The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2410: It's worth a death to look at

It's worth the death to see it at 2410

"Oh, here it is." Ye Kong put the necessary items into the carry-on space, but the main artifact sword still couldn't fit in. Ye Kong had to carry it on his back, closed the array, and walked out.

"Grandpa ..." This Pei Chunguang was addicted to grandpa, and his grandfather spoke.

Ye Kong waved his hand and interrupted, "Brother Pei, let's be brothers in the future. If you call me like this, even if you don't matter, I don't think it sounds good."

"No, Lao Tzu ... I'm used to saying Lao Tzu. If you and my brothers are commensurate, then I often come up with a sentence, wouldn't it take advantage of you?" Pei Chunguang rubbed his hands and grinned.

When encountering such a person, Ye Kong only sighed and said, "Well, you will claim to be Lao Tzu in the future, and I will not blame you, but you are not allowed to take advantage of me on purpose."

Pei Chunguang then laughed cheerfully, "That Lao Tzu called you Brother Ye, and you will be Lao Tzu's good brother in the future. On this **** crystal mine, there is a day when Lao Tzu has a brother ..."

When I met this person, Ye Kong, who had a temper, had no temper, and sighed, "Okay, you're going to talk to me. I ’m here. I want to promise you something from this world. thing."

Pei Chunguang said, "Old ... I put a banquet over there, let's talk while eating."

In a small hall next door, there is already a rich table of wine. And at the table, there were already two women with good posture, and when she saw Ye Kong coming in, she immediately smiled and greeted her.

Ye Kong saw that these two women were both Xianjun period cultivation! To say that the same person has different lives, if these two women go to the fairyland, they are the characters who stand proud and call the power of the wind and the rain! Even to the early world, it is also a sought-after character of various adventure teams.

But in this divine realm, they can only betray, it is sad.

Pei Chunguang said, "Brother Ye, don't be disgusted. In fact, I asked those dogs to engage in two lower goddesses to accompany the wine, but I did not expect that the goddess would not take business outside! I had to make two fairy Jun ... "

Ye Kong was startled and said, "Are goddess doing this kind of sale?"

Pei Chunguang shouted: "What about the goddess, as long as there are enough **** crystals and treasures, you want to make the chrysanthemum of the famous god, and I will get it for you."

Ye Kong vomited blood and waved his hand, "You don't want to disgust me." The two sat down at the table. The two fairy goddess were filled with fine wine, and Ye Kong drank it, immediately immersed in it.

This is Ye Kong's first drink of the spirit world, and the taste is definitely unforgettable! Ye Kong is not a good drinker in the Nether, but drinking the wine of the God Realm really makes him drunk once. Drinking in one sip, chún wine lingers between his teeth, as if a magical power hovering in his mouth ...

"Drink more if it's good. This is the wine of Bacchus!" Pei Chunguang called again.

"The wine of Bacchus?" Ye Kong was shocked. He didn't expect that when he first came to the world of God, he could drink the fine wine made by the Lord God. I dare not think!

Pei Chunguang laughed, "How can Bacchus have time to make wine for us? Even wine made by Bacchus is hard to find. This is called Bacchus' wine, which is said to be brewed by the secret method of Bacchus brewing. As for whether it is true or not, I can't say clearly. "

"Oh, that's it." Ye Kong nodded.

"Come and drink!" Pei Chunguang toasted again. In fact, he was a bit funny, so he wanted to drunk Ye Kong and make fun of Ye Kong.

Because the wine of Bacchus requires the body, the stronger the body, the harder it is to get drunk! And Pei Chunguangxin said, although you Ye Kong is better than me, but you always come up from Fairyland, right? And I'm a serious upper man of eight hundred! God body, you must be worse than me!

However, how did he know that Ye Kong spent three years in Feishengchi. Speaking of the **** body, Ye Kong was many times stronger than him! Therefore, between pushing cups and changing cups, Pei Chunguang drank less but already started to commit mí paste. Ye Kong drank several times more than him, but nothing happened!

While eating and drinking and chatting, Ye Kong had a preliminary understanding of the world from Pei Chunguang's mouth.

First, Divine Realm is a very magical place, neither a planetary world nor a continent. It consists of several continents. The four major continents gave birth to the four major **** kingdoms of the divine realm. Ye Kong is where the majority of humans win the Dongsheng **** kingdom.

Of course, it is not that there are only these four kingdoms of God, and there are many other kingdoms of God, but the scale is not large. And in the middle of these large and small continents, it is not the sea or the void that separates them, but the thick sea of ​​clouds!

Those seas of clouds are also very magical. Some seas of clouds have strange archaic creatures and ancient races; some seas of clouds are actually temples left behind by the ancient times and forgotten by history. If they have organic fate, they will find treasures and even gods ;

The sea of ​​clouds is extremely dangerous, and if you enter, you will die! It is said that there will be horrifying creatures; but more clouds are blank, and if you lose direction after entering, you will never find a way out. These people are called mí losers.

In short, Pei Chunguang's statement is that the danger is greater than the opportunity in the sea of ​​clouds. Even the general partiality must be fully prepared, make appointments, and explore together. Not Lao Tzu can participate!

After talking about the geographical situation, let's talk about the situation of the forces in various aspects.

The ruler of the divine realm is the **** king and thunder **** Zhu Wenyu! But although he is the King of God, it is not like the world that Lao Tzu is No. 1 in the world. No!

Bigger than God King! That is the elders in the Sky Temple! Those elders are said to have the right to dismiss the king!

Ye Kong was shocked in his heart, thinking that the **** of the world would be the biggest, and he would have more love!

Ye Kong asked who the elders were. Is the light **** and the thousand-armed Buddha **** the elders? However, for Pei Chunguang, Lao Tzu couldn't answer this question.

Pei Chunguang also said that not only the elders of the sky temple are more powerful than the king of the gods, but also many of the powerful gods are also away! For example, the gods of war, the sun, the gods of the heavens, the gods of the earth ... these powerful gods are not the gods dare to control!

However, these shrines are all residing in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, and will not come out once in millions of years. These people are called **** hermits.

In addition, there are many gods who dare not offend, such as the artisan god, the **** of wine, the **** of food, the **** of weeds, the **** of weaving ... These are all fed by technology. There are millions of disciples. With them, the King of God did not dare to offend him!

"It turns out that God King still has so many scruples!" Ye Kong was fascinated by Pei Chunguang, and his confidence increased!

Ye Kong thought to himself, if I could be one of those mighty gods someday, what would God ’s King do to me?

Hum, don't say that he dare not rob my wife, it's just me robbing his wife! He didn't dare to fangs in front of me!

Ye Kong thought it was so refreshing here ~ ~ accompanied Pei Chunguang to drink a few drinks. Began to ask about the situation of Dongsheng God Kingdom.

Pei Chunguang's tongue has begun to be difficult to use, and continued, "The contemporary landlord of Dongsheng Godland is a partial **** of the fire system, and the title is the **** of fire rage. His father is the authentic fire god, and now he is the **** of the kingdom. Vulcan is also the founding **** of Dongsheng's kingdom, and his wife is the true master god, the water god! "

"Their husband and wife are a powerful deity in one fire and one water! This is how the Dongsheng God Kingdom was created. Even when the God King saw their husband and wife, they had to give a little face. But it is said that the Fire God and the God King have a good relationship. A **** supporter of the King of God! "

Ye Kong laughed after listening, "It is said that water and fire are intolerable. Vulcan marries water god, so why not fight every day?"

"Fire **** and fire partial **** have the tradition of marrying the goddess of the water system." Speaking of this, Pei Chunguang suddenly got drunk and let his eyes go out. "There is a water blue **** in the water system ... that is beautiful, blue hair. ... Well, Lao Tzu died at a glance and was willing! "

To the reader:

And at night ...! .

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