the speech method to walk in the future, it became strange and peculiar, it seemed very slow, step by step ... However, I took three steps in this way, and actually stood in front of Pei Chunguang!

At this moment, Pei Chunguang has completely stopped. He couldn't think of it anyway. Ye Kong went out of the sea so easily and came to him so easily. Really, he didn't even have time to react!

"You ... Lao Tzu ..." Pei Chunguang wanted to say, but Ye Kong showed no mercy, his eyes were sharp, he raised his hand towards him ... just a finger, click!

boom! Pei Chunguang's light and shadow are broken!

Ye Kong, flashing anger in his eyes, was a moment! It turned out that it was precisely because Pei Chunguang killed him! Ye Kong never let go of the man who killed him, even if this Pei Chunguang hadn't given him much ill feeling before.

But if you want to kill me, I will kill you! This is Ye's standard!

However, when Pei Chunguang was exploded with a single finger, Ye Kong felt different. That was not Pei Chunguang's real death or the destruction of Pei Chunguang's body! None, just the explosion of light and shadow!

"Is this ..." Ye Kong suddenly looked up in surprise.

An old man came out from above, it was the fire kind **** who just came out to speak. The old man said, "You guys, you guessed right, this godly space is not real space, but a virtual space I created, so you and Pei Chunguang fight inside, even if you fight fiercely, there will be no I did n’t tell you in advance, because I was afraid that you would not use all your strength when fighting, haha ​​... Now I see that you are trying your best, and I also see a high-quality test, I am very happy! "

"It turned out so." Ye Kongzhong laughed, secretly, old guy, sorry to disappoint you. I haven't tried my best yet, I still have two or three hole cards!

Huozi God thought that Ye Kong ’s last card was utterances, so he said again, “Young man, you are Ye Kong. Well, you have a prototype of utterances as soon as you come to the realm of God, Very good, a rare genius. Do you want to go to the Yamashita God Kingdom Training Center, I can qualify you to be escorted into ... "

Ye Kong froze for a moment, but did not expect such a good thing.

The Hu Dachao and the boy named Li didn't know how many **** crystals were sent behind him, so he escaped hard labor and entered the kingdom training institute. And he Ye Kong should have been mining, but in a blink of an eye, he also got the opportunity to enter the kingdom training institute!

In other words, Ye Kong certainly wants to go. Go to practice and improve, you don't need to mine on this mountain ... Fool knows what to choose.

But Ye Kong hesitated, and asked, "Will you be famous if you escort?"

Huozi God did not expect this boy to be fame and innocence, and said with a smile, "Of course you are famous, it is difficult for you not to be famous! Just as the lower part of the upper world, you can reach the water quality that dictates. No one in the Great God Kingdom! I am afraid even the King of God can hear your name! "

These sentences are the same as thorns, especially the last sentence, Ye Kong is afraid of what comes, and quickly waved his hand: "Don't don't! I don't want to be famous, eh, I am a person who has always been indifferent to fame and fortune, quiet and far away, well, like Low-key, don't like to be famous! And I still have a bad problem. I'm afraid of being recognized on the street. If there are many people who recognize me, I will feel uncomfortable ... "

Ye Kong talked nonchalantly, and Huoci God laughed: "I'm afraid you offended someone in the Nether Realm, now you're in the Divine Realm? You can rest assured that the Kingdom of God's Cultivation Institute is run by the Lord, and the Lord will try to protect you. ! Those rotten chickens you have offended, not only do you not have to be afraid, they will be afraid of you in the future! "

Ye Kong said ~ ~ If I said that I offended the God King, I do n’t know how you look, old gentleman? At that time, I am afraid that the landlords of Dongsheng God Kingdom are scared to stay away from it!

"Don't do it, don't need it." Ye Kong still refused quickly, and Huozi Shen sighed: "It seems that you still dare not be famous, but old age is also a little troublesome in the kingdom of God. If you are escorted without explaining the reason, I am afraid that others will not. Accept ... "

Ye Kong felt faint when he heard it. You have to explain that this is a brilliant genius, and the other party just accepted it. What is this escort? Dude go to Mao and recommend yourself! This old man is also unreliable.

Huozi God finally said: "Well, what do you need to learn in the future, what magic skills and tricks, I will give you! As for the things you have to say and follow the law, also help you conceal."

Ye Kong was relieved, thanked the fire **** and held his fist, and then said, "Senior, at present I want to learn a method of making portable space. There is no place to store things, which is really inconvenient."

To the reader:

Today is four more ~ ​​Thanks to Zhao Meng, Yudy, the gunner who is invincible, Dongguan people in Gansu, Feiyang, wait, thank you! !! .

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