The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2164: General Lionheart

Two One Six Four Lion General (three)

21 Lions General

After removing the Tao, all the Tang family members returned to normal. There were more than 22,000 people at the scene. No one was lethargic and no longer sluggish. They all followed Tang Zhantian and knelt down, "I've seen the Lord!"

Ye Kong's body shook, and the tens of thousands of avatars that were separated all recovered. At the same time, there are the Taos held by each incarnation! More than 20,000 Tao species are also very useful for Ye Kong!

Ye Kong replied to his deity, his eyes glanced at the Tang family and so on. He said with emotion, and said, "Those who think of Tang City are less than 300,000 up, but now ... there are only 22,000 people left in this area This is Ye's responsibility, and Ye Kong, I'm involved everyone! "

Ye Kong said here, the Tang family below turned red. Those who escaped from the siege were all their relatives and friends! Speaking at this moment, how can it not be sad?

"It shouldn't be you who worship me now, but I worship you!" Ye Kong finished, bowing to the ground. Tang Zhantian hurriedly lifted up Ye Kongdao: "Respect the Lord to be more courteous, no wonder you at this time!"

Tang Zhantian said, "My Tang family originally lived in a distant era. The Taoist fairyland just appeared, that is, the immortal who fled from the orthodox fairyland to the Taoist fairyland. For generations, my Tang family dreamed of leaving the native fairyland and returning to the orthodox. Fairy Realm! You must know that in this immortal kingdom, there is the role of chaotic starry sky, the immortal can never understand the rules! And, because the sī heart of the immortal king controls, the immortal reaches the immortal kingdom, it is difficult to improve again! So, The ultimate goal of our Tang family is to return to the fairyland, and no matter how much it costs, we are all willing! "

After Tang Zhantian said, the descendants of the Tang family all stopped their tears and had firm eyes. However, there are younger generations who do not believe it, presumably thinking that the ancestors were justifying Ye Kong.

However, Tang Zhantian stretched out his hand and shook out a portrait. The picture was opened, and there was golden light leaking out. The golden light even converged in the sky above the cave, and finally formed an old face.

The descendants of the Tang family who just stood up all kneeled down and said, "Ancestors!" This is the portrait of the first generation of the Tang family! Among them, there is a trace of his hún soul.

After the appearance of the golden sè appeared, he was startled first, and then his sè came out, followed by great joy, ecstasy!

"Haha! I can't think of Tang Wei, my lion-hearted general, and I can see my ancestors return to the orthodox fairyland one day, hahaha!" Jin Sè's face laughed, and the laughter said: "The rebels Hongding had a big momentum, I The fairy master of the fairyland was overthrown by that rebellion! Hong Dingfang not only sent the fairy master to prison, but also vigorously arrested the original heaven court general! I was personally given the honor of General Lionheart by the fairy master, and took the Tang family who was the most tenacious battle in the fairy kingdom to escape into this fairy. country……"

When Ye Kong heard him say this, he suddenly felt embarrassed. Dare to love this old man, is the master of the hybrid immortal master! And it seems that Hong Dingfang is not very cold! But Hong Dingfang is his big benefactor of Ye Kong, and even half of Hong Mengni's father ... If this Tang Wei makes future generations hate Hong Dingfang, rescue the hybrid immortal master. Oops, this is a good thing and a bad thing!

Fortunately, Tang Zhantian saw that Ye Kong's expression was not right, and he held his fist and said, "Ancestors, I want to introduce you. This is the benefactor who saved us. It is also the lord of the Tang family, the orthodox fairy world, the Chinese fairy emperor, Ye Kong! "

"The Chinese Emperor Xiandi?" Tang Wei frowned. "In the past, we didn't have this title in the fairyland. This is the name of the Hong family rebels! The so-called Chinese fairy emperor Cao Xiaotian was murderous and cruel! He is who you are? ? "

Since asking, Ye Kong didn't hide it, hugged his fist and said, "Senior, in the lower Yekong! The master of the emperor is passed down by Master Xiaotian! The rebellion of the predecessors is also Ye Deng's benefactor Hong Dingfang Xianzhu! Ye Kong looked at that golden sè face, and continued his voice: "As for the immortal master honored in the mouth of his predecessor, he is now being held in the deepest part of the prison in Tieyushan! It can also be said that Yemou Fuyuan is deep and has talked with that immortal master several times ... ... but the end result was almost killed by him! "

"You are fair and right! According to Ye, the immortal Lord who was loyal to his predecessors is an uncompromising, detrimental and harmful person. He is a hybrid that is evil and harmful! Everyone deserves it! Hong Xian's main house He was kind-hearted and won the title of immortal master. That is the common hope of all immortals in the immortal realm! If Hong Xianzhu is rebellious, then I will only say that rebellion is good! It should be rebellious! It is natural to rebel! "

Ye Kong spoke word by word, powerful, but the face of Jin Sè was getting more and more ugly ...

At the moment, the most embarrassing cave is the descendants of the Tang family. Tang Zhantian originally thought that the ancestors and the Lord should be hello to each other and tell each other friendship, but did not expect that in less than three words, they would become enemies.

Ye Kong and that Jin Sè portrait looked at each other for a long time, but finally Tang Wei leaked! After all, he was just a little consciousness left by an immortal. He has no strength, and what he can do is leave hatred to the Tang family at best.

But if so, he will not leave hatred, but disaster!

"Well ..." Tang Wei sighed, his eyes softened, and he said to Ye Kong: "Anyway, you saved them. Otherwise, my Tang family stayed in the last place of this fairyland. It was perish. I later It is learned that the Taoist immortal king followed the expansion of the fairyland! If this edge no longer has the power of the chaos of the chaotic starry sky, he will move to the margins and rebuild a fairyland of the Tao. The original people of the fairyland, He will be slaughtered clean. "

After hearing this sentence, everyone was shocked. Some of the children of the Tang family even thought of leaving in the Fairy Kingdom. But now I know that if you don't leave, you can only have one ending, even if there are more descendants. All dead!

Tang Wei said these words, which was soft words, and he did not want to confront Ye Kong. Ye Kong also breathed a sigh of relief: "That's right, the fairy king is a monster that blends ancient gods and nebulae. It's not my race, and his heart must be different. How can he give me a good fruit to eat?"

Tang Wei also nodded and said, "Yeah, I was also affected by his míhuò at that time, so I planted the seed, it was gloomy and ended. But no matter what, my juniors are back, and I do n’t know what is the situation in the fairyland now?"

Ye Kongdao said: "It is now less than a century since Hongxianzhu ascended to the realm of the gods, and the killer king Emperor Cao Xiaotian saw the red dust and went to the Buddhist world to become a monk. The immortal lord was vacant. My emperor's realm was surrounded on all sides. The struggle is fierce, maybe the Emperor War will break out soon ... "

At this point, Tang Wei ’s light and shadow shouted, “Okay! It ’s another troubled time, okay!” After he said it, he looked down at the Tang family and said, “All my descendants listen, I ’m from Tang Wei ’s generation. Hatred has long since faded away! And since you have alleged allegiance to Ye Xiandi, you have been rescued by Ye Xiandi ~ ~ so I ask you, Ye Zhongxian who is always loyal! Help Ye Xiandi become the master of Ye Xian! "

Ye Kongzhong has some doubts. This Tang Wei is too breathy. With the Tang family of 20,000 people, he can lay down the title of immortal master?

I only listened to Tang Wei and said, "The battle of immortal masters requires the strength of the immortals to fight together, but the quality of the immortal generals of the army is also very important! In the battle for the stars, it is impossible for you to take the field. There are stupid fairy generals and timid soldiers, how can you win? "

"And my Tang family is where the best immortal soldiers of the year are, with courage and purpose! The title of my General Lionheart is the greatest praise! How could the home be so desolate. As for the Xing Qin Xing and Xiling Xing Xing soldiers who later rose, they were both idiots who had no courage and they didn't deserve our Tang Jiajun straw shoes! "

After Tang Wei finished speaking, his body turned into countless stars and got into the mind of each of his juniors. A voice sounded, "This is my Tang family's way of training soldiers. In the future, everyone can act as a general and assist the Emperor Ye Xian!"

To the reader:

Even at night! @。

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